
OnondagaKey: OCS678
Your user name:_____________________
Your Password: _____________________
Your class page URL:
Quia Training Packet created by Linda Armstrong
OCM BOCES Center for Learning Technologies
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Before we begin….create a login at quia.com. See
Marcellus key on cover page. Fill in the information so
you won’t forget it.
View Sample Activities:
a. Click “View Sample Activities”
b. Shared Activities….find activities that interest you.
Get familiar with web site:
Menu Bar:
Instructor Zone:
Student Zone:
Students will need the URL of
your activities or the URL of
the class page that contains
the activities.
Quia Training Packet created by Linda Armstrong
OCM BOCES Center for Learning Technologies
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Create Activities:
First, create a folder to start organization from the beginning.
To create a new activity, select the type of activity from the drop-down
list and click
. You will be taken to the corresponding activity
How do I create accented characters?
Quia provides an easy way for you to create the diacritics found in
Spanish, French, Italian, Latin, German, and 15 other languages. Go
to the Instructor Zone, click on the Preferences tab, and select your
language next to Enable Language Tools. Once you select a
language, you'll find a convenient accent bar available the next time
you create or edit an activity.
You can copy any activities made public and edit them to your liking.
The following is a list of the activities you can create, along with a brief
description of each:
- Sink your opponent's ships by answering
questions correctly.
Challenge Board
- Score points by answering questions
- Complete paragraphs by filling in the blanks.
- Draw a line between the matching terms in the
- Use your memory to uncover matching
- Online flashcards to help you review.
- Guess the letters in a hidden word or phrase.
Jumbled Words
- Unscramble the letters to guess the word
or phrase.
- Match the corresponding terms.
Ordered List
- Put the list in order before running out of
- Complete the pattern by choosing the correct item
from each group.
Quia Training Packet created by Linda Armstrong
OCM BOCES Center for Learning Technologies
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Picture Perfect
- Reveal the entire picture hidden
underneath the squares.
- Choose the correct answer from a list of choices.
Rags to Riches
- Answer increasingly difficult questions for
fame and fortune.
Scavenger Hunt
- Track down answers to questions by
following Internet links.
Word Search
- Search for hidden words.
Your existing learning activities are listed alphabetically by title. The
URLs of your activities are also listed for your reference. You can
always come back to your Instructor Zone for the URLs of your
activities to give to your students and friends.
5. Importing a Word List
Importing a word list is an alternate way of creating a set of four
activities: flashcards, matching, concentration, and word search.
Importing is useful when you already have an electronic file with your
content, and you want a quick way of uploading it into Quia.
Your word list must be in comma-delimited format.
Each line must have exactly two terms. They should be
separated by a comma, without any intervening spaces.
For example:
Your file must be in text format. In Microsoft Windows,
files with the .txt and .csv extensions are in text format. Microsoft
Word files, which have .doc extensions, are not text files and cannot
be imported. You must save Microsoft Word files as Text Only files
before importing. Go to File…Save As…and use the down arrow in
File Type to Plain Text (txt).
Once you have your file ready, here is how to import it into Quia:
1. Go to the Instructor Zone and click on the Activities tab.
2. Click on Import word list
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OCM BOCES Center for Learning Technologies
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3. Click Browse to locate your file. (A dialog window will open. You
may have to click another button to make it close.)
4. Enter a title for your new set of activities.
5. Press Submit.
6. Return to the Activities tab in the Instructor Zone and find your
new activity in the list.
Note: To include text that contains a comma, place quotation marks
around the sentence or phrase. Here is an example of an entry that
includes a comma:
tranquil,"free from turmoil, noise, or agitation; calm or peaceful."
6. Create a Class- NOTE: Students will need this URL!!
Classes tab is your starting point for creating class pages where you
can list activities for easy access. It is also where you edit class
pages after you've created them.
Click the Classes tab.
Click Create new class.
Select “Instructor enroll” if you want to type in all the names”
Or, select “Student enroll” to allow students to enroll
themselves- this is fine and I recommend it.
For “Student Enroll” be sure to print the “Printable Student
Instructions” which will have the course code on it.
Class Pages button is where you will create easy access for
students to your activities, links, quizzes, etc
Your existing class pages are listed alphabetically by name, along
with their URLs. If you ever forget the URL of a class page, you can
always come here to find it.
Quia Training Packet created by Linda Armstrong
OCM BOCES Center for Learning Technologies
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The links next to each class page name allow you to take several
View - Click View or the URL to display your class page.
Edit - Click Edit to make changes to your class page.
Delete - Click Delete to permanently erase your class page.
E-mail - Click E-mail to e-mail a link to students or friends.
Note: Notice the page name- it will be the URL you need
to give to your students to access your class page.
7. Importing graphics and audio
1. Save the image files or audio files on your computer.
2. Click the Files tab in the Instructor Zone.
3. Create a new folder for these files so they are organized.
4. Click the Upload button.
5. Now in the activity browse for the image or sound you have
Quia Training Packet created by Linda Armstrong
OCM BOCES Center for Learning Technologies
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8. Creating a new quiz-
NOTE: Students will need this URL!!
Click the Create a new quiz button to make your first quiz. This will
open the basic quiz editor. The editor is easy to learn; just follow the
simple instructions. If you need additional help, click the Help icon in
any of the sections.
Once you've created a quiz, you'll see the quiz listed along with
several links and icons. Here is what these links and icons mean:
Click this link to make changes to your quiz. The quiz editor will
appear. You can change any part of your quiz at any time.
Click this link to get your quiz to your students. There are several
ways to do this, such as by giving students a URL or by linking your
quiz to your class page. You can also enter dates and times when your
quiz should become enabled or disabled. Use this feature to give
students access to their results…see directions on page 10.
Click this link to see students' scores and enter grades. Although Quia
does much of the grading for you, you'll still want to grade some types
of questions, like essays. This link allows you to do this. Quia can
make grading a very fast process. After you click on the Grade link,
click the Help link on the grading page to find out more.
Quia Training Packet created by Linda Armstrong
OCM BOCES Center for Learning Technologies
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“Grade” window
Preview icon
Click this icon to see how your quiz will look to students. It will open in
a new window. If you don't like how it looks, you can make changes to
it by clicking the Edit link.
Reports icon
Click this icon to generate student reports and statistical analyses.
E-mail icon
Click the e-mail icon to send people an e-mail with a link to your quiz.
You can send e-mail to your students, to colleagues, or to anyone else.
When recipients open the e-mail they'll see a link that they can click
on to take the quiz.
Copy icon
Click this icon to make a duplicate copy of your quiz. The page will
reappear and you'll see both copies listed. This is useful when you
want to make a quiz that is slightly different from a quiz that you've
already created. Instead of having to create the second quiz from
Quia Training Packet created by Linda Armstrong
OCM BOCES Center for Learning Technologies
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scratch, you can copy the first one and then click the Edit link to
modify the copied version.
Print icon
This icon opens a special version of your quiz that is formatted for
printing. Note that you'll still need to select File | Print from your
browser's menu to print the quiz.
Export results icon
Click this icon to save a copy of students' results to your computer. It
will be saved in CSV (comma-separated value) format. This format can
be imported into Microsoft Excel and certain gradebook programs.
Delete icon
Click the delete icon to remove a quiz. The scores of students who
have taken the quiz will also be removed.
Under construction icon
This icon means that you still have some steps to complete before
your quiz can be used by students. For example, you might have a
question that is missing an answer. Click the Edit link. There will be a
message at the top of the editor explaining what needs to be finished.
When you provide the missing information and save your quiz, the
icon will go away.
Disabled icon
This icon indicates that your quiz is disabled. In other words, students
will be prevented from taking your quiz. To re-enable your quiz, click
the Distribute link and change the Enabled? setting to Yes.
To see results for your students, you must have them enrolled.
Create a class with a class roster. Print out the directions for students
to self-enroll. Once they have created an account and enrolled in the
class, they can see results for any quizzes they have taken. You can
also see results from quizzes in the Instructor Zone.
Quia Training Packet created by Linda Armstrong
OCM BOCES Center for Learning Technologies
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For students to see their grades:
1. You will first need to do the following for each quiz:
 log into your account and click the "Quizzes" tab
 Click on the "Distribute" link next to the title of the quiz.
 In the "Additional Options" select "Require student names"
in the "Anonymity" drop down menu.
 Select the option to "Limit this quiz to my classes"
 Check off the classes you want
2. Be sure you have set up a roster for the classes you selected.
Either enter the student names yourself, or select Student Enroll
This requires that you have first set up online class rosters through
Quia. When students try to take the quiz, instead of asking for their
first and last names, it will require the student to log into the quiz with
their account information (password) and the system will compare it
to your roster. The quiz will then be able to have results saved in both
the instructor roster as well as allow students to view their own
9. Creating a survey
Surveys are quick and easy in Quia. They will be listed alphabetically
under your Survey tab.
The links next to each survey give you these options:
Stats - Click Stats to view the survey results and statistics.
Take - Click Take to display the survey.
Edit - Click Edit to make changes to the survey.
Copy - Click Copy to make a copy of the survey.
Delete - Click Delete to erase the survey. Once the survey is
deleted, it cannot be retrieved.
Quia Training Packet created by Linda Armstrong
OCM BOCES Center for Learning Technologies
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E-mail - Click E-mail to e-mail a link to your survey to students
or friends.
Export - Click Export to export your survey results as a commadelimited file. You may open your results file in a spreadsheet
application (like Microsoft Excel).
When exporting, you may be asked if you would like to open the file
in its current location or save the file. If you choose to open the file,
it will open in your default spreadsheet application. After viewing the
file, you can save it to your local hard drive or to disk.
Quia Training Packet created by Linda Armstrong
OCM BOCES Center for Learning Technologies
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