________________________ Community Liaison Committee (CLC) National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories (NEIDL) Boston University Medical Center (BUMC) ________________________ MEETING NOTES Wednesday, December 10, 2008 9:00 am. * Evans Seminar Room 112A Attending Glen Berkowitz, Christopher Brayton, Michael Kozu, Sandra Silver, Damiana Chiavolini, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Section of Molecular Medicine, CoDirector, Aerobiology Core, NEIDL), Kevin Tuohey (Executive Director of Research Compliance), Carla Richards (BUMC Director of Community Relations) Research & Training Dr. Chiavolini gave an overview of her background which includes research experience at a BSL-3 (with a research focus on mouse models of bacterial respiratory disease, lung mucosal immunity, intranasal vaccination. Dr. Chiavolini is the Co-Director for the Aerobiology Core at the NEIDL. Dr. Chiavolini gave a presentation and led discussion on the Aerobiology Core and noted that aerosol exposure is the route of infection for many of the most naturally occurring infectious pathogens; inhalational studies are an essential component for the study of pathogenesis, prevention and treatment of infectious diseases. Research projects within the Aerobiology Core will include study on pathogens such as Tuberculosis, Tularemia, Pneumonic plague and Influenza. Animal models are needed to study prevention and treatment against infectious diseases in vivo and to mimic the natural transmission of airborne diseases. Discussion took place on other types of pathogens that could be aerosolized and whether one of the Level 4 agents could be aerosolized to do harm. Dr. Chiavolini explained that in fact, when a pathogen is aerosolized it ends up in liquid form and that one of the challenges of the work is that many of the agents die in an aerosol model. Members asked for more information on maintaining a safe and secure research environment and Tuohey discussed the systems in place to prevent individual scientists from using the pathogens for nefarious purposes including extensive background checks and a the two-person rule. Operations Tuohey updated the CLC on the recent orientation of first responders coordinated by the Boston Public Health Commission and conducted by experts from Emory University. The orientation took place on November 12-14 and involved more than 400 first responders, including representatives from the Boston Fire and Police Departments. Regulatory Affairs Tuohey stated that Tetra Tech was awarded the contract by the NIH Blue Ribbon Panel to conduct the additional risk assessment for the NEIDL. Tuohey gave an overview of the Blue Ribbon Panel process thus far. Richards will follow-up with link/materials that describes the BRP charge and focus. Administrative Matters In 2009, the CLC will meet at 9:00 a.m. on the 3rd Tuesday of each month in the Evans Seminar Room #112A unless otherwise announced. 11:00 a.m. Meeting adjourned 2