Authors: Joakim Eilertsen Espen M. Braaten Jørgen Lie Pettersen EQ-Forecast – Final report Project report Final Project Number of ECTS: 15 Engineering field: Computer science Project title: Free accessible Free access after: Accessible after agreement with the contractor x Date: 2005.05.30 EQ-Forecast Number of pages: 76 Number of attachments: 3 Authors: Councilor: Joakim Eilertsen, Espen Braaten and Jørgen Lie Pettersen Terje Samuelsen Department / line: Project code: IT – Information Technology H05D02 Produced in cooperation with: Contact person at the contractor: Time Research, USA Marsha Adams Extract: Time Research, a small, privately financed research institute, has developed a detection system which is used to predict earthquakes. Today, they manually create earthquake reports from the data found by the detection system. There is a strong need for automation. Time Research wanted us to automate the entire forecast process. We get all the information out of generated database files, and use it to find the accuracy of the earthquake forecasts. We do this by extracting tons of information, most importantly longitudes and latitudes, from several renowned earthquake web sites, with daily updated earthquake readings. We use this information to track and calculate the accuracy of every predicted quake. The end result of this project is a continuously automatically updated research website with access to all the forecast information, and forecast results. This project is an important step forward for Time Research’s earthquake research, and we hope it will aid the research in understanding earthquakes better. 3 indexing terms: Electro Quake Earthquake forecasts Earthquakes -2- EQ-Forecast – Final report Preface The project, ”EQ-Forecast” was done over a time period of twelve weeks, 2005.03.14 - 2005.05.30 This is the primary project during our third and final year at Ostfold University College. We attend a computer engineering course, our degree, when finishing the study; will be “Bachelor of computer science”. The project is made in co-operation with the research institute Time Research, which is located just outside San Francisco, CA. The reason we chose this project and found it interesting, were the fact that we like working on web solutions, and making something to be used in earthquake research seemed like a fun challenge. This report contains some technical terminology. This is necessary to describe the different functions of the system solution. All though the terminology is explained, and a brief overview of abbreviations etc is given near the end of the report, one should still note that this report is primarily written for the use of researchers/system developers connected to Time Research. It is therefore also important to keep in mind that the level of detail, when describing the system solution, in some parts of this report will be deeper than conventional project reports. Sarpsborg, Norway, 2005.05.30 Espen Braaten Joakim Eilertsen Jørgen Lie Pettersen -3- EQ-Forecast – Final report Table of contents 1 PROJECT REPORT ....................................................................................................... 2 2 PREFACE .................................................................................................................... 3 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................. 4 4 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 6 5 SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS ............................................................................................ 8 5.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT ..................................................................... 12 6 REASONS FOR UPGRADING ...................................................................................... 13 7 PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION ............................................................................... 14 7.1 7.2 8 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................ 14 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS.......................................................................................... 15 SYSTEM SPECIFICATION .......................................................................................... 16 8.1 ABOUT THE LONGITUDE AND LATITUDE CALCULATIONS .......................................................... 16 8.2 SYSTEM OVERVIEW ................................................................................................... 18 8.2.1 Stage 1............................................................................................................ 19 8.2.2 Stage 2............................................................................................................ 19 8.2.3 Stage 3............................................................................................................ 20 8.2.4 Stage 4............................................................................................................ 20 8.2.5 Stage 5............................................................................................................ 20 8.3 THE PROGRAM SYSTEM ............................................................................................... 21 8.3.1 Program part 1 ................................................................................................. 22 8.3.2 Program part 2 ................................................................................................. 24 8.3.3 Program part 3 ................................................................................................. 29 9 THE EQ WEBSITE ...................................................................................................... 31 9.1 LOCAL FORECAST RESULTS .......................................................................................... 32 9.2 SEMI-FRINGE FORECAST RESULTS .................................................................................. 33 9.3 TRUE FRINGE FORECAST RESULTS .................................................................................. 34 9.4 WORLD WIDE EARTHQUAKE REPORT ................................................................................ 35 9.5 THE PRINT PAGE ...................................................................................................... 36 9.5.1 The printer friendly pages .................................................................................. 37 9.5.2 The PDF file ...................................................................................................... 38 9.6 THE LOGIN SYSTEM ................................................................................................... 39 9.6.1 New forecasts ................................................................................................... 42 9.6.2 Admin pages .................................................................................................... 43 User management ...................................................................................... 43 The user list .............................................................................................. 45 9.7 AUTOMATIC UPDATING ............................................................................................... 46 9.8 AUTOMATIC DELETION OF OLD FILES ............................................................................... 47 10 PROJECT SCHEME ..................................................................................................... 48 10.1 10.2 MILESTONES........................................................................................................... 48 THE RESPONSIBILITY DISTRIBUTION ............................................................................... 48 11 CONCLUSIONS ......................................................................................................... 49 11.1 BEYOND THE PROJECT – POTENTIAL IMPROVEMENTS ............................................................. 49 12 ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................................................... 50 13 SOURCES .................................................................................................................. 51 -4- EQ-Forecast – Final report 13.1 13.2 PERSONS............................................................................................................... 51 INTERNET SOURCES .................................................................................................. 51 14 PICTURE REFERENCES.............................................................................................. 52 15 APPENDIX ................................................................................................................ 53 15.1 ABOUT THE APPENDIX ................................................................................................ 54 15.2 APPENDIX INDEX ...................................................................................................... 55 15.3 USER MANUAL ........................................................................................................ 56 15.3.1 Apache and PHP 5 installation on UNIX systems ................................................ 56 Apache 1.3.x on UNIX systems .................................................................... 57 Installation Instructions (Apache Shared Module Version) for PHP: ................... 57 Installing PHP as a static object .................................................................... 59 Example commands for restarting Apache ..................................................... 60 15.3.2 Installing Python............................................................................................ 62 Platform variations ..................................................................................... 62 Splitting up the job ..................................................................................... 62 How building works .................................................................................... 63 How installation works ................................................................................ 63 Modifying Python’s search path .................................................................... 64 15.3.3 About the user database and MySQL ................................................................ 66 15.3.4 Changing the structure of the database file ....................................................... 67 15.4 DEBUG REPORT ....................................................................................................... 68 15.4.1 Program part 1 .............................................................................................. 68 15.4.2 Program part 2 .............................................................................................. 68 15.4.3 Program part 3 .............................................................................................. 69 15.4.4 EQ Forecast system CD-ROM and installation .................................................... 70 15.5 GANTT-CHART ......................................................................................................... 71 15.6 DETAILED MAP OF THE LOCAL FORECAST AREA .................................................................... 73 15.7 DETAILED MAP OF THE FRINGE AREAS .............................................................................. 74 15.8 APPENDIX PICTURE REFERENCES .................................................................................... 75 15.9 SOURCE CODE, SEE APPENDIX 2 AND 3............................................................................ 76 -5- EQ-Forecast – Final report Introduction Time Research, a small, privately financed research institute, is located just outside of San Francisco, CA. They have developed a detection system which is used to predict earthquakes. The subscribers of this service get a notice of expected earthquakes every week. This is a sample from one of the written reports that are sent to their subscribers. Figure 1: Sample from an EQ written report. The forecast report consists mainly of two parts; the local and fringe forecast results. The local forecast report provides an overview of expected earthquakes in the primary ElectroQuake forecast region, which is California, extending a little bit into Nevada, Mexico, and off the western coast. The second part, “the fringe”, is an overview over earthquake predictions for larger quakes in the fringe area. Please see Figure 4 and Figure 5, page 9 and 10, for a more in depth explanation of what defines the local and fringe areas. The detection system generates database files, which contain important information about the forecasted earthquakes, such as their longitudes and latitudes, estimated dates of occurrence, and magnitudes. The data from the database files are compared with data from occurred quakes, found on renowned earthquake report web sites (Internet sources, page 51, for a list of the web sites). The longitudes and latitudes from the database files are matched up with longitudes and latitudes from the web sites. If a quake occurred at the predicted time in the predicted area, within a 25 mile radius, it is considered a correct forecast. -6- EQ-Forecast – Final report Time Research needed us to automate this entire forecast process. Our system gets all the information out of the generated database files and information from the earthquake web sites, to find the accuracy of the earthquake forecasts. The end result of this project is a continuously automatically updated research website with access to all the forecast information, and forecast results. See Figure 8, page 18, for a more detailed system overview. -7- EQ-Forecast – Final report Situational analysis Below you will find a description of how the EQ-Forecast system works today, before our automation. Figure 2: The report system before this project. As mentioned in the introduction, the way the report part of the system works now, is that Time Research will send a report of the earthquake predictions to their subscribers once a week. The making of the reports is today done manually. Today Time Research goes on the Internet and manually compares research data from their earthquake predictions with earthquakes that occurred in the area predicted. The earthquake prediction equipment gathers research data and puts it into database files. The database files consist of lines with information for each earthquake forecast. The most important information for each forecast is the longitudes and latitudes of the predicted quake, together with the date when it is measured to occur. -8- EQ-Forecast – Final report Figure 3: An extraction from a database file. What Time Research does nowadays is to manually look up each of these sets of longitudes and latitudes, after the quake should have occurred, and check the accuracy of the forecast. Their current report is in essence split in two halves: One half covering the “local Californian area”, and the other covering forecasts for “the fringe”. The local Californian area is mainly California, but it also extends a little bit into Nevada, Mexico and off the Western Coast. Figure 4: An overview of the local area. -9- EQ-Forecast – Final report As you can see in Figure 4, page 9, the reason the local forecast area extends the Californian border somewhat, is the fact that the map has been purposely defined in square degree sectors. Because this is where the forecast coverage is the most accurate, this area is also known as the primary forecast area. A forecast must hit within a 25 mile radius to be considered a success within the primary forecast area. For a larger, and more detailed, version of this map, see 1.25, Detailed map of the local forecast area, page 73 in Appendix 1. The fringe is a larger area around California, and the North Western USA. Everything outside of the local Californian area, on this map, is defined as the fringe. Figure 5: An overview of the fringe. The map, Figure 5, defines larger areas south of Queen Charlotte Island, Vancouver Island and the Seattle-Tacoma-Vancouver area. The red markings you see on the map signify the “semi-fringe” area. They are far away from the main forecast area, but the system has some locating capability there. However, the coverage is not as good as the primary forecasting area. The system is expected to be more accurate in the "semi-fringe" areas than in the true-fringe (everything outside of the forecast areas shown on the map). In the fringe areas, the system is capable of detecting, but not accurately locating quakes. If the forecast hits within a 50 mile radius in the fringe, it is considered a success. - 10 - EQ-Forecast – Final report For a larger and more detailed, version of this map, see Detailed map of the fringe areas, page 75 in Appendix 1. Every quake in the local and fringe forecast areas must have a magnitude of at least 3.0. Every quake, outside the local and fringe areas, that is larger than 4.0 in fringe USA, and larger than 5.7 outside the USA is also registered. This is now done by manually gathering information from web sites providing worldwide earthquake reports. The EQ-system generates database files that contain the longitudes and latitudes of each predicted earthquake area. These coordinates are manually compared with several web sites (Internet sources, page 51, for a list of the web sites). This is an example of information from a website that is used for comparison. It shows resent quakes in the California district, with a magnitude of, or higher than, 3.0. Figure 6: Example of information used for comparison. - 11 - EQ-Forecast – Final report 1.1 Description of the technical equipment We do not have access to the equipment used for the actual earthquake forecasting, but we will create a program solution that is adjusted to this system. The nature of the technical equipment that locates the earthquakes is confidential, and due to this we do not know much about the actual hardware. Nor do we have access to the software that works the equipment. What we do know, is that the technical equipment finds the longitudes and latitudes of the predicted earthquake areas, and the methods used to find this is based on analysis of electromagnetic signals. - 12 - EQ-Forecast – Final report Reasons for upgrading Time Research wanted to automate the forecast report process. Selected web sites had to be read automatically, instead of having to manually compare the data. The information from the web sites had to be compared with the database files. The results from this comparison then had to be presented on a continuously updatable research website, where the data were presented, similar to the current written report, only with daily updated information. A complete web solution, with a strong focus on automation, was needed. The web solution made the information more accessible, and it will help researchers save time. Without this critical fix, the whole EQ-project would suffer from the fact that the researchers working on it would have to dedicate much of their time to manually compare data. - 13 - EQ-Forecast – Final report Performance specification This is a performance specification, translating the operational requirements into more technical language that tells us, the developers, what is considered an acceptable product, and how we will determine if the end product is acceptable. 1.2 Functional requirements Function 1: Extracting information from the database files. A program that extracts longitudes and latitudes from the database files, generated by Time Research’s EQ-system, and puts it into XML files. Function 2: Extracting information from selected web sites. A program for extracting information from a selected group of web sites. The data will be stored in XML files, similar to the data from the database files. The full list of web sites used can be found at Internet sources, page 52. Function 3: Comparing the database files and the web site information. Comparison of the information from the database files with the information from the web sites. The point of this is to determine how near the forecast was to the actual quake. We will do this by comparing the data, particularly the longitudes and latitudes, from the two XML files created in Function 1 and 2. Function 4: Automatically generated reports online. A web site holding continuously updated information. The information will be available as either a downloadable document, or as presented on the web site. It is also preferable to have printer friendly functionality. Function 5: An easy-to-read web site. The online reports should focus on user-friendliness, and the earthquake forecast results should be split up, and structured in such a way, that it is easy to find. Parts of the web site should require the user to log in. Function 6: An easy to use login system. The login system should have two account types. Firstly the standard user account, for viewing the forecasts for quakes that have not yet occurred. Secondly, an administrative account with access to a special menu for creating new accounts, deleting accounts and viewing user information etc. - 14 - EQ-Forecast – Final report 1.3 Technical requirements The technical requirements concern the server system and the web hosting company. For example how and where the web and database files should be hosted, and what programming languages the server must support. This is an overview of the technical requirements: Linux support: The whole system is based on running on a UNIX system computer. At its present time, the system is running on a Debian GNU/Linux 2.4 (‘woody’). We recommend using this version, but all versions of Linux after this one works. Debian Linux can be found here PHP 5 support: The login system is programmed in PHP 5, a relatively new programming language. It is required that the web server supports PHP 5. PHP 5 can be downloaded from Please refer to 1.22.1 Apache and PHP 5 installation on UNIX systems, page 56 in Appendix 1, for installation instructions, and more information about PHP 5. MySQL support: The login system also uses MySQL to make the login secure. Almost all professional login systems use this. MySQL requires that the web server runs Apache. Apache support: Apache can be downloaded from, and is a free web server tool Please refer to Apache 1.3.x on UNIX systems, page 57 in Appendix 1, for installation instructions, and more information about Apache and MySQL Python support: The web server must have support for programs written in Python. Python can be downloaded from Please refer to 1.22.2 Installing Python, page 62 in Appendix 1, for installation instructions, and more information about Python. - 15 - EQ-Forecast – Final report System specification This is an overview of our system solution. It contains several different programs. We will look more closely at the system in this section. 1.4 About the longitude and latitude calculations The thing that was the most challenging part in this project was how we were going to solve the issue with the longitude, latitude and distance calculations. When looking at a map, see Figure 7, page 17, latitude lines run horizontally. Latitude lines are also known as parallels, and they are an equal distance from each other. Each degree of latitude is approximately 69 miles (111 km) apart; there is a variation due to the fact that the earth is not a perfect sphere, but an oblate ellipsoid (slightly egg-shaped). Degrees of latitude are numbered from 0° to 90° north and south. Zero degrees are the equator, the imaginary line which divides our planet into the northern and southern hemispheres. 90° north is the North Pole and 90° south is the South Pole. The vertical longitude lines are also known as meridians. They converge at the poles and are widest at the equator (about 69 miles or 111 km apart). Zero degrees longitude is located at Greenwich, England. The degrees continue 180° east and 180° west where they meet and form the International Date Line in the Pacific Ocean. To precisely locate points on the earth's surface, degrees of longitudes and latitudes have been divided into minutes (') and seconds ("). There are 60 minutes in each degree. Each minute is divided into 60 seconds. Seconds can be further divided into tenths, hundredths, or even thousandths. For example, the U.S. Capitol is located at 38° 53' 23" N, 77° 00' 27" W. 38 degrees, 53 minutes, and 23 seconds north of the equator and 77 degrees, no minutes and 27 seconds west of the meridian passing through Greenwich, England. There are a number of formats for the coordinates for the longitude and latitude. The one we use in our system is the format, longitude: -114.8228, latitude: 32.8885. This is called the decimal format. - 16 - EQ-Forecast – Final report Figure 7: Latitudes and longitudes. When all that is known, we now have to take all of that into account, when constructing the code. Because of the ellipsoid-problem, we had to make a distance algorithm that was accurate enough, and took the ellipsoid-problem into account. Please see Program part 3, page 29, for more information about the distance algorithm. - 17 - EQ-Forecast – Final report 1.5 System overview This diagram shows our system solution. This is a rough overview of how the different parts of the system interact. We have divided the system process into 5 stages. Figure 8: The system overview. - 18 - EQ-Forecast – Final report 1.5.1 Stage 1 Figure 9: System overview: Stage 1 Firstly, in stage 1, there are two main programs: 1. A program extracts the forecast information from the data base files. This functionality is a part of “Program part 1”. For more information about how exactly this works, please see chapter 8.3.1, Program part 1, page 22. 2. Another program extracts information from different web sites. The web sites contain earthquake report data, from earthquakes that have already occurred. For a full listing of the web sites use, please see Internet sources, page 51. The website extraction program is a part of Program part 2. Please see Program part 2, page24. 1.5.2 Stage 2 Figure 10: System overview: Stage 2. In stage 2, the information extracted from the programs in stage 1 is used to generate two separate XML files. One XML file contains all the database file forecast data, and the other, all the web site earthquake report data. This is done in Program part 1 and 2. - 19 - EQ-Forecast – Final report 1.5.3 Stage 3 Figure 11: System overview: Stage 3. In stage 3 is where the comparing takes place. The data from each of the XML files from the previous stage are compared using the program part 3 program. Mainly, the latitudes and longitudes are compared, and based on their values, calculations are made. Please see Program part 3, page 29. 1.5.4 Stage 4 Figure 12: System overview: Stage 4. Stage 4 of our system also happens in Program part 3. After having compared the data from the XML files, and found the calculated values, the program displays the results on the web site. The web site contains several different sections. Some require the user to log in. For more information about the login system, please see The login system, page 39. 1.5.5 Stage 5 Figure 13: System overview: Stage 5. The final stage in the system overview is the creation of a PDF file. The PDF is made in a separate program that uses the information from the XML files. This file is downloadable from the web site, and features all the forecast results displayed on the website. For more information about the PDF file, please see The PDF file, page 38. - 20 - EQ-Forecast – Final report 1.6 The program system There are three main programs. Together they find the difference in miles, from an EQ-forecast, to its corresponding quake. This is the basic functionality of the three programs: Program part 1: Extracts dates, magnitudes, longitudes and latitudes from the database files, and puts it into an XML file. Program part 2: Extracts dates, magnitudes, longitudes and latitudes from web sites, and puts it into an XML file. Program part 3: Compares the dates, magnitudes, longitudes and latitudes from both XML files and calculates the accuracy of the forecasts. - 21 - EQ-Forecast – Final report 1.6.1 Program part 1 Figure 14: Program part 1. Program part 1 consists mainly of a python program that extracts information from the database files and puts it into an XML file. The database files must all be located within the same folder, on the web server. The program takes all the information from each of the database files, and sorts them by date in the XML file. Please look at Figure 3, page 6, for a detailed look at a database file. This is how the XML file with data from the database files look like: Figure 15: A sample from the XML file. - 22 - EQ-Forecast – Final report As you can see from Figure 15, at the preceding page, the XML basically holds this information: - date magnitude latitude longitude place <element date=”when the quake is forecasted to occur”> <mag>the magnitude of the quake</mag> <latitude>the latitude of the quake</latitude> <longitude>the longitude of the quake</longitude> <place>the location of the quake</place> </element> The reason we use XML like this, is that it makes comparing the data (Program part 3) easier, and it’s also easier to read through the raw XML file, for debugging, than reading through each database file. Here’s how the Program part 1 is structured: 1. Program part 1 - Structuring the database files 1.1 Reads all the database files Reads the base files given by the EQ-System. 1.2 Extracts the data Function that collects the longitudes, latitudes, magnitudes and places from the database files. 1.3 Generates an XML file Function that creates an XML file of the data collected. - 23 - EQ-Forecast – Final report 1.6.2 Program part 2 Figure 16: Program part 2. Once all the information is put into the XML file, program part 1’s job is at its end. The next step is extracting the information from the web. Program part 2 consists of several programs for extracting dates, magnitudes, longitudes, latitudes and quake-locations, from a series of renowned earthquake report sites. The information extracted concerns quakes that have already occurred, and we use this information for getting the accuracy of the forecasts from the database files. For a full list of the web sites that we extract quake-information from, please look at Internet sources, page 51. The reason there are several programs extracting information form the web sites, is the fact that the web sites are structured radically different. Additionally, some web sites does not use RSS feed. We have to use two different extraction techniques, one meant for the sites where the XML is available, and one where it isn’t. - 24 - EQ-Forecast – Final report These are the techniques for RSS, and for non-RSS web sites: For RSS-feed-supported web sites: The sites that have available XML are much easier to extract information from. Because their information is already structured, we don’t need as much code to extract it to our own XML. Although the programs vary slightly, based on which web site they extract from, this is the basic technique for extracting from RSS-feed supported XML-friendly web sites: We use a python script that reads the URL given, reads the site and stores it locally in a folder we specify. In this example the URL is: This is one of the sites that we collect our information from. In this case we store it in the folder “xml”. Furthermore the given URL over, is the only web site that provides an XML document over its earthquake data. Figure 17: In Figure 17, you can see earthquake statistics page. It looks like a usual HTML site, but if you look at Figure 18, you’ll see the difference, its XML. - 25 - EQ-Forecast – Final report Figure 18: usgov XML. At this screenshot you can see’s XML, due to its RSS support. - 26 - EQ-Forecast – Final report Here’s how the program part for the RSS-feed-supported web sites is structured: 2. Program part 2 - RSS-feed-supported web sites 2.1 Reading the URL: A function that reads the URL that has been given. 2.2 Reads the XML page Reads the entire XML page. 2.3 Stores the XML page Stores the XML page in a folder specified by the user. For non-RSS web sites: The non-RSS web sites do not offer us a structure that is friendly in regards to extracting information from it. We have to look at the source code of the web site, and adjust our programs so that it will read specific characters in the code, extracting the information that way. This is a little more complex than what we do with sites that have XML available. This is basically how we extract from web sites that do not offer XML documents: We have to collect the data from standard HTML sites. What we do first is the same method used for the sites that offer XML documents. We use a script that reads the URL we put in. Then it reads the entire page and stores it in a folder we specify. In this case we store all our HTML pages in the folder “sites”. After that is done for all the pages those we need to collect data from, we need to look at the code for each individual site. We have to find specific characters in the code that we can use to extract the data we need. We have to find something in the code that never changes. An example from one of our scripts is that we use a line in the text called “/recenteqsUS/Maps”. Every line in the HTML code that holds the information about magnitude, longitude, latitude and place has this text in its line. So now the script collects each of these lines from the HTML code and strips of unnecessary code that we don’t need. After that is done the script puts the collected data in an XML document. The explanation above is just one example on how we extract and transform the data to a XML document. For each site that we collect data from we use the same method, but each site looks different, so for every site that we collect data from we look for different characters that we can use. - 27 - EQ-Forecast – Final report Here’s how the program part for the non-RSS-web sites is structured: 2. Program part 2 - non-RSS web sites 2.1 Reads the URL A function that reads the URL given by the user. 2.2 Reads and stores the html page Function for reading and storing HTML pages. 2.3 Web site XML extraction Extracts longitudes, latitudes and dates of the occurred quakes from the HTML pages. 2.4 Generates an XML file Function that creates an XML file of the data collected. - 28 - EQ-Forecast – Final report 1.6.3 Program part 3 Figure 19: Program part 3. The third program part consists of programs comparing the two XML files, so we can display the accuracy of the Electro Quake forecasts. The programs fetch the dates from today’s occurred quakes from the Program part 2 XML, and compare them with the occurred quakes from the Program part 1 XML. If the dates match, the longitudes and latitudes of each quake are compared. If the occurred quake is within 21 mile radius of a forecast, the forecasted quake and that occurred quake is considered a success, and the accuracy of the forecast (amount of miles, location etc) is put into a table on the website. The quake does not always have to occur on exactly the date given, to be considered a success. A quake that occurs any time within plus or minus three days is considered a success. This is what Time Research calls the “shadow”. We analyze the earthquakes by having a continuous “shadow” of + and – 3 days. The way we find how many miles each forecasted quake is from an occurred quake, is through our longitude and latitude distancing algorithm. The algorithm works like this: The distance function: function distance($lat1, $lon1, $lat2, $lon2, $unit) { $theta = $lon1 - $lon2; $dist = sin(deg2rad($lat1)) * sin(deg2rad($lat2)) + cos(deg2rad($lat1)) * cos(deg2rad($lat2)) * cos(deg2rad($theta)); $dist = acos($dist); $dist = rad2deg($dist); $miles = $dist * 60 * 1.1515; $unit = strtoupper($unit); } lat1, lon1 = Latitude and Longitude of point 1 (in decimal degrees). lat2, lon2 = Latitude and Longitude of point 2 (also in decimal degrees). - 29 - EQ-Forecast – Final report As you can see, the distance is calculated through sinus and cosine degrees and radians. Our program uses the commonly accepted method of distance calculation. Through our testing of the algorithm we have found it has an error margin of approximately 0 – 1%. Please see Program part 3, page 69 in Appendix 1, for more information about the testing of the algorithm. Essentially, here’s how Program part 3 is structured: 3. Program part 3 – distance calculator 3.1 The distance function: function distance($lat1, $lon1, $lat2, $lon2, $unit){} The method of calculating the distance in miles. 3.2 Database-file XML extraction Extracts longitudes, latitudes and dates of the forecasted quakes from the database-XML file. Then puts the values into tables. 3.3 Website XML extraction Extracts longitudes, latitudes and dates of the occurred quakes from the web site XML files. 3.4 Comparing the data Compares the data from the database files and web sites and finds various values. Like in which forecast area the quake occurred, and whether or not the forecast for each quake can be considered a success. 3.5 Printing Prints the data to tables on the web site, and a .doc’ downloadable document. - 30 - EQ-Forecast – Final report The EQ website This section describes what can be found on the EQ research web site. The EQ web site is the end product of this project, and contains several sections. What follows is an overview of the special sections and functions available on the EQ research web site. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Local forecast results Semi-fringe forecast results Fringe forecast results Worldwide earthquake report The print page The login system New forecasts (for the normal and admin user) Admin pages For easy testing purposes, the complete web-solution is available at Admin login: username: user1 login: 12 Normal user login: username: user2 login: 2xQWpk3 - 31 - EQ-Forecast – Final report 1.7 Local forecast results The local forecast results section contains the results from the forecasts which were forecasted to occur last week. The forecast results are displayed in a table, split in various parts, depicting the accuracy of the forecasts. This is an example of how the table on the web site is structured. Please note that these values are fictional. They are only meant as an example of how the table looks at the web site. Figure 20: Local forecast results example. Explanation of the table values: Date: The date the quake occurred. Mag: The magnitude of the quake. Actual location: Where the quake actually occurred. Nearest forecast area: The area where the forecasted quake was forecasted to occur. This area is always the nearest forecasted area to where the quake actually occurred. 0-20 miles: If the quake occurred within 20 miles of the forecast, the amount of miles the quake was from the forecast is displayed here. 21-30 miles: Similarly, if the quake occurred within 21-30 miles of the forecast, the amount of miles the quake was from the forecast is displayed here. 31-99 miles: Finally, if the quake was occurred within 31-99 miles away from the forecast, the amount of miles is displayed here. If you look at the last results in this example, you can see there are several hits for “San Juan Bautista”. Some times there will be several quakes following each other in one area. The system will print out each separate quake. The reason we know they are separate quakes is that the web XML file will only contain separate quake-values, since we recreate the XML files every day. - 32 - EQ-Forecast – Final report 1.8 Semi-fringe forecast results The semi-fringe forecast results sections contain the results of last week semi-fringe forecasts. The results are put into a table, where one can easily examine the accuracy of the measurements. This is an example of how the table on the website is structured. Please note that these values are fictional, they are only meant as an example of how the table looks on the website. Figure 21: Semi-fringe forecast results example. Explanation of the table values: Date: The date of when the quake occurred. Mag: The magnitude of the quake. Actual location: Where the quake actually occurred. Nearest forecast area: The area where the forecasted quake was forecasted to occur. This area is always the nearest forecasted area to where the quake actually occurred. 0-30 miles: If the quake occurred within 30 miles of the forecast, the amount of miles the quake was from the forecast is displayed here. 31-50 miles: Similarly, if the quake occurred within 31-50 miles of the forecast, the amount of miles the quake was from the forecast is displayed here. 51-99 miles: Finally, if the quake was occurred within 51-99 miles away from the forecast, the amount of miles is displayed here. - 33 - EQ-Forecast – Final report 1.9 True fringe forecast results The true fringe forecast results sections contain the results of last week true fringe forecasts. The results are put into a table, where one can easily examine the accuracy of the measurements. This is an example of how the table on the website is structured. Please note that these values are fictional, they are only meant as an example of how the table looks on the website. Figure 22: True fringe forecast results example. Explanation of the table values: Date: The date of when the quake occurred. Mag: The magnitude of the quake. Actual location: Where the quake actually occurred. Nearest forecast area: The area where the forecasted quake was forecasted to occur. This area is always the nearest forecasted area to where the quake actually occurred. 0-30 miles: If the quake occurred within 30 miles of the forecast, the amount of miles the quake was from the forecast is displayed here. 31-50 miles: Similarly, if the quake occurred within 31-50 miles of the forecast, the amount of miles the quake was from the forecast is displayed here. 51-99 miles: Finally, if the quake was occurred within 51-99 miles away from the forecast, the amount of miles is displayed here. - 34 - EQ-Forecast – Final report 1.10 World wide earthquake report The worldwide report displays recent earthquakes that have occurred from around the world. Only larger quakes are displayed. This is an example of how the worldwide report table looks on the website. Figure 23: Worldwide report example. Explanation of the table values: Date: The date when the quake occurred. Mag: The magnitude of the quake. Location: Where the quake occurred. - 35 - EQ-Forecast – Final report 1.11 The print page The print page features a printer friendly page, where every table is put together for easy printing. There is also a downloadable PDF document available. The PDF is automatically updated, and you will always be able to download the very latest forecast results. Figure 24: The print page. - 36 - EQ-Forecast – Final report 1.11.1 The printer friendly pages Each of the forecast areas has their own printer friendly page, which can be found in the print section of the web site. Here one can also open a printer friendly worldwide earthquake report. The printer friendly pages pop up in a smaller window. In this new window there is print functionality, and the data is displayed printer friendly. In this example we see the printer friendly local forecast pop up. Figure 25: Printer friendly local forecast. If you click the printer button, you will open the windows print dialogue. Here you can alter the number of pages you wish to print etc. Figure 26: Windows print dialogue. - 37 - EQ-Forecast – Final report 1.11.2 The PDF file The PDF file contains all the recent earthquake forecast data, from all the different forecast areas, sorted by area. The PDF file can be found on the print page. This is how the data presented in the PDF file looks. This is an example of how the local forecast results data looks. The PDF also contains semi-fringe and true-fringe data. Figure 27: PDF file forecast data. The PDF file is automatically generated from the latest research data, using the program forecastdata.php. The code which generates the PDF file uses the library fpdf.php. This is an open source library for making PDF files. All the necessary files are included in the ElectroQuake forecast system CD-ROM, but it may also be downloaded from - 38 - EQ-Forecast – Final report 1.12 The login system I you click ‘login’ on the EQ research web site; you are brought to the login page. If you log in here, you will get new options depending on your user level. There are two user levels: The normal user and the administrative user. The normal user: In addition to the normal sections of the web site, the normal user, when logged in, will have access to the forecasts for the next few days. That is, forecasts which has not yet occurred. This new option will appear on a new menu bar under the normal menu bar, once logged in. Figure 28: The menu when not logged in. Figure 29: The normal user menu, when logged in. - 39 - EQ-Forecast – Final report The administrative user: In addition to the normal sections, and the normal user sections, the administrative user will also be able to create new accounts and delete old ones. The administrative user can also access a list of all users, with their names and e-mails. Figure 30: The administrative user menu, when logged in. The login system uses PHP 5 and MySQL technology. The login system itself, written in php 5, communicates with a MySQL database. For more information about PHP 5, and MySQL/Apache, see User Manual, page 56. The login program system consists mainly of four files. - login.php index.php functions.php userMenu.php login.php: The login.php file is the actual page where you login. Functions from functions.php and index.php are used to access the MySQL database. In login.php there is a form, in which the user inputs his username and password. When the user logs in, “value” is set to “1”. Figure 31: Login screen. - 40 - EQ-Forecast – Final report index.php: The index file contains the code which creates the user objects and sessions. This is basically how the login process works: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Starts a session Create objects Sets up MySQL user access Checks if the user is logged in Grants status depending on user type Continuously checks the user type and login status Saves and updates. functions.php: The functions.php file contains two functions. - generatePasswd: Generates a password with random characters. userExistance: Checks if a user exists. The generatePasswd function makes sure the generated password contains different types of characters; 2 uppercase letters, 2 numbers and 3 lowercase letters. This is done to ensure that the password is secure. MD5 encryption is used in the user database, where the passwords are stored. The userExistance function is used in the index.php to check whether a user really exists in the database. userMenu.php: This file contains code that creates the special normal user, admin user and menu bars, when logged in. The user level determines the type of menu that is loaded. The user type is fetched from the database with MySQL in index.php. - 41 - EQ-Forecast – Final report 1.12.1 New forecasts If a user logs into the web system he will have access to the new forecasts section. Both the administrative and normal users have access to this section. Figure 32: New forecast section. The new forecast page contains the forecast data for quakes that haven’t occurred yet. In the example above, only one such forecast is present. - 42 - EQ-Forecast – Final report 1.12.2 Admin pages The administrative user has access to two sections which the other users don’t. 1. User management 2. The user list User management In the user management section the admin user may add new users, or delete old ones. Figure 33: User management. Adding users: To add a user you must make sure the “Add user” radio button is selected. Then type in the username, first name, surname and e-mail. After you’ve typed in the personal information, select the radio button which describes which user type you want the new user to be. Normal user or admin. Check the confirm, and submit to submit the changes you’ve made into the user database. A e-mail will be sent to the new user’s mail containing the username and password. - 43 - EQ-Forecast – Final report How this is done in the code: In userManagement.php the information you enter on the web site is submitted via a form. The information is handled in index.php. Look for “User Management Script”. This happens next: if($_POST['userMng']){ if($userLevel == 1){ // If user is admin continue from here. if($_POST['confirm']){ if($_POST['action'] == "addUser"){ The userManaging script in code.php is of course much larger, but if you look at these first lines you can see how it basically works. If the user posts the information in userManagement.php’s form, the code triggers. The code checks if the admin who is creating the user really is an administrative user. If this is confirmed, and the confirm radio button was selected, the code goes on to add the user. Deleting users: To delete a user, the admin must select the “Delete user” radio button, then select the user he/she wishes to remove from the drop down menu. To delete, check the confirm checkbox, and click submit. How this is done in the code: The submitted information from the form in userManagement.php for deleting users is handled in index.php. else if($_POST['action'] == "delUser"){ if(mysql_query("delete from users where username='".$_POST['editUserID']."'", $mysqlAccess)){ echo "user is deleted"; If the admin select the “Delete user” radio button, the “else if …” is invoked. The program simply deletes the users from the user database where the username matches the user specified. - 44 - EQ-Forecast – Final report The user list The user list is another section, which only the admin can access. The user list section is basically a list of all the registered users on the EQ-system. Here can administrators fetch users e-mails, usernames and real names. This is useful if, for some reason, an administrator needs to contact a user. Figure 34: User list. In the code, this is done with an SQL query to the user database. $result = mysql_query("select sname, fname, username, email from users order by sname asc", $mysqlAccess); while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)){ $i = 0; $tmp=false; foreach($row as $field){ $tmp[$i++] = $field; } $sname = $tmp[0]; $fname = $tmp[1]; $uname = $tmp[2]; $eMail = $tmp[3]; - 45 - EQ-Forecast – Final report 1.13 Automatic updating We use a function that keeps the system up to date. By that we mean we have a service that runs the programs that collects and makes the XML documents. This service is called crontab. Crontab is a function in Linux. It is a service, and can be programmed to run at any time. In our system crontab is scheduled to run all of the programs that collect XML and HTML web documents. It also runs all the programs that convert the HTML pages to XML documents, and the program that reads and generates an XML document for the database files. Crontab is a function that is located in every UNIX distribution, so it doesn’t need additional install packages. How the system works now is that the files that is automatically updated is updated once a day, and it should also be that way in the future. Because that is how the program is built up now. The crontab runs the files that are put in its list every day at 06.30 AM. The reason we need to run the files every day, is that the XML files from the web needs to be updated every day. Crontab is normally found under /etc/cron.daily/, here in the folder the root user of the system needs to create a text file. The contents of the text file should be the specified path to the script that needs to be run daily. If you look at Figure 35, this is how the crontab file should look like if the system is going to work properly. Figure 35: Crontab file. - 46 - EQ-Forecast – Final report 1.14 Automatic deletion of old files The automatic deletion of old files is a small program that deletes files specified by the user. In the system today the program deletes XML files when they have become over 7 days old. The days can be adjusted by the user. This program is needed because a new XML file is generated each day, with a different date for each file. So without this program the amount of data would be very large in a very short time, because the XML file contains large amounts of data, and that would cause storage problems. - 47 - EQ-Forecast – Final report Project scheme Here you can see how the work was distributed amongst the project members, and how we planned ahead during the pre-project period. 1.15 Milestones See the Gantt-chart in the Appendix 1, page 71 and 72. 1.16 The responsibility distribution The responsibility distribution Project title: EQ-Forecast Members: Task/Activity Preproject report 1 Develop EQ homepage 2 2.1 Collect data from data base files 2.2 Collect data from web sites 2.3 Compare the data 2.4 Generate tables from xml to web 2.5 Make the web page printable 2.6 Develop login system 2.7 Debuging of the system Systems development report 3 Final report 4 Expo 5 5.1 Make presentation to EXPO 5.2 Presentation at EXPO Espen Braaten Dato:14.03.05 - 03.06.05 Joakim Eilertsen Jørgen Lie Pettersen P P RP RP RP P P P P RP P P P P RP RP RP P P P P P P P P P RP P RP RP RP RP P RP P RP Figure 36: The division of work. Description of the codes: R - Responsible P - Performed by - 48 - EQ-Forecast – Final report Conclusions We feel our work on the EQ system, and the outcome of the project, is a great boon to the continuing research of earthquakes at Time Research. With this automated system, they needn’t spend such amounts of time gathering and comparing research data. Researchers may simply log on to the EQ research web site and get instant access to all the new forecasts and forecast results. 1.17 Beyond the project – potential improvements This section describes what could be done to improve the efficiency of the EQ program system, if someone were to take this project further. Some improvements could be made. If you look at the code that converts HTML pages to XML documents, Program part 2, page 24, this code can be made more effective. We have not had the time to improve the code in every way. The code can be adjusted so it can handle more errors, and if the specified HTML pages that we collect data from changes form the status that there in today, the scripts also needs to be changed. The thing is that the code we use in order to collect data is build up in a way that we look for specific characters in the HTML source page that never change. So if the HTML pages change, new code has to be implemented. The second improvement that could be done would to include an automatically updated map of the forecast areas. The map could show where and when earthquakes occurred. Another improvement is the hit percent for quakes in the local forecast table. The hit percent is a number which holds the hit count for every quake that’s in for example the 0-20 miles column in the local forecast page. This would be a pointer to see how well the EQ-forecast system worked. This is a potential improvement that could be implemented. Some improvements in the login system can also be made. The system today only allows the user admin to add new users. This means that a potential improvement could be that a user signup page could be made. Also if some information about the user should change, for example their email address, only the admin can change this. So an improvement would be that a normal user can change there personal information, and change passwords themselves. - 49 - EQ-Forecast – Final report Abbreviations Abbreviation Stands for CGI Common Gateway Interface A technology used in web servers. MD5 Message-Digest algorithm 5 A widely-used cryptographic hash function with a 128-bit hash value. DLL Dynamic Link Library A Microsoft Windows binary application library file format. URL Uniform Resource Locator A standardized address for resources on the Internet. RSS Rich Site Summary A technique for giving users access to their XML files. ISAPI Internet Service Application Programming Interface Microsoft's collection of Windows-based network services. HTML HyperText Markup Language A mark up language designed for the creation of web pages and other information viewable in a browser. XML Extensible Markup Language Its primary purpose is to facilitate the sharing of data across different systems connected via the Internet. PHP Hypertext Preprocessor A popular open-source programming language used primarily for developing server-side applications and dynamic web content, and more recently, other software. PDF Portable Document Format Is a file format developed for representing documents in a manner that is independent of the original application software, hardware, and operating system used to create those documents. Is - 50 - EQ-Forecast – Final report Sources 1.18 Persons These are persons that have contributed to the completion of this project: - Terje Samuelsen. Our project councilor. Marsha Adams. Co-employer, has helped us a great deal, by providing much information. Erling P. Strand. Co-employer, has provided us with information and support. Ted M. Sørlie. Helped us with MySQL and PHP 5 support. Jostein Bratlie. For help with the login system. Jostein Skaar. Helped us with python support. Kenneth F. Johansen. Provided PHP support. John E. Simensen. For information around longitudes and latitudes. Audun Vaaler. For help with XML handling. Per-Olav Rusaas. For Linux assistance. 1.19 Internet sources These are the web sites that we extract information from, for comparing with the database files: - These are other web sites that we used to complete this project: - (PHP) (PHP) (Interactive map) (Lats and longs of US cities, for testing) (Mile calculations) - 51 - EQ-Forecast – Final report Picture references Figure 1: Sample from an EQ written report. ............................................................................................. 6 Figure 2: The report system before this project. ......................................................................................... 8 Figure 3: An extraction from a database file. ............................................................................................. 9 Figure 4: An overview of the local area...................................................................................................... 9 Figure 5: An overview of the fringe. ........................................................................................................ 10 Figure 6: Example of information used for comparison. .......................................................................... 11 Figure 7: Latitudes and longitudes. ........................................................................................................... 17 Figure 8: The system overview. ................................................................................................................ 18 Figure 9: System overview: Stage 1 ......................................................................................................... 19 Figure 10: System overview: Stage 2. ...................................................................................................... 19 Figure 11: System overview: Stage 3. ...................................................................................................... 20 Figure 12: System overview: Stage 4. ...................................................................................................... 20 Figure 13: System overview: Stage 5. ...................................................................................................... 20 Figure 14: Program part 1. ........................................................................................................................ 22 Figure 15: A sample from the XML file. .................................................................................................. 22 Figure 16: Program part 2. ........................................................................................................................ 24 Figure 17: .............................................................................................................................. 25 Figure 18: usgov XML.............................................................................................................................. 26 Figure 19: Program part 3. ........................................................................................................................ 29 Figure 20: Local forecast results example. ............................................................................................... 32 Figure 21: Semi-fringe forecast results example. ..................................................................................... 33 Figure 22: True fringe forecast results example. ...................................................................................... 34 Figure 23: Worldwide report example. ..................................................................................................... 35 Figure 24: The print page. ......................................................................................................................... 36 Figure 25: Printer friendly local forecast. ................................................................................................. 37 Figure 26: Windows print dialogue. ......................................................................................................... 37 Figure 27: PDF file forecast data. ............................................................................................................. 38 Figure 28: The menu when not logged in. ................................................................................................ 39 Figure 29: The normal user menu, when logged in. ................................................................................. 39 Figure 30: The administrative user menu, when logged in. ...................................................................... 40 Figure 31: Login screen. ........................................................................................................................... 40 Figure 32: New forecast section. .............................................................................................................. 42 Figure 33: User management. ................................................................................................................... 43 Figure 34: User list.................................................................................................................................... 45 Figure 35: Crontab file. ............................................................................................................................. 46 Figure 36: The division of work. .............................................................................................................. 48 - 52 - EQ-Forecast – Final report Appendix Authors: Joakim Eilertsen Espen M. Braaten Jørgen Lie Pettersen - 53 - EQ-Forecast – Final report 13 1.20 About the appendix This appendix is a part of the EQ-Forecast project. Here you will find various enclosures to the Project report. - 54 - EQ-Forecast – Final report 1.21 Appendix index 15 APPENDIX ................................................................................................................ 53 15.1 ABOUT THE APPENDIX ................................................................................................ 54 15.2 APPENDIX INDEX ...................................................................................................... 55 15.3 USER MANUAL ........................................................................................................ 56 15.3.1 Apache and PHP 5 installation on UNIX systems ................................................ 56 Apache 1.3.x on UNIX systems .................................................................... 57 Installation Instructions (Apache Shared Module Version) for PHP: ................... 57 Installing PHP as a static object .................................................................... 59 Example commands for restarting Apache ..................................................... 60 15.3.2 Installing Python............................................................................................ 62 Platform variations ..................................................................................... 62 Splitting up the job ..................................................................................... 62 How building works .................................................................................... 63 How installation works ................................................................................ 63 Modifying Python’s search path .................................................................... 64 15.3.3 About the user database and MySQL ................................................................ 66 15.3.4 Changing the structure of the database file ....................................................... 67 15.4 DEBUG REPORT ....................................................................................................... 68 15.4.1 Program part 1 .............................................................................................. 68 15.4.2 Program part 2 .............................................................................................. 68 15.4.3 Program part 3 .............................................................................................. 69 15.4.4 EQ Forecast system CD-ROM and installation .................................................... 70 15.5 GANTT-CHART ......................................................................................................... 71 15.6 DETAILED MAP OF THE LOCAL FORECAST AREA .................................................................... 73 15.7 DETAILED MAP OF THE FRINGE AREAS .............................................................................. 74 15.8 APPENDIX PICTURE REFERENCES .................................................................................... 75 15.9 SOURCE CODE SEE APPENDIX 2 AND 3............................................................................. 76 - 55 - EQ-Forecast – Final report 1.22 User Manual 1.22.1 Apache and PHP 5 installation on UNIX systems This section will guide you through the general configuration and installation of PHP on UNIX systems. There are several ways to install PHP for the UNIX platform, either with a compile and configure process, or through various pre-packaged methods. This documentation is mainly focused around the process of compiling and configuring PHP. Many UNIX like systems have some sort of package installation system. This can assist in setting up a standard configuration, but if you need to have a different set of features (such as a secure server, or a different database driver), you may need to build PHP and/or your web server. If you are unfamiliar with building and compiling your own software, it is worth checking to see whether somebody has already built a packaged version of PHP with the features you need. Prerequisite knowledge and software for compiling: Basic Unix skills (being able to operate "make", and a C compiler) An ANSI C compiler flex: Version 2.5.4 bison: Version 1.28 (preferred), 1.35, or 1.75 A web server Any module specific components (such as gd, PDF libs, etc.) The initial PHP setup and configuration process is controlled by the use of the command line options of the configure script. You could get a list of all available options along with short explanations running ./configure --help. Our manual documents the different options separately. You will find the core options at The different extension specific options are described on the reference pages. When PHP is configured, you are ready to build the module and/or executables. The command make should take care of this. - 56 - EQ-Forecast – Final report Apache 1.3.x on UNIX systems This section contains notes and hints specific to Apache installs of PHP on UNIX platforms. You can select arguments to add to the configure on line 10 below, from the list of core configure options at, and from extension specific options described at the respective places in the manual. The version numbers have been omitted here, to ensure the instructions are not incorrect. You will need to replace the 'xxx' here with the correct values from your files. Installation Instructions (Apache Shared Module Version) for PHP: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. gunzip apache_xxx.tar.gz tar -xvf apache_xxx.tar gunzip php-xxx.tar.gz tar -xvf php-xxx.tar cd apache_xxx ./configure --prefix=/www --enable-module=so make make install cd ../php-xxx 10. Now, configure your PHP. This is where you customize your PHP with various options, like which extensions will be enabled. Do a ./configure --help for a list of available options. In our example we'll do a simple configure with Apache 1 and MySQL support. Your path to apxs may differ from our example. ./configure --with-mysql --with-apxs=/www/bin/apxs 11. make 12. make install If you decide to change your configure options after installation, you only need to repeat the last three steps. You only need to restart apache for the new module to take effect. A recompile of Apache is not needed. Note that unless told otherwise, 'make install' will also install PEAR, various PHP tools such as phpize, install the PHP CLI, and more. 13. Setup your php.ini file: cp php.ini-dist /usr/local/lib/php.ini You may edit your .ini file to set PHP options. If you prefer your php.ini in another location, use --with-config-file-path=/some/path in step 10. - 57 - EQ-Forecast – Final report If you instead choose php.ini-recommended, be certain to read the list of changes within, as they affect how PHP behaves. 14. Edit your httpd.conf to load the PHP module. The path on the right hand side of the LoadModule statement must point to the path of the PHP module on your system. The make install from above may have already added this for you, but be sure to check. For PHP 4: LoadModule php4_module libexec/ For PHP 5: LoadModule php5_module libexec/ 15. And in the AddModule section of httpd.conf, somewhere under the ClearModuleList, add this: For PHP 4: AddModule mod_php4.c For PHP 5: AddModule mod_php5.c 16. Tell Apache to parse certain extensions as PHP. For example, let's have Apache parse the .php extension as PHP. You could have any extension(s) parse as PHP by simply adding more, with each separated by a space. We'll add .phtml to demonstrate. AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml It's also common to setup the .phps extension to show highlighted PHP source, this can be done with: AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps 17. Use your normal procedure for starting the Apache server. (You must stop and restart the server, not just cause the server to reload by using a HUP or USR1 signal.) - 58 - EQ-Forecast – Final report Installing PHP as a static object Instead of the above procedure, alternatively, you may install PHP as a static object. 1. 2. 3. 4. gunzip -c apache_1.3.x.tar.gz | tar xf cd apache_1.3.x ./configure cd .. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. gunzip -c php-4.x.y.tar.gz | tar xf cd php-4.x.y ./configure --with-mysql --with-apache=../apache_1.3.x make make install 10. cd ../apache_1.3.x 11. ./configure --prefix=/www --activate-module=src/modules/php4/libphp4.a (The above line is correct! Yes, we know libphp4.a does not exist at this stage. It isn't supposed to. It will be created.) 12. make (you should now have an httpd binary which you can copy to your Apache bin dir if it is your first install then you need to "make install" as well) 13. cd ../php-4.x.y 14. cp php.ini-dist /usr/local/lib/php.ini 15. You can edit /usr/local/lib/php.ini file to set PHP options. Edit your httpd.conf or srm.conf file and add: AddType application/x-httpd-php .php Depending on your Apache install and UNIX variant, there are many possible ways to stop and restart the server. Below are some typical lines used in restarting the server, for different Apache/UNIX installations. You should replace /path/to/ with the path to these applications on your systems. - 59 - EQ-Forecast – Final report Example commands for restarting Apache 1. Several Linux and SysV variants: /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart 2. Using apachectl scripts: /path/to/apachectl stop /path/to/apachectl start 3. httpdctl and httpsdctl (Using OpenSSL), similar to apachectl: /path/to/httpsdctl stop /path/to/httpsdctl start 4. Using mod_ssl, or another SSL server, you may want to manually stop and start: /path/to/apachectl stop /path/to/apachectl startssl The locations of the apachectl and http(s)dctl binaries often vary. If your system has locate or whereis or which commands, these can assist you in finding your server control programs. Different examples of compiling PHP for apache are as follows: ./configure --with-apxs --with-pgsql This will create a shared library that is loaded into Apache using a LoadModule line in Apache's httpd.conf file. The PostgreSQL support is embedded into this library. ./configure --with-apxs --with-pgsql=shared This will create a shared library for Apache, but it will also create a shared library that is loaded into PHP either by using the extension directive in php.ini file or by loading it explicitly in a script using the dl() function, ./configure --with-apache=/path/to/apache_source --with-pgsql This will create a libmodphp4.a library, a mod_php4.c and some accompanying files and copy this into the src/modules/php4 directory in the Apache source tree. Then you compile Apache using --activatemodule=src/modules/php4/libphp4.a and the Apache build system will create libphp4.a and link it statically into the httpd binary. The PostgreSQL support is included directly into this httpd binary, so the final result here is a single httpd binary that includes all of Apache and all of PHP. ./configure --with-apache=/path/to/apache_source --with-pgsql=shared Same as before, except instead of including PostgreSQL support directly into the final httpd you will get a shared library that you can load into PHP from either the php.ini file or directly using dl(). - 60 - EQ-Forecast – Final report When choosing to build PHP in different ways, you should consider the advantages and drawbacks of each method. Building as a shared object will mean that you can compile apache separately, and don't have to recompile everything as you add to, or change, PHP. Building PHP into apache (static method) means that PHP will load and run faster. Note: Apache's default httpd.conf currently ships with a section that looks like this: User nobody Group "#-1" Unless you change that to "Group nogroup" or something like that ("Group daemon" is also very common) PHP will not be able to open files. Note: Make sure you specify the installed version of apxs when using --with-apxs=/path/to/apxs. You must NOT use the apxs version that is in the apache sources, but the one that is actually installed on your system. - 61 - EQ-Forecast – Final report 1.22.2 Installing Python Installing Python on a UNIX platform is usually done with one simple command: python install Platform variations You should always run the setup command from the distribution root directory, i.e. the top-level subdirectory that the module source distribution unpacks into. For example, if you've just downloaded a module source distribution foo-1.0.tar.gz onto a UNIX system, the normal thing to do is: gunzip -c foo-1.0.tar.gz | tar xf - # unpacks into directory foo-1.0 cd foo-1.0 python install On Windows, you'd probably download If you downloaded the archive file to C:\Temp, then it would unpack into C:\Temp\foo-1.0. You can use either an archive manipulator with a graphical user interface (such as WinZip) or a command-line tool (such as unzip or pkunzip) to unpack the archive. Then, open a command prompt window (``DOS box''), and run: cd c:\Temp\foo-1.0 python install Splitting up the job Running install builds and installs all modules in one run. If you prefer to work incrementally, especially useful if you want to customize the build process, or if things are going wrong, you can use the setup script to do one thing at a time. This is particularly helpful when the build and install will be done by different users, for example, you might want to build a module distribution and hand it off to a system administrator for installation (or do it yourself, with super-user privileges). For example, you can build everything in one step, and then install everything in a second step, by invoking the setup script twice: python build python install If you do this, you will notice that running the install command first runs the build command, which in this case, quickly notices that it has nothing to do, since everything in the build directory is up to date. You may not need this ability to break things down often if all you do is install modules downloaded off the 'net, but it's very handy for more advanced tasks. If you get into distributing your own Python modules and extensions, you'll run lots of individual Distutils commands on their own. - 62 - EQ-Forecast – Final report How building works As implied above, the build command is responsible for putting the files to install into a build directory. By default, this is build under the distribution root; if you're excessively concerned with speed, or want to keep the source tree pristine, you can change the build directory with the build-base option. For example: python build --build-base=/tmp/pybuild/foo-1.0 The default layout for the build tree is as follows: --- build/ --- lib/ or --- build/ --- lib.<plat>/ temp.<plat>/ where <plat> expands to a brief description of the current OS/hardware platform and Python version. The first form, with just a lib directory, is used for “pure module distributions'', that is, module distributions that include only pure Python modules. If a module distribution contains any extensions (modules written in C/C++), then the second form, with two <plat> directories, is used. In that case, the temp.plat directory holds temporary files generated by the compile/link process that don't actually get installed. In case, the lib (or lib.plat) directory contains all Python modules (pure Python and extensions) that will be installed. In the future, more directories will be added to handle Python scripts, documentation, binary executables, and whatever else is needed to handle the job of installing Python modules and applications. How installation works After the build command runs (whether you run it explicitly, or the install command does it for you), the work of the install command is relatively simple: all it has to do is copy everything under build/lib (or build/lib.plat) to your chosen installation directory. If you don't choose an installation directory, i.e., if you just run, install then the install command installs to the standard location for third-party Python modules. This location varies by platform and by how you built/installed Python itself. On UNIX (and Mac OS X, which is also UNIXbased), it also depends on whether the module distribution being installed is pure Python or contains extensions (“non-pure”): Platform Standard installation location UNIX (pure) prefix/lib/python2.4/sitepackages UNIX (non- execpure) prefix/lib/python2.4/sitepackages Default value /usr/local/lib/python2.4/sitepackages /usr/local/lib/python2.4/sitepackages Notes (1) (1) - 63 - EQ-Forecast – Final report Platform Windows Standard installation location prefix Default value C:\Python Notes (2) Notes: (1) Most Linux distributions include Python as a standard part of the system, so prefix and execprefix are usually both/usr on Linux. If you build Python yourself on Linux (or any UNIX-like system), the default prefix and exec-prefix are /usr/local. (2) The default installation directory on Windows was C:\Program Files\Python under Python 1.6a1, 1.5.2, and earlier. Prefix and exec-prefix stand for the directories that Python is installed to, and where it finds its libraries at run-time. They are always the same under Windows, and very often the same under UNIX and Mac OS X. You can find out what your Python installation uses for prefix and exec-prefix by running Python in interactive mode and typing a few simple commands. Under UNIX, just type python at the shell prompt. Under Windows, choose Start > Programs > Python 2.4 > Python (command line). Once the interpreter is started, you type Python code at the prompt. For example, on my Linux system, I type the three Python statements shown below, and get the output as shown, to find out my prefix and execprefix: Python 2.4 (#26, Aug 7 2004, 17:19:02) Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import sys >>> sys.prefix '/usr' >>> sys.exec_prefix '/usr' Modifying Python’s search path When the Python interpreter executes an import statement, it searches for both Python code and extension modules along a search path. A default value for the path is configured into the Python binary when the interpreter is built. You can determine the path by importing the sys module and printing the value of sys.path. $ python Python 2.2 (#11, Oct 3 2002, 13:31:27) [GCC 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.3 2.96-112)] on linux2 Type ``help'', ``copyright'', ``credits'' or ``license'' for more information. >>> import sys >>> sys.path ['', '/usr/local/lib/python2.3', '/usr/local/lib/python2.3/plat-linux2', '/usr/local/lib/python2.3/lib-tk', '/usr/local/lib/python2.3/lib-dynload', '/usr/local/lib/python2.3/site-packages'] >>> - 64 - EQ-Forecast – Final report The null string in sys.path represents the current working directory. The expected convention for locally installed packages is to put them in the .../site-packages/ directory, but you may want to install Python modules into some arbitrary directory. For example, your site may have a convention of keeping all software related to the web server under /www. Add-on Python modules might then belong in /www/python, and in order to import them, this directory must be added to sys.path. There are several different ways to add the directory. The most convenient way is to add a path configuration file to a directory that's already on Python's path, usually to the .../site-packages/ directory. Path configuration files have an extension of .pth, and each line must contain a single path that will be appended to sys.path. (Because the new paths are appended to sys.path, modules in the added directories will not override standard modules. This means you can't use this mechanism for installing fixed versions of standard modules.) Paths can be absolute or relative, in which case they're relative to the directory containing the .pth file. Any directories added to the search path will be scanned in turn for .pth files. A slightly less convenient way is to edit the file in Python's standard library, and modify sys.path. is automatically imported when the Python interpreter is executed, unless the -S switch is supplied to suppress this behavior. So you could simply edit and add two lines to it: import sys sys.path.append('/www/python/') However, if you reinstall the same major version of Python (perhaps when upgrading from 2.2 to 2.2.2, for example) will be overwritten by the stock version. You'd have to remember that it was modified and save a copy before doing the installation. There are two environment variables that can modify sys.path. PYTHONHOME sets an alternate value for the prefix of the Python installation. For example, if PYTHONHOME is set to "/www/python", the search path will be set to ['', '/www/python/lib/python2.2/', '/www/python/lib/python2.3/plat-linux2', ...]. The PYTHONPATH variable can be set to a list of paths that will be added to the beginning of sys.path. For example, if PYTHONPATH is set to "/www/python:/opt/py", the search path will begin with ['/www/python', '/opt/py']. (Note that directories must exist in order to be added to sys.path; the site module removes paths that don't exist.) Finally, sys.path is just a regular Python list, so any Python application can modify it by adding or removing entries. - 65 - EQ-Forecast – Final report 1.22.3 About the user database and MySQL MySQL is needed for the user database. We took the choice to use mysql since this is the easiest and simplest database you can use, and a key part of the Linux system. Mysql is a server database tool that can be downloaded from The system today works as follows; a database is created for the system. Then to manage the database we have chosen to use the program PHPmyadmin tool. This is a tool for easy and effective configuration of the database. PHPmyadmin can be downloaded from the following link Then we created a users table with these fields shown in Figure 37. These fields are necessary in order for the login system to work. The user database “users.frm” is available on the CD-ROM, under the folder “eqdb”. This file can be imported into any database system tool. This must be done to make the solution work. Appendix figure 1: Screenshot of the user database. - 66 - EQ-Forecast – Final report 1.22.4 Changing the structure of the database file As mentioned in the Debug Report, page 688, the database files must have a special structure to be read correctly. The structure of the database files nowadays: Appendix figure 2: A part of a database file. At line 51-56 in www\cgi-bin\, you’ll find: Appendix figure 3: The code that finds the variable. The numbers indicates where the variables are located in the line, and must be changed to correspond with a new database file structure. “[10:18]” means from 10 and including 17. At line 58-64, you’ll find: Appendix figure 4: The code that ignores the first line. This code omits the first line from the XML file. It takes the characters from 10 and including 17, from the first line, and tries to put them into an integer variable. As you can see in Appendix figure 2, these characters are “ETHOD AA”. They are letters, not numbers, and they can’t be parsed. The first line will consequently be ignored. This code must therefore be deleted if the first line shall be emitted in the XML file. If you want to edit more lines in the database file that shall be omitted, you just have to be aware of that the characters from 10 and including 17 involve at least one letter. - 67 - EQ-Forecast – Final report 1.23 Debug Report In this debug report we first present what comes in and out, that is, what information is read into the programs, and what the consequences of the input are. We also explain what would happen if the input is faulty. 1.23.1 Program part 1 To see what program part 1 does, take a look at page 22. In: The database file: Appendix figure 5: A part of a database file. Out: Puts the database values into an XML file, and sorts them. Consequences: If the database files are made without the first line, the second line will be omitted from the XML file, since we skip the fist line. The lines must have this structure: o 3 characters, 1 space, 5 characters, 1 space, 8 characters, 4 spaces, 5 characters, 1 space, 6 characters, 1 space, 5 characters, 1 space, 14 characters, 4 spaces, 3 characters, 1 space and 1-30 characters. All characters can be replaced by spaces. If the correct structure is ignored, the output will be wrong, dependent of how the new structure is. If there is desirable to change the structure, there is no problem to change the source code, so that you will get the correct output. See Changing the structure of the database file, page 67. 1.23.2 Program part 2 Web sites with RSS feed: To see what Program part 2 does, take a look at page 24. In: XML file from Out: Storing of the XML file. Consequences: We won’t get any information if: the URL’s to the web sites change - 68 - EQ-Forecast – Final report Web sites without RSS feed: In: Information from different web sites. Out: Storing of the selected information in an XML file. Consequences: We won’t get any information if: the URL’s to the web sites change the tag names at the web sites change the word the program searches for changes the website contains characters that our codec doesn’t support 1.23.3 Program part 3 To see what Program part 3 does, take a look at page 29. In: The database and website XML files. Out: Tables on the website with information on the accuracy of Electro Quake. A downloadable .doc document containing the same information. Consequences: As long as the inputted XML files are correct, the output of Program part 3 will be good. However, we have found that the distancing algorithm has a margin of error at approximately 0.1-1%. We tested the distancing algorithm like this: We chose two points on the US west coast, within the fringe area, and with a reasonably length of distance between them. The points were South East in California (32° 53′ 51" N - 114° 49′ 17" W), and North West in Washington (48° 13′ 01" N - 124° 32′ 25" W). We found their degrees of latitude and longitude at We then compared our function with a function at: The result; the margin of error, was about 0,1%. - 69 - EQ-Forecast – Final report 1.23.4 EQ Forecast system CD-ROM and installation All the files in the ElectroQuake forecast system will be available on a CD-ROM. You must copy the files on the CD into you web server space. The file config.php in the control catalog is very useful, because it provides you with a fast an easy configuration, so it works on your server. You still need to setup the user database file, and the server needs to have MySQL support. This is easily done by loading the user database “users.frm” into your database managing tool. We use phpadmin, which is included on the CD-ROM. - 70 - EQ-Forecast – Final report 1.24 Gantt-chart Appendix figure 6: The Gant-chart – part one. - 71 - EQ-Forecast – Final report Appendix figure 7: The Gant-chart – part two. - 72 - EQ-Forecast – Final report 1.25 Detailed map of the local forecast area Appendix figure 8: Map of the local forecast area. - 73 - EQ-Forecast – Final report 1.26 Detailed map of the fringe areas Appendix figure 9: Map of the fringe areas. - 74 - EQ-Forecast – Final report 1.27 Appendix picture references Appendix figure 1: Screenshot of the user database. ................................................................................ 66 Appendix figure 2: A part of a database file. ............................................................................................ 67 Appendix figure 3: The code that finds the variable................................................................................. 67 Appendix figure 4: The code that ignores the first line. ........................................................................... 67 Appendix figure 5: A part of a database file. ............................................................................................ 68 Appendix figure 6: The Gant-chart – part one. ......................................................................................... 71 Appendix figure 7: The Gant-chart – part two.......................................................................................... 72 Appendix figure 8: Map of the local forecast area. .................................................................................. 73 Appendix figure 9: Map of the fringe areas. ............................................................................................. 74 - 75 - EQ-Forecast – Final report 1.28 Source code This is a list over all the source code. See Appendix 2 and 3 if you want to look at the code. Index.php Default.css Localf.php Login.php Main.php Newforecasts.php Print.php About.php Aboutus.php Printerfriendlylocal.php Printerfriendlysfringe.php Printerfriendlytfringe.php Printerfriendlyworld.php Semifringe.php Truefringe.php Userlist.php Usermanagement.php Worldwide.php Forecastdata.php Fpdf.php Menu.php Usermenu.php Config.php Functions.php Top.php Valid.php Bottom.php number of pages 6 number of pages 6 number of pages 7 number of pages 1 number of pages 1 number of pages 2 number of pages 2 number of pages 1 number of pages 1 number of pages 7 number of pages 7 number of pages 7 number of pages 1 number of pages 7 number of pages 7 number of pages 1 number of pages 3 number of pages 1 number of pages 12 number of pages 26 number of pages 1 number of pages 1 number of pages 1 number of pages 2 number of pages 2 number of pages 2 number of pages 3 number of pages 1 number of pages 1 number of pages 2 number of pages 2 number of pages 1 number of pages 3 number of pages 3 number of pages 3 number of pages 3 number of pages 3 number of pages 3 number of pages 3 number of pages 3 number of pages 1 number of pages 1 number of pages 1 - 76 -