[], [] [] MUNICIPAL SANITARY LANDFILL LANDFILL GAS RECOVERY & UTILIZATION PROJECT TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR FEASIBILITY STUDY *** TABLE OF CONTENT 1. INTRODUCTION Project Origin The Client 2. BACKGROUND 3. STUDY OBJECTIVES 4. PROJECT MANAGEMENT ARRANGEMENTS 5. SCOPE OF WORK 6. CONSULTANT STAFFING AND QUALIFICATIONS 7. REPORTING AND SCHEDULE 8. LOCAL SERVICES AND FACILITIES TO BE PROVIDED BY CLIENT AND CONSULTANT 9. INDICATIVE INPUTS AND CONTRACT ARRANGEMENTS ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENT 1 ATTACHMENT 2 - Cost Estimates Data Requirements for Financial Analysis A. INTRODUCTION Project Origin 1. The City of [] has sought World Bank (the Bank) support for a Landfill Gas Recovery and Utilization Project at its municipal solid waste disposal site, named the [] Municipal Sanitary Landfill (), which includes the purchase of carbon credits by the Bank from the [] Solid Waste Treatment Centre that would be generated by the project under the Clean Development Mechanism within the framework of the Kyoto Protocol for Greenhouse Gas reduction. 2. A Project Proposal (PP) prepared by the implementing agency and approved by the [] Development and Reform Commission (_DRC) will form the basis for the preparation of the feasibility study, a conceptual design and carrying out respective investigations and surveys. These TOR expand on the PP to reflect the Bank policies and procedures. The [] DRC will ensure the overall management of the Project and the [] Project Management Office for World Bank financed projects (_PMO) within the [] Construction Bureau will coordinate preparation of the Project components. The _PMO intends to employ international and national Consultants and/or agencies to help review and coordinate studies and designs and consolidate various component reports into one Feasibility Study report. The Client 3. The Client will be [] Co. Ltd, as represented by its Site Manager, []. B. BACKGROUND 1. [] is one of the four municipalities in [] that is under direct administration of the Central government (Provincial Status). [] has a total population of about [] million and a total area of about [] square km. The city of [] is located approximately [] km []. 2. [] Municipal Sanitary Landfill site is one of the four sanitary landfill sites within the municipality of []. [] Landfill site is currently serving [] districts – []. 3. The site is currently receiving [] to [] metric tons of municipal solid waste per day and is expected to receive [] tpd consistently starting the later half of 2005. 4. The [] landfill was constructed with an investment of [] million [] by the [] municipal government and a financial contribution of [] million [] by the []. 2 5. Total site design capacity is [] million cubic meters with an effective waste disposal volume about [] million cubic meters. Phase 1 of the facility has [] cells with [] of the cells being filled with waste at this time. Cells are constructed out of excavations to the depth of [] meters with final waste height reaching [] meters above grade and a total expected waste depth of [] meters. 6. The site has good clay base and is also equipped with liner and leachate collection system. Site has an on-site wastewater treatment facility. The site first started its operation in [] and has since accumulated approximately [] metric tons of waste. The site is equipped with waste two compactors. 7. The [] site has [] passive gas vents constructed of rock cage with perforated center pipes and not interconnected with leachate collection system. Sector Agency: 8. For the purpose of the project development, [] Solid Waste Treatment Centre will be responsible for the planning and construction of the Landfill Gas Recovery and Utilization Project. Proposed Project Components: 9. The Project comprises of the following components: a) Design and construction of a landfill gas collection system including wells, gas collection network (lateral and header pipes) and extraction blowers; b) landfill gas cleaning and treatment system, including moisture/condensate and contaminants removal; c) landfill gas flaring system; d) gas storage and compression system; e) landfill gas utilization system as fuel (utilization option to be determined by feasibility study); f) associated health and safety monitoring and protection system; and, g) process monitoring, control and recording and record-keeping system. C. STUDY OBJECTIVES 1. To minimize methane emission from the [] landfill site, a potent Greenhouse Gas that has been attributed as the cause for global warming and climate change. 2. To improve local and regional air quality by reducing the emission of methane and other volatile organic compounds that are usually associated with the landfill gas emission. 3. To use the landfill gas as a renewable energy source and replace the consumption of other conventional fossil fuels, which will further reduce the emission of carbon 3 dioxide. 4. To generate additional financial income for the landfill site operation, in order to provide the necessary funds for site improvements and environmental protection measures. 5. To improve the design, operation and monitoring of the [] landfill site in order to optimize landfill gas production and improve on-site environmental conditions. 6. The objective of the assignment is to carry out in conformity with PP, these TOR and in the specified time, the feasibility study, environmental assessment and a conceptual design of the landfill gas recovery and utilization system including technology assessment, equipment list, general specifications and financial evaluations in sufficient details as a basis for conducting a preliminary and detailed engineering designs. D. PROJECT MANAGEMENT ARRANGEMENTS 1. The [] Municipal Sanitary Landfill Site is operated by the [] Co. Ltd, which is under the management of [] Solid Waste Treatment Centre, which is a subordinate agency under the [] 2. The [] Project Management Office (_PMO) for the World Bank financed project is providing the coordination role for the project. The _PMO is a subordinate agency under the [] Construction Commission. E. SCOPE OF WORK The main components of a Landfill Gas Recovery and Utilization Project would include four main areas: a) Landfill site improvements; b) Landfill gas (or methane) generation estimate; c) Evaluation of landfill gas collection and utilization options; and, d) Financial and Institutional Analyses. Key system components would include vertical gas extraction wells or horizontal gas collection trenches, gas extraction pumps, condensate separation and removal units, gas treatment and storage equipments, gas flare unit(s), electrical power generator sets and grid connection equipment (if power generation is selected), as well as associate process monitoring and control systems and safety measures. It is also fully recognized that site design, operation, waste characteristics and local weather conditions can have significant impacts on gas generation rate. Therefore, the scope of work shall consist, but not limited to, the following items: Landfill Site Improvements: 1. Review existing site conditions: i. Description of landfill site, design parameters, overall area and surrounding land 4 use (attach a local map) showing sensitive land uses where applicable, such as schools, hospitals, etc. ii. Surface area, Depth of Waste, site configuration and final closure contour and grading, and landfill liner and site soil base permeability. iii. Amount of waste deposited at the landfill facility annually over the entire life span of the landfill facility. 2. Review and make recommendations to improve current landfill development plan and operational practices, including cell configurations, site plans, site design criteria, final contour and grading, and final capping technologies in order to optimize landfill gas generation rate and maximize potential landfill gas capture rate. 3. Review and evaluate landfill leachate control system, including an assessment of the water balance within the landfill environment, amount of leachate being removed and infiltration rate. 4. Improve current site conditions to adopt and achieve best practices for landfill operation and management including designing and constructing cells to minimize leachate generation and provide surface water controls. Landfill Gas Generation Estimate: 5. The Consultant shall conduct a thorough waste composition study. If a relevant and applicable study has not been conducted, a waste composition study protocol should be provided; data should be updated, verified and confirmed. 6. Provide a full description of local weather conditions (with seasonal variations) that may affect landfill gas production, such as seasonal temperature, local precipitation and evaporation rates. 7. Conduct an assessment of water balance within the landfill environment in order to project the moisture content of the waste within the landfill over the year, including a description of the landfill final cover and an estimate of the infiltration rate and rate of leachate migration. 8. Provide a description of the landfill operation, cell construction and site operational methods and an estimate of waste density. 9. Estimate the amount of landfill gas that would be produced by the [] landfill over a reasonable period of time but not less than 25 years after site closure. Gas estimation should be based on applicable models and/ or with formulae taking into consideration site conditions and parameters. Design and Evaluation of Landfill Gas Collection and Utilization Options 10. Provide a conceptual design of the landfill gas collection system, ensuring the proposed system will be fully coordinated with current landfill development and operational plans to minimize potential interference with existing site operation. 5 11. Integrate existing passive gas collection and venting system into the new gas collection system to maximize gas capture, if necessary and where appropriate. 12. Design and construct landfill gas recovery and treatment systems, including piping systems, blowers, condensate and contaminants removal, gas flare, energy utilization and recovery processes (e.g. power generation unit(s) and grid connection station) and other process monitoring and control equipment and safety measures. 13. Design landfill gas collection pipe systems, consistent with site cell configurations, fully integrating existing passive gas collection vertical wells where necessary. 14. Review and revise current site plan to include landfill gas collection, recovery and utilization processes. 15. Identify possible landfill gas utilization options after considering the quantity and quality of the landfill gas being produced at [] landfill, with an examination including at least the following three options: i. Flaring with heat energy recovery or direct utilization for on-site use, including facility heating, power generation for on-site use, destruction of landfill leachate, etc. ii. Electrical Power Generation for grid connection (sale to electrical power bureau). iii. Potential direct use by nearby energy consumers where appropriate. 16. For each of the options: i. Provide a description of the technology to be used ii. A general process description iii. Landfill gas recovery and utilization efficiencies iv. Project engineering design criteria and process equipment specifications, costs, total capital investment cost. v. Annual optional and maintenance costs. vi. Process monitoring requirements for gas quantity and quality, including monitoring equipment required, process control procedures and monitoring port locations and record keeping procedures. vii. Estimate net efficiencies for a) gas collection, b) gas recovery and treatment and c) gas utilization. This will result in the net CDM credits that may be eligible for certification. viii. Revenues to be generated and/or savings to be achieved from current operations and fuel replacement. ix. Return on investment or internal rate of return 17. The Consultant shall make recommendations for landfill gas utilization, which may include one of the above options or a combination of a number of options. 18. The Consultant shall provide a detailed project development and implementation schedule for the recommended option, including time required for relevant government approvals, negotiation for contracts, such as energy supply and purchase agreements, etc. 6 Institutional Requirements: 19. Analyze existing management structure and identify deficiencies of existing structure, if applicable. Propose the structure of a new operational entity that will demonstrate management accountability for operational efficiency, financial independence and sustainability and adequate public service. 20. Determine staff requirements for project implementation, including formal education, training and experience. 21. Identify training requirements and available sources of such training for landfill site management and operational staff relating to municipal solid waste management and landfill gas recovery and utilization systems. Environment and Safety Measures: 22. Assess short term and longer-term environmental risks (such as, air emission, surface and groundwater and sub-surface gas migration) of the landfill facility. 23. Assess on-site health and safety requirements. F. CONSULTANT STAFFING AND QUALIFICATIONS 1. The Consultant shall provide sufficiently qualified personnel to carry out the work. This will include an English/[] interpreter for various meetings and translation of all respective reports and documents related to the project. The categories and caliber of key professional staff required for the assignment are shown in the table below. Consultant Personnel Professional Specialization Minimum Years of Experience in Specialization Sanitary engineer (solid waste specialist with strong experience in 10 project management for landfill gas recovery & utilization) Chemical Engineer with specialization in landfill gas processing 5 Electrical/mechanical engineer (with specialization in power 5 engineering and applicable experience in solid waste management) Sanitary engineer (with specialization in geotechnical and 5 hydrogeological engineering) Civil engineer – estimator 5 Financial analyst-institutional specialist 5 Environment specialist with relevant experience in CDM process 3 English/[] interpreter 3 7 G. REPORTING AND SCHEDULE 1. Within two weeks after the signing of service contract, the Consultant shall submit to the Client for approval, a project methodology and a detailed work plan, including schedules and tasks/activities and the expected output for each tasks/activities. 2. The Consultant shall organize and hold regular monthly meetings with the Client to report project progress and provide a detailed description of issues and planned methods and approaches for issue resolution. The Consultant shall keep detailed minutes and records for such meeting. 3. In performing their duties, the Consultant shall prepare reports and drawings in [] and English as required and submit them to the Client and _PMO in numbers (and in electronic CD’s) and within the time periods as agreed. All major reports should contain an executive summary in both languages. 4. The interim report shall contain an inventory of available data and information, review of (a) existing landfill site design, site development plan and site operational systems, (b) institutions and their status, (c) population within the service areas, past, current and projected solid waste quantities and waste compositions, (d) landfill gas generation quantities, recovery and utilization rate, expected amount of Certified Emission Reduction on a yearly basis over specific periods consistent with the CDM process, and (e) solid waste management policies, standards and environmental targets with summary of relevant findings, an adequately detailed project implementation plan, any major inconsistencies between the TOR and Consultant findings, likely staffing problems and proposed modified staff allocation, and major problems that might affect the direction and progress of assignment. 5. The feasibility study report shall expand on the interim report and shall contain technological, institutional and environmental options of the project with explanation and quantification of benefits supported by analyses of least-cost alternatives, weaknesses and risks of each option; recommendation of optimal option and rational for selected technical proposal, institutional analysis, and environmental assessments. 6. The conceptual design report shall include relevant engineering report, maps, site plans and drawings. 7. The reports will be produced first as drafts and finalized upon review by the Client and _PMO. The draft reports shall be presented by the Consultant, reviewed and discussed at workshops participated by involved agencies and organized by the Consultant on the Client instruction. The Consultant will allocate a period of one month for such discussion and follow-up approval. 8 Schedule for Submission of Reports Report Number of Copies Chinese Submission Date English Project Methodology & Detailed Work Plan 4 hard copies 4 CD’s 2 weeks after signing of service contract Interim report 4 hard copies 4 CD’s 7 months after signing of service contract Draft Feasibility study report including Conceptual Design report 4 hard copies 4 CD’s 8 months after signing of service contract H. LOCAL SERVICES AND FACILITIES TO BE PROVIDED BY CLIENT AND CONSULTANT 1. The Client will arrange for access by the Consultant to the [] Landfill site and all other facilities, which the Consultant deems necessary to visit in connection with performing their duties and to the key officials in the Government, the Provinces, the municipalities and agencies concerned with subjects, related to the assignment. The Client will also provide the Consultant with access to all available data, information, maps, drawings, internal documents relevant to the consulting services and other related documents, including the feasibility study and environmental assessment reports that were produced for the construction of the landfill site. All reference material will be loaned and shall be returned at the completion of the assignment. 2. The services and facilities to be provided will include use of an office with telephone and fax. I. INDICATIVE INPUTS AND CONTRACT ARRANGEMENTS (To be determined) 9 ATTACHMENT 1 Cost Estimates Costs in RMB million Item Local Foreign Total Costs in US$ million Local Foreign Total Landfill Gas Collection and Utilization -Civil works -Equipment Solid Waste Improvements Landfill -Civil works -Equipment Consulting services and training: Engineering and administration (a); Supervision (b); Training (c). Base cost (in December 2005 price levels) Physical contingencies (10% of base cost) Price contingencies (d) Total cost of [] Landfill Gas Project (a) (b) (c) (d) * 10% on base cost of civil works, plant, equipment, vehicles, land acquisition and resettlement 2.5% on base cost of civil works and 1.0% on plant, equipment, and vehicles As projected for institutional, procurement, environment and other aspects Recommended price contingencies in % for each year (construction period for each sub-project should be estimated at about years): Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 1008 2009 2010 Domestic -2.5 -1.8 -2.0 -1.9 -1.8 -1.8 -1.7 Foreign -0.37 -1.53 -0.89 -0.89 -0.89 -0.89 -0.89 10 All underlining assumptions and other data on which the base the cost estimate should be described in detail as note under the table. The cost estimates should be presented in above table showing in separate columns local, foreign and total costs expressed first in [] and converted in US$ ([] = US$ 1.00). An attempt should be made in FS to show in the base costs separately civil works, equipment, and installation. Preparation of feasibility studies, designs and bidding documents, associated EA, RAP and administration costs need to be included in the costs estimates. Further support provided during implementation (construction) has to be shown; this includes construction management and supervision, training and support for institutional strengthening (including study tours), regular monitoring stipulated in the environmental management plan and in resettlement process and related audits of such activities by independent consultants. ATTACHMENT 2 Data Requirements for Financial Analysis The following is provided for reference only. To be revised! Historical Data: As the landfill gas recovery and utilization project is a newly created entity, it is expected that no historical data would be available. The first year of projections may likely to be [] budget data, as [] is expected to be the first year of operation. Much of the operational data will need to be obtained from similar projects in [] or abroad. Assumptions (2007 - 2015 Projections): Sales taxes (%); income taxes (%) (If changes from historical rates expected); Depreciation rates (if changes from historical rates expected); rates applicable to (i) assets with life over 15 years; and (ii) under 15 years; Staff employment numbers: salaried staff and wages staff; Inflation rates: use data supplied by World Bank (see Attachment 1); Service population: percent change, and percent to be served; Solid Waste generation per capita/day (kg); Capital investment program (non-World Bank-financed); Government capital contribution to investment programs (as equity or deferred income): Non-World Bank-financed; World Bank-financed; Loans (non-World Bank): long term and/or working capital - interest rates, repayment terms, commitment charges (%) in any; 11 World Bank loan proceeds: interest rate (%) and terms, including grace period. 12