Chapter Three : Stream Cipher Systems ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 3.1 RUNNING-KEY CIPHER: If we choose a key with its length as long as the plaintext message, then the cipher is called running-key cipher. A text of a book can be used as a key sequence in a substitution cipher based on shifted alphabets (i.e. non-periodic vigenere). Running key might be expected to be unbreakable because it has non-periodic key; but the key has redundancy due to non-randomness of its characters. Example: Giving a key K selected from a textbook and a message M: M: T H E T R E A S U R E I S B U R I E D.... K: T H E S E C O N D C I P H E R I S A N.... EK (M): M O I L V G O F X T M X Z F L A A E Q.... If the key has redundancy, the cipher may be breakable using friend Nan's method.Fried Nan's approach is based on the observation that a large proportion of letters in the cipher text will correspond to encipherments , where both, the plaintext and key letters fall in the high frequency category. 3.2 VERNAM CIPHER: The implementation of one-time раd cipher is in vented by Gilbert Vernam in 1917; he designed a cryptographic device based on 32-character Baudot code for new teletype writer developed at AT&T. Each character is represented as a combination of five marks and spaces corresponding to 1 and 0. A Vemam idea is to run a second synchronized non repeating random sequence of key character punched on paper tape during transmission which would cause each Baudot (0 or 1) on the message tape to be Xored with its corresponding value on the key tape. Each plain text is added (mod 2) to the key stream, and generates a cipher text bit stream. C = Ek (m) =C1 , C2 ,C3, ….. Where Ci = (mi +kj) mod 2 Vernam cipher is efficiently implemented in microelectronics by taking the (exlusive_or) (XOR). 2010 -2011 Chapter Three : Stream Cipher Systems ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 Ci =Mi ki Ci ki =mi (ki ki) Where ki ki=0 XOR Truth table: X1 X2 XOR 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 Example: M=A: 11000 K=D: 10010 E (M): 01010 If Vernam key is repeated then the cipher is equal to a running-key Cipher with a text as a key. There were two immediate problems; first both a party has to possess identical copies of key tape, secondly, repeated use carried the danger of working out the period of repetition cycle. 3.3 ONE-TIME PAD CIPHER: Army cryptologist Major Joseph Mauborgne who carried out a research into Vemam's system, he suggested an endless tape contain sequence of random characters which is used as a key stream, and used one time and one time only. If a peace of this 2010 -2011 Chapter Three : Stream Cipher Systems ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 key is used to encrypt a message, then there is not enough information to break the cipher. Such a cipher called one-time pad cipher, because the key is not repeated (i.e. it is not periodic). If plaintext message M consist of m1 m2 m3... , then a piece of one-time key k1 k2 k3............... ...kd will be used to encrypt this message. C =Ek (M) where Ci = (mi +ki) mod n The main drawback of the cipher is that; it requires a long and random key sequence, which should be available for both parties. Figure 3-1 illustrates One-time pad system. Random sequence K1 K2….. Kn Mixer Cryptogram C1C2…CN Message m1m2... mn Figure (3-1) One Time Pad System. Reusing one-time pad can lead to a catastrophe. Suppose, a two plaintext M 1 and M2 are encrypted modulo 26 with the same random key K as shown in the following . M1 S E L L S I L V E R 18 4 11 11 18 8 11 21 4 17 K 11 6 20 4 1 5 6 9 5 20 C 1 3 10 5 15 2 13 17 4 9 11 D K F P C N R E J L 2010 -2011 M2 B U Y C O C A I N E 1 20 24 2 14 2 0 8 13 4 K 11 6 20 4 1 5 6 9 5 20 C2 12 0 18 6 24 7 6 17 18 24 MA S G Y H G R S Y Chapter Three : Stream Cipher Systems ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 Cli = Mli + KI mod 26 C2i = M2i + KI mod 26 If both cipher text C1 and C2 are intercepted, cryptanalyst may create a third cipher text C3 from C1 and C2: C3 I = Cli - C2i mod 26 Now we can decrypt C3 by: M1 = C3 + M2 mod 26 C1 D K F P C N R E J L 3 10 5 15 2 13 17 4 9 11 C2 M A S G Y H G R S Y 12 0 18 6 24 7 6 17 18 24 C3 17 10 13 9 4 6 11 13 17 13 R K N J E G L N R N M2 M1 B U Y C O C A I N E 1 20 24 2 14 2 0 8 13 4 18 4 11 11 18 8 11 21 4 17 S E L L S I L V E R As mentioned above One-Time-Pad system (OTP) is a perfect secrecy cryptographic system, and indeed there are some applications in today's world, primarily for Ultra-Secure low bandwidth channels. Hot line between the United State and the former Soviet Union was (is it still active!) rumored to be encrypted with a One-Time-Pad (OTP). Unfortunately most practical applications can not use OTP for many reasons, among them, key distribution and storage problems. Since the famous paper of Shannon in 1947 till now, a tremendous work has been done to build (or more precisely to simulate) a perfect secrecy cryptographic system. 3.4 STREAM CIPHER: Recall the discussion in Sections 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 concerning the One-Time-Pad system, the development of stream cipher systems was greatly influenced by the fact 2010 -2011 Chapter Three : Stream Cipher Systems ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 29 that Shanoon had proved the OTP to be unconditionally secure. Stream cipher systems are developed to emulate the OTP system in the sense that they produced long sequence of displacement which were applied character by character to the plaintext message as illustrated in figure 3-1. However, the fundamental difference is that; the sequences generated by the stream system is not random, and it is completely determined by a key. Thus, a stream cipher is a system in which the key is fed to an algorithm, which uses the key to generate finite sequence. The algorithm is usually referred to as the sequence generator or key stream generator. Figure 3-2 illustrates stream cipher system. Stream Ciphers lies between simple XOR and One-Time Pad. Encryption and decryption processes are shown in figure 3-3. K M=C C K=M K K=M K 0 =k and K K K =0 Key Generator Key stream Ciphertext Mixer Plaintext Figure (3-2)Stream cipher System. Ki Mi Ki Ci Mi Figure (3-3) Stream Cipher encryption and decryption. 2010 -2011 Chapter Three : Stream Cipher Systems ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 Stream ciphers should posses the following characteristics: 1. Easy to implement. 2. High speed in generating key stream. 3. Computationally secure. 3.1. It should be protected against known-plaintext attack. 3.2. Having a large key space. 3.3. The period of the key sequence should be greater than the message length. 3.4. Key sequence has random characteristics. In the following sections, fundamental background and techniques of stream cipher systems is discussed. A survey of previous stream ciphers cryptanalysis also discussed. 3.5 KEYSTREAM GENERATOR: The basic element in stream ciphers is the key stream generator, which will generate the key stream (sequence) to be combined with the plaintext stream and produce the cipher text. 3.5.1 LINEAR SHIFT REGISTERES: A feed back shift register is an implementation of the key stream generator. It is made up of two parts; a shift register and a feedback function. The shift register is a sequence of bits. Each time a bit is needed, all the bits in the register are shifted 1 bit to the right. The new left-most bit is computed as a function of the other bits in the register. The output of the shift register is one bit. The simplest kind of feedback shift register is a linear feedback shift register (LFSR). The feedback function is simply the XOR function. Figure 3-4 shows a 4-bit LFSR. If it is initialized with the value (1111), it produces the following output sequence: 111101011001000 ...... 2010 -2011 Chapter Three : Stream Cipher Systems ---------------------------------------------------------------------- b4 b3 b2 31 b1 Figure 3-4 Linear Feedback Shift Register (4-bit LFSR) Three parameters; initial state, primitive polynomial, and the length of the register affect the output stream of the linear shift register. For each linear shift register there exist a linear equivalence, which defined as; the length of the smallest linear shift register which can be used to generate the sequence. 3.5.2 REGISTER STAGES: Shift registers consist of finite length of binary memory, called stages, for n-binary memory, called m-stages shift register, and in any given time the contents of the register, called state. The register could be in one of 2 m states. Zero state is ignored because; it causes endless sequence of zeros. Thus, we left with 2m -1 states. Next states depends on the feedback function (the mixer). Example: Given a LFSN of figure 3-4 with an initial state (0001) the register will cycle with the following states and produce the corresponding outputs. Feedback R states Out put 1 0001 1 1 1000 0 1 1100 0 1 1110 0 1 1111 1 0 1 0 1 0111 1011 0101 1010 1 1 1 0 2010 -2011 Chapter Three : Stream Cipher Systems ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0 0 1 0 0 1101 0110 0011 1001 0100 0010 32 1 0 1 1 0 0 To achieve maximal length of 2m -1 stages of LFSR; the tap sequence must cause the register to cycle through 2m -1 non zero bit sequence before repeating; this will happen if the polynomial formed from the elements in the tap sequence is primitive. 3.5.3 PRIMITIVE POLYNOMIAL When talking about the polynomials, the term prime is replaced by irreducible. Primitive polynomial of degree n is defined as an irreducible polynomial that divides x2d-1 + 1, but not xd +1 for any d that divides 2n -1. A polynomial is irreducible if it can not be expressed as the product of two other polynomials (except 1 and itself). In another meaning maximal length sequence with period 2n -1 are generated only in the case when the characteristic (generating) polynomial ¢(x) is primitive, irreducible, and the initial state of the register must be other than zero. Table 3-1 illustrates primitive polynomial of m =2 - 6. 2010 -2011 Chapter Three : Stream Cipher Systems ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 33 Degree 2 3 Primitive polynomial X2+x+l X3+x+l Degree Primitive polynomial 6 X6+x+1 X6+x5+l x3+x2+l X6+x5+x4+x+l 4 X4+x+l x6+x5+x4+x+l x6+x5+x3+x2+ x+l 5 x4+x3+l X5+x2+1 . x6+x4+x3+x+l X5+x2+1 X5+x4+x3+x2+l X5+x3+x2+ x+1 X5+x4+x3+x+l Table 3-1 Primitive polynomials x5+x4+x3+x+l 3.6 STREAM ENCRYPTION APPROACHES: There are two different approaches to stream encryption they are; synchronous methods and self-synchronous methods. 3.6.1 SYNCHRONOUS STREAM CIPHERS: In a synchronous stream cipher the key stream is generated independently of the message stream. The algorithm that generates the stream must be deterministic so the stream can be reproduced for decryption. This means that if a ciphertext is lost during transmission, the sender and receiver must resynchronize their key generators before they can proceed. Furthermore, this must be done with out repeating any part of the key. The starting state of the generator is initialized by a "seed " 10 as illustrated in figure 3-5. Synchronous stream ciphers have the advantage of not propagating errors. A transmission error effecting one character will not affect subsequent characters. From another point of view; this is a disadvantage in that it is easier for an opponent to modify (with out detection) a single ciphertext character. 2010 -2011 Chapter Three : Stream Cipher Systems ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 34 10 Key generator 10 Key generator Ki key generator Ki key generator Mi Ci Encipher Decipher Figure 3-5 synchronous stream cipher 3.6.2 SELF-SYNCHRONOUS STREAM CIPHERS A self-synchronous stream ciphers derives each key character from a fixed number n of preceding cipher text character. This is done by using a cipher feed back mode (CFB) because the ciphertext characters participate in the feed back loop. It is some times called chaining, because each ciphertext character depend on preceding cipher-text character (chain) the feed back as shown figure 3-6. The feedback register R is a shift register when each cipher text character Ci is shifted into one end ofR immediately after being generated, the character at the other end is discarded. Register R is initialized to the seed 10. During each iteration, the value ofR is used as input to a block encryption algorithm (EB), the right most character of the algorithm becomes the next key character. If a ciphertext character is altered or lost during transmission, the receiver's shift register will differ from the transmitter's, and subsequent cipher text will not be correctly deciphered until the error character is shifted out of the register. …… 10 …… EB EB Ki Ci Mi 2010 -2011 Mi Figure 3-6 self-synchronous stream cipher Chapter Three : Stream Cipher Systems ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 35 3.7 NONLINEAR SHIFT REGISTER: Linear feedback shift registers are unsafe because they have relatively small linear complexity, and hence a relatively small fragment of the key streams (LFSR sequence) can be used to obtain the entire sequence by solving a set of linear equations. To increase the linear complexity of LFSR, one or more output sequences of LFSR's are combined with some nonlinear function to produce relatively high linear complexity. For example shift register SR1 generates sequence (S1) with sequence length of 2n-1 , and shift register SR2 generates sequence (S2) with sequence length of (2m-1), then the output sequence (S3) will be: S3 = S1 * S2 with period (sequence length) = (2n -1) ^ (2m -1) A wide range of nonlinear stream generators can be obtained by the following means: 3.7.1 NONLINEAR FEEDBACK SHIFT REGISTER SYSTEMS: in which the key stream generator is a shift register with non linear feedback function, as illustrated in figure 3-8. In this type, one LFSR is used with n-stages and non-linear feed back function, the simplest nonlinear function is "AND" function. For example F=l+x5+xlx2+x2x3x4 is a nonlinear function . SR1 m – stage LFSR . Output Key stream SR2 n – stage LFSR Figure 3-8 Nonlinear Feedback Shift Register with Nonlinear Function 2010 -2011 Chapter Three : Stream Cipher Systems ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 36 Example: If we choose Rl, R2, R3 with 5,6,7 stages respectively which they are relatively prime the maximal length of the period will be (25-l) (26-l) (27-l) =31*63*127 = 248031 Geffe, Pless, Hadmard, and Threshold are examples of this type, with the following nonlinear functions: 1• Geffe: Nonlinear generator consists of three LFSR of {3,4,5) bit stages, with nonlinear function (S1^S2) (-S1^S3) and maximal length of (23-1) (24-1) (25-1)= 3255 bits. 2• Hadmard: a Nonlinear generator consists of two LFSR of (5,7) bit stages, with nonlinear function (S1^S2) and maximal length of (25-1) (27-1) = 3937 bits. 3• Threshold: nonlinear generator consists of three LFSR of (3,4,5) bit stages, with nonlinear function (S1^S2) (S1^S3) (S2^S3) and maximal length of (23-1) (24-1)(25-1)= 3255 bits. 3.8 MEASURE OF RUNDOMNESS: 3.9.1 DEFINITION: Run: sequence of identical bits (0 or 1) Ex.01110000111 Runs are 0,111, 0000, 111 Gap: runs of zeroes 1000011 contain the gap 0000 Block: runs of ones 1111001110 contain blocks 1111,111 For with period P , Sm + p = Sm Auto correlation function: For any constant d, if we compare the sequence of S with Sd (after shifting d displacement), then Auto correlation function C(t) = (A - D) / P Where : 2010 -2011 Chapter Three : Stream Cipher Systems ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 37 A = no. Of identical bits. P = period of the sequence D = period of different bits d = displacement 0 <= d < p RANDOMNESS CHARACTERISTICS: 1. If p is even then ones equal zeros, other wise they differ by one only. 2. 1/2 of runs with length of 1 , 1/4 of runs with length of 2 , generally l / 2i = i. 3. Auto correlation function (for d < > 0 out of phase) has constant value. Where d is the displacement. 1. FREQUENCY TEST: used to ensure that there is roughly the same number of O's and 1's using the following formula: X2 =(n0 – n1)2 / n X2 = 0 if n0 = n1 For good sequence 0 < X2 < 3.84 2. SERIAL TEST: The serial test is used to ensure that the transition probabilities are reasonable. This will give as some level of confidence that each bit is independent of its predecessor suppose .01 occurs n 01, 10 occurs n0, 00 occurs n00…and 11 occurs n11 times. N01+n10=n0 or n0-1 , n10+n11 = n01 or n1-1 and N10 + N01 + N00 + N11 = N-1 AND X2 = 4/n - 1 Σ(nij)2 - 2/n Σ(ni)2 + 1 For good sequence X2 <= 5.99. 2010 -2011 Chapter Three : Stream Cipher Systems ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 38 Ideally we wont: n01 = n10 = n00 = n11 ≈ n-1/4 3. POKER TEST: For any binary sequence of length m, there are 2^ different possibilities. In this test we partition our sequence into blocks of size m (sequence of ones), and then we count the frequency of each type of sections of length m in the sequence. If the frequencies are f0, f1,.. fm-1 We compute: X2 = 2m / F Σ (Xi)2 / mi) – F Where F = Σ fi = n/m 4. AUTO CORRELATION TEST: For a given sequence of n bits S1,..Sn then A (d) = ∑ai ai+d 0 <= d <= n-1 A (o) =∑ai = ni If the sequence has ni of zeros and n1 of ones then µ= n12 (n-d) / n2 The test will pass if X2 = (A(d)- µ)2 /µ X2 <=3.841 for all values of d 5. RUNS TEST: Devide the sequence into blocks and gaps, let r0i be the number of gaps of length i and r1i be the number of blocks of length i. If r0 and r1 are number of gaps and blocks respectively then: r0 = ∑roi and r1 = ∑ r11 This test applied after the sequence had passed the serial test, then we would expect about 1/2 the gaps with length 1 , 1/4 of gaps of length 2, and so on. Ideally 1/2i of runs having length i. 2010 -2011 Chapter Three : Stream Cipher Systems ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 39 Example: Given the following sequence of minimal length 0101011101100011111001101001000 1. Frequency test n0=15 n1=31-15=16 X2 = (15-16)2 / n = (-1)2 /31 = 1/31 = 0.0322 0.322 < 3.841 2.Serial test: n00=6 n01=8 n10=8 n11=8 X2 = 4/n-l (n002 + n012 + n102 + n112 ) - 2/n (n02+n12) + 1 = 4/30 (36 + 64 + 64 + 64) - 2/31(152 +162) + 1 =30.4 - 31.032 + 1 = 0.368 0.368 < 5.99 Pass also n00+ n01 = n0 -1 =6+8 =14 = n0 - 1 n11+n10=n11 =8+8=16=n1 n00+n01+n10+n11 = 6+8+8+8= 30 = n-l n-1/4 = 30/4 = 7.5 = 8 3.Poker test m=5 F=n/m=31/5=6 Then we have 6 blocks of 5 digit each 01010 11101 10001 11110 01101 00100 0 We count Xi where i is number of ones in each block 2010 -2011 Pass of 31. Chapter Three : Stream Cipher Systems ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 40 X 0=0 X1=1 X2=2 X3=1 X4=2 -. X5 = 0 X2 = 25/6 ∑ (Xi)2 /5i - 6 = 5.33(0 + 1/5 + 4/10 + 1/10 + 4/5 + 0) - 6 =5.33(2 + 4 + 1 + 8/10) – 6 =5.33*15/10 - 6 =1.995 Checking x2 table with degree of freedom of 22 - 1 = 31 then the test is pass 4.runs test r0=9 r1=8 n01=8= r0-1 n10=8= r1 n11 =n1 –r1 = 16 - 8 = 8 n00 = 6= n0-r0 = 15-9 = 6 r01=5 r11=4 r02=2 r12=2 r03=2 r13=1 r14=0 r15=1 2010 -2011 Chapter Three : Stream Cipher Systems ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 41 5• Auto correlation test n0= 15 n1=16 µ= (16)2 (31-l) / (31)2 =7.99 for d=l µ = 7.72 d=2 µ = 7.45 d=3 010101110110001111100110100100 101011101100011111001101001000 A(l)=8 X2 = (8 - 7.99)2 / 7.99 = 0.0000125 010101110110001111100110100100 010111011000111110011010010000 A(2)=8 X2=(8-7.72)2/ 7.72= 0.01 010101110110001111100110100100 101110110001111100110100100000 A(3)=8 X2 = (8-7.45)2 / 7.45 = 0.04 And so on X2 <= 3.84 for all value of d 3.9 STREAM CIPHER CRYPTANALYSIS: Stream ciphers have a wide variety of design choices, and hence, a large number of complex stream generators have been designed with different periods and linear complexities. On the other hand different approaches have been used by many researchers to analyze stream ciphers, and have successfully cracked many of such systems. One of the earliest approaches are the matrix approach,and the Berlekamp Massey approach. Both methods used a known-plaintext attack to determine the 2010 -2011 Chapter Three : Stream Cipher Systems ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 42 linear equivalence and the primitive polynomial of the shift register. Thomas Siegenthler presented a divide-and-conquer approach, which often called correlation~attack, and shown that correlation immunity can be precisely defined. The basic idea behind correlation attack is to identify some correlation between the output of the generator and the output of one of its internal pieces, then by observing the output sequence, information can be obtainer' about the internal output. Using the collected information and other correlation about other internal output until the entire generator is broken. More efficient correlation attack based on using algebraic tools to determine the LFSR instead of the exhaustive search, this is called fast correction attack. Artificial neural networks is been used in a known-plaintext attack against linear feedback shift registers to obtain the linear equivalence, characteristic polynomial, and restore missing bits in the output sequences of the shift register. More recently, two ciphertext-only attack researches has been introduced; the first one uses Genetic Algorithms while the seco nd one uses Adaptive Genetic Programming. Both researches use the statistical properties of the natural language heavily in formulating the fitness function. These language features make the ciphertext-only attack possible, since it is used for measuring the fitness of the individual programs in a population of the genetic programming. 2010 -2011