At the occasion of the year of Agriculture, the African Union Commission solicits articles for
publication in Ecologue Vols. 3 and 4.
Ecologue is a publication of the Rural Economy and Agriculture Department (DREA),
Division of Environment, Climate Change, Water and Land Management of the African
Union Commission produced in commemoration of the 50th year anniversary of OAU/AU.
It is a platform for the African research and policy community to express their ideas,
experiences and research work on issues of environment ranging from climate change,
forest, biodiversity, desertification and land degradation, disaster risk reduction and
sustainable development.
At the occasion of the year of Agriculture, the department of Rural Economy and
Agriculture of African Union Commission solicit your contribution to celebrate this event.
The articles should be between 15 – 20 pages maximum in English or French. Successful
papers will be published in Ecologue Vols. 3 and 4 and submitted before 15 April 2014.
Authors are invited to address Agriculture and its implications on the environment,
considering, for instance, the impact of climate change on agriculture and vice versa, and
the consequences of agriculture activities on water pollution, air pollution, seed
registration, genetically modified organisms, biodiversity, genetic erosion,
conservation, human health, desertification, coral reefs, mangroves, and so on.
Authors are encouraged to bring in new perspectives, regional experiences and best
practices, and propose solutions to the various challenges relatives agriculture to
All proposed articles should submit in English or French and be published in their original
language. The submission of a manuscript implies that the paper has not been submitted to
or published in any other journal, in the same or similar form. Manuscripts previously
published in a workshop, symposium, or conference can be submitted for consideration
provided that the authors inform the editor at the time of submission.
A manuscript must include an abstract that summarizes the most important results
(maximum 1000 characters with spaces). Authors are encouraged to provide 7 or 8
keywords that best define their articles.
The maximum length of the submitted articles is 20 pages with spaces excluding endnotes
and references. All manuscripts should contain an introduction and a conclusion. The
manuscripts can be structured by subtitles in maximum two different levels.
The preferred formats are Microsoft Word (.doc, .rtf) and the text should be single-spaced
and use a Times New Roman 12-point font. It is encouraged to use italics rather than
underlining (except with URL addresses).
All figures and tables should be cited in the text and numbered consecutively with Arabic
numerals. They should be placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at
the end. A title and legend explaining any abbreviation used should be provided for each
figure and table.
The use of footnotes is discouraged. Instead, they should be incorporated into the text. The
authors are encouraged to highlight key phrases in their manuscripts. These can be used by
the editor as ‘’call outs’’ in the final layout.
Authors should provide their full name, affiliation, organization as well as electronic mail
address. All references should be cited parenthetically in the text by author and year, e.g.
(FAO, 2007). An alphabetical bibliography at the end of the article is to be provided.
Full bibliographical details should be given so that readers can easily find the sources they
want to consult. The list of references should only include works that are cited in the text
and that have been published or accepted for publication.
Example of reference for books: the author(s). year of publication. full title of book.
editor/publisher, place of publication. number of pages of the book. (FAO. 2007. Good
governance in land tenure and administration. FAO Land Tenure Studies No.9, Rome. 57p.)
Example of reference for articles: the author(s). year of publication. full title of article. full
title of journal, volume and issue number of journal. page numbers of the article.
(FAO. 2007. Sample Article. Land Reform, Land Settlement and Co-operatives, no. 1, p. 2130.)
Submission of articles
Should you be interested in contributing an article to the thematic issue, please send it
before 15 April 2014 to: /