Print this worksheet then close this window Print this worksheet then close this window Print this worksheet then close this window Print this worksheet then close this window Print this worksheet then close this window Print this worksheet then close this window Print this worksheet then close this window Print this worksheet then close this window Quiz para identificar los tipos de textos gine?quiz=simplequiz1;templateStyle=simplequiz;pagerType=pages;pagerData=1 y un juego interactivo con la misma finalidad Print this factsheet then close this window. Rt/L1. 2 - Wt/L1. 4 Different types of text 1.What is text? Text is any piece of writing. This could be a letter, an email, a novel, a poem, a recipe, a note, instructions for D.I.Y, an article in a newspaper or magazine, writing on a webpage or an advert. All of these examples can be called texts When you are reading or writing any text think about the purpose of the text or why it has been written. 2. What might the purpose of a text be? An advert might be trying to persuade you to buy something. A letter from school might be to inform you about something. A novel might describe somewhere or someone to you. A car manual might instruct you how to do something to your car. Depending on the purpose of the text, different methods will be used to get the message across to the reader. For more specific information on some of the different types of text see the Persuasive texts, Informative texts, Instructive texts and Descriptive texts factsheets. You can find Skillswise at This factsheet is BBC Copyright Fuera de lugar Print this factsheet then close this window. Rt/L1. 2 - Wt/L1. 4 Persuasive texts A persuasive text is a text that really wants you to do something An advert might want you to buy something. You might write a letter to persuade a friend to go on holiday with you, or to try and get off a parking ticket. Persuasive texts might use: repeated words text in capital letters exclamation marks rhetorical questions (questions where no answer is needed) an emotional one-sided argument humour Examples: SPECIAL OFFER! Buy today! Would you want to miss this SPECIAL offer? Phone NOW... "I really think that you need this holiday. You have been working very hard lately and are so worn out. Just think of how nice it will be to lie on the beach in the sunshine." You can find Skillswise at This factsheet is BBC Copyright Print this factsheet then close this window. Rt/L1. 2 - Wt/L1. 4 Informative texts An informative text is a text that wants to advise or tell you about something. A newspaper article might give you information about a health issue like giving up smoking. A website might give you information about a movie, band or something that you are interested in. A handout from school might be advising you about what your child will be doing during the next term. Informative texts usually: avoid repetition contain facts give information in a clear way - introducing the subject and then developing it Examples: Make a plan to help you try and give up smoking. Plan the date you'll give up, how you'll try to deal with temptations and a list of the reasons why you are giving up to keep motivated. Autumn term: Your child will be covering simple fractions during weeks 1-6. You can find Skillswise at This factsheet is BBC Copyright Print this factsheet then close this window. Rt/L1. 2 - Wt/L1. 4 Instructive texts An instructive text is a text that instructs or tells you how to do something A recipe wants to instruct you how to cook something. A leaflet with a piece of furniture wants to tell you how to put it together or take care of it. Instructive texts: are written as though the reader is being spoken to (although the word 'you' is not usually used) language is direct and unnecessary words are left out often use 'must' and 'must not' sometimes use diagrams or pictures to help understanding Examples: Put all ingredients into bowl together. Whisk until fully mixed. Go to the end of the road and turn left past the pub on the corner. Keep walking until you come to a park and then turn right into Hawker Street. To learn more about writing instructions, look at the Skillswise Instructions module. You can find Skillswise at This factsheet is BBC Copyright Print this factsheet then close this window. Rt/L1. 2 - Wt/L1. 4 Descriptive texts A descriptive text is a text that wants you to picture what they are describing. A novel might want you to imagine the characters and see them in your mind. A travel book will want you to see the country it is describing. Descriptive texts usually: make use of adjectives and adverbs use comparisons to help picture it - something is like something employ your five senses - how it feels, smells, looks, sounds and tastes Examples: The morning air was crisp and sharp as Sean walked down the road. The pavement was slippery and cold beneath his feet like a slimy wet fish. To learn more about words to help you describe people, places and things look at the Skillswise Describing words (adjectives) module. You can find Skillswise at This factsheet is BBC Copyright Textos y ejemplos para practicar Recounts Non-Chronological Reports Instructions Explanations Newspaper Reports Persuasive Texts Discursive Arguments Biography Reading for a Purpose Click the number below of the exercise you want - you can usually start with 1 Rt/E3.2 Purpose 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Click the number below of the exercise you want - you can usually start with 1 Rt/L1.2 Level 1 Purpose 1 2 'Paragraphs' factsheets Factsheet 1 Factsheet 2 Working towards paragraphs Factsheet 1 Factsheet 4 Factsheet 3 Linking paragraphs Factsheet 3 Getting started Factsheet 2 Factsheet 5 Paragraph headings Factsheet 4 Factsheet 7 Factsheet 6 Writing an introductory leaflet for a yoga course Factsheet 5 The topic of a paragraph Factsheet 6 Factsheet 8 More detailed information on the paragraph Factsheet 7 More ideas about developing the body of the paragraph Factsheet 8 'Paragraphs' worksheets Worksheet 1 Find the topic sentence Worksheet 1 Answers 1 Worksheet 4 Write a postcard Worksheet Worksheet 2 Use the topic sentence Worksheet 2 Worksheet 5 Genre writing Worksheet Worksheet 3 Write a description Cake template Blank template Worksheet 6 Linking words Worksheet 4 5 Blank template 6 Answers 6 To print a worksheet click on the worksheet link. The worksheet will appear in a new window. About the BBC | Help | Terms of Use | Privacy & Cookies Policy 'Paragraphs' games In the Paragraph games, you can practise building a paragraph by putting pictures and sentences in the right order. In the Skillswise reporter game, try your hand at writing news, entertainment or sports stories. Why not send one in to 'Your stories'? You could even create your own newspaper! Write a paragraph - Cricket. Write a paragraph - Road accident. Skillswise reporter 'Planning your writing' factsheets Factsheet 1 What is planning? Factsheet 1 Factsheet 4 W - Who is your audience? Factsheet Factsheet 2 W - What is the purpose of your writing? Factsheet 2 Factsheet 5 How do I plan my writing? Factsheet Factsheet 3 W - What is the context of your writing? Factsheet 3 Factsheet 6 Diagram example 1: spider map 4 5 Factsheet 7 Factsheet 8 Diagram example 2: flow chart Factsheet 7 Factsheet 10 Factsheet 9 List example 1: bulleted lists Factsheet 8 Factsheet 11 Writing frame example Factsheet 10 Factsheet 13 Factsheet 6 List example 2: sticky notes Factsheet 9 Factsheet 12 Writing drafts Factsheet 11 Factsheet 14 Draft example: letter draft 2 Factsheet 13 Draft example: letter draft 1 Factsheet 12 Factsheet 15 Draft example: letter draft 3 Factsheet 14 Planning and writing an email Factsheet 15 To print a factsheet click on the factsheet link. The factsheet will appear in a new window. Worksheet 1 Bulleted lists Example Template Worksheet 4 Sticky notes Worksheet 2 Spider diagrams Example 1 Example 2 Template Worksheet 5 Writing frames Worksheet 3 Flow charts Example Template Worksheet 6 Vertical chart Example Worksheet 7 Letter Recipe Party invitation Worksheet 8 Email Explanation Example Template Explanation Example Worksheet 9 What to write about? Jobs and home Work and college Your stories Explanation and ideas Entry form To print a worksheet click on the worksheet link. The worksheet will appear in a new window. 'Planning your writing' game Go on a trip of a lifetime! Listen to the audio, choose a method to plan your travel diary and get writing! Your stories A selection of your writing July 2007 Where I live Do you live in a city or by the sea? Please continu e to send us your 'Where I live' stories as we will feature one every month. Dorota Eva goes trekking through the describes her Scottish countryside holiday in Paris Send us your story. Everything in 'Your stories' is written by you. Find out how to send us your story. 'Your stories' tracker Keep track of all the stories you've read with a printable reading record. Lots more stories 'Your stories' is published every month. Stories from 2007 Stories from 2006 Stories from 2005 Stories from 2004 Stories from 2003 'Format and structure' factsheets Factsheet 1 Bulleted and numbered points Factsheet 1 Factsheet 4 Memos and emails Factsheet 4 Factsheet 2 Paragraphs and charts Factsheet 2 Factsheet 5 Images Factsheet 5 Factsheet 3 Flow charts Factsheet 3 Factsheet 6 Tables and preset formats Factsheet 6 To print a factsheet click on the factsheet link. The factsheet will appear in a new window. 'Format and Structure' worksheets Worksheet 1 Suiting the purpose Worksheet 1 Answers 1 Worksheet 4 Completing an accident report form Worksheet 4 Worksheet 2 Creating a flow chart Worksheet 2 Template Answers 2 Worksheet 5 Presenting information in the form of a table Worksheet Worksheet 3 Using images Worksheet 3 Answers 3 Worksheet 6 Writing a memo Worksheet 6 Answers 6 Blank report form Answers 4 5 Information sheet Answers 5 Worksheet 7 Creating a staff rota Worksheet 7 Information sheet Answers 7 To print a worksheet click on the worksheet link. The worksheet will appear in a new window. About the BBC | Help | Terms of Use | Privacy & Cookies Policy 'Format and structure' quiz Have a go at deciding which formats and structures are best suited for different types of writing. Level A Not sure? Start here. Level B Level C Feeling confident? Superstar material? Try this. Try this. TIP! Make sure you answer every question. Don't be afraid - just have a go! If you'd like to know more about ........ first, try the factsheet. Página general mprove your English and maths with Skillswise Factsheets, worksheets, quizzes and games to help improve your skills. Format and structure Change Game Words Numbers Grammar Spelling Reading Listening Writing Vocabulary Your stories This month, Eva goes trekking throught the Scottish countryside. Tutor Centre BBC Learnin g sign- Games page up Order Skillswise material here. Order FREE posters and leaflets, receive campaign Skillswise materials A-Z Lesson plans Tracking sheets Workpl ace Surviva l kit We have over 50 games. So try a new game every week! Whole numbers Measures, shape and space Fractions, % and decimals Handling data What is Skillswise? Newsletter signup Messageboard RaW Have fun getting back into reading and writing with RaW. Wherever you work, whatever you Webwise do, we've got the tools to help you in your workplace! updates and get listed on BBC helplines. Are you new to the internet? 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