THEMATIC NETWORK FOR A PHEBUS FPT-1 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD PROBLEM (THENPHEBISP) CO-ORDINATOR B. CLEMENT IRSN/DPAM, Cadarache 127, Rue des Martyrs ( B. P. 85 ) F - 38054 Grenoble Cedex 9 FRANCE Tel.: + 33 7688 3244 Fax: + 33 7688 5177 LIST OF PARTNERS 1) IRSN, Cadarache (Fr) 2) JRC, Petten (Nl) 3) AEA Technology (UK) 4) AEKI, Budapest (Hu) 5) NRI, Rez (Cz) 6) ENEA, Bologna (It) 7) UPI, Uv. Pisa (It) 8) UPM, Uv. Madrid (Sp) 9) FZK, Karlsruhe (Ge) 10) GRS, Cologne (Ge) 11) PSI, Villigen (CH) 12) SCK, Mol (Be) 13) EDF, Clamart (Fr) 14) JSI, Ljubljana (Sl) 15) ENPROCO (Bu) CONTRACT N°: EU contribution Starting Date: Duration: FIKS-CT-2001-20151 Euro 240899 December 2001 24 months CONTENTS LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A. OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE B. WORK PROGRAMME B.1 Preparation B.2 Intermediate Comparison Workshop B.3 Comparison and Assessment C. WORK PERFORMED AND RESULTS C.1 Specification Report C.2 Intermediate Comparison Workshop C.3 Comparison and Assessment C.3.1 Representation of the facility C.3.2 Analysis of the results C.3.3 Assessment of Codes and Models C.3.4 Computing Assessment C.3.5 Integral Aspects C.3.6 Implications for Plant Studies CONCLUSION REFERENCES FIGURES LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS CSNI Committee for the Safety of Nuclear Insatllations FP Fission Products FPT-i Phebus FP test n°I IRSN Institut de radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire ISP International Standard Problem OECD Organisation for Economic Development and Cooperation PBF-SFD Power Burst facility-Severe Fuel Damage RCS Reactor Coolant System EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The THENPHEBISP 2-year thematic network started in December 2001, and was concerned with OECD/CSNI International Standard Problem 46, itself based on the Phebus FPT1 core degradation/source term experiment. The aim was to assess the capability of computer codes to model in an integrated way the physical processes taking place during a severe accident in a pressurised water reactor, from the initial stages of core degradation, the fission product transport through the primary circuit and the behaviour of the released fission products in the containment. ISP-46, coordinated by IRSN Cadarache, attracted 33 participating organisations, from 23 countries and international bodies, who submitted 47 base-case calculations and 21 best-estimate calculations, using 15 different codes. The thermal behaviour of the fuel bundle and the hydrogen production were generally well captured, and good agreement for the core final state could be obtained with a suitable choice of bulk fuel relocation temperature, however this is unlikely to be representative of all plant studies so sensitivity calculations are needed with the modelling in its current state. Total volatile fission product release was simulated, but its kinetics, and the overall modelling of semi-volatile, low-volatile and structural material release (Ag/In/Cd, Sn) needs improvement. Overall retention in the circuit is well predicted, but calculations underestimate deposits in the upper plenum and overestimate those in the steam generator, also the volatility of some elements could be better predicted. Containment thermal hydraulics and depletion rate of aerosols are well calculated, but with difficulties related to partition amongst the deposition mechanisms. Calculation of iodine chemistry in the containment turned out to be more difficult. Its quality strongly depends of the calculation of release and transport in the integral codes. The major difficulties are related to the existence of gaseous iodine in the primary circuit and to the prediction of the amount of organic iodine in the gas phase. Beyond the assessment of codes and models, as usually done in International Standard Problems, conclusions were made with respect to plant sequences calculations looking at overall signatures such as the degraded core final state and the fission product source term. A number of recommendations for model development and various implications for plant studies have been identified. A. OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE The THENPHEBISP 2-year thematic network started in December 2001, and was concerned with OECD/CSNI International Standard Problem 46, itself based on the Phebus FPT1 core degradation/source term experiment. The aim was to assess the capability of computer codes to model in an integrated way the physical processes taking place during a severe accident in a pressurised water reactor, from the initial stages of core degradation, the fission product transport through the primary circuit and the behaviour of the released fission products in the containment. The ISP-46 provided the first opportunity to assess the capability of integrated severe accident analysis codes in four different areas, corresponding to the phases of the Phebus FP experiments [1], namely: (a) fuel degradation, hydrogen production, release of fission products and of structural materials; (b) fission product and aerosol transport in the circuit; (c) containment thermal hydraulics and aerosol physics; and (d) iodine chemistry in the containment. Participants were encouraged to submit integrated calculations, but detailed calculations for individual phases were also welcome. Choice of noding schemes and model parameters corresponding to plant calculations (base-case) was strongly encouraged, while more detailed optional (best-estimate) studies were also accepted. This formalism made it easier to draw conclusions regarding plant calculations, and to identify ‘user effects’. B. WORK PROGRAMME The work programme involved three main phases. 1) Preparation, resulting in the Specification Report for the ISP [2], during this phase a draft was circulated so that feedback from participants on data requirements and modelling needs could be obtained; 2) Calculation, including the organisation of an Intermediate Comparison Workshop, where participants presented their contributions and the coordinators gave their first impressions, at this stage a plan for the detailed analysis was agreed and a schedule arranged for revised contributions as needed; 3) Comparison and Assessment, which included detailed analysis by the coordinators, presentation of the draft Comparison Report at the Final Workshop, and production of the final version of the Comparison Report taking into account all comments received. Feedback from code developers was vigorously encouraged, and valuable information was gained from them. B.1 Preparation The main task of this work package was to issue the specification report for the ISP 46. An initial draft version was distributed to the partners and discussed at the Preliminary Workshop in November 2001. B.2 Intermediate Comparison Workshop During the Intermediate Comparison Workshop, in October 2002, the participants presented their contributions and the coordinators gave their first impressions, at this stage a plan for the detailed analysis was agreed and a schedule arranged for revised contributions as needed. B.3 Comparison and Assessment This phase corresponds to the detailed analysis by the co-ordinator of the results submitted by the participants. This analysis was discussed at the final comparison workshop in March 2003. An application workshop [3] was held in June2003 in order to discuss the implications of the work performed on plant studies. C. WORK PERFORMED AND RESULTS C.1 Specification Report An initial draft version of the specification report was distributed to the partners and discussed at the Preliminary Workshop in November 2001. The report covers the objectives of the exercise, indicates the timescale, summarises the Phebus facility and the test itself, indicates the boundary conditions and material data required, provides references to the available results of the experiment, details what results are to be provided by the participants, and invites participants to draw their own conclusions with regard to needed model improvements and, importantly, to accident sequence analysis in commercial power plants. Finally, concluding remarks are given. Appendices provide additional data not present in the FPT1 Final Report, recommend source terms at bundle exit (required for calculations considering the circuit only) as well as circuit exit (required for calculations considering the containment only), and a list of participants to the ISP. The areas covered by the experiment, and therefore by the Standard Problem, are fourfold: 1. Fuel degradation, hydrogen production, release of fission products, fuel, and structural materials ('bundle' part of the ISP); 2. Fission product and aerosol transport in the circuit ('circuit' part of the ISP); 3. Thermal hydraulics and aerosol physics in the containment ('containment' part of the ISP); 4. Iodine chemistry in the containment ('chemistry' part of the ISP). Participants were encouraged to perform integral calculations covering all four aspects of the exercise. However, the ISP was so organised that it was also possible for participants to calculate any of the above phases in a stand-alone manner, using detailed-level mechanistic codes that treat for example core degradation or containment thermal hydraulics and aerosol physics on their own. To the latter end, recommendations were made regarding the noding to be used in the analysis, for two cases; a base case with discretisations similar to those that could be used in a reactor study, and for an optional, more detailed, 'best estimate' case more typical of those used in experimental interpretation. A number of participants have been able to perform two sets of calculations for each code they chose to employ, so the effect of fineness of noding could be examined. The submission for each code (not limited to one per organisation) could consist of a base case and a best-estimate case for each of which numerical data would be provided, accompanied by such sensitivity studies to illuminate the results as the participant thinks fit. However the first set of calculations was deemed more important The sources of information for the ISP were, in descending order of priority: the Specification Report; the FPT1 Final Report; the FPT1 Data Book. In addition, detailed data were provided in numerical form in supplementary files in electronic form, for example source term data and experimental measurements such as temperatures in the circuit which are not all provided in the Final Report. C.2 Intermediate Comparison Workshop The period for calculations lasted six months, during this period a supplementary Workshop was held to clarify points arising. The Comparison Workshop was held about one year after the start of the project, with participants having had the opportunity to submit revised calculations in the meantime. The ISP was well supported, with participation from 33 institutes, companies etc. in 23 countries and international organisations. The latter comprised EC-JRC, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic. France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK and USA. The participating organisations included utilities, regulators and their technical support organisations, research institutes and private engineering consultancy companies, thus providing a good range of backgrounds to the technical work. Fifteen different codes were used: ASTEC, ATHLET-CD, COCOSYS, CONTAIN, ECART, FEAST, IMPACT/SAMPSON, ICARE/CATHARE, IMPAIR, INSPECT, MAAP4, MELCOR, SCDAP/RELAP5, SCDAPSIM and SOPHAEROS, of these 4 are integral codes (ASTEC, IMPACT/SAMPSON, MAAP4 and MELCOR). For the base case, 47 calculations were received, with 21 for the optional best-estimate version. Of the base case calculations, 14 were integral (at least 3 phases calculated) During the Comparison Workshop, the participants have presented their results and the co-ordinators their first impressions. C.3 Comparison and Assessment C.3.1 Representation of the facility For the base case, a noding scheme was recommended in the specification report The bundle is divided into 11 axial nodes and typically 3-5 radial rings, with normally 1 or 2 thermal hydraulic flow channels. The circuit is divided into 11 nodes, this being the minimum considered necessary for an adequate calculation of deposition. The containment model is simple, with 1 node for the main volume and 1 for the sump, taking advantage of the well-mixed conditions. A typical nodding scheme is given in figure1. For best-estimate calculations, noding density was increased by typically a factor 2 or more, at the choice of the user. C.3.2 Analysis of the results The results were analysed in detail, comparing the results amongst each other and with the FPT1 data. There was considerable scatter amongst the results obtained from each code by different users, the ‘user effect’. To minimise this effect, representative cases were selected where necessary, taking into account the quality of key output variables, completeness and accuracy of the technical reports, and including code developers where possible. This analysis led to an assessment of the main models in each of the four areas considered. These are grouped below, in order of their perceived adequacy. There was on the whole little significant difference between the base and best-estimate cases, with at most a small improvement only in the results of the latter cases, so conclusions could be drawn on the basis of the former. C.3.3 Assessment of Codes and Models The following phenomena/parameters are in general well simulated by the codes: Bundle – thermal response (figure 2, given adjustment of input nuclear power and shroud thermal properties within experimental uncertainties), hydrogen production (figure 3, including oxidation of relocated melt), bundle final state material distribution (figure 4, given suitable reduction of the bulk fuel relocation temperature from the ceramic value, in the longer term a more mechanistic model is desirable), total release of volatile fission products (figure 5); Circuit – total retention of fission products and structural materials (figure 6, but after cancellation of errors); Containment – thermal hydraulic behaviour (as exemplified by average gas temperature, pressure, relative humidity and condensation rate), depletion rates (figure 7); Chemistry – models of the Ag/I reaction in the liquid phase are adequate for FPT1 (this cannot be extended to other cases where the Ag is not so much in excess with respect to I; due to the large excess of silver, in the experiment, radiolytic production of gaseous iodine and dissociation of silver iodide did not play an important role in the overall iodine behaviour). The following phenomena/parameters were reasonably well simulated, but some modelling improvement is desirable: Bundle – outlet coolant temperatures (overprediction), time dependence of volatile FP release (figure 5, generally too fast a release at low temperatures, e.g. for CORSOR-type approaches); Circuit – distribution of deposition in the circuit (underestimation in the upper plenum where vapour condensation and thermophoresis are the dominant mechanisms, overestimation in the steam generator hot leg where the mechanisms are thermophoresis for all elements + vapour condensation for I and Cd), noting that too coarse a noding leads to underestimation of deposition; Containment – relative importance of the two main depletion processes (diffusiophoresis and gravitational settling), but it is hard to make firm conclusions owing to the variability in the results; Chemistry – no items identified. The following phenomena/parameters were not well simulated and substantial model development is necessary: Bundle – release of medium and low volatiles (e.g. tendency to calculate low for Mo –figure 8, very high for Ba, reasonable order of magnitude for Ru and U but considerable scatter), and of structural materials (Ag/In/Cd, figure 9, from the control rod where the basic process of evaporation from a molten AIC pool is not captured, tin from the Zircaloy cladding); Circuit – iodine speciation and physical form; Containment – no items identified; Chemistry – gas phase reactions (figure 10), organic iodine reactions (figure 11), including production and destruction through radiolytic processes (definition of optimum parameters for the modelling codes such as adsorption velocity and desorption rate on/from painted surfaces, and the facility to input the gaseous iodine fraction at containment entrance, are recommended). The good prediction of hydrogen production, generally near the upper bound of the experimental uncertainty range, (+10%), is an important safety-relevant conclusion. The good prediction of the bundle material distribution in the final states requires a suitable reduction of the bulk fuel relocation temperature from the ceramic value. Implications, in the short term and, in the longer term, the need for a more mechanistic model will be discussed later on as integral aspects. Although the structural materials do not themselves have radiological significance, they potentially react with fission products, and their source terms are therefore needed for accurate calculation of chemistry and transport in the circuit. A particular need is to saturate the iodine reaction. The semi-volatile fission products are also of importance, either because of their radio-toxicity and influence on the residual power, or by their propensity to react with other fission products. The structural materials also form the bulk of the aerosol mass, affecting the aerosol concentration and the agglomeration processes. Concerning the circuit, the overestimation of bundle outlet temperature cannot fully explain the upper plenum results; its main effect is to displace the zone where vapours nucleate. For some elements, part of the discrepancy in the deposition pattern is due to the wrong prediction of the chemical form, and thus of its volatility; Cs is generally calculated as a vapour at 700°C, whereas it was condensed in the experiment. However, this is also not enough to explain the underestimation in the upper plenum and overestimation in the steam generator rising line. Finding explanations is presently part of the work performed in the frame of the interpretation of Phebus-FP tests. Care is needed in extrapolating the rather good results for the containment directly to the reactor case, as the Phebus containment thermal hydraulics are relatively simple, and the role of gravitational settling is overscaled, with a shorter residence time of aerosols in the atmosphere and probably less effect of agglomeration than for real plant. Concerning the chemistry, the reaction of iodine with silver, forming non-soluble silver iodide, dominates the phenomenology in the liquid phase. In the FPT1 conditions with a large excess of silver, the models behave sufficiently well, provided enough silver is injected into the sump water. Gas phase chemistry is dominated by early injection of gaseous iodine from the primary circuit, that will be discussed later on as an integral aspect, and by inorganic iodine adsorption on the atmospheric paints followed by organic desorption, together with destruction mechanisms. The results were particularly contrasted, with a large scatter on the total gaseous iodine concentration, and a fraction of organic iodine ranging from less than 10% to nearly 100%. Overall, they range from unreliable to very good (after tuning). C.3.4 Computing Assessment Key output variables for code assessment, such as those requested in the ISP, were not always accessible to the user; these should be available as standard code output. Graphics dumps to enable post-processing of results should be a standard feature to aid in code assessment, to aid in detailed analysis. Computer (CPU) time and timestep information should be available for plotting, to help optimise code use, while temporal (timestep) and spatial (noding) convergence studies should always be performed. Platform dependence (both concerning computer hardware, and sensitivity to compiler options) should be eliminated as far as possible. C.3.5 Integral Aspects This part considered the results with respect to the ‘key signatures’ of plant sequence calculations, namely the core final state (relevant to in-vessel retention) and the fission product source term. Good agreement for the bundle final state could be obtained with suitable reduction of bulk fuel relocation temperature, but this is unlikely to be representative for similar tests such as Phebus FPT2 and PBF SFD1.4 which show evidence for a higher temperature. Therefore, default values should not be reduced on the evidence of FPT1 alone, and similar studies on other experiments such as these are encouraged. In the longer term, a more mechanistic treatment of bulk fuel relocation is desirable, and it seems unlikely that a simple temperature criterion will suffice. More detailed model development, possibly needing new separate-effects data, is therefore indicated, as the mechanisms involved are not clear (effect of irradiated fuel, presence of Fe in the melt … ). In the meantime, plant studies need sensitivity calculations on relocation temperature with the modelling in its current state. Further studies are recommended on control rod failure (influence of control rod materials) and the fuel rod oxide shell breach criterion (first movement of U/Zr/O melt). A general integral point for the bundle is the need to take into more account the interaction between bundle state and fission product/structural material release, especially for the latter. Concerning the source term, the accuracy of containment calculations in integral treatments is sensitive, often highly, to results of previous stages (propagation of uncertainties). Key features are the calculation of FP release from the bundle, and of the structural materials Ag, In, Cd and Sn (the kinetics of release of these and of FPs are as important as the final amounts); the temperatures at the entrance to the circuit, which strongly influence the deposition pattern; while for those codes which calculate the chemistry, the speciation is influenced by the calculated release. The release of structural materials was often undercalculated or not calculated at all, leading to undercalculation of total mass of aerosols, but this had only a weak impact on overall retention in the reactor coolant system (RCS) and depletion in the containment. Iodine speciation and physical form in the circuit was poorly predicted - no code reproduced the observed gaseous iodine fraction in the RCS. Given these limitations, it is hard for an integral calculation to predict well the containment chemistry, however detailed the modelling for its phenomena – the uncertainty on iodine release from fuel, aerosol transport in the RCS and behaviour in containment is overwhelmed by uncertainties in chemistry. This has implications on conduct of plant assessments, for example it may be better for the chemistry calculations to be carried out in a stand-alone manner, using a range of sensitivity studies, rather than as part of an integral calculation. Finally, in determining the priorities for code improvement, attention should be paid to finding the weakest link(s) in the chain of calculation which contribute most to uncertainty in the assessment of risk - a ‘cost-benefit’ approach - is it a model itself or the input to it? C.3.6 Implications for Plant Studies A strong user effect is visible in ISP-46, as in previous ones, therefore the user effect in plant studies cannot be ruled out. A major objective must be to limit its consequences on the quality of the study. It is recommended that this could be achieved by: checking that previous training has been efficient; using adequate procedures are used for controlling the results and peer reviewing, involving experienced specialists in the field; and by checking that enough support is provided by developers when necessary. The quality of the models must also be taken into account. A number of necessary improvements in codes and models have been identified above, the main ones being: a better estimation of structural material release, especially for control rod elements and tin from Zircaloy cladding, and of semi/low-volatile release; the possibility to take into account the presence of gaseous iodine in the RCS; and the definition of optimum parameters for iodine chemistry codes. As not all the necessary improvements can be achieved in a short term, users have to be well aware of the validation status of codes and must take into account their limitations when performing plant studies. Severe accident codes are difficult to handle, and their validation is not complete. They should not be used as “black boxes”, i.e. their results have to be interpreted, according to the goal of the study for which they are used. Extensive training of new users should be mandatory, and efficient quality assurance procedures for reactor studies have to be used, involving review of the results by experienced experts not directly involved in the work. Finally, users should not trust automatically the results of their calculation, but make a critical analysis! Do the results seem consistent and reasonable (“reality check”)? CONCLUSION This integral ISP has enjoyed a wide and varied participation, with almost fifty submissions. There was strong support for the bundle and circuit phases, moderate for the containment aerosol phase, and least for the containment chemistry phase. Follow-on studies may be proposed to continue the exercise, focussing on areas where the greatest uncertainties remain. Recommendations have been made on model development needs, which have been agreed after discussions with the development teams of the major integral codes, and progress is already being made in addressing some of the issues raised. Various implications for plant studies have been identified, and the need for user experience and training is emphasised [3]. Effective review procedures for reports are seen as essential in ensuring the quality of such applications 1. Conclusions about the strengths and weaknesses of models and calculation codes have been extensively discussed during the final workshop and agreed upon. Recommendations have also been made by the co-ordinators and the code developers about the desirable improvements to codes and models. The discussion at the application workshop was more focussed on the recommendations for optimum use of the codes in their present state, as not all the planned improvements will be available in the near future. The conclusions from the discussion are presented below. 2. Concerning the fuel degradation and the hydrogen release, the results are generally good. The remaining weak point is that the early fuel relocation during the heat-up phase (late phase) can only be reproduced by adjusting bulk fuel relocation temperature to a suitable value. It was recognised that it is unlikely that such a temperature would be valid for all the plant applications and situations. It was agreed that the only solution was to proceed to sensitivity calculations, in order to appreciate the effects. From the existing knowledge, a range of bulk fuel relocation temperatures should be defined. 3. Concerning the releases from the core, the main difficulties are encountered for semi-volatile fission products and structural material behaviour. It is hoped that modelling improvements can be achieved in a reasonable timeframe for some of the elements. In the meantime, the observed overestimation or underestimation should be taken into account in the interpretation of the results. They should be provided as a band more than as a precise value. 4. Concerning iodine chemistry, sensitivity studies should be performed as an usual good practise. In addition, an important lesson from the integral ISP-46 is that iodine calculations may suffer from propagation of errors coming from other modules in integral calculations, as iodine chemistry in the containment is at the end of the calculation chain. It was recommended to complement integral calculations by iodine chemistry stand-alone calculations, as necessary. These calculations should use boundary conditions, such as the silver amount or gaseous iodine from the RCS, differing from the ones calculated by integral codes. More generally speaking, awareness of the codes' strengths and weaknesses is essential in interpreting their results and defining and running the necessary sensitivity and additional calculations. Guidance should be provided by the code developers by indicating, for instance, a range of variation for uncertain parameters, as well as bestestimate values REFERENCES [1] . M. Schwarz, B. Clement A.V. Jones: Applicability of Phebus FP results to severe accident safety evaluations and management measures, Nuclear Engineering and Design 209 (2001) 173–181 [2] Haste, T. et al., “Specification of International Standard Problem ISP-46 (Phebus FPT1)”, IRSN Note Technique SEMAR 02/05, 2002 and 03/05, 2003. [3] B. Clément, T. Haste, "Thematic Network for a Phebus FPT-1 International Standard Problem - Minutes of the Application Workshop", CR SEMAR 2003/037, 2003 FIGURES +5.000 40010 +1.7015 35401 35402 +1.215 11 356 353 10 35602 40008 +0.682 +1.0915 356 12 353 40009 +1.7015 354 11 354 +1.5905 35301 +1.295 35601 357 35701 40006 +0.147 35201 352 352 -1.2965 35101 -0.240 357 9 -1.205 12 358 358 351 -1.440 12 351 8 359 365 -3.5155 25004 CV300 -3.605 CV250 25002 6 -3.5445 250 25003 5 30001 -3.50955 -2.2825 305 CV303 301 6 -3.55045 30301 30302 CV305 303 -3.545 30303 30502 20302 20301 -5.880 CV203 4 -2.419 36502 G -2.624 40011 -6.8735 -6.905 CV201 CVnnn x 3 150 15015 15014 15013 15012 15011 15010 15009 15008 15007 15006 15005 15004 15003 15002 nnnnn CV150 2 -6.987 -7.037 -7.137 -7.237 -7.337 -7.437 -7.537 -7.637 -7.737 -7.837 -7.937 -7.987 -8.041 R2 100R1 CV100 -8.161 1 nnn +x.xxxx Control Volume No.nnn, CVTYPE x Heat Structure No.nnnnn Flow Path No.nnn Altitude in [m] -3.157 40003 40002 -6.773 10002 36501 201 -6.705 20105 20104 20103 20102 20101 CV365 360 30501 C 203 -2.413 36503 14 36002 25001 -5.806 -2.389 CV360 7 -2.154 -2.154 13 -3.515 15 CV400 -2.378 -3.515 20 600 40004 35901 35902 36001359 -2.740 CV600 35801 -3.605 -3.755 40001 60001 COR Component: Fuel + Cladding COR Component: Top & Bottom Ends of Fuel Rod COR Component: SS Structures (Spacer Grids, Core Support Plate) COR Component: NS Structures (Control Rod Cladding & Guide Tube, Stiffeners) COR Component: NS Structures (Control Rod Poison) PHEBUS FPT-1 Nodalization Prepared by UJV Řež for ISP-46 MELCOR 1.8.5 dsp fpt-1v12.mg5 July 2, 2002 -8.361 10001 Figure 1: Typical nodding scheme for a MELCOR calculation Figure 2 : Calculated and measured fuel Figure 3 : Calculated and measured temperature (measurement in bold dashed hydrogen production (measurement in line) bold dashed line) -4.500 -5.000 Figure 4 : Calculated and measured axial Figure 5: Calculated and measured release material distribution (measurement in of iodine (measurement in black bold black) dashed) 0.70 Cesium fractional retention 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 ea n 1 m ST 1 K A SI 2 1 N R PS 1 N P2 K I1 1 EN 1 U M U P2 D 2 G U S1 C S1 ex pe rim en t 0.00 Figure 6 : calculated and measured cesium retention in the circuit for different users of the same code (experiment on the left, mean calculated value on the right) Figure 7 : Calculated and measured aerosol depletion rate in the containment (bestestimate calculations) Figure 8 : calculated and measured release Figure 9 : calculated and measured release of molybdenum (fission product) of silver (control rod material) ( m o le s ) a tm o s p h e re in io d in e a m o u n t o f g a s e o u s 1 .E -0 4 1 .E -0 5 1 .E -0 6 A E 1 IT O T E C 3 IT O T E C 3 B E IT O T E F 1 IT O T N P 1 IT O T IP 3 IT O T I2 + O I E X P 1 .E -0 7 1 .E -0 8 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 350000 tim e (s ) Figure 10: Calculated and measured total gaseous iodine concentration in the containment’s atmosphere (measurement: red squares) 1 0.9 fraction of organic iodine 0.8 0.7 AE1 AMOIATM/ITOT EC3 OI/ITOT EC3 BE OI/ITOT EF1 OI/ITOT NP1 OI/ITOT IP3 OI/ITOT OI/ITOT EXP GR4 OI/ITOT GR3 OI/ITOT 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 350000 time (s) Figure 11: calculated and measured organic iodine fraction in the containment’s atmosphere (measurement: red squares)