long - Continental

Press Release
Continental “Global Engineering Excellence” Initiative:
Engineering education not keeping pace with challenges of
globalization – Top universities in favor of "open borders"
and internationalized study programs
Unprecedented study shows action required in science, industry and politics to internationalize engineering sciences - Continental AG expands international network of
universities and proposes new “Master of Global Engineering” study program
Hanover/Frankfurt, November 10, 2006. Engineering education that instills global competence is not keeping pace with the complex and highly dynamic development process of
globalization. Study programs are not sufficiently international and cross disciplinary, the
mutual recognition of degrees or curriculum modules is still in its infancy, and a worldwide
accreditation system is nowhere in sight. In addition, there are many government-imposed
barriers that hinder an international and, at the same time, research-oriented study program.
Furthermore there are still hardly any cooperative projects between companies and universities that go beyond a national framework. These are the key findings of the Global Engineering Excellence study carried out by eight top universities from Brazil, China, Germany, Japan, Switzerland and the U.S.A. at the initiative of the international automotive supplier Continental AG.
The scientists from six nations formulated four key statements and recommendations for the
future education of engineers, based upon the findings of this unprecedented study, which
were presented on Friday at the Eberbach Cloister near Frankfurt:
 Global competence needs to become a key qualification of graduates.
 Transnational mobility for students, researchers and professionals needs to become a
 Global engineering excellence depends critically on a mutual commitment to partnerships,
especially those that link engineering education to professional practice.
 Research on engineering in a global context is urgently needed.
-2As one of the leading international automotive suppliers, Continental has for many years
promoted excellence in the education of engineers for years. "Technology is our passion.
That is why we called the “Global Engineering Excellence” initiative to life last year to examine the prospects for engineers in the era of globalization, their social position and education,
as well as their impact on the productivity of national economies, and to then draw conclusions from these findings," said Continental Executive Board Chairman Manfred Wennemer.
For this ambitious project, Continental managed to gain the collaboration of renowned universities – Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland; Georgia Institute of
Technology and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, U.S.A.; Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Tsinghua University, China; Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil; University of Tokyo, Japan; and the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany, which
heads the study.
"The findings of the study provide essential information about how we, as a company with
global operations, can increase our own innovative strength by creating and expanding networks between our company and universities at both national and international level while at
the same time fostering the educational competence of the universities," Wennemer said.
"We encourage our eight partner universities to develop and set up their own and joint study
courses for the degree of “Master of Global Engineering” within the framework of this project.
In the future, this could be an elite title for top engineers or technology managers with an
excellent and, above all, internationally-oriented education," explained Continental Human
Resources Director Thomas Sattelberger. "For the practical part of the education, we are not
only opening up Continental ‘s worldwide network, we also want to win the collaboration of
other partners from industry."
Sattelberger pointed out that Continental is expanding its existing network with universities
intensively: "An important step is the founding of Continental Universities in cooperation with
universities at our locations worldwide, such as recently in Mexico and the Philippines. Further universities will follow in Germany, the U.S.A., Romania and China. We want to link
these Continental Universities, which serve primarily to further educate our employees, into a
strong network for high-tech experts. In our wide-ranging concept, the partner universities of
the “Global Engineering Excellence” initiative play a key role as beacons."
-3For the “Global Engineering Excellence” universities, Prof. Dr. Ing. Reiner Anderl of the TU
Darmstadt, which heads the study, called it "an outstanding milestone on the way to the further development of engineering education at university level in preparation for working successfully in international and intercultural teams." He pointed out that the universities drafted
essential and forward-looking recommendations based upon the findings of the study: "Universities should structure their curriculum to integrate time spent abroad," he said.
"Credits from suitable partner universities must be recognized, and foreign the learning of
foreign languages made obligatory. New technologies such as e-learning and video conference systems must also be used more extensively, and part-time study courses should be
promoted for students from other countries," said Prof. Anderl. Accordingly, investments
would have to be made in infrastructures to enable international communication and cooperation. Furthermore, the universities should increase the number and quality of international
faculty leaves and sabbaticals. This would require more sponsors to be found for support:
"Cooperative ventures with industry could be expanded considerably, for instance through
research collaboration, training projects and technical internships. Universities should also
modify their structures to lure qualified researchers and innovation managers from industry
on to campus," said Prof. Anderl.
According to the recommendations made in the study, industry needs to form committed and
lasting partnerships with universities as a basis for international programs, offer more positions for high-quality international technical internships or project work, and provide funding
for international programs. It is also important that innovative programs are developed in
conjunction with the universities for continuing education in global engineering practice. In
addition, company representatives should promote study or work abroad. "Above and beyond that, the international education of employees is indispensable in a corporation with
international operations," said Prof. Anderl.
The universities are also in favor of governments promoting global engineering education
and research, with funding for university programs and scholarships for international studies
or internships.
-4"Transnational mobility should be improved by, for instance, removing barriers, such as restrictive visa policies and work permits for foreign students while they are studying and after
they receive their degree," said Prof. Anderl. One possibility, for instance, would be to introduce a special category of student visa for technical internships and part-time jobs. Furthermore, the mutual recognition of university degrees is crucial as a basic prerequisite for transnational mobility for engineers. Engineering organizations should collaborate across borders,
strengthen the dialogue between professional practice and academia, and help to improve
international engineering programs and degree, as well as monitoring the improvement process. "We feel it is essential that triads develop consisting of universities and industry together
with politics or government, to make active headway in this topic," stressed Prof. Anderl.
As European Commissioner responsible for Education and himself a trained engineer, Ján
Figel, who was guest of honor at the two-day “Global Engineering Excellence” event, said on
Thursday night that the study was "an analysis of the highest quality." He added: "In my view,
it should be required reading for deans of engineering faculties everywhere. I commend
Continental wholeheartedly for this significant initiative, as engineers are the key to Europe's
future in a globalized world. But, as the study shows, in a globalized world engineers need
skills that go far beyond what is traditionally considered necessary. They include not just
technical and methodological abilities, but personal competences such as the willingness to
take responsibility and to engage in lifelong learning, in addition to leadership qualities and
social competences such as intercultural skills," said Figel.
"Most engineers in this century will work in integrated global enterprises, and will solve problems at a global level in the same way they advance economies worldwide," explained the
long-serving MIT President Emeritus Prof. Charles Vest, who recently was nominated as new
President of the National Academy of Engineering in the U.S.A. "The “Global Engineering
Excellence” study provides an ambitious but practical roadmap for educating 21st century
engineers to work effectively in this context. These valuable guidelines will assist institutions
to revise curricula and provide more international skills and experience to their students so
that they can add more value to employers and be more effective in the global cooperation
and competition that will characterize their careers."
-5Continental Executive Board Chairman Wennemer pointed out that within the framework of
the “Global Engineering Excellence” initiative, students at the eight participating universities
would be asked their opinions regarding the findings and recommendations of the first study.
"When it comes to educational policy, Continental is a company that is both competent and
passionate. That is why we are interested in finding out what students feel about the internationality of their own education, career opportunities around the world as well as future prospects on transnational job markets and social environment," said Sattelberger. "We consider
the scientific findings of the study, together with the expectations on the talent markets, to be
a guideline for a sophisticated new global education policy."
The Continental Corporation is a leading automotive supplier of brake systems, chassis components,
vehicle electronics, tires and technical elastomers. In 2005 the corporation realized sales of EUR13.8
billion. At present it has a worldwide workforce of approximately 85,000.
Hannes Boekhoff
Head of Press
Continental AG
Vahrenwalder Straße 9
30165 Hanover/Germany
Phone: +49 511 938-1278
Fax: +49 511 938-1055
Email: prkonzern@conti.de
For information about the initiative, visit the websites:
www.global-engineering-excellence.org and www.conti-online.com