UNIVERSITY OF GOTHENBURG Conservation 2010-03-17 1 (3) Industrial heritage: use and re-use, 7,5 credits Course on advanced level Reading list To be subject for yearly revision ___________________________________________________________________________ The Nizhny Tagil Charter for the Industrial Heritage. The International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage (TICCIH), July, 2003. INDUSTRIALIZATION: THE SWEDISH CASE Industrialismens tid. Ekonomisk-historiska perspektiv på svensk industriell omvandling under 200 år. Red.: Maths Isacson & Mats Morell. Stockholm: SNS Förlag, 2002. ISBN 9171508716 Isacsson, Maths (2007). Industrisamhället Sverige: arbete, idela och kulturarv. Lund: Studentlitteratur. ISBN 9144045360 Further reading: Industrialization Cameron, Rondo (2002). A Concise Economic History of the World. From Paleolithic Times to the Present. USA: OUP. ISBN 0195127056 (To be completed when necessary [by student] with relevant corresponding literature on other countries industrial development) IDENTIFYING AND RECORDING INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE Palmer, Marilyn and Peter Neaverson. (1998) Industrial Archaeology. Principles and Practice. Routledge. ISBN 0-203-02299-8 Perspectives in industrial archaeology. (2000) Edited by Neil Cossons. London: Science museum. ISBN 1-900747-31-6 Further reading; Identifying and recording industrial heritage Managing the industrial heritage. Its identification, recording and management. Proceedings of a seminar held at Leicester University in July 1994 / edited by Marilyn Palmer and Peter Neaverson. Leicester Archaeology Monographs ; 2 Leicester : School of Archaeological Studies, University of Leicester. Stratton Michael and Barrie Trinder (2000) Twentieth century industrial archaeology. London: E & FN Spon. ISBN 0-419-24680-0 The Blackwell encyclopedia of industrial archaeology. (1992) Edited by Barrie Trinder. Oxford: Blackwell. ISBN 0-631-14216-9 UNIVERSITY OF GOTHENBURG Conservation 2010-03-17 2 (3) INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE IN CONTEMPORARY SOCIETAL CONTEXT Edensor, Tim (2005) Industrial ruins. Spaces, aesthetics, and materiality. Oxford: Berg. ISBN 1-84520-076-4 Industrial archaeology. Future directions (2005) Edited by Eleanor Conlin Casella, James Symonds. Boston, MA: Springer Science + Business Media, Inc. ISBN 978-0-387-22608-8 Industrial heritage as a force in a democratic society. (2001) Conference May 2001. Edited by Helena Westin. Stockholm: National Heritage Board. ISBN 91-7209-222-X Industrihistoriska kulturarv i regional utveckling – sociala och ekonomiska aspekter. Konferens för kunskapsutveckling och nätverksbygge. Rapport från Riksantikvarieämbetet 2007:4. Stockholm: Riksantikvarieämbetet. ISBN 978-91-7209-468-0 Storm, Anna (2008) Hope and rust. Reinterpreting the industrial place in the late 20th century. Stockholm: Division of History of Science and Technology, Royal Institute of Technology, KTH. ISBN 978-91-7178-855-9 William, Robert (2008) Industrial cool. Om postindustriella fabriker. Lund: Humanistiska fakulteten, Lunds universitet. ISBN 978-91-976434-1-2 Further reading: Industrial heritage in contemporary societal context EHHF (2009) Statement on the heritage stimulus in a time of economic recession. European Heritage Heads Forum (PDF) Greffe, Xavier (2004) “Is heritage an asset or a liability?” In: Journal of Cultural Heritage 5:2004 (PDF Industrial buildings. Conservation and regeneration (2000) Edited by Michael Stratton. London: E & FN Spon. ISBN 0-419-23630-9 Kennedy, Neil and Nigel Kingcome (1998) “Disneyfication of Cornwall – developing a poldark heritage complex”. In: International Journal of Heritage Studies, 4:1. Palmer, Marilyn and Peter Neaverson, eds. (2001) From industrial revolution to consumer revolution. International perspectives on the archaeology of industrialisation. The International Committee for the conservation of the industrial heritage (TICCIH), Millenium congress, London, 2000. London: Association for Industrial Archaeology. ISBN 1-90265363-7 Schiffer S. T. R. (2005) Revitalizing obsolete inner industrial areas as an alternative to peripheral urban growth. City & Time 1 (3): 4. [online] HERITAGE Ashworth, Gregory, Brian Graham, John Tunbridge (2007) Pluralising Pasts. Heritage, identity and place in multicultural societies. Pluto Press UNIVERSITY OF GOTHENBURG Conservation 2010-03-17 3 (3) The construction of built heritage. A North European perspective on policies, practices and outcomes. Edited by Angela Phelps, Greg Ashworth, Bengt O. H. Johansson. Aldershot: Ashgate 2002. ISBN 0-7546-1846-3 Further reading: Heritage Graham, Brian, Greg Ashworth, John Tunbridge (2000) Geography of heritage. Power, culture and economy. Hodder Education. Jörnmark, Jan (2008) Övergivna platser. 2. Lund: Historiska media. ISBN 978-91-85873-36-4 EXAMPLES TICCIH National reports 2009. National Reports on Industrial Heritage – the Current Situation Worldwide. Freiberg: Sächsisches Industrimuseum & IWTG/TU Bergakademie Freiberg. ISBN 9783934512207 Internationale Bauausstellung Fürst-Pückler-Land. The Ironbridge Gorge Museum. Schreckenbach, Claudia & Christel Teschner (u.å.). IBA Emscher Park – a beacon approach, dealing with shrinking cities in Germany. The New York high line. Gunkanjima. Memorial for the victims of the Bhopal gas tragedy. New Delhi: Space Matters