Template for Word - Institut für Integrierte Schaltungen (RIIC)

Title of the Paper
First Author1, Second Author1, Third Author2, …
Affiliation line
Affiliation line
{author1, author2}@organisation1.org, author3@organisation2.org, …
The abstract of the paper follows the papers title (16 pt
font size, bold, centered, 0,42 cm space after papers
title) and the name of all authors including the name of
the institution/company, address and e-mail address
(12 pt font size, centered, single spaced line pitch,
0,8 cm space between the papers header and the text
columns). The abstract is introduced by the word
”Abstract” (12 pt font size, bold, centered, 0,42 cm
space to first line of the abstracts text). The text of the
abstract should be formatted with font size 10 pt, italic
and single-spaced line pitch. The followed space of the
abstract is 0,42 cm.
This is a template for papers submitted to the
Austrochip08 workshop. It was created following an
existing template of the IEEE Computer Society [1] and
former Austrochip workshop templates. This template
should be considered as recommended (NOT mandatory)
set of guidelines.
2 Details
Following are some details concerning this template.
2.1 Authors and Reviewing
The name of all authors, institution/company, address,
acknowledgements, etc. are removed after submission
which provides anonymous reviewing.
After the reviewing process and acceptance of the
paper, the authors name, institution/company and
address information are re-added to the document.
Moreover, authors are prolonged to include the
comments of the reviewers to the final paper.
2.3 Number of Pages
Papers (starting with the papers title to the end of the
list of references) should have a number of not more than
6 pages.
Papers can be written in German or in English.
2.5 General Guidelines
Please use either Times, Times New Roman or a
familiar font for all text, headings, captions, etc. All text,
starting with the abstract, must be in a two-column
format. The space between the two columns should be
0,8 cm.
2.6 Regular Text and Headings
Please use a font size of 10 pt and single-spaced line
pitch for regular text. Make sure your text is fully
justified, that is, flush left and flush right. Use a space of
0,14 cm between two paragraphs. The first line of each
paragraph should be indented by 0,2 cm.
First level headings (for example 1 Introduction)
are formatted in boldface and are left-aligned with a font
size of 12 pt. There should be 0,53 cm space to the
preceding text and 0,42 cm to the following text. Second
level headings (for example 2.1 Authors and
Reviewing) are also formatted in boldface and are
left-aligned with a font size of 11 pt. There should be
0,32 cm space to the preceding text and 0,21 cm to the
following text.
2.7 Footnotes and Captions
Use a font size of 8 pt and single-spaced line pitch for
footnotes1. They should be fully justified (flush left and
flush right). Use a space of 0,14 cm between two
footnote paragraphs2.
2.2 Page Setup
Use A4 (210 x 297 mm) as paper size (NOT Letter),
2,5 cm for top and bottom margin and 2,0 cm for left and
right margin. After converting it to PDF, please check
the paper format (A4) again. Please do NOT use page
numbering since all papers in the conference
proceedings will be numbered consecutively. Therefore,
do not use a bottom margin less than 2,5 cm.
Footnote example
second Footnote example
The following text is an example for a figure caption.
Figure 1. Figure caption example. There should be
0,2 cm space to the preceding and to the following
marks. Use a font size of 9 pt, bold face style,
single-spaced line pitch and indentations of 0,4 cm for
left and right column margins. The caption should be
fully justified (flush left and flush right). There
should be 0,21 cm space to the preceding figuremark
and 0,42 cm to the following text.
Following is an example for a table caption.
Title 1
Title 2
Row 1 Col 1
Row 2 Col 1
Row 1 Col 2
Row 2 Col 2
Table 1. Table caption example. Use the same style as
for figure captions.
2.8 Figures and Images
For the conference proceedings all papers will be
printed in black and white. Hence, it is recommended
that you print out your paper in black and white and
check the readability of all your figures and images,
especially if you are using colors.
2.9 References
List all your references in the list of references at the
end of the paper. The list of references is introduced by
the word "References" (12 pt font size, left-aligned, bold,
0,32 cm space to preceding text, 0,21 cm space to
following text).
Use a font size of 9 pt, single-spaced line pitch and
justify (flush left and flush right) your text in the list of
references. Each reference should be either numbered
consecutively [1], [2], [3], ... or referenced by using
abbreviations for authors and publication date like
[Bur01] or [Gös00]. Use a space of 0,14 cm between two
[1] Burst, A.; Kühl, M.; Kordon, F.: RSP Conference
Publications Format. http://www. rsp-workshop.org
[2] Göschka, K. M.: Merkblatt für den Aufbau
wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten. Institute of Computer
Technology, Vienna University of Technology, April
2000; http://www.infosys. tuwien.ac.at/staff/kmg/