Paul Chrostowski, Ph.D., QEP Page 1 2/12/2016 PAUL C. CHROSTOWSKI, Ph.D., QEP, FRSH CPF Associates, Inc. 7708 Takoma Ave. Takoma Park, MD 20912 301-585-8062 EDUCATION Ph.D. Environmental Engineering and Science, Drexel University Philadelphia, PA (1981). M.S. Environmental Science, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA (Environmental Chemistry and Health Specializations, USPHS Traineeship) (1979). B.S. Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, California (American Chemical Society Certified, Honors) (1976). PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION Dr. Chrostowski is a Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP) (#02970014) and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Health (FRSH). AWARDS/RECOGNITION Recipient of 2003 Linn Enslow Memorial Award by NYWEA. Recognized for 25 years of service to ACS Environmental Division. OVERVIEW OF EXPERIENCE Dr. Chrostowski is a founding member of Chrostowski, Pearsall, & Foster (CPF Associates, Inc,). He is an environmental health scientist and chemist with over 30 years experience in environmental science work on behalf of both government and private clients. Currently, Dr. Chrostowski’s practice is divided between environmental health and forensic environmental chemistry. Previously, he was Director of Environment, Health & Safety programs at The Weinberg Group, Vice President and Senior Science Advisor at ICF/Clement, Senior Scientist at EA Engineering, Science & Technology, Assistant Professor at Vassar College, a consultant in private practice and a pollution control/industrial hygiene technician in industry. He has specialized experience in the toxicological, epidemiologic, and chemical aspects of federal, state, and international regulatory programs including the CWA, CAA, CERCLA/SARA, RCRA, TSCA, FIFRA, OSHA, waste management technologies and environmental assessment. In addition to EPA and OSHA programs, Dr. Chrostowski has expertise in indoor air quality, the risk analysis of hazardous material transportation, and the risk analysis of consumer products including FDA-, CPSC,- and California Proposition 65 regulated products. Dr. Chrostowski’s research interests include the behavior of complex mixtures, causation analysis, applications of evidence-based toxicology, use of quantitative tools in toxicological problem Paul Chrostowski, Ph.D., QEP Page 2 2/12/2016 solving, quantitative microbiological risk assessment, pharmacokinetics, quantitative odor exposure analysis, biomonitoring, and the integration of epidemiology in risk assessment. Dr. Chrostowski is active in numerous professional societies and expert panels and has authored or co-authored over 120 publications or presentations in the environmental field. In addition to his technical work, Dr. Chrostowski has taught university-level environmental sciences and has presented expert testimony in litigation cases, regulatory, and permitting hearings and public meetings. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SCIENCES Dr. Chrostowski’s environmental health sciences experience includes the application of toxicology, epidemiology, microbiology, health physics, and biostatistics to the solution of problems associated with exposure to potentially hazardous chemicals, radionuclides, and microorganisms. Dr. Chrostowski’s work has included toxicological reviews, development of dose-response relationships, investigating the mode of action of potential carcinogens, placing and interpreting toxicological studies, planning and interpreting epidemiological studies, biomonitoring, causation analysis, risk and exposure assessment, and expert testimony. Selected projects include: Evaluation of causation regarding occupational exposure to benzene and cancer in the printing industry. Included modeling of exposure, research into work practices, toxicological and medical records analysis. Biomonitoring for exposure to arsenic in child care and workplace settings. Included development, implementation and interpretation of results of hair and urinalysis in addition to related exposure modeling. Indoor air evaluations for exposure to volatile organic chemicals entering indoor air from drinking water, consumer products, subsurface, and outdoor air. Included mathematical modeling and various types of measurements. Evaluation of causation related to the potential association between workplace exposure to pyrethrins and multiple chemical sensitivity. Performed a comprehensive review of toxicology, biomonitoring techniques and epidemiology of workplace exposure to acrylamide, sodium azide, and hydrazoic acid. Incorporated data from unpublished studies and re-evaluations of prior pathology and interpretation of bioassay studies. Developed dose-response relationships for potential human cancer associated with exposure to organochlorine pesticides based on a threshold mode of action involving the inhibition of gap junction intercellular communication. Researched and evaluated the historical toxicology of chromium, PCBs, dioxin, asbestos, lead, and organochlorine pesticides. Conducted risk assessments at over 350 contaminated sites and over 100 industrial or waste management operations. Work included federal and state superfund sites, chemical process industries, combustion sources, and land applications of solid waste. Applications of risk assessment included the use of both deterministic and stochastic techniques, integration of biological and medical monitoring, and use of epidemiology in risk assessment. Conducted exposure and risk analyses for chemical weapons potentially released to the environment under a number of scenarios. Included development of dose-response relationships and validation of exposure models. Modeled explosion and fire potential and exposure to products of combustion in addition to un-reacted agents. Developed and applied techniques for quantitative probabilistic odor analysis that allow calculation of the probability that an individual will either perceive or be annoyed by odors associated with industrial or waste-management processes. Conducted reviews of variability in human odor perception and the hypothetical relationship between odors and health effects. FORENSIC ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY Paul Chrostowski, Ph.D., QEP Page 3 2/12/2016 Dr. Chrostowski’s forensic environmental chemistry experience includes the application of chemometrics, mass balance, co-occurrence analysis, fate and transport, chemical kinetics and chemical industry process knowledge to the solution of environmental problems involving timing of releases, source allocation, and state-of-knowledge. In addition, Dr. Chrostowski conducts projects involving advanced environmental analytical chemistry projects including method and data validation, method development, QA/QC audits, and expert testimony. Selected projects include: Allocation of liability associated with two sources of dioxin based on industrial process knowledge, co-occurrence analysis, and interpretation of mass spectra. Determination of sources of contamination to urban harbor sediments and inactive disposal sites based on applications of chemometrics. Included pattern recognition, multi-variate analysis, principal components analysis, factor analysis and theoretical chromatography. Applied variety of techniques including chemical fingerprinting, geostatistics, mass balance and kinetic analyses to allocate sources of chemical mixtures including toxaphene, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, petroleum, and chlordane. Determination of the age of chlorinated solvents in an aquifer based on analysis of chemical degradation kinetics and stable isotope analysis in addition to fate and transport modeling. The determination included a stochastic analysis to put error bounds around the age. Determination of the age of DDT in sediments based on novel analyses of DDT metabolites, mass balance, and kinetic modeling. Calculation of the date of release of PCBs to a surface water body based on industrial process knowledge, by-product formation, co-occurrence, and transport modeling. Critical review of environmental chemical data showing that it was not suitable for use in litigation; developed and oversaw the implementation of protocols for environmental sampling and analysis to meet strict evidentiary standards. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 1999-present 1993-1999 1985-1993 1984-1985 1981-1984 1979-1984 1976 1974-1976 1970-1972 1968-1970 1964-1968 President, CPF Associates, Inc. Director, Environment, Safety & Health practice, The Weinberg Group Inc. Vice President and Senior Science Advisor, Clement Division of ICF/Kaiser Senior Scientist, EA Engineering, Science & Technology Assistant Professor, Vassar College Consulting scientist in private practice Information Analyst, Solar Energy Information Center Research technician, University of California Laboratory/industrial hygiene technician, C&D Batteries Laboratory/pollution control technician, Jack Frost Sugar Petty Officer, 2nd Class, U.S. Navy PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES Air and Waste Management Association American College of Governmental Industrial Hygienists American College of Toxicology (Regular member) American Chemical Society American Chemical Society Environmental Division Association of Environmental Health & Sciences National Environmental Health Association International Society of Environmental Forensics International Society for Exposure Analysis Paul Chrostowski, Ph.D., QEP Page 4 2/12/2016 Society for Risk Analysis PUBLICATIONS Dr. Chrostowski is the author or co-author of over 120 publications or presentations. A full bibliography and copies of publications are available on request. Selected recent publications/presentations include: Chrostowski, P.C. & Foster, S.A. 2001. Forensic Applications of Environmental Health Sciences. in Sullivan, P.J., Agardy, F.J., Traub, R.K., Practical Environmental Forensics. Wiley & Sons, NY. Chrostowski, P.C., Foster, S.A., Preziosi, D. 2001. The Global Dioxin Balance – Is There an Emissions Deficit? Paper #208, AWMA 94th Annual Conference, Orlando, FL. Foster, S.A. & Chrostowski, P.C. 2001. Model Validation of Indoor Exposure to Volatile Organic Compounds from Showering. Paper # 77. AWMA 94th Annual Conference, Orlando, FL. Foster, S.A., Chrostowski, P.C., Preziosi, D.V. 2003. A Comparison of Two Mercury Environmental Fate and Transport Models in Evaluating Incinerator Emissions. 2003 Incineration Conference. Orlando, FL May 12-16. Chrostowski, P.C. and Foster, S.A. 2003. Human Health Risk Assessment for Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in Biosolids. 23rd International Symposium on Halogenated Organic Pollutants and Persistent Organic Pollutants. Boston, Aug 2003. Chrostowski, P.C. 2003. Odor Perception and Health Effects. WEFTEC. Los Angeles, CA. Chrostowski, P.C. 2003. Emerging Pollutants in Biosolids. AMSA Summer Conference. Boston. July 16, 2003. Chrostowski, P.C. & Foster, S.A. 2004. Swimming Pool Shock Treatment. Environ Health 66:26-27. Langmuir,D., Chrostowski, P., Vigneault, B., and Chaney, R. 2004. Issue Paper on the Environmental Chemistry of Metals. Prepared for USEPA Risk Assessment Forum, Contract #68-C98-148. Chrostowski, P.C. 2005. What Inhibition of Gap Junction Intercellular Communication Can Tell Us About Carcinogenic Dose-response. Society for Risk Analysis December 4-7, Orlando, FL. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Dr. Chrostowski participates in a number of pro bono professional activities including Montgomery County MD Energy and Air Quality Advisory Committee, Takoma Park - Montgomery College Neighbors Advisory Committee, Science Fair judge for environmental science projects, Montgomery County, MD, and the Takoma Park Community Center Citizen’s Advisory Committee. Other professional activities include acting as a peer reviewer for several relevant journals, participation in peer review panels convened by EPA and ATSDR, and participation at several professional conferences each year.