How are Stories Organized?: Sequencing

KSD Technology-Integrated Unit Template
Date July 15, 2002
First and Last Name
Carol Egelston and Lisa Londino
School Name
Meadow Ridge
Email Address,
Unit Overview
How are Stories Organized?
Focus Questions
What is the difference between “character” and “setting”?
What is the beginning, middle, and end of a story?
Unit Summary
In this kindergarten unit, students will learn key elements of a story. Emphasis will be placed on
characters and setting. Students will begin to focus on sequencing a familiar story using beginning,
middle and end.
Subject Area(s) (Click boxes of targeted subject areas.)
Social Studies
Library and Information Literacy
Grade Level
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Essential Academic Learning Requirements:
Reading 1.4 – Understand elements of literature – fiction.
Reading 2.3 – Think critically and analyze author’s use of language, style, purpose, and
Writing 3.1 – Generate own ideas (brainstorm); organize and plan writing (outlines, webbing, story
mapping, listing, jotting, free writing, etc.);
Use available tools and technology such as a simple word processor consistently through the writing
Writing 3.2 – Dictate or record stories, poetry, etc.; Create text with drawing, writing, or dictation.
Sometimes write before drawing.
KSD Curriculum Frameworks (or SLOs):
Reading: Understands story elements – uses pictures and words as cues to setting and character;
Applies information gained from reading (or hearing a story read) – identifies some features or traits of
characters and setting from illustrations and text.
Writing: Form – Recount – Students will be able to tell what happened in a story using terms
beginning, middle and end.
KSD Technology-Integrated Unit Template
KSD Technology:
III.A.1(I) Use input/output devices (keyboard, mouse, printer)
III.B.4(I) Use draw and paint applications.
III.B.6(I) Use electronic resources to practice skills and remediate deficits.
VII.A.2(I) Appropriate behavior and respect for technology use/equipment.
Learning Outcomes
Students will demonstrate an understanding of:
 Beginning, middle and end of a story
 Retell
 Relationships between objects in a story
 Character and setting
Students will apply:
 Group cooperation skills (prerequisite to unit)
 Listening skills (prerequisite to unit)
Unit Scope and Sequence
Story Sequence – Beginning, Middle and End
Retelling a Story – Orally, Dramatically
Matching Objects by Relationships
Story Elements – Character
Story Elements – Setting
Student Assessment
Students’ abilities to identify story sequence will be evaluated using Story Sequence Worksheet.
Students’ abilities to identify characteristics of setting for a familiar story “Who Will Help?” will be
evaluated using Story Elements Worksheet - Setting.
Students’ abilities to identify the characters from a familiar story “Who Will Help?” will be evaluated
using Story Elements Worksheet – Characters.
Students’ abilities to identify and match objects by relationship will be evaluated using Match the
Pictures Worksheet.
All of above skills and students’ abilities to contribute to a group will be assessed by teacher and
reported on a rubric.
KSD Technology-Integrated Unit Template
Unit Implementation
Instructional Strategies
Grouping Options
Teacher introduces the story
“Who Will Help?” to the class
and reads it aloud.
Large-group instruction
During and/or after each reading
of the story, ask questions or
openly discuss with students
what happened first, second,
and so on.
Large-group discussion.
Illustrate the beginning, middle
and end of the story on a large
easel using the terminology
“beginning, middle and end.”
Large-group interaction.
Have students retell the story
including acting it out with
Large-group interaction.
Students will use input/output
devices (keyboard, mouse,
printer) to complete Story
Sequence Worksheet.
Demonstrate and teach click,
drag and drop with the mouse.
Individual activity in a computer
Students will match real
objects by relationship
(cup/saucer, pencil/pencil
eraser, hand/mitten, etc.)
Small group activity/center.
Students will apply technology
skills to complete worksheet
entitled Match the Pictures
Individual activity in a computer
Reread the familiar story “Who
Will Help”? and define and
discuss characters in the story.
Read other appropriate
literature and highlight
character(s) in the story.
Large-group interaction.
Reread the familiar story “Who
Will Help”? and define and
discuss setting in the story.
Large-group interaction.
Story Sequence Worksheet
Match the Pictures Worksheet
KSD Technology-Integrated Unit Template
Students will apply technology
skills to complete worksheet
entitled Story Elements
Worksheet – Character.
Individual activity in a computer
Story Elements Worksheet –
Students will apply technology
skills to complete worksheet
entitled Story Elements
Worksheet – Setting.
Individual activity in a computer
Story Elements Worksheet Setting
Accommodation Options
ELL / IP Students
Students might be paired with another student or an Instructional
Assistant to complete tasks.
Students might be given a worksheet with some of the choices
completed for them ahead of time (increasing their success rate).
Highly-Capable Students
Students might differentiate between character and setting on one
worksheet in the computer lab using Differentiating Character &
Setting Worksheet.
Additional stories may be provided for these students.
Students may be asked to complete the same tasks using additional
Students might read a story and then illustrate the beginning, middle and
end independently.
Students may be asked to write a draft of a story and begin to build a
beginning, middle and end.
Management/Organization Tips
Students should work with the teacher in a guided-instruction model as a group. Students will then be
asked to work individually (or with a partner) to complete the technology skills applied to the unit.
Approximate Time Needed (Example: 45 minutes, 4 hours, 1 year, etc.)
The unit may be broken into 20-30 minute lessons. There will be approximately 8-10 lessons over a
two-three week period.
Prerequisite Skills
Ability to sit and attend to a story for 10 minutes at a time.
Some prior instruction in skills of contributing to a group discussion.
Some prior instruction in “acting out a story” using props.
A basic understanding of the elements of “character” and “setting” in a familiar story.
Some prior instruction in using a computer keyboard and mouse.
Materials and Resources Required for Unit
Adopted Print Materials:
LOLP Kindergarten Reading Curriculum and Materials.
KSD Writing Curriculum Notebook – Kindergarten Level.
Adopted and other Audio/Visual: None
Supplemental Resources (including Internet resources):
Book: “Who Will Help?”
Large easel and markers
Student or teacher created props for story
KSD Technology-Integrated Unit Template
Technology – Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed.)
Projection System
Video Camera
Digital Camera
Video Conferencing
Laser Disk
Technology – Software (Click boxes of all software needed.)
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Front Page
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Microsoft PowerPoint
Clicker 4
Encarta Reference Materials
Image Blender/Photo Editor
Optional Technology
Highly capable students may write their own stories and use the scanner
to scan student illustrations into the story for publication.
Inspiration program could be used to develop another story web.
Key Word Search
Story elements; character and setting.
Story order; beginning, middle and end.