Powering STEM with STEAM! Thursday, Sept. 22 8:00- 9:00am Registration and Breakfast, Gold Ballroom 9:00- 9:30am SCAAE Business Meeting, Gold Ballroom 9:45-10:45am Monkeys in the Rainforest: Integrating theater arts techniques with science curriculum, participants will explore the activities of 5 species of Amazonian Rainforest monkeys in relationship with their environment. Presenter: Jef Lambdin, Southeast Center for Arts Integration, Co-Director/Mime Session meets Thursday, Sept. 22; 9:45-10:45am Location: Drayton Recommended audience: Teachers; Administrators; Teaching Artists; Parents, all Session capacity: 25 Presentation Category: Arts Integration Quilts and Windows- Integrating Mathematics and Visual Art: In this lesson teachers will learn to design and create circular or square format abstract designs that demonstrate important concepts and vocabulary from the Mathematics and Visual Art Core Curriculum for their grade level Presenter: Martha Burdette, Southeast Center for Arts Integration, Co-Director, Visual Art and K-6 Classroom Teacher Session meets Thursday, Sept. 22; 9:45-10:45am Location: Pinckney Recommended audience: Teachers: Upper Elementary, Visual Arts; Administrators; Teaching Artists, all Session capacity: 30 Presentation Category: Powering STEM with STEAM ARTS stands for: Alignment, Rigor, Teamwork, Sustainability: Drawing from their eight years as arts and arts integration project evaluators, Drs. Whitesitt and Franklin share their findings on what makes for successful arts integration programs across the K-5 curriculum. Presenter: Elda Franklin, , Consultant Session meets Thursday, Sept. 22; 9:45-10:45am Location: Parkview Recommended audience: Teachers: all grades and subjects, all arts; Administrators; Teaching Artists Session capacity: 25 Presentation Category: Arts Integration Getting Started with Arts Integration: In this session, participants will define and explore the components of standards-based arts integration and the ways in which it deepens understanding and inspires creativity across curricular areas. After developing an initial understanding of arts integration, participants will engage in an activity that integrates science, visual art and creative writing. Presenter: Heather Magruder, Metropolitan Arts Council, Director of Arts Education Session meets Thursday, Sept. 22; 9:45-10:45am Location: Laurens Recommended audience: Teachers: all; Administrators; Teaching Artists, novice Session capacity: 25 Presentation Category: Powering STEM with STEAM; Arts integration Make your move, state your matter! Students will use their bodies to create movement that will represent the transformation of matter through the different states. Dances will come alive as the students become particles by stepping into silly sacks. Groups will use photography to document their creative movement phrases and create a digital flip book. Presenter: Meredith Parks, Windsor Hill Arts Infused Elementary; Meredith Crawford, Oakbrook Middle School, Dance Educator Session meets Thursday, Sept. 22; 9:45-10:45am Location: Lightsey Studio (on Calhoun Street, next to College of Charleston Bookstore; 1/2 block from hotel side entrance) Recommended audience: Teachers: middle, upper elementary, dance; Administrators; Teaching Artists; Parents, novice Session capacity: 30 Presentation Category: Powering STEM with STEAM; Arts integration 1|Page Powering STEM with STEAM! The ABC's of the Local Arts Education Advocacy Initiative: Power up your local efforts to advocate for arts education. Learn how you can participate in two upcoming regional meetings this fall. You can make a difference! Presenter: Betty Plumb, South Carolina Arts Alliance, Executive Director and Christine Fisher, ABC Session meets Thursday, Sept. 22; 9:45-10:45am Location: Rutledge Recommended audience: Teachers: all; Administrators; Teaching Artists; Parents; local arts councils, all Session capacity: 25 Presentation Category: Advocacy 11:00am-noon From Brain Gym to Energizers, Balance Balls to Rocking Chairs: practical tools for integrating movement arts with academic concepts in the classroom: A hands-on workshop exploring many different techniques and approaches to increase student performance using kinesthetic teaching strategies in the classroom. Presenter: Jef Lambdin, Southeast Center for Arts Integration, Co-Director/Mime Session meets Thursday, Sept. 22; 11:00am-noon Location: Drayton Recommended audience: Teachers; Administrators; Teaching Artists; Parents, novice Session capacity: 25 Presentation Category: General Education How Drama Techniques Can Elicit Details & Elaboration in English and Social Studies Writing: Students enjoy learning through dramatic activities, but teachers may feel uncomfortable leading dramatic explorations of curricular content. In this experiential workshop, participants will first learn how to manage movement and dramatic exploration in the classroom. Then they will experience a dramatic approach to pre-writing that will engage their imaginations and provide a fountain of details for writing. Presenter: Sheila Kerrigan, Southeast Center for Arts Integration, Mime, Teaching Artist, President of Southeast Center for Arts Integration, NC A+ Schools Fellow Session meets Thursday, Sept. 22; 11:00am-noon Location: Pinckney Recommended audience: Teachers: Upper Elementary, Middle, Theatre; Administrators; Teaching Artists Session capacity: 30 Presentation Category: Arts Integration; Special Education Integrating Math, Science and the Arts through Donald in Mathmagic Land (video): Watch Donald take on numerous roles, including art critic and Lewis Carroll’s Alice. Through these adventures viewers come to appreciate how mathematics contributes to music and art, as well as how math will play a limitless role in the scientific achievements of the future. Support materials are designed to easily integrate segments of the movie into daily lesson plans. Presenter: LIbby Higgins, SC Governor's School for the Arts and Humanities, Chair, Math and Science Session meets Thursday, Sept. 22; 11:00am-noon Location: Parkviw Recommended audience: Teachers: all; Teaching Artists, all Session capacity: 25 Presentation Category: Powering STEM with STEAM; Arts Integration Beyond the Bulletin Board: Discovering Your Most Powerful Documentation Story: In this session, participants will use creative writing and the components of crafting engaging stories as an approach to documentation. Through journaling and exploring photography with creative writing, participants will develop a bank of ideas for crafting powerful documentation narratives that open up new ways of communicating more fully the growth of students, teachers and their learning. Presenter: Heather Magruder, Metropolitan Arts Council, Director of Arts Education Session meets Thursday, Sept. 22; 11:00am-noon Location: Laurens Recommended audience: Teachers: all; Administrators; Teaching Artists, novice Session capacity: 25 Presentation Category: Arts integration; Documentation 2|Page Powering STEM with STEAM! Beginning Steps of an Infused Future: A step by step presentation on a K-4 through 5th grade elementary school becoming an arts infused school. Preperations for faculty and staff moving towards an infused elementary school. Presently in the piolting stages of a school with in a school. Presenter: Jessica E. Wade, H. E. Bonner Elementary, Session meets Thursday, Sept. 22; 11:00am-noon Location: Rutledge Recommended audience: Teachers: all; Administrators, novice Session capacity: 25 Presentation Category: Arts Integration, Informational Looking to See some STEAM!: Lizz will provide interested attendees with brief background on the Halsey Institute; its mission and past exhibitions. She will introduce the Halsey Institute’s Looking to See guided tour program and its philosophy. She’ll then announce the upcoming exhibitions at the Halsey and this fall’s partnership exhibition with the School of Maths and Sciences, From the Moon: Mapping & Exploration. Through the tour program, the Halsey seeks to allow young visitors to discover passions and develop creative thinking skills. Looking to See tour guides work with educators to reinforce academic curriculum topics. Presenter: Lizz Biswell, Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art, College of Charleston, Education & Outreach Coordinator Session meets Thursday, Sept. 22; 11:00am-noon Location: Halsey Institute; 161 Calhoun Street (College of Charleston Campus) Recommended audience: any teacher, all grades, all levels Session capacity: 18-25 Presentation Category: Museum Tour, Powering STEM with STEAM 12:00-1:00pm Lunch, Gold Ballroom 1:00-4:00pm (full session only) Acting Right: Drama as a Classroom Management Strategy: This three-hour workshop that takes the foundational elements of acting such as concentration, cooperation, and collaboration and creates a structured process which can become the basis for effective classroom management every day. This engaging, step-by-step approach empowers students to take ownership of and be responsible for their own behavior. Learn how to help students build the skills necessary to establish a sense of self-control, accountability, and team-building in your classroom. This workshop is recommended for any classroom based in active, social, cooperative learning. Presenter: Beth Radford, Pine Street Elementary, Arts Infusion Specialist, Consultant (Focus 5, Inc.) Session meets Thursday, Sept. 22; 1:00-4:00pm (full session only) Location: Drayton Recommended audience: Teachers: all; Administrators; Teaching Artists; Parents, novice, intermediate Session capacity: 25 Presentation Category: Arts Integration, Classroom Management 1:00-3:15pm Making the Most of your Museum Visit: Gallery Games and More: We will begin with a guided tour at the Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art: two concurrent solo exhibitions: "White Days Unswallowed" by Bob Ray and "From the Ground Up" by Steve Johnson. Afterward participants will take part in several exercises designed to foster aesthetics and critical thinking skills while keeping students engaged in a gallery or museum setting. Learn how an art exhibit can be a great place to reinforce concepts in math, language arts, and other subject areas. Presenter: Alana Adams, Arts Center of Coastal Carolina, Director of Education Session meets Thursday, Sept. 22; 1:00-3:15pm (off site) Location: Halsey Institute; 161 Calhoun Street (College of Charleston Campus) Recommended audience: Teachers: all grades and subjects; Administrators; Teaching Artists; Parents, all 3|Page Powering STEM with STEAM! Session capacity: 20 Presentation Category: Powering STEM with STEAM; Arts for Arts Sake 1:00-2:00pm Asian Puppetry... Drama in the Art Room: Blending Visual and Performing Arts for K-5th graders with an Asian groove of folktales, music, masks, shadow puppets, props, and talking picutures…even Japanese Kamishbai theatre. Participants will create from ideas presented in this six weeks journey. Presenter: Yostie Ashley, Puppet Factory @ Hilton Head Island, SC, Teaching Artist Session meets Thursday, Sept. 22; 1:00-2:00pm Location: Laurens Recommended audience: Teachers: PreK-5; Teaching Artists, Session capacity: 20 Presentation Category: Arts for Arts' Sake; Arts Integration The Model T Ford: Teaching the Industrial Revolution with Storytelling: Learn to use personal experience stories and tales from history to bring people from America’s past to life. Special emphasis on helping students tell, write, and publish their own stories. Ideas on how to incorporate STEM into the SS and ELA curriculum as you focus attention on figures like Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and the Wright Brothers. Plus free kazoos! Presenter: Tim Lowry, Storyteller Session meets Thursday, Sept. 22; 1:00-2:00pm Location: Pinckney Recommended audience: Teachers: upper elementary, gifted and talented, music, thatre; Administrators; Teaching Artists; Parents Session capacity: 30 Presentation Category: Powering STEM with STEAM; Arts integration Creating the Perfect Arts Soufflé: Christine and Scot will give an overview of Arts Education in South Carolina with emphasis on the 2010 Academic Standards for the Visual and Performing Arts, SCDE Arts Education curriculum resources, 21st Century skills, and creativity. These elements will all be put together for what’s in the best interest for your students to create the perfect arts soufflé. As a result of this workshop teachers will: 1. Study and determine how best to implement the 2010 Academic Standards for the Visual and Performing Arts with their students. 2. Share strategies for implementing standards which they do not implement or understand. 3. Determine the best use of SCDE resources and opportunities which will support the implementation of the 2010 Academic Standards. Presenter: Scot Hockman, South Carolina Department of Education, Education Associate for the Visual and Performing Arts and Christine Fisher, ABC Project Director Session meets Thursday, Sept. 22; 1:00-2:00pm Location: Rutledge Recommended audience: Teachers: all arts K-12 Session capacity: 25 Presentation Category: Arts for Arts' Sake 2:15-3:15pm Knowitall.org: Interactive Art & Art Exploration: A virtual and web-based arts experience for students. Explore the visual and performing arts, write about the artworks online, collect art cards in a virtual portfolio and view videos of professional artists at work. Take part in activities that teach about styles, principles, processes and much, much more. Teachers will find downloadable lesson plans, classroom materials and features to share their student’s best work online. Presenter: Brack Clemons, South Carolina Educational Television, Technology Instructor Session meets Thursday, Sept. 22; 2:15-3:15pm Location: Parkview Recommended audience: Teachers: upper elementary, special education, gifted and talented, all arts; Teaching Artists; Parents Session capacity: 25 Presentation Category: Arts for Arts' Sake, Gifted and Talented, Special Education, Research, Other: Art Exploration 4|Page Powering STEM with STEAM! Let Me Tell You a Story: Sit down, relax, and hear the story of a frustrated 2nd grade teacher who can’t seem to engage her class. In her quest to be a better teacher, she discovers arts integration. See what happens in a reading of Ms. Fuddle’s 2nd grade class, written and illustrated by elementary art teacher Michelle Maynard Thomas. Presenter: Michelle Maynard Thomas, St. Helena Elementary, Beaufort County School District, Art Teacher Session meets Thursday, Sept. 22; 2:15-3:15pm Location: Laurens Recommended audience: Teachers: all; Administrators Session capacity: 25 Presentation Category: Arts Integration Deconstructing Photographs: A Visual Literacy Workshop: How do our students "see" or "read" photographic images? If they've not been taught visual literacy, then they won't understand how to analyze, deconstruct or create their own images, Included: images from hisotry, news, popular culture and more. Join media consultant Frank Baker for this hands-on workshop. Presenter: Frank W. Baker, Media Literacy Clearinghouse, Consultant Session meets Thursday, Sept. 22; 2:15-3:15pm Location: Rutledge Recommended audience: Teachers: all, all Session capacity: 25 Presentation Category: Arts for Arts' Sake Using the Tools of Science to Enhance Artistic Creativity: If you experience the universe using only your five senses, you will miss most of it! Young artists should be made aware of these limitations and learn to use the tools of science to enhance their experiences with Mother Nature. This presentation will demonstrate how the tools of science are used to expand the creative databases of young artists. Presenter: Mike Farmer, SC Governor's School for the Arts and Humanities, Teacher Session meets Thursday, Sept. 22; 2:15-3:15pm Location: Pinckney Recommended audience: Teachers: all; Administrators; Teaching Artist; Parents, all Session capacity: 30 Presentation Category: Powering STEM with STEAM Dancing Through the Curriculum: Ms. Connerton will lead participants in activities that teach math, science and language arts standards through creative movement and choreographic process. Classroom Teachers will learn to develop their own lesson plans integrating movement with learning. Dance Teachers will learn ways to teach composition techniques along with integration. Presenter: Martha Connerton, Kinetic Works Dance, Director Session meets Thursday, Sept. 22; 2:15-3:15pm Location: Calhoun Recommended audience: Teachers: early childhood, lower elementary, upper elementary, special education, gifted and talented, dance; Administrators; Teaching Artists; Parents, all Session capacity: 35 Presentation Category: Powering STEM with STEAM, Arts for Arts' Sake, Arts Integration, Gifted and Talented, Special Education South Carolina District Arts Coordinators Meeting: Any district arts coordinators are invited to attend this informational meeting with peers. Also attended by Christine Fisher of the ABC Project and Betty Plumb of the SCAC, this is your opportunity to catch up on issues, programs and opportunities for your districts. Presenter: Laura McFadden, Fine Arts Coordinator Session meets Thursday, Sept. 22; 2:15-3:15 (or later as needed) Location: Gold Balcony Recommended audience: Fine Arts Coordinators, all Session capacity: 25 Presentation Category: Administrations and Programs 5|Page Powering STEM with STEAM! 2:15-3:45 (90 minutes) Sound Stories: Integrating Music into Language Arts: Do you want your students to better understand voice, word choice, and ideas? Using a story (any genre), this workshop will demonstrate how to bring the narrative alive while motivating students by using creativity through music. Participants will use their voices, bodies, musical instruments and “found sounds” (crumpled paper, water bottles, etc.) to enrich learning through fluency and expression. Presenter: Beth Heywood, Jennie Moore Elementary; Lesley University, Music Teacher; Adjunct Professor Session meets Thursday, Sept. 22; 2:15-3:45 (90 minutes) Location: Parkview Recommended audience: Teachers: all; Administrators; Teaching Artists; Parents, novice Session capacity: 25 Presentation Category: Arts Integration 3:30-4:30 Implementing the New VPA Media Arts/Media Literacy Standards: How do media arts/media literacy fit into visual and performing arts classrooms? Join media consultant Frank Baker who will introduce ways of engaging students in critical thinking/viewing using popular culture texts. Presenter: Frank W. Baker, Media Literacy Clearinghouse, Consultant Session meets Thursday, Sept. 22; 3:30-4:30 Location: Rutledge Recommended audience: Teachers: all, all Session capacity: 25 Presentation Category: Arts for Arts' Sake The Garden Symphony: Using composition and performing standards from music and integrating them with Life Science standards, students composed a Garden Symphony to be played at the dedication of Hand Middle School’s SC Habitat Garden. Presenter: Brian McCants, Hand Middle School, Orchestra Teacher Session meets Thursday, Sept. 22; 3:30-4:30 Location: Pinckney Recommended audience: Teachers:middle, secondary, music; Administrators; Teaching Artists, all Session capacity: 30 Presentation Category: Powering STEM with STEAM 5:30-6:30 Reception, Gold Ballroom pre-function 6:30-7:00 Student Performance, Gold Ballroom 7:00-8:30 Keynote Banquet, Gold Ballroom 6|Page Powering STEM with STEAM! Friday, Sept. 23 8:00- 9:00am Breakfast and State Reports, Gold Ballroom 9:15-11:30am (full session) Acting Right II: One Minute Challenges in the Science Classroom: This two-hour workshop is an extension of "Acting Right," which is a mandatory pre-requisite for this session. By focusing exclusively on the strategy of One Minute Challenges, teachers will begin to see how the cooperative learning environment creates opportunities for the teacher to engage students in curriculum content. Using specific examples from science curriculum, learn how this technique can be facilitated to accomplish a variety of learning goals. Presenter: Beth Radford, Pine Street Elementary, Arts Infusion Specialist, Consultant (Focus 5, Inc.) Session meets Friday, Sept. 23; 9:15-11:30am (full session) Location: Drayton Recommended audience: Teachers: all; Administrators; Teaching Artists; Parents, intermediate Session capacity: 25 Presentation Category: Arts Integration 10:30-11:30am River of Words: Integrating Science, ELA and Art: Following the national River of Words guidelines, Beaufort County students (K-12) investigate their natural environment through science, math and social studies and interpret it through poetry and art. This place-based, experiential curriculum helps students develop greater respect for their “ecological address” and gain a better understanding of their place in it. Student artwork, writing samples and step-by-step program outline provided. Presenter: Margaret Rushton, Beaufort County School District, Fine Arts Coordinator Session meets Friday, Sept. 23; 9:15-10:15am Location: Calhoun Recommended audience: Teachers: all; Administrators; Teaching Artists; Parents, all Session capacity: 35 Presentation Category: Powering STEM with STEAM; Arts Integration 9:15-10:15am Read Alouds Come to Life with Music! This session will present ideas on how to integrate music into Children’s Literature. The presenter will demonstrate a variety of ways to use music to bring the text to life. In the process, the students will gain a better understanding of the story by finding new and creative ways to express the tone of the words. This discovery process will give the students the opportunity to explore beginning music composition as well as gain experience with a wide variety of sound sources. Presenter: Elise Helms, Irmo Elementary, Music Teacher Session meets Friday, Sept. 23; 9:15-10:15am Location: Laurens Recommended audience: Teachers: Early Childhood, Lower Elementary; Upper Elementary; Administrators; Teaching Artists; Parents, all Session capacity: 25 Presentation Category: Arts for Arts' Sake; Arts Integration Music Centers Provide Differentiated Learning: Participants will experience six different music centers for child-directed learning. Establishing procedures and resources for each center make the most effective use of student and teacher time, for both routine (repetitive) learning and inquiry-based projects. Centers include: singing, playing instruments, listening, composing, keyboard and writing. The activities include music standards as well as Language Arts, Math and Science. Presenter: Denise Ondishko, Riverview Charter School, Music Teacher Session meets Friday, Sept. 23; 9:15-10:15am Location: Pinckney Recommended audience: Teachers: all grades and subjects/general; Teaching Artists, novice Session capacity: 30 Presentation Category: Powering STEM with STEAM, Arts for Arts' Sake, Arts Integration 7|Page Powering STEM with STEAM! Poetry with STEM and STEAM: This workshop will demonstrate techniques used for creating Found Poetry. This lesson emphasizes finding data and identifying key words and descriptive words within a nonfiction article from any subject area. Students are given simple instructions on how to create a poem using the words they have found. Found Poetry marries the presentation of information with the art of writing poetry. Presenter: Kami Kinard, , Teaching Artist Session meets Friday, Sept. 23; 9:15-10:15am Location: Rutledge Recommended audience: Teachers: upper elementary, gifted and talented; all arts; Teaching Artists; Parents, all Session capacity: 25 Presentation Category: Powering STEM with STEAM; Research Paper Engineering: A hands on workshop working with the elements of pop-ups, accordion folds, spirals, stacking, etc. with suggestions for incorporating creative writing. A collection of paper engineered books will be available as resources. The session is appropriate for visual arts and ELA participants. Presenter: Larry Barnfield, Dorchester School District Two, Director, Fine Arts Session meets Friday, Sept. 23; 9:15-10:15am Location: room 234 in Cato Center for the Arts; corner of St. Philip St. and Calhoun St. Recommended audience: Teachers: upper elementary, middle, secondary, gifted and talented, visual arts, novice Session capacity: 22 Presentation Category: Powering STEM with STEAM; Arts integration Harnessing Your Power: 21st Century Strategies for Arts Education and Advocacy: SCAAE’s audience is filled with educators who are called upon to explain the value and role the arts have in schools of the future. This is what our keynote speaker Jim Brazell has traveled to Charleston to share with us! Discover how innovation is a function of connecting the "arts way of learning" to (STEM). In addition, learn about emerging technologies, jobs, schools and communities integrating the arts to define what is next in the human story. Presenter: Jim Brazell, The Art of the Future, Consultant and Conference Keynote Speaker Session meets Friday, Sept. 23; 9:15-10:15am Location: Recommended audience: all, novice, intermediate Session capacity: 25 Presentation Category: Powering STEM with STEAM 10:30-11:30am Floral Arrangements: In this session participants will learn about creating flowers using various materials and how to arrangement them using math and creativity. This lesson covers science, math, and art. Presenter: Tunisha Summers, Orangeburg Consolidated Five, Visual Arts Teacher Session meets Friday, Sept. 23; 10:30-11:30am Location: room 234 in Cato Center for the Arts; corner of St. Philip St. and Calhoun St. Recommended audience: Teachers: Middle, Secondary, Session capacity: 22 Presentation Category: Powering STEM with STEAM; Arts for Arts' Sake; Arts Integration The “C” Floor or is it The “Sea” Floor? What do the Ocean Floor and a Melody have in common? Both can rise and fall. In this lesson students will use their knowledge of melodic contour and apply it to the geological features of the ocean floor. Students will compose a simple melody to correlate with the topography of the ocean floor. Presenter: Melinda Smith, Hilton Head Island Elementary School for the Creative Arts, Music Specialist and 5th Grade Teacher Session meets Friday, Sept. 23; 10:30-11:30am Location: Pinckney Recommended audience: Teachers: Upper Elementary, Music, Visual Arts, all Session capacity: 30 Presentation Category: Arts Integration 8|Page Powering STEM with STEAM! Incorporating Literacy with the Arts: Using literacy as an organizational framework, students learn and experience authentic experiences, which include reading, writing, talking, listening, thinking, struggling, and problem solving. Presenter: Lisa B. Randle, College of Charleston, Education and Outreach Coordinator Session meets Friday, Sept. 23; 10:30-11:30am Location: Rutledge Recommended audience: Teachers: Upper Elementary, Theatre, Visual Arts; Administrators; Teaching Artists, all Session capacity: 20 Presentation Category: Arts Integration Science and Math with Interpretive Dance: This workshop will give educators practical knowledge of how to implement movement in the classroom, and participants will create both a math and a science movement-integrated lesson. Presenter: Caroline Hoadley, Dance Educator Session meets Friday, Sept. 23; 10:30-11:30am Location: Calhoun Recommended audience: Teachers: all, all Session capacity: 30 Presentation Category: Powering STEM with STEAM; Arts Int; Gifted and Talented; Special Education Integrating Outcomes to Increase Education, Emotional and Social through the Art of Batik: Through the vision and generosity of VSA SC, students learned the art of batik resulting in a noticeable increase in STEM! Teachers and parents were thrilled with the students' improved self-esteem, ability to collaborate as a Team, Enhanced Educational and behavioral outcomes and increased Motivation throughout their entire day. Learn how this project can be applied to a multitude of art forms using an inclusionary model. Presenter: Kay Ciganovic, Charleston County School District, Parent Liaison Session meets Friday, Sept. 23; 10:30-11:30am Location: Laurens Recommended audience: Teachers: all; Administrators; Teaching Artists; Parents, novice Session capacity: 20 Presentation Category: Special Education Clay Animation: Behind the Scenes: John Lemmon will demonstrate how his Charlotte character animation studio creates clay animation, from character design, and set construction through animation and editing. They will get an understanding of the many artistic disciplines that come into play in the creation of this animation technique. Attendees will also get a live demo on creating clay animation in the classroom using the Apple iPod touch 4g and a stop-motion app, I Can Animate. Presenter: John Lemmon, John Lemmon Films, President Session meets Friday, Sept. 23; 10:30-11:30am Location: Parkview Recommended audience: Visual art teachers, any classroom teacher Session capacity: 20 Presentation Category: Technology in the Arts 11:30-1:15pm Luncheon and STEM to STEAM Panel, Gold Ballroom 1:15-2:15pm The Art of Stop Motion Animation: John Lemmon will demonstrate how easy it is to create handmade animation using easy apps and the iPod touch 4. He’ll show how art teachers can enable students to make clay animation, stop-motion, and hand-drawn animation in the classroom. He’ll also give tips on teaming with other teachers to create animated movies on classroom topics related to STEM. Teachers will have the opportunity to create their own animation, and will edit and add audio to their movies, all on the iPod touch. Attendees will use ReadyANIMATOR animation equipment, which was invented by John Lemmon’s animation studio to make it easy to create animation on classroom topics. Attendees who have an iPhone 4, iPod touch 4g or iPad2 are encouraged to bring your device to the session. If you 9|Page Powering STEM with STEAM! download the stop-motion app called I Can Animate from the App Store ($2.99), you can create animation on your own device. If you’d like to edit and add sound as well, you can download the iMovie app. Also feel free to bring items to animate; about the size of your fist works well. Presenter: John Lemmon, John Lemmon Films, President Session meets Friday, Sept. 23; 1:15-2:15pm Location: Parkview Recommended audience: Visual art teachers, any classroom teacher Session capacity: 20 Presentation Category: Technology in the Arts Focus on Professional Development Programs: Arts-focused schools encounter unique challenges when training faculty in arts integration. Not only is any faculty a unique blending of talents, skills and experiences; arts schools typically operate under district mandates which do not include integration training. With limited resources and time, you need to be strategic. The SCAAE has developed new tools to help administrators identify current attitudes and understanding of their team, to help prioritize and develop new training programs. Join us at this informational session to learn more, and share experiences and successes. Presenter: Ellen Westkaemper, South Carolina Alliance for Arts Education, Chair Session meets Friday, Sept. 23; 1:15-2:15pm Location: Drayton Recommended audience: Administrators: all levels, all Session capacity: 18 Presentation Category: Administration/Strategic Planning Climbing the Story Mountain: Students are challenged by story development to present rising action in an organized and descriptive manner. This technique developed by StageWorks Theatre combines writing and acting to help students create an exciting narrative with a “BIG MOMENT”. Students will learn the method of adding Action/Details to make their narrative a great writing piece. Presenter: Laura Courter, StageWorks Theatre, Managing Director Session meets Friday, Sept. 23; 1:15-2:15pm Location: Pinckney Recommended audience: Teachers: lower elementary, upper elementary, theatre; Administrators; Teaching Artists, Session capacity: 30 Presentation Category: Arts Integration Dancing with Science: Interactive lesson infusing dance standards and primary science standards. Participants will experience the lesson from a young learner’s point of view. Presenter: Susan Woodham, Pine Street Elementary, Dance Specialist Session meets Friday, Sept. 23; 1:15-2:15pm Location: Calhoun Recommended audience: Teachers: lower elementary, dance, novice Session capacity: 30 Presentation Category: Powering STEM with STEAM; Arts Integration Integrating Lessons to Increase Literacy Skills and Improve Behaviors through African Drumming: Through the vision and generosity of VSA SC, students learned the art of African Drumming resulting in a noticeable increase in STEM! Teachers and parents were thrilled with the students' improved self-esteem, ability to collaborate as a Team, Enhanced Educational and behavioral outcomes and increased Motivation throughout their entire day. Learn how this project can be applied to a multitude of art forms using an inclusionary model. Presenter: Kay Ciganovic, Charleston County School District, Parent Liaison Session meets Friday, Sept. 23; 1:15-2:15pm Location: Laurens Recommended audience: Teachers: all; Administrators; Teaching Artists; Parents, novice Session capacity: 15 Presentation Category: Special Education 10 | P a g e