FINE ARTS MUSEUMS OF SAN FRANCISCO Executive Committee Board of Trustees February 11, 1999 Call to Order A meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco was held on Thursday, February 11, 1999, in the 6th Floor Conference Room of the Museums’ Administrative Offices at 233 Post Street, San Francisco. A quorum being present, the meeting was called to order at 12:10 p.m. by Mrs. Alfred S. Wilsey, President. President Wilsey presided; Mrs. Gough acted as Secretary. Roll Call Present: Alvin H. Baum, Jr. Ms. Frankie Jacobs Gillette, Vice President/Civic Affairs David M. Jamison, Vice President/Audience Development Mrs. Alfred S. Wilsey, Chairman Frank Montgomery Woods Excused: Mrs. Ray Dolby, Vice President/Annual Support Richard P. Essey Richard P. Finn, Vice President/Finance J. Burgess Jamieson Nion McEvoy J. Alec Merriam, Vice President/Collections Steven MacGregor Read, Vice President/Facilities Other Trustees in Attendance: Mrs. Ransom S. Cook Charles Crocker Richard W. Goss II David R. Hoyer -2456- Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Executive Committee February 11, 1999 Report of the President - Mrs. Alfred S. Wilsey A. Consideration and Possible Action to Approve the Minutes of the January 14, 1999 Meeting of the Board of Trustees There being no discussion among the Trustees or members of the public, the minutes of the January 14, 1999 meeting of the Board of Trustees, having been mailed in advance to all Trustees, were unanimously approved. B. Consideration and Possible Action to Accept the Report of the Acquisitions Committee of January 22, 1999 - J. Alec Merriam, Chair and Vice President of Collections In the absence of Chair Merriam, Chief Curator Steve Nash presented the following report. 1. Purchases - Request to The Fine Arts Museums Foundation for Gifts of Works of Art Dr. Nash highlighted Item 2 on page 2468 of Appendix I of these minutes. Well known African American sculptor, Elizabeth Catlett, has been commissioned by the Johnnie L. Cochran Jr. Art Fund, Inc., a foundation established to support art acquisitions, to create a sculpture for the Fine Arts Museums. The Museums, the recipient of the first $25,000 grant from the Johnnie L. Cochran Jr. Art Fund, Inc., will be required to match the grant. The sculpture will be made of Guatemalan mahogany. RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco does hereby request The Fine Arts Museums Foundation to acquire as gifts to the Museums the objects listed in Appendix I, as Items 1 through 4, on pages 2468 and 2469 of these minutes; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President or Acting President of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco is authorized to accept the gifts offered by The Fine Arts Museums Foundation. A motion to adopt the above resolution was made and seconded. There was no discussion among Trustees. There was no public testimony. The Board of Trustees voted unanimously to adopt the resolution as Board Resolution 1289. -2457- Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Executive Committee February 11, 1999 B. Consideration and Possible Action to Accept the Report of the Acquisitions Committee of January 22, 1999 - J. Alec Merriam, Chair and Vice President of Collections (continued) 2. Gift Offered to the Museums A motion to approve the gift offered to the Museums was made and seconded. There was no discussion among Trustees. There was no public testimony. The Board of Trustees voted unanimously to approve with sincere thanks to the donor the gift offered to the Museums as listed in Appendix I, page 2470 of these minutes contingent upon the purchase of Item 3 on page 2468 of Appendix I of these minutes (Book Settle by Frederick H. Meyer, designer, and Stanley Kopersky, carver). 3. Bequest from the Estate of Dorothy (Collins) van Tets A motion to approve the resolution accepting four paintings and declining three works of decorative art from this bequest was made and seconded. There was no discussion among Trustees. There was no public testimony. The Board of Trustees voted unanimously to adopt the resolution listed in Appendix I, pages 2471 and 2472 of these minutes as Board Resolution 1290. 4. Purchases Reported for the Record These objects are listed in Appendix I, pages 2473 to 2475 of these minutes. 5. Update - Acquisition of the Limestone Relief: Stela of a Ruler, A.D. 671 Following nine months of effort to determine all issues connected with the authenticity, attribution, and acquisition of the stela, the Board of Trustees of the Fine Arts Museums authorized the purchase of the stela at its January 14, 1999 meeting. The stela is being shipped to the Museums and will require a long period of conservation upon its arrival. The acquisition of the stela represents a significant accomplishment for the Museums and is due to the persistent and committed efforts of Harry S. Parker III, Director of Museums, and Kathy Berrin, Curator of Africa, Oceania and the Americas. 6. Promised Gift of an Oceanic Collection from John A. and Marcia Friede Dr. Nash advised that John A. and Marcia Friede, members of the National Council who reside in Rye, New York, have approached the Museums regarding a promised gift of their collection of New Guinea art for the new de Young Museum. This collection is clearly one of the best collections of tribal art in the world. Accompanying the promised gift is a major pledge in support of the new de Young Museum building project and an intention to -2458- Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Executive Committee February 11, 1999 B. Consideration and Possible Action to Accept the Report of the Acquisitions Committee of January 22, 1999 - J. Alec Merriam, Chair and Vice President of Collections (continued) 6. Promised Gift of an Oceanic Collection from John A. and Marcia Friede (continued) provide an endowment for the collection. A full report including the conditions of this promised gift will be presented at a future meeting of the Board of Trustees for action. Mr. Parker noted that this promised gift is contingent upon the building of a new de Young Museum. 7. Promised Gift of a Textiles Collection from George Hecksher A second, promised gift of an extraordinary textiles collection from George Hecksher of San Francisco and New York City was also announced at the January 22nd meeting of the Acquisitions Committee. The Hecksher textiles collection is distinguished by the rarity and age of the objects such as 12th century Turkish kilim carpets and 8th century silks. This promised gift is also accompanied by a significant pledge for the new de Young Museum. The Board of Trustees will be requested to take action at a future meeting when a full report is made, including the conditions of the promised gift. This promised gift is also contingent upon the building of a new de Young Museum. C. Report on Recent Developments Regarding the Plans to Rebuild the de Young Museum in Golden Gate Park President Wilsey advised that there are no new developments to report at this time regarding plans to build the underground parking facility in the Music Concourse in Golden Gate Park. Civic leader Warren Hellman continues to organize the effort to revitalize Golden Gate Park. It is anticipated that the Mayor will appoint the Concourse Authority Board in the near future. D. Cancellation of the Executive Committee Meeting of the Board of Trustees on March 11, 1999 It was announced that the March 11, 1999 meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees has been cancelled. President Wilsey noted that the next meeting of the Board of Trustees, which is the annual meeting, is scheduled for Thursday, April 8, 1999, at 3 p.m., in Gallery 23 of the M. H. de Young Memorial Museum, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco. -2459- Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Executive Committee February 11, 1999 E. Other Informational Item In the absence of Mrs. Philip E. Bowles III, Co-Chair of The Artists Ball II: Deep Freeze, Barbara Boucke, Deputy Director for Development, provided the following report. Deep Freeze, held on Saturday, January 30, 1999, at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, was a sold out event. The dinner and dance attracted a new audience for the Museums with over 600 individuals attending the dinner and an additional 400 joining the dance. Deep Freeze celebrated the collaboration between the Museums and Yerba Buena Center and benefited both organizations. Approximately $75,000 in net proceeds was raised to be split evenly between FAMSF and Yerba Buena Center for the Arts. Report of the Director - Harry S. Parker III A. Consideration and Possible Action to Approve Loan Requests Mr. Parker presented the following loan requests: From: Brooklyn Museum of Art For: Eastman Johnson: Painting America Brooklyn Museum of Art: 10/29/1999 - 02/06/2000 San Diego Museum of Art: 02/25/2000-05/21/2000 Seattle Art Museum: 06/08/2000 - 09/10/2000 1. Eastman Johnson, American, 1824-1906 The Pension Claim Agent, 1867 Oil on canvas, 25 ¼ x 37 3/8 (64.1 x 94.9 cm) Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Mildred Anna Williams Collection 1943.6 A311360 2. Eastman Johnson, American, 1824-1906 The Brown Family, 1869 Oil on canvas, 38 ½ x 32 3/8 (97.8 x 82.2 cm) Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller 3rd 1979.7.67 A311362 Stipulations: The paintings will be accompanied by a FAMSF courier to Brooklyn and return from Seattle. All related expenses are to be paid by requesting organization. ***** -2460- Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Executive Committee February 11, 1999 A. Consideration and Possible Action to Approve Loan Requests (continued) From: Brooklyn Museum of Art For: Impressionists in Winter: Effets de Neige Brooklyn Museum of Art: 05/28/99 - 08/29/99 Camille Jacob Pissarro, French, 1830 - 1903 Snow Scene at Eragny (view of Bazincourt), 1884 Oil on canvas, 18 3/8 x 21 7/8 (46.7 x 55.6 cm) Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Gift of Renee M. Bransten 1962.20 A303292 Stipulations: The paintings will be accompanied by a FAMSF courier to and from Brooklyn. All related expenses are to be paid by requesting organization. ***** A motion was made and seconded to approve the above loans. There was no discussion among the Trustees or members of the public. The Board of Trustees voted unanimously to approve the loans subject to the conditions stated. B. 2009 Report on Bay Area Art Museum Growth, 1990-1998, and Projections for Mr. Parker presented a report on Bay Area art museum growth since 1990 and projected growth through 2009. The report addresses attendance, building size, membership, income, and operating budgets of the following Bay Area Museums: 1) Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco; 2) Asian Art Museum; 3) San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; 4) University of California Berkeley Art Museum; 5) San Jose Museum of Art; and the 6) Oakland Museum of California. All of these major museums are members of the Association of Art Museum Directors (AAMD). Smaller, non-AAMD museums (Jewish Museum, Mexican Museum, Zeum, and Yerba Buena Center for the Arts) were not included in the report of museum growth since 1990 but were considered in determining future building projections through 2009. A number of points were highlighted: Overall attendance increased since 1990 by 57%, or 751,946 visitors, to 2,078,467 visitors in 1998; by comparison, FAMSF attendance grew by 64%, or 363,454 visitors, to 927,975 in 1998. -2461- Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Executive Committee February 11, 1999 B. Report on Bay Area Art Museum Growth, 1990-1998, and Projections for 2009 (continued) Membership for all museums increased by 17,331 members or 22% since 1990 to 97,442 members in 1998; FAMSF membership decreased during this period by 3% or 1,316 to 46,042 members most likely due to the separation of the joint membership program between FAMSF and the Asian Art Museum. A major 79% or $29,826,635 increase in operating expenditures totaling $67,559,692 in 1998 was experienced; FAMSF operating expenses rose by $8,785,364 or 67%, to $21,842,049 from 1990 to 1998. Gross earned income increased dramatically by 429% or $18,576,151 to $22,911,151 from 1990 to 1998 emphasizing the major impact of commercial, restaurant and special event revenue; FAMSF experienced a 207%, or $4,248,570 increase in earned income to $6,198,570 during this period of time. In general, the data indicate that Bay Area museums have grown significantly in size since 1990 with this trend continuing through 2009. Bay Area museums have also attracted more visitors, experienced major increases in operating expenditures, earned substantially more income, and gained new members. Mr. Parker then reviewed projected building growth for Bay Area museums over the next 10 years. He pointed out that these projections include the recently expanded and reopened Stanford University Museum of Art, as well as the Jewish Museum, Mexican Museum, Zeum, and Yerba Buena Center for the Arts. Aggregate square feet for all museums totaled 1,242,900 in 1999 and is projected to increase by 456,600 square feet, or 37%, to 1,699,500 square feet, by 2009. The new de Young Museum accounts for 89,600 square feet of this projected increase. By 2009, total art museum space is anticipated to increase by 112% over the 1990 figure. The data document that the Bay Area museum environment is very dynamic having more than doubled in a generation. It also becomes clear that the new de Young Museum must be built as expeditiously as possible if the Fine Arts Museums is to continue in its leadership position. The Executive Committee acknowledged the value of the data presented. Trustee Crocker suggested that additional visitor demographic data would be helpful. An effort will be made to acquire demographic data from Bay Area museums. Mr. Parker noted that internal audience development surveys indicate that the Fine Arts Museums are attracting a younger and more diverse audience. -2462- Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Executive Committee February 11, 1999 C. Report on Institutional Profile Submitted in the Grant Application to the Institute of Museum and Library Services A grant request has been submitted to the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). This comprehensive grant application provides a great deal of information regarding the Fine Arts Museums including the Museums’ history, mission, audience, collections, exhibitions, governance, staff, financial management and long-range plans. The appended excerpt from the Museums’ IMLS application was distributed to the Executive Committee for use as a resource document. D. Update on City Budget Mr. Parker advised that extensive fiscal year 1999-2000 budget preparation is being finalized. As a result of an adjustment made to the current 1998-99 fiscal year budget, steps are being taken to formalize the use of City guards rather than contract guards for temporary exhibitions. E. Current and Future Exhibitions A Grand Design: The Art of the Victoria and Albert Museum will be previewed tonight at the Legion of Honor. The Victoria and Albert Museum is the world’s largest and most influential museum of decorative arts. Among the 250 objects on view are one of Leonardo da Vinci’s visionary notebooks, the original manuscript of Bleak House by Charles Dickens, paintings by John Constable and François Boucher, sculpture by Benvenuto Cellino and Andrea della Robbia, Ronald Trager’s “Twiggy” photograph, and a 1996 Christian Lacroix evening dress. This diverse exhibition of decorative arts, sculpture, design, fashion and painting runs from February 13th through May 9th. Mr. Parker expressed concern that attendance at the Impressionists in Winter: Effets de Neige, which opened almost two weeks ago at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, is not meeting budget projections. Approximately 165 visitors per hour saw the exhibition in the first week of its run, compared to the 350 visitors per hour budgeted.1 At this level, the exhibit would still make money but the COFAM operating budget bottom line would go into the red. Advertising and promotion are being stepped up to increase turnout. In addition, management is cutting operating expenses wherever possible to offset lower Impressionists revenue. -24631 By March 14th, weekly visitors averaged nearly 10,000, and crowd flow was gradually increasing to about 225 visitors per hour. Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Executive Committee February 11, 1999 E. Current and Future Exhibitions (continued) Mr. Parker noted a number of factors, which may account for the low attendance at Impressionists in Winter, including inclement weather and the fact that the traditional Fine Arts Museums visitor is unfamiliar with the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts’ location and parking availability. A newer, downtown audience has not offset low numbers of traditional museum goers although the number of visitors peaks during the noon lunch hour. Several suggestions were made to reverse the low attendance, including shuttles to and from the de Young Museum to Yerba Buena Center, the aggressive use of the Internet to market the exhibition, and store displays, especially in the downtown area. Mr. Parker will provide a follow-up report at the next meeting. Report of the Civic Affairs Committee - Ms. Frankie Jacobs Gillette, Chair and Vice President Chair Gillette reported on a special Civic Affairs evening reception held on February 2, 1999 at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, which included a viewing of Impressionists in Winter: Effets de Neige. Representatives from a number of City agencies and commissions attended the successful event. Public Comment Members of the public may address the Executive Committee on items not on the agenda which are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco. Speakers may address the Executive Committee for up to three minutes. There was no public comment. Meeting Schedule, Future Events and Current and Future Exhibitions) A. Executive Committee Meetings Date March 11, 1999 May 13, 1999 September 9, 1999 November 11, 1999 December 9, 1999 B. Time Noon Noon Noon Noon Noon Location 233 Post Street, SF - Cancelled 233 Post Street, SF 233 Post Street, SF 233 Post Street, SF 233 Post Street, SF Time 3 p.m. 3 p.m. 3 p.m. Location Gallery 23, de Young Museum Board Room, Legion of Honor Gallery 23, de Young Museum Board of Trustees Meetings Date April 8, 1999 June 10, 1999 October 14, 1999 -2464- Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Executive Committee February 11, 1999 Future Events Date February 11, 1999 February 16, 1999 March 15-19, 1999 May 5-9, 1999 June 10, 1999 June 24, 1999 Event Victoria and Albert Opening William Fries II Dinner Bouquets to Art Youth Arts Festival Francis Bacon Opening Saxe Collection Opening Current and Future Exhibitions *Exhibitions organized by FAMSF Title Gallery One - Exhibition for Children Recent Costume Acquisitions II* Arnold Genthe* Fred Wilson Greeting Room Contemporary Art from Cuba Microminiatures from Armenia Impressionists in Winter: Effets de Neige Date Ongoing 07/11/98-02/14/99 12/19/98-03/28/99 01/16/99-05/02/99 01/16/99-05/02/99 01/16/99-05/02/99 01/31/99-05/02/99 A Grand Design: The Art of the Victoria and Albert Museum American Artists’ Books: 1980’s - 1990’s* Selections from the Anderson Collection: Motherwell’s A la Pintura* Opera Costume* Bouquets to Art Theater & Dance Collection (Memorial Exhibition for Nancy Van Norman Baer)* Selections from the Anderson Collection: Claes Oldenburg Prints & Multiples * Artists Studio* Youth Arts Festival Francis Bacon: A Retrospective Exhibition The Art of Craft: Contemporary Works from the Saxe Collection Wedding Dresses from the Permanent Collection* John Gutmann Bequests* 02/13/99-05/09/99 -2465- 02/06/99-05/16/99 02/06/99-04/25/99 Museum/Gallery de Young Gallery One de Young 22 de Young 36/37 de Young 44 de Young 44 de Young 44 Yerba Buena Center for the Arts Legion B-F & Rosekrans Legion L Legion A 02/27/99-06/27/99 03/15/99-03/19/99 de Young 22 Legion All 04/10/99-07/04/99 de Young 36-37 05/01/99-07/25/99 05/01/99-Ongoing 05/05/99-05/09/99 06/13/99-08/02/99 Legion A de Young 5 de Young Legion B-E & Rosekrans 06/26/99-101799 de Young 41-44 07/00/99-01/00/00 07/24/99-10/3/99 de Young 22 de Young 36-37 Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Executive Committee February 11, 1999 Current and Future Exhibitions (continued) *Exhibitions organized by FAMSF Title Anderson: Richard Diebenkorn’s 41 Etchings* Logan Book Gallery* Alain Kirili with Rodin Sculpture Gantner-Meyer Collection of Aborginal Art* Art for Elders Wiedersperg Collection* Anderson: Legendary Lithography: Prints from ULAE* Nurturing the Future: The Art and Collection of David C. Driskell Date Museum/Gallery 07/31/99-11/28/99 08/28/99-12/05/99 09/00/99-12/00/99 09/18/99-01/09/00 09/28/99-10/03/99 10/30/99-04/30/00 Legion A Legion L Legion 8-10-12 Legion B-F & Rosekrans de Young de Young TBA 11/00/99-01/00/00 11/20/99-02/12/00 Legion A de Young 44 Adjournment - Mrs. Alfred S. Wilsey, President There being no further business, President Wilsey adjourned the meeting at 1:07 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Judy Gough Executive Secretary Museums Note: These minutes set forth all actions taken up by the Executive Committee on matters stated, but not necessarily in the order in which the matters were considered. Immediately following this meeting, the Corporation of The Fine Arts Museums held a meeting of its Executive Committee. mexfamsf992 -2466-