Fee Schedule

MGH CRC Fee Schedule
12/1/11 - 4/30/13
Classifying your study as Investigator-initiated vs. Non Investigator-initiated:
The charges associated with studies on the CRC are determined, in part, by whether the
submitted project is classified as investigator-initiated or non investigator-initiated. Investigatorinitiated studies usually receive standard services from the CRC at no charge while noninvestigator initiated studies are usually required to pay assigned costs.
Investigator-initiated studies are those that are planned and designed by an individual or groups
of investigators independent of companies (“industry”).
Some investigator-initiated studies receive funding from industry, but are still considered to
be investigator-initiated.
Non investigator-initiated (i.e. Industry-initiated, industry-sponsored) studies are usually
initiated, designed and funded by industry (e.g. pharmaceutical company). The sponsor for the
CRC program (NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS)) requires that
industry-initiated, industry-sponsored trials be charged based on costs.
Classifying your study during the application process:
In order to classify each project, investigators are required to submit an electronic application
through the Harvard Catalyst Resource Request System, including IRB application form, IRB
detailed protocol, sponsor protocol, protocol summary, itemized laboratory budget, summary
statement, along with other relevant correspondence. These will aid the determination of the
appropriate study category and what Harvard Catalyst funding should be awarded, if any. Please
contact Faith Fortune, the CRC Administrative Coordinator at ffortune@partners.org, to obtain the
application materials to use the CRC.
Fee Schedule:
The fee schedule is found on pages 2-3. Below is a brief summary of categories:
 Investigator-initiated studies receive usually standard services free of charge.
 Investigator-initiated studies that have industry funds will be asked to budget the study
such that the industry sponsor supports these studies to the maximum extent possible.
 Non-investigator initiated studies are required to pay assigned costs.
Upon request, Junior Investigators (e.g. first R01, K23 awardee or faculty rank of Assistant
Professor or below) may be exempt from some or all of the fees (for example, for above-standard
We highly recommend that during the planning of your study, including the process of grant
preparation, investigators consult with the Administrative Director, Nursing Director and/or the
Metabolism & Nutrition Director to discuss specific funding questions or costs that should be
included in your budget.
Please note that fees are subject to change. When constructing budgets, a 3% increase per
year to cover any potential increases is recommended. We will notify investigators of any change
as early as possible.
Please visit the Harvard Catalyst website at http://catalyst.harvard.edu/programs/hccrc/ for more
information on the services that the Harvard Catalyst Clinical Research Centers (HCCRC)
Final April 13, 2012
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MGH CRC Fee Schedule
12/1/11 - 4/30/13
General Services:
Television usage (local)
Laboratory tests**
Study Initiation – planning
and implementation
Above Standard
No charge
No charge
Investigator responsible
Up to $1500
Non Investigator-Initiated
No charge
No charge
Investigator responsible
Investigator responsible
Up to $1500
*The MGH CRC supports investigator-initiated studies up to $60 average per visit for Junior
Investigators (e.g. first R01, K23 awardee or faculty rank of Assistant Professor or below) or $30
average per visit for Senior Investigators. Investigator-initiated, industry funded studies may be
eligible for this support as well.
**Laboratory costs are available using the MGH Clinical Research rate (for stat tests) or the
LabCorp rate (for other routine tests) from the Administrative Director upon request. Please
discuss with the Administrative Director if there are any questions.
Above Standard*
No charge**
Non Investigator-Initiated
Above Standard*
Investigator responsible
Inpatient Bed day,
includes standard supplies
(IV catheters, tubing,
solutions, etc.)**
Supplies unique to study
Investigator responsible
Investigator responsible
(LMX4, long IV lines,
special aliquots, etc.) are
supplied by investigator
Nursing services (includes
No charge
OP space charge)**
Nurse Practitioner
No charge
(includes OP space
*Please contact the Nursing Director to discuss charges for above standard nursing services or
Nurse Practitioner time for your study. For more intensive nursing services than provided by
standard inpatient services, contact the Nursing Director.
**Current rate (10/1/11-9/30/12) = $1200.42/day Room and Board (standard services, including
standard meals and basic nutrition counseling); Contact CRC Administrative Director for Room
and Board fees for specialized units for inpatient scatter-bed days. Rate is in effect for MGH
fiscal year (Oct 1st through Sept 30th.)
***For specific information on charging above standard Nursing Services or Nurse Practitioner
time for your study, please contact the Nursing Director. For more intensive nursing services
than provided by standard inpatient services, contact Nursing Director.
^1 hour minimum and then by ¼ hour: (studies requiring specialized intensive prolonged
services, or minimal use, contact Nursing Director)
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MGH CRC Fee Schedule
12/1/11 - 4/30/13
Metabolism and Nutrition Research (MNR):
Bioelectrical impedance
analysis (BIA)
Exercise testing
Food record analysis and
data report
Indirect calorimetry
(energy expenditure)
Nutrition counseling
Administer questionnaire
and data report
Meal ticket
(fasting or up to 4 hrs)
Meal: Routine
Inpatient (included in
room charge)
Outpatient (≥ 4 hours)
Meal: Weighed***
Above Standard
No charge
No charge
$35/scan up
Specialized scans
to $105
No charge
> 1 measurement/hr
No charge
≤ 20
> 20 minutes/visit
No charge
No charge
Above Standard
Investigator responsibility
Non Investigator-Initiated
Above Standard
Height/weight: no charge; other
measurements, $75/hour^
$52.50/scan up to $157.50
$75/food record (i.e. 3-4 days)
$75 per hour^
Above Standard
Investigator responsibility
No charge
No charge
$3.00 snack
$3.00 snack
No charge
$5.00 breakfast
$8.50 lunch or dinner
$5.00 breakfast
$8.50 lunch or dinner
No charge
$45-$75 per day
$45-$75 per day
$60-$100 per day
$60-$100 per day
*DXA Fees as of 5/1/2013: $45/scan; $135 maximum for standard scans per visit. Standard scans
include forearm, hip, AP lateral, lumbar spine for bone mineral density and whole body for body
composition. Examples of non-standard scans include hip structural analysis, distal femur scan, etc.
For specialized scans, contact the Metabolism & Nutrition Research Director.
** Outpatient snack only provided for fasting or up to 4 hours; single blood draw only visits do not have
a snack provided.
***For specific information on fees, please contact the Metabolism & Nutrition Research Director. For
other items not listed here, see MNR Director.
^1 hour minimum and then by ¼ hour: (studies requiring specialized intensive prolonged
services, or minimal use, contact Metabolism & Nutrition Director)
Final April 13, 2012
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