Syllabus STV 4344B spring06

STV 4344 – Politics in developing countries: contextual analyses in theoretical
●Responsible and main lecturer: Olle Törnquist.
●Additional lecturers: Kristian Stokke (on glocalisation) and Einar Braathen (Africa)
C. 550 pp for the general part and c. 400 pp for the area-part (on top of which students
are expected to read additional texts related to their essays)
Students are expected to buy:
1) Grugel
2) Harriss, Stokke, Törnquist (in case a decent prince can be negotiated or if a pb
edition is coming out – please contact Palgrave’s Scandinavian representative
Wilf Jones
3) Case
4) Harriss & Corbridge
5) Priyono (I shall fix special price…they can buy from me)
6) Thompson, Chapal&Daloz
In the compendium I also want some of the recommended readings in T-kvist (1999)
to be included (some students need access to more preparatory material). = Ch 5-9
and 11. pp 45-85 and 106-118
Compulsary general reading
Avritzer, L. (2002): Democracy and the Public Space in Latin America. Chapt.
2: Democratic Theory and the Formation of a Public Sphere, pp. 36- 54. (19
pp. )
Beckman, Björn (2004): Trade Unions, Institutional reform and Democracy:
Nigerian Experiences with South African and Ugandan Comparisons, in
Harriss, John et al Politicising Democracy: The New Local Politics of
Democratisation. Palgrave Macmillan. (25pp)
Beetham, David (1999): Democracy and Human Rights. Cambridge: Polity
Press.pp. 89-114. (25 pp.)
Carothers, Thomas (2004): Critical Mission: Essays on Democracy promotion,
Carnegie Endowment. (selected pages, c.30)
Chandhoke, N. (2005), ‘Seeing the State in India’, in Economic and Politicval
Weekly, Vol.XL, No 11, March 12. pp. 1033-1039. (6 pp.)
Grugel, J. (2002): Democratization: A Critical Introduction, Houndmills and
New York: Palgrave. Selected pages (125 pp).
Harriss, J.; K. Stokke & O. Törnquist (eds.) (2004): Introduction: The New
Local Politics of Democratisation, in Harriss, J.; K. Stokke & O. Törnquist
(eds.): Politicising Democracy: The New Local Politics of Democratisation.
Houndmills and New York: Palgrave. (21 pp.)
Hefner, W. R. (2000): Civil Islam: Muslims and Democratisation in Indonesia.
Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. pp x-xx, 3-20, 214-221.
Mamdani, M. (1996) : Citizen and Subject: Contemporary Africa and the
Legacy of Late Colonialism, Princeton: Princeton University Press. Ch. 1 and
Conclusion, pp. 3-34 and 285-301. (47 pp.)
Mouzelis, N., (1986): Politics in the Semi-Periphery. Basingstoke: Macmillan.
(Selected pages; c. 40)
Migdal, J. S., Kohli, A, and Shue, V. (eds) 1994): State Power and Social
Forces, Domination and Transformation in the Third World. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press. pp. 293-323. (30pp.)
Nordholt, H.S. (2004) : Decentralisation in Indonesia: Less State, More
Democracy? in Harriss, J.; K. Stokke & O. Törnquist (eds.): Politicising
Democracy: The New Local Politics of Democratisation. Houndmills and New
York: Palgrave, (18 pp.)
Sidel, J, T (2004).: Bossism and Democracy in the Philippines, Thailand and
Indonesia: Towards an Alternative Framework for the Study of ‘Local
Strongmen’’, in Harriss, J.; K. Stokke & O. Törnquist (eds.): Politicising
Democracy: The New Local Politics of Democratisation. Houndmills and New
York: Palgrave. (20 pp.)
Mohan, G. & Stokke, K. (2005) The politics of localization: From
depoliticizing development to politicizing democracy. Forthcoming in K. Cox,
J. Robison, M. Low (2006) Handbook in Political. c. 30 pp.
Stokke, K., Törnquist, O, and Sindre, S. (2005): Conflict Resolution and
Democratisation in the Aftermath of the 2004 Tsunami. A comparative Study
of Aceh and Sri Lanka. Un iversity of Oslo, Mimeo 2005. (10pp.)
Törnquist, Olle (1999): Politics and Development. A Critical Introduction.
London, Thousand Oaks, New York. Chapter 4 and 10, (20pp.)
Törnquist, Olle (2004): The Political Deficit of Substantial Democratisation, in
Harriss, J.; K. Stokke & O. Törnquist (eds.): Politicising Democracy. : Local
Politics and Democratisation in Developing Countries. (Ch. 1). Houndmills and
New York: Palgrave. (20pp.)
Törnquist, Olle (2005): Assessing Democracy from Below: The Development
of an Alternative Framework for an Indonesian Pilot Study. Mss. 2005;
Forthcoming in Democratization Vol 13:3:2006. (30 pp.)
Total c. 550 pp.
Recommended reading:
Avritzer, L.(2002): Democracy and the Public Space in Latin America.
Princeton: Princeton University Press. (additional readings)
Baiocchi, G.P. (2005): Militants and Citizens. The politics of participatory
democracy in Porto Alegre. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Grugel, J. (2002): Democratization: A Critical Introduction, Houndmills and
New York: Palgrave. (additional readings)
Harriss, J. (2001) Depoliticising Development: The World Bank and social
capital. New Dehli: LeftWord Books. Also published by Anthem South Asian
Harriss-White, B, (2003): India Working.Eassays on Society and Economy.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Khan, M.H. and Sundaram, J.K. (eds) (2000). Rents, Rent-Seeking and
Economic Development. Theory and Evidence in Asia. Cambridge.
Cambridge University Press.
Kohli, A., Evans, P., Katzenstein, P.J., Przeworksi, A., Rudolph, S.H., Scott,
J.C., and Skocpol, T. (1995): The Role of Theory in Comparative Politics: A
Symposium. World Politics, 1:48.
Migdal, J. S., Kohli, A, and Shue, V. (eds) 1994): State Power and Social
Forces, Domination and Transformation in the Third World. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press. (additional reading)
Putnam, R. (1993): Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy.
Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Rueschmeyer, D.; E. Stephens & J. Stephens: Capitalist Development and
Democracy, (1992). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Sidel, John (2001): " It takes a madrasah"? Habermas meets Bourdieu in
Indonesia: Review Article in South East Asia research, 9, 1 pp 109-122
Törnquist, Olle (1999): Politics and Development. A Critical Introduction.
London, Thousand Oaks, New York. (additional readings)
Compulsory reading for area studies:
Spring 2006: Focus on Asia and Africa. (Students select one.) Partial
accomadation may be possible for students focusing on Latin America
and the the Middle East. Contact the the course leader.
Thompson, Alex, 2000, An Introduction to African Politics. Routledge: London.
(246 pages) (reprint 2002)
Chabal, Patrick & Daloz, Jean-Pascal , 1999, Africa Works. Disorder as
political instrument. James Currey: Oxford. Pp 1-93 and 139-163 (117 pages)
Braathen, Einar & Orre, Aslak, 2001, “Can a Patrimonial Democracy Survive?
The Case of Mozambique”, Forum for Development Studies, No. 2-2001 (38
Total: c. 400 pp
Braathen, E., Bøås, M. & Sæther, G. (eds.): Ethnicity Kills? The Politics of
War, Peace and Ethnicity in Sub-Saharan Africa. Macmillan:London (pp.
Jones, P. & Stokke, K., 2005, Democratising Development. The Politics of
Socio-Economic Rights in South Africa. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers: Leiden
and Boston (pp.1- 100)
Case, W. (2002): Politics in Southeast Asia: Democracy or Less, Richmond:
Curzon. (Selected pages 150 pp).
Harriss, S. and Corbridge, S. (2000): Reinventing India:Liberalisation, Hindu
Nationalism and Popular Democracy, Oxford and Malden: Polity. (Selected
pages 150 pp. )
Priyono, Subono, Törnquist (2005). Making Democracy Meaningful.
Problems and Options in Indonesia. Jakarta: Demos. (Selected pages. 50 pp.)
Robision, Richard and Hadiz, Vedi R. ( 2004): Reorganising Power in
Indonesia: The Politics of Oligarchy in an Age of Markets, London and New
York: Routledge. (Selected pages 50 pp. )
Total: c. 400 pp
Further readings in the compulsory titles.