State University System of Florida Hinkley Center for Solid and Hazardous Waste Management PROGRESS REPORT 2 June 2nd 2008 TITLE: Performance Based Decision System for Determining Post Closure Care (PCC) Period in Florida Landfills COMPLETION DATE: Dec. 1st 2008 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS: Berrin Tansel, Ph.D., P.E., Florida International University Debra R. Reinhart, Ph.D., P.E., University of Central Florida During the second quarter of year 2 of this project, the following activities have been performed: 1. Two landfills in South Florida have been selected for case study and analyzed. 2. FRAMES/MEPAS risk analysis software program was chosen for landfill risk assessment. 3. FRAMES/MEPAS risk assessment model (Source in Aquifer module ) was used to landfill Groundwater risk assessment. 4. Checklist for Municipal Solid Waste Landfill is being prepared. 5. Southwest Landfill Alachua County: Gas Module for Performance Based Post Closure Care period determination was initiated. Gas quality and quantity data were acquired from JEA and processed. 6. Risk analysis software information was collected. Planned activities for the rest of the second year: Improving checklist questions for Municipal Solid Waste Landfill FRAMES/MEPAS model implementation to landfill soil, vadose zone, surface water, and air Completion of Southwest Landfill analysis Writing the final report, Twice a month project update teleconference with UCF, Second TAG meeting organization in September. SCHEDULE TITLE: Performance Based Decision System for Determining Post Closure Care (PCC) Period in Florida Landfills COMPLETION DATE: Dec. 1st 2008 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS: Berrin Tansel, Ph.D., P.E., Florida International University Debra R. Reinhart, Ph.D., P.E., University of Central Florida Months June July August September October November December Planned Activities Implementation of FRAMES /MEPAS to landfill soil, vadose zone First draft of Final Report Cap module - UCF Twice a month project update teleconference with UCF Implementation of FRAMES /MEPAS to landfill surface water and air Continue improving final report Cap module - UCF Twice a month project update teleconference with UCF UCF input request Writing Methodologies of Report Writing Case Study Landfills Information Davie Landfill Alachua Landfill Twice a month project update teleconference with UCF Second TAG meeting Writing ARAM/FRAMES model Writing Decision Matrix methodology Twice a month project update teleconference with UCF Incorporate feedback from TAG Continue finalizing report Twice a month project update teleconference with UCF Final Report Draft Review Twice a month project update teleconference with UCF Submission of Final Report Twice a month project update teleconference with UCF A draft of checklist questions is being prepared for characterizing a landfill in the following areas: 1. General 2. Climate 3. Liner 4. Soil 5. Leachate 6. Cover Design 7. Groundwater 8. Gas Collection 9. Surface Water 10. End Use 11. Receptors Check List for Municipal Solid Waste Landfill 1) General Questions 1.1 What is the name of landfill? 1.2 What is the physical address of landfill? 1.3 When did the landfill become operational? 1.4 When was the landfill closed? 1.5 What is the total area of landfill? 1.6 What is the total fill area? (Small, Medium, Large) 1.7 What is the total waste capacity? (tones , m3) 1.8 What is the classification of the landfill? (* Class I-V) 1.9 What are the fill materials? (Municipal, hard fill, industrial) 1.10 What is the fill composition of the materials listed in 1.8? 2) Climate 2.1 What is the climate type in the landfill region? (arid, tropical etc.,) 2.2 What is the average monthly temperature? 2.3 What is the average monthly precipitation? 2.4 What is the average monthly evapotranspiration? 2.5 What is the predominant wind direction? 2.6 What is the range of wind speeds? 2.7 What is the average monthly cloudy day fraction? 2.8 What is the average monthly Min humidity %? 2.9 What is the average monthly Max humidity %? 2.10 Has there been any hurricane activity impacting the landfill? (if yes when and what happened (Impact on landfill structure, impact on monitoring program)? 3) Liner 3.1 Does the landfill have a liner? (Fully lined/ partially lined/ no liner) (If yes continue/ if no go to question 4) 3.2 What type of liner is in place? (Single / Composite / Double “define each layer and its thickness”) 3.3 What kind of liner/liners materials are in place ( Clay, Geosynthetics, Geonets etc.,)? 3.4 What is the thickness of liner/liners? 4) Subsoil 4.1 What is the subsoil type? (Sand, loam, silt, clay) 4.2 What is the depth to aquifer? (0-2 ft)(2-5ft)(5-10ft)(15-20ft)(20-25ft) 4.3 What is the bulk density of soil? 4.4 What is the total porosity of soil? 4.5 What is the moisture content of soil? 4.6 What is the field capacity of the soil? 4.7 What is the hydraulic conductivity of the soil? 4.8 What is the Dry bulk density of the soil? 4.9 Is the subsoil contaminated (if yes cont./if no go to 5)? 4.10 What are the contaminants in the subsoil (list the names and their respective values)? 4.11 What is the thickness of clean overburden (the depth of the clean subsoil below the contamination)? 5) Leachate 5.1 Is there any leachate collection system (If yes continue / if no go to 5.10)? 5.2 Is there any leachate monitoring system? 5.3 What is the leachate quantity? For lined landfills (Monthly/ Annually) (small, medium large) 5.4 What kind of monitoring data are available for the landfill? (Quality / quantity data) 5.5 What is the frequency of sample collection? 5.6 Which constituents were detected in leachate? 5.7 For how long has is the landfill been monitored? (0-2 yrs)(2-5 yrs)(5-10 yrs) 5.8 What is the trend of the leachate quantity? (Steady /Declining/Increasing/Variable) (Monthly/ annually) 5.8 What is the trend of each constituent? (Steady /Declining/Increasing/Variable) (Monthly/ annually) 5.9 What is the assumed leachate quantity? For unlined landfills (monthly/ annually) 6) Cover Design 6.1 Is there any cover system on the landfill?(Yes /No) 6.2 What kind of material was used as daily cover( soil, others)? 6.3 What type of layers is in place? (vegetative, filter layer, drainage layer etc.,) 6.4 What kind of material was used for each layer (soil membrane etc.,)? 6.5 What kind of vegetation was used on vegetative layer? 6.6 What is the surface slope (%)? 6.7 What is the total thickness of the cover system? 6.8 What is the thickness of the each layer in the cover system? 6.9 What is the saturated hydraulic conductivity of each layer? 6.10 What is the permeability of each layer? 7) Groundwater (GW) 7.1 What is the depth to GW? 7.2 What is the direction of GW? (Towards the landfill /away from the landfill)? 7.3 What is the velocity of GW? (Options: Slow, fast) 7.4 Is there any GW monitoring system? (Yes/no) 7.5 How many GW wells are in place ? 7.6 For how long is the GW being monitored? 7.7 What kind of monitoring data are available for GW? (Quality) 7.8 Which constituents were detected in GW(if any)? 7.9 Are the constituents below or above the MCL limits? (If above the MCL limit, list of the constituents with values for the last 5 years?) 7.10 Which constituents are above the MCL limit? (For the last 5 years) (Organics/ Metals/Others) 7.11 What is the trend of each constituent? (Steady /Declining/Increasing/ variable) 7.12 What is the use of GW in the area? (Well/ Drinking water/ Irrigation/other)? 7.13 What are the longitudinal distances of the GW wells to landfill? 7.14 Is the GW being treated? 8) Gas collection 8.1 Is there any gas collection system in place? (Yes/No) 8.2 For how long has the gas generation been monitored? 8.3 What is the monitoring schedule? (Daily, weekly, monthly) 8.4 What is the type of gas collection and removal system is in place? 8.5 What is the quantity of gas being produced? (Monthly/ annually) 8.6 What is the trend of the gas being produced? (Steady /Declining/Increasing/ variable) 8.7 What is the gas composition below the ground? 8.8 What is the gas composition above the ground? 8.9 What are the emission rates of each gas? 8.10 What are the migration routes (vertical/horizontal/other)? 8.11 Is the gas collection system being used appropriate? (Yes/ no) 8.12 Are the current gas monitoring schedules appropriate? 8.13 Is the contingency plan for gas collection and monitoring appropriate? 8.14 How is the landfill gas utilized? (Incineration/ power generation/Passive vent) 9) Surface Water (SW) 9.1 Is there any surface water management system in place? 9.2 Is run-off discharge from the landfill controlled? 9.3 How is the surface water and storm water diverted from the fill area? 9.4 What is the base slope of the landfill? (%) 9.5 Is the erosion controlled? 9.6 Is there any sedimentation control system? 9.7 Is there any flooding control system/? 9.8 What is the Flood frequency/year? 9.9 Is the SW quality being monitored? 9.10 For how long has the SW been monitored? 9.11 What kind of monitoring data is available for SW? 9.12 Which constituents were detected in SW? 9.13 Are any of the constituents above the MCL limits? (If above list of the constituents above the MCL limits or the last 2 years?) 9.14 Which constituents are above the MCL limit? ( Organics/ Metals/Others) 9.15 What is the trend of each constituent? (Steady /Declining/Increasing/ variable) 9.16 What is the ultimate use/disposal of the SW? 9.17 Is the SW being treated? 10) End Use What is the end use of the landfill? * * Passive Use (Green Space, Wildlife or Nature Conservancy and hiking trails) Active Use (sports fields, golf courses, industrial uses and transfer stations) Is the cover integrity monitored? Has there been any regrading? Has the end use changed since closure( If yes, when and how)? 11) Receptors 11.1 Is there any residential area around the landfill? 11.2 Is there any commercial area around the landfill? 11.3 Is there any Industrial area around the landfill? 11.4 Is there any agricultural area around the landfill? 11.5 Is there any recreational area around the landfill? 11.6 What is the distance of each area to landfill? (Residential, commercial, Industrial agricultural, recreational) 11.7 What is the population density around the landfill? * Class I unlined landfill designed to accept inert wastes. Class II unlined landfill designed to accept putrescible and inert wastes. Class III A lined landfill, which may include leachate collection, designed to accept putrescible and inert wastes. Class IV double-lined landfill with leachate collection, designed to accept contaminated soils and sludges (including encapsulated wastes). Class V (Prescribed Premises Category 66) Risk assessment of landfill with FRAMES/MEPAS Introduction The Framework for Risk Analysis Multimedia Environmental Systems (FRAMES) /MEPAS risk analysis model is used to simulate contaminant in groundwater transportation through the environment and, to estimate effects of the contaminants on humans living around the landfill area. FRAME is a software platform developed by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory for selecting and implementing environmental software models for risk assessment and management problems. These models take a holistic approach to environmental assessment of potential contaminant impacts as they simulate the release of contaminants into the environment, migration and fate through various environmental media (i.e., groundwater, surface water, air, and overland surfaces), and resultant exposures and impacts. FRAMES' modularization produces several types of time-varying outputs including the following: Constituent mass remaining at source Constituent fluxes from source or medium Atmospheric concentrations and soil deposition Water concentrations Intake or dose Hazard quotient or risk. Methodology The groundwater has been monitoring in Davie Landfill since 2004. One of the detected constituents in GW above the MCL limits is vinyl Chloride. Vinyl chloride is a product of anaerobic degradation of chlorination solvents in landfills. The values for vinyl chloride detected MW 11-100 groundwater monitoring well in Davie Landfill are shown in Table 1. Table 1. Vinyl Chloride in MW 11-100 Groundwater monitoring well. Dates 04/21/04 09/15/04 04/06/05 09/14/05 05/03/06 09/13/06 04/11/07 09/13/07 MW-11-100 ( ug/L) 2.6 1.7 2.3 2.7 2.1 2.6 2.17 1.9 FRAMES/MEPAS risk analysis model is chosen as a risk assessment tool for Davie Landfill to evaluate the risk from groundwater contaminated by vinyl chloride. MEPAS 5.0 Source in Aquifer, Exposure pathways, Receptor intakes and Health Impacts modules are chosen for this study shown in Figure 2. Figure 2 FRAMES modules for Davie Landfill The MEPAS Computed Source Term Release Module (CSTRM) is a constantly stirred tank reactor (CSTR) model that assumes that the contamination is instantly distributed homogeneously throughout the defined source volume. The CSTRM assumes that the contaminants may be present in multiple phases (i.e., in aqueous solution, sorbed to solid particles, in vapor-filled pore space, or in a separate non-aqueous-phase liquid (NAPL) that is immiscible with water and air). Results After running program for vinyl chloride detected in groundwater, the program gave us the risks results are shown in Table 2. Table 2. Risk assessment summaries 2004 HI Non carcinogenic Risk Carcinogenic 2005 HI Non carcinogenic Risk Carcinogenic 2006 HI Non carcinogenic Risk Carcinogenic 2007 HI Non carcinogenic Risk Carcinogenic Ingestion (total) Leafy Vegetables 7.639E-04 1.372E06 8.892E-04 1.607E-06 8.358E-04 1.5E-06 7.105E-04 1.275E-06 4.47E-05 8.06E-08 5.2E-05 9.37E-08 4.9E-05 8.81E-08 4.17E-05 7.49E-08 Other Vegetables 6.23E-06 1.12E-08 7.23E-06 1.3E-08 6.8E-06 1.22E-08 5.8E-06 1.04E-08 Water Inhalation (total) Shower Dermal (total) 7.13E-04 7.02E-04 1.28E-06 2.65E-07 8.3E-04 8.17E-04 1.5E-06 3.08E-07 7.8E-04 7.68E-04 1.4E-06 2.9E-07 6.63E-04 6.53E-04 1.19E-06 2.46E-07 7.02E-04 2.57E-05 2.65E-07 4.63E-08 8.17E-04 2.99E-05 3.08E-07 5.39E-08 7.68E-04 2.82E-05 2.9E-07 5.07E-08 6.53E-04 2.4E-05 2.46E-07 4.31E-08 Shower 2.57E-05 4.63E-08 2.99E-05 5.39E-08 2.82E-05 5.07E-08 2.4E-05 4.31E-08 1.492E-03 1.683E-06 1.736E-03 1.969E-06 1.632E-03 1.841E-06 1.388E-03 1.546E-06 Aquifer Total