v2 thermodynamics

Professor of Fluid Mechanics, Pumps and Turbomachines
University of Thessaly (UTH), Department of Mechanical Engineering (MED),
Director of Fluid Mechanics & Turbomachines Lab, web: http://www.mie.uth.gr/labs/fluids
Athens Avenue, Pedion Areos, GR-383 34, Volos, Greece
Tel: + 30 4210 74094, Fax: + 30 4210 74085, E-mail: vlachos@mie.uth.gr
Short Biography
Ν. Vlachos was born in the Greek island of Euboia and was raised in Marousi-Ahens, Greece.
He received the degrees of Mech.-Elect. Engineer from the Natl Texchnical University of
Athens (1967), ΜSc in Thermal Power (1972) and PhD in Fluids Engineering (1977) from
Ιmperial College, London University. He is member of the Greek Technical Chambers
(1967), American Society of Mechanical Engineers (1976), and senior member of the
American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics (1987).
He obtained a scholarship from the State Scholarships Foundation (1961-63), British
Heart Foundation (1972-74) and the Min. of Coordination (1974-76), and received a Du Pont
Award for Laser Doppler Research (1983). He is a referred in the Who’s Who in the World
(1994-), Who’s Who in Technology (1987-), Who’s Who in Optical Engineering (1986), and
Who’s Who in Science & Engineering (1999-)
He worked as a researcher, faculty member or company executive in England, France
and the USA more than twenty years (1970-91). He has specialized in laser flow diagnostics
and computational fluid dynamics. In the USA he developed flow models for the space shuttle
main engines (NASA) and for flue gas sulfur scrubbing (Dept. of Energy) and in England
models and laser anemometry for blood flow and internal combustion engines. He has given
invited lectures in England, France, Germany and the USA and has organized conferences
and colloquia on topics of flow, environment and energy. He has been reviewer for scientific
journals or conferences and research proposals.
He has taught aerodynamics, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer,
computational fluid dynamics and measurement techniques in the thermal sciences in the
universities of Illinois at Urbana, Alabama in Huntsville, Aegean and Thessaly. His research
interests are in thermo-fluid mechanics of energy systems, propulsion and environment, laser
flow diagnostics and mathematical models of flow and transport phenomena. He has
presented more than (60) articles in scientific journals and conferences.
He is the first elected professor (1992) of the Engineering School of the UTH and as
acting chairman (1992-98) of the Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Department
contributed to its organization and development. He served as chairman of the UTH Library
committee (1994-99), and as member of the governing boards of the universities of Aegean
(1993-95) and Thessaly (1994-98). He was president of the technological center for metals
ΕΒΕΤΑΜ (1994-98) and a founding member of the Hellenic Laboratory Association (1997)
and its president (1999-2000). He was the scientific responsible for the 2nd CSFP project for
the development of the UTH Library (1996-2000) and for the postgraduate program of the
MIE Department (1998-2000). He is member of the Scientific Committee of the Panhellenic
Association of Certified Mechanical-Electrical Engineers (1998-) and the Editorial Board IV
(Mechanical & Naval) of the Greek Technical Chamber.
Since 1995 he is directing the Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics & Turbomachines of
UTH where he is supervising research projects in fluid mechanics and transport phenomena
using computational fluid dynamics and laser flow diagnostics for applications involving
energy, processes and the environment. He is the scientific responsible of the UTH research
team for the national program for controlled thermonuclear fusion, in the framework of the
Association Euratom – Hellenic Republic (General Secretariat for Research & Technology).
1977 PhD in Fluids Engineering, Imperial College, London University, England
1972 ΜSc in Thermal Power Engineering, Imperial College, London University
1967 Dipl.Ing (Mech.-Electr.), National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Greek State Scholarships (1961-63), British Heart Foundation (1972-74), Ministry of
Coordination Grant (1974-76), Du Pont Award for laser Doppler research (1983), Who’s Who
in World (1994), Who’s Who in Technology (1987), Who’s Who in Science & Engng (1999)
Teaching & Research Experience
1992Professor, Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, Univ. of Thessaly
1982Member of more than (30) advisory committees and more than (40) examination
boards of doctoral (PhD) theses
1991-92 Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Studies, University of Aegean
Associate, Dept. Mechanical & Aeronautics Engng., U. Alabama-Huntsville, USA
1988-91 Senior Manager, CHAM of North America Inc., Huntsville, Alabama, USA
1982-88 Assistant Professor, Dept. Mechanical & Industrial Engng, U. Illinois-Urbana, USA
1977-82 Research Fellow, Imperial College, London University, Great Britain
3/77-8/77 Research Engineer, Institute de Mécanique des Fluides, U. Strasbourg, France
7/76-3/77 Senior Engineer, CHAM Ltd., London, Great Britain
Administrative Experience
1995Director, Lab. οf Fluid Mechanics & Turbomachines, MED, U. Thessaly
2004-05 Acting Coordinator of International Relations Committee of U. Thessaly
2003-04 Acting Coordinator and Liaison of UTH Institutional Evaluation Committee (EUA)
1998-04 Acting vice-chairman, Department of Marine Sciences, Univ. Aegean
1992-98 Acting Chairman, Dept. of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, U. of Thessaly
1994-98 Member of Governing Board of Univ. Thessaly
1993-95 Member of Governing Board of Univ. Aegean
1994-98 President, EΒΕΤΑΜ S.A., Volos-Greece
President, Global R&D, Inc, Huntsville, Alabama, USA
1992Member of more than (60) faculty electoral bodies (AUTH, DUTH, NTUA, U.
Aegean, UTH, Tech. U. Cyprus)
1998Member of (12) select committees for researchers of Athens National Observatory
2003-07 Member of (3) select committees for researchers of NCSR-Demokritos
1999-00 Member of (4) select committees for Engineer candidates of Public Power Corp
Professional Activities
2000Member of Mechanical Engineering Committee of DIKATSA-DOATAP
Coordinator of TEE study group ‘Contribution of the Mechanical Engineer
to Technical Education’
Senior Staff Scientist (Part Time), Sigmatech, Inc., Huntsville, Alabama
Technical Consultant, General Electric, Schenectady, HΠΑ
Telecommunication Engineer, Telecommunication Organization, Athens
1967-69 Military Service, Technical Corps, 303 PEB-Larissa and SETTHL-Athens
Summer training in paper industry, Ηalstavik, Sweden
Professional Societies
Member of Greek Technical Chambers (1967-), American Society of Mechanical Engineers
(1976-), American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics (Senior, 1987-). Member of
Scientific Committee of Greek Society of Mechanical-Electrical Engineers (1998-). Member
of Editorial Committee IV (Mechanical and Naval) of Greek Technical Chambers (2003-)
Referee for Journals, Conferences and Proposals
Journals: I.J. Numerical Methods in Fluids, AIAA J., J. Thermophysics & Heat Transfer,
Applied Math. Modelling, ASME J. Fluids Engng., ASME J. Fuel Cells, ASME J. Heat
Transfer, Chemical Engng. Science, Computers & Fluids, European J. Mechanics B/Fluids,
Fusion Engng. & Design, Global Nest, Intl J. Heat & Fluid Flow, Intl J. Heat & Mass
Transfer, Intl J. Multiphase Flow, Intl J. Thermal Science, J. Food Engng, J. Wind Engng &
Industrial Aerodynamics, Numerical Heat Transfer, Technika Xronika.
Conferences: ASME-Winter Annual Meetings, Int’l Inst. of Gas Turbines Conferences,
ECOS2006, PSDM-H 2005 & 2007, 6th Intl Conf. Protection & Restoration Environment
2002, EUROCVD-13 2001, HEFAT2008.
Books: Combustion Fundamentals (Chap. 5), by Prof. R.A. Strehlow. Prizes-Grants: NSF
Undergraduate Fellowships, NSF Supercomputer Initiative, Research Board – Univ. of
Illinois at Urbana, USA
Other Activities
Reviewer of research proposal for the Institute of Energy, Republic of Georgia
2001-09 Reviewer of research proposals "C. Karatheodory" program of Univ. Patras
Reviewer postdoctoral fellowships for National Fellowships Foundation, Greece
Reviewer of proposals (Pythagoras) for the Ministry of Education (3rd CSFP)
Reviewer of proposals (AKMON) for the Ministry of Development (GSR&T)
Reviewer of proposals (Irakleitos) for the Ministry of Education (3rd CSFP)
Reviewer of proposals (Graduate Studies) for the Ministry of Education (3rd CSFP)
External reviewer of graduate programs of Natl Technical Univ. of Athens
1996Reviewer of proposals for the Ministry of Education (2nd CSFP)
1994-03 Reviewer of research proposals for General Secretariat of R&T, Greece
Reviewer of research proposals of EPISEY of Natl Technical Univ. of Athens
Reviewer of research proposals of Univ. Aegean
Reviewer of research proposals "Thalis" program of NTUA
Reviewer of proposals (EPEAEK) for the Ministry of Education (2nd CSFP)
President of Hellenic Laboratory Association-Hellaslab &founding member (1997)
Chairman of Library Committee, University of Thessaly
Chairman Org. Comm. 1st to 9th School on Physics & Technology of Fusion, Volos
Member Sci.Comm. 4th to 11th Conference on Environmental Sci. &Tech,U.Aegean
Chairman Sci.Comm. 2nd Natl Conf. of Mech.-Electr. Engineers, Athens, 3-5 May
Vice-Chairman, Org. Committee, 18th Summer School & Conference on Non
Linear Science & Complexity, Volos, 18-30 July
Member Sci. Comm. First Natl Conference of Mechanical-Electrical Engineers,
Athens, 28-30 March.
Member Sci. Comm. 7th Conf. European Society of Glass, Athens, 25-28 April.
Member Sci. Committee, 2nd Balkan Conf. on Glass Sci. & Tech., Varna, BG
Chairman Org. Committee, First Balkan Conf. on Glass Sci. & Tech., U. Thessaly
Chairman Org. Committee, 2nd Colloquium on Research Activities in Fluid Flow
Phenomena in Greece, Univ. Thessaly, May 2000
Chairman Org. Committee, 6th Natl Conf of the Solar Tech Inst., Univ. Thessaly
Chairman 3rd Conference of Environmental Sci. & Tech., Molyvos, Lesvos, Greece
Research Projects
1. ‘Greek National Program for Controlled Thermo-nuclear Fusion (EE2425)’
Budget: 700.000 Euro
2. ‘Improvement of Quality and Productivity of Greek Glass Industry (EE1070)’
Funding: GSRT/EPET-II Project 296
Budget: 113.000 Euro (1995-97)
3. ‘Treatment of metallic materials by Laser Beams’ Resp: Haidemenopoulos/Vlachos
Funding: GSRT/EPET-II Project 170
Budget: 176/24 kEuro (1996-98)
4. ‘Modeling and Control of the Processes of Precalciner for Cement Production (EE1309)’
Funding: GSRT/96SYN121
Budget: 24.000 Euro (1999-2001)
4. ‘Analysis of Aeroelastic Stability of Wind Turbine Blades (ΕΕ2272)’
Funding: CRES
Budget: 5.000 Euro (1999-2000)
5. ‘Glasnet: Network of History, Science & Technology of Glass (ΕΕ2519)’
Funding: GSRT
Budget: 2 kEuros
6. ‘Development of Navier-Stokes CFD Code for the Study of the Aeroelastic Stability
of Wind Turbine Blades (ΕΕ2424)’
Funding: CRES
Budget: 5.000 Euro (2000-2002)
8. ‘Adaptive CFD Code for Industrial Design and Environmental Applications’
Funding: GSRT/03PRAXE18
Budget: 40.000 Euro (2003-2005)
9. ‘HYPOS-DILETR: Development of a Distance Learning Training Structure on the
Design and Operation of Hybrid Power Systems’
Funding: EU/Leonardo (CRES)
Budget: 30.000 Euro (2003-2005)
Development Projects
1. ‘Operators of CAD/CAM/CIM Systems (EE2100)’
Funding: Min. of Labor
Budget: 33 kΕυρω
2. ‘Organization, Automation and Networking of the UTH Library (ΕΕ2134)’
Funding: EPEAEK/Min. Education Budget: 1.750.000 Euro
3. Title: ‘ΕΕ2214 – Postgraduate Studies Program of the MIED-UTH’
Funding: Min. Education
Budget: 585.00 Euro (1998-2000)
Undergraduate Courses
U. of Illinois at Urbana, USA - Dept. of Mechanical & Industrial Engng: Gas Dynamics,
Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, Numerical Modeling of Flow & Heat Transfer, Fluid
Mechanics of Convective Heat Transfer
Univ. of Aegean - Dept. of Environmental Sciences: Environmental Fluid Mechanics
Univ. Thessaly - Dept. of Planning & Regional Development: Environmental Mechanics
Univ. Thessaly - Dept. of Mechanical Engng: Fluid Mechanics I, Compressible
Aerodynamics, Thermodynamics II, Turbomachines, Computational Methods in Energy,
Measurement Techniques in Energy,
Postgraduate Courses
Univ. of Illinois at Urbana, USA - Dept. of Mechanical & Industrial Engng: Fluid Mechanics
of Convective Heat Transfer
Univ. of Alabama in Huntsville, USA - Dept of Mechanical & Aerospace Engng: Advanced
Thermodynamics, Advanced Numerical Methods in Mechanical Engineering
Univ. Thessaly - Dept. Mechanical Engng: Energy Conversion Systems, Analysis & Modeling
of Industrial Flows, Measurement Techniques in Thermal Sciences, Adv. Fluid Mechanics,
Computational Fluid Dynamics & Heat Transfer
Student Supervision
Undergraduate Dissertations
1. Adjemian, A., ‘Numerical Modeling of Glass Flow’, June 1995
2. Fidaros, D., ‘Mathematical Modeling of Dispersion and Deposition Pollutants’, June 1997
3. Giannopoulos, O., ‘Modeling of Flow in Rotary Cement Kilns’, June 1998
4. Tsiantis, A., ‘Mathematical Modeling of Coal Particle Combustion in Rotary Cement
Kilns’, June 1998
5. Mpochtis, Th., ‘Certification of the Wind Tunnel of the Fluid Mechanics Lab’, June 1998
6. Psarianos, D., ‘Modeling the Flow and Transport Phenomena with Radiation – Application
to Glass Production’, Oct. 2000, TEE Prize ‘Best Graduation Project 2001’
7. Dritselis, Ch., ‘Modeling the Flow Phenomena in Cyclones’, Feb. 2001
8. Pappa, I., ‘Certification of the PIV System in Free Convection Flows’, Feb. 2001
9. Zikos, G., ‘Study of the Effect of Magnetic Fields on Boundary Layer and Natural
Convection Flows’, Oct. 2001
10. Houliaras, A., ‘Modeling of the Motion of Grains and Bubbles in Glass Melt', Feb. 2002
11. Kakarantzas, S., ‘Modeling of Natural Convection of Liquid Metals with Internal Heat
Sources under the Influence of Magnetic Boundary Layer’, June 2002
12. Poulianitis, K., ‘Numerical Study of the Effect of Surface Temperature Distribution on
the Flow of Glass Melt‘, June 2002
13. Saraliotis, Th., ‘Study of the Effect of Particles on Recirculating Flows’, October 2003
14. Gastis, V., ‘Development of a Computer Model for Turbocharger Evaluation’, Oct. 2003
15. Vlahakis, V., ‘Development of a CFD Model for Blood Flow in Arteres’, July 2004
16. Koumoundouros, P., ‘Study the Effect of Particles on Turbulent Flow in a Vertical Pipe’,
Oct. 2004
17. Doulgerakis, Ζ., ‘Experimental Study of Turbulent Two-Phase Flow of Water-Particles in
a Vertical Pipe’, Feb. 2006
18. Moutsikopoulou, Μ., Numerical Modelling of Turbulent Two-Phase Flow of Air-Water
Droplets in a Vertical Pipe, July 2007
19. Demetriou, E., Study of Two-Phase Flow of Liquid-Particles in Bifurcations of the
Circulatory System, July 2009
Postgraduate (Master's) Dissertations
1. K. Thole, ‘An Experimental Investigation of Turbulent Shear Layers over a Backward
Facing Step’, Dept. of Mech. & Ind. Engng., U. Illinois at U-C, USA, 1984
2. T. Nguyen, ‘A Study of Laminar Flow and Conjugate Heat Transfer in Rib-Roughened
Tubes’, Dept. of Mech. & Ind. Engng., Univ. Illinois at U-C, USA, 1985
3. D. Fidaros, ‘Simulation of Flow and Transport Phenomena in a Cement Precalciner
for Cement Production’, 2000
4. E. Basbanellou, ‘Simulation of Natural Convection Flow with Double Diffusion of HeatConcentration in Ducts of Triangular Cross Section’, 2002
5. A. Tataridou, ‘Study of Natural Convection in a Swallow Cavity with Internal Heat
Sources and under the Influence of Magnetic Fields’, 2002
6. Dritselis, Ch., ‘Effect of Periodic Distribution of Duct Wall Temperature on Mixed
Convection Flows’, 2002
7. Zikos, G., ‘Development of a CFD Model for the Effect of Magnetic Field on Natural
Convection Flows’, October 2003
8. Houliaras, A., ‘Development of a CFD Model for the Motion of Grains and Bubbles in
Glass Melt Flow', October 2003
9. Kakaratzas, S., ‘Development of a CFD Model for MHD Flow of Liquid Metal with
Internal Heat Sources', June 2004
10. Zagoritis, Α., Simulation of Flow and Transport Phenomena in Chlorination Tanks of
Secondary Treatment Urban Wastage with CFD: Assessment of Kinetic Models,
11. Biska, P.-Ε., Simulation of Flow and Transport Phenomena in Chlorination Tanks of
Secondary Treatment Urban Wastage with CFD – Assessment of Configurations, April 2007
PhD Theses
1. Khodadadi, J., ‘An Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Confined Coaxial
Turbulent Jets’, Dept. of Mech. & Ind. Engng., Univ. Illinois at U-C, USA, 1986
1. Samagaio, A., ‘Numerical Prediction of 3-D Incompressible Recirculating Flows’,
Dept. of Mech. & Ind. Engng., Univ. Illinois at U-C, USA, 1986
2. Liljegren, M., ‘An Experimental Study of the Effect of Small Particles on Fluid Turbulence
in Horizontal Pipe Air Flow', Dept M&IE, U. Illinois at U-C, USA, 1988
3. Sarris, I., ‘Three-Dimensional Mathematical Models of Glass Melting and Flow’, Nov.
5. Koutlas, G., ‘Simulation of Flow and Transport Phenomena during Deposition of TiC
with the Method of Laser Chemical Vapor Deposition’, Jan. 2003
6. A. Baxevanou, ‘Navier-Stokes Model for the Analysis of Aeroelasticity of Wind Turbine
Blades’, Jan. 2004
7. D. Fidaros, ‘Development of CFD Model in Curvilinear Coordinates for the Study of
MHD Flows’, June 2007
8. Ch. Dritselis, ‘Study of Particle/Fluid Interaction in Turbulent Two-Phase Flow of
Air/Particles in Ducts’, July 2007
9. Kakarantzas, S., ‘Development of a Model of Magneto-hydrodynamic Convection with
Internal Heat Sources in Cylindrical Ducts', MIE, UTH, July 2008
10. Kapsalis, P., ‘Delay of boundary layer separation using active flow control’, in progress
(Committee - 6 Feb. 2009)
12. Iatridis, Α., ‘Study of Magnetohydrodynamic flow and transport phenomena in ducts’,
in progress (Committee - 10 March 2009)
Articles Published in Scientific Journals
1. Markatos, N.C.G., D.B. Spalding, D.G. Tatchel and N.S. Vlachos, "A Solution Method for
3-D Turbulent Boundary Layers on Bodies of Arbitrary Shapes", Computer Methods in
Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 15, pp. 161-174, 1978
2. Vlachos, N.S. and J.H. Whitelaw, "Low Reynolds Number Flow in the Vicinity of
Axisymmetric Constrictions" J. of Mechanical Engng. Science, Vol. 21, pp. 73-84, l979
3. Gosman, A.D., N.S. Vlachos and J.H. Whitelaw, "Low Reynolds Number Flow in the
Vicinity of 3-D Obstacles", J. of Mechanical Engng. Science, Vol. 21, pp. 335-343, 1979
4. Mishina, H., N.S. Vlachos and J.H. Whitelaw, "Effect of Wall Scatteling on Signal-toNoise Ratio in Laser Doppler Anemometry", J. Applied Optics, Vol. 18, pp. 2480-2485,
5. Scrivener, O., C. Bemer, R. Cresely, R. Hocquart, R. Selin and N.S. Vlachos, "Dynamical
Behaviour of Drag Reducing Polymer Solutions", J. of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics,
Vol. 5, pp. 475-495, 1979
6. Bicen, A.F., N.S. Vlachos and J.H. Whitelaw, "The Creation and Destruction of Vortices
in Unsteady Flows", Letters in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 7, pp. 77-82, 1980
7. Liepsch, D., S. Moravec and A.K. Rastogi and N.S. Vlachos, "Measurement and
Calculations of Laminar Flow in a 90-Degree Bifurcation", J. of Biomechanics, Vo1. 15,
pp. 473-482, 1982
8. Arcoumanis, C., A.F. Bicen, N.S. Vlachos and J.H. Whitelaw, "Effects of Flow and
Geometry Boundary Conditions on Fluid Motion in a Motored Internal Combustion Model
Engine", Proc. Institution of Mechanical Engineering, London, Vol. 196, no. 4, 1982
9. Hodgkinson, J., N.S. Vlachos, J.H. Whitelaw and J.G. Williams, "Drop-Weight Impact
Testing with the use of Laser Doppler Velocimetry", Proc. Royal Society, London, Vol.
A379, pp.133-144, 1982
10. Gibson, M.M., C.A. Verriopoulos and N.S. Vlachos, "Turbulent Boundary Layer on
Mildly Convex Surfaces", Journal of Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 2, pp. 17-24, 1984
11. Khodadadi, J.M., T.M. Nguyen and N.S. Vlachos, "Laminar Forced Convective Heat
Transfer in a 90o Bifurcation", Numerical Heat Transfer, Vol. 9, pp. 677-695, 1986
12. Khodadadi, J.M., N.S. Vlachos, D. Liepsch and S. Moravec, "LDA Measurements and
Numerical Prediction of Pulsatile Laminar Flow in a Plane 90o-Degree Bifurcation",
ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engng., Vol. 110, pp. 129-136, 1988
13. Khodadadi, J.M. and N.S. Vlachos, "An Experimental and Numerical Investigation of
Confined Coaxial Turbulent Jets", AIAA Journal, Vol. 27, pp. 532-541, 1989.
14. Nguyen, T.M., J.M. Khodadadi and N.S. Vlachos, "Laminar Flow and Conjugate Heat
Transfer Augmentation in Rib Roughened Tubes", Numerical Heat Transfer-Part A, Vol.
15, pp. 165-179, 1989
15. Vlachos, N.S., "Calculation of Two-Dimensional Flow in a PC Cabinet", PHOENICS
Journal, Vol. 1, pp. 482-501, 1989
16. Samagaio, A. and N.S. Vlachos, "Calculation of 3-D Laminar Flow in Tee-Shaped
Junctions", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics & Engng.,Vol. 75, pp.393-407, 1989
17. Liljegren, L.M. and N.S. Vlachos, "Laser Measurements in a Horizontal Turbulent GasSolid Pipe Flow", Journal of Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 9, pp. 205-212, 1990
18. Khodadadi, J.M. and N.S. Vlachos, "Effects of Turbulence Model Constants on
Computation of Confined Swirling Flows", AIAA J., Vol. 28, pp. 750-752, 1990
19. Sarris, I.E., I. Lekakis and N. S. Vlachos, "Natural Convection in a 2D Enclosure with
Sinusoidal Upper Wall Temperature", J. of Numerical Heat Transfer: Part A Applications, Vol. 42, pp. 513-530, 2002
20. Koutlas, G.N. and N. S. Vlachos, ‘Numerical modelling of pyrolytic Laser induced
chemical vapour deposition’, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 93, pp. 3049-3056, 2003
21. Sarris, I.E., I. Lekakis and N. S. Vlachos, "Natural convection in rectangular tanks heated
locally from below", Int'l J. Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 47, pp. 3549-3563, 2004
22. Baxevanou, C. and N.S. Vlachos, "A comparative study of numerical schemes and
turbulence models for wind turbine aerodynamics modelling", Wind Engineering, Vol. 28,
no. 3, pp. 275-290, 2004.
23. Sarris, I.E., S.C. Kakarantzas, A.P. Grecos and N.S. Vlachos, ‘MHD natural convection in
a laterally and volumetrically heated square cavity’, Intl J. Heat & Mass Transfer, Vol. 48,
pp. 3443-3453, 2005
24. Sarris, I.E., G. K. Zikos, A.P. Grecos and N.S. Vlachos, ‘On the limits of validity of the
low-magnetic Reynolds number approximation in MHD natural convection heat transfer’,
J. of Numerical Heat Transfer B – Vol. 50(2), pp. 157-180, 2006
25. Sarris, I., P. Tsiakaras, S. Song, N.S. Vlachos, A three-dimensional CFD model of direct
ethanol fuel cells: Anode flow bed analysis, Solid State Ionics, Vol. 177 (19-25), pp. 21332138, 2006.
26. Politis, A.K., G.P. Stavropoulos, M.N. Christolis, F.G. Panagopoulos, N.S. Vlachos and
N.C. Markatos, "Numerical modeling of simulated blood flow in idealized composite
arterial coronary grafts: Steady state simulations” J. of Biomechanics, 40 (5), pp. 11251136, 2007.
27. Fidaros, D.K., C.A. Baxevanou, C. Dritselis and N.S. Vlachos, “Numerical modelling of
flow and transport processes in a claciner for cement production”, Powder
Technology, 171 (2), pp. 81-95, 2007.
28. Fidaros, D.K., Baxevanou, C.A. and Vlachos, N.S., ‘A parametric study of a solar
calcinator using computational fluid dynamics’, Energy Conversion and
Management, 48 (11), pp. 2784-2791, 2007.
29. Kakarantzas, S.C., Grecos, A.P., Vlachos, N.S., Sarris, I.E., Knaepen, B., Carati, D.
’Direct numerical simulation of a heat removal configuration for fusion blankets’, Energy
Conversion and Management, 48 (11), pp. 2775-2783, 2007.
30. Baxevanou, C.A., Chaviaropoulos, P.K., Voutsinas, S.G., Vlachos, N.S. ‘Evaluation study
of a Navier-Stokes CFD aeroelastic model of wind turbine airfoils in classical flutter’, J. of
Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 96 (8-9), pp. 1425-1443, 2008
31. Politis, A.K., Stavropoulos, G.P., Christolis, M.N., Panagopoulos, P.G., Vlachos, N.S.,
Markatos, N.C., ‘Numerical modelling of simulated blood flow in idealized composite
arterial coronary grafts: Transient flow’, Journal of Biomechanics, 41 (1), pp. 25-39, 2008
32. Dritselis, C.D., Vlachos, N.S., ‘Numerical study of educed coherent structures in the nearwall region of a particle-laden channel flow’, Physics of Fluids, 20 (5), art. no. 055103,
33. Kakarantzas, S.C., Sarris, I.E., Grecos, A.P., Vlachos, N.S., ‘Magnetohydrodynamic
natural convection in a vertical cylindrical cavity with sinusoidal upper wall temperature’,
Intl J. of Heat & Mass Transfer, Vol. 52, pp. 250-259, 2009
34. Fidaros, D.K., L. Bühler, A.P. Grecos and N.S. Vlachos “Numerical modelling of rotating
tangential layers (jets) in shells under strong uniform magnetic field”, Intl J. for Numerical
Methods in Fluids, Vol. 62 (6), pp. 660-682, 28 Feb. 2010
35. Sarris, I.E., A.I. Iatridis, C.D. Dritselis and N.S. Vlachos “Magnetic field effect on the
cooling of a low-Pr fluid in a vertical cylinder”, Physics of Fluids, 22, art. 017101 (2010)
36. Sarris, I.E., D.G.E. Grigoriadis and N.S. Vlachos “Laminar free convection in a square
enclosure driven by the Lorentz force”, Numerical Heat Transfer A, under review, 2009
Articles Published in Greek Scientific Journals
1. Baxevanou, A.A. and N.S. Vlachos, «Review of methods for the study of aeroelasticity –
Part A: General characteristics for wind turbines”, Technical Chronicles, Scientific J. of
TCG, IV, No. 1-2, pp. 31-44, 2004.
1. Baxevanou, A.A. and N.S. Vlachos, “Review of methods for the study of aeroelasticity –
Part A: General characteristics for wind turbines”, Technical Chronicles Scientific J. of
TCG, IV, No. 1-2, pp. 45-56, 2004.
2. Baxevanou, A.A., D.K. Fidaros and N.S. Vlachos, “Computational Fluid Dynamics
(CFD) in the Greek market”, Bulletin of HAMEE (Hellenic Association of MechanicalElectrical Engineers), No. 387, pp.46-52, May 2006
Articles Published in Conference Proceedings (Reviewed)
1. Vlachos, N.S. and J.H. Whitelaw, "The Measurement of Blood Velocity with Laser
Velocimetry", Proc. 2nd Int’l Workshop on Laser Velocimetry, Purdue University, Vol. 1,
pp.521-544, l974
2. Gosman, A.D., N.S. Vlachos and J.H. Whitelaw, "Measurement and Calculation of
Laminar Flow Downstream of Bend in Round Pipe and the Prognosis for Similar
Investigations of Blood Flow in Venules", ASME Symposium of Biomechanics, Troy,
NY, Paper75-APMB-7, 1975
3. Highman, V., Y. Levy, N.S. Vlachos and J.H. Whitelaw, "The Measurement of Retinal
Blood Velocity with Laser Velocimetry", Optics Photonics and Ionics Engng. Meeting,
Proc. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engng., Vol. 211, pp. 97-102, Nov.26-30,
4. Vlachos, N.S. and J.H. Whitelaw, "Aspects of Sudden Expansion Flows", Int’l Symposium
on Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer in Energy and Enviromental Problems, Univ. of
Patras, June 29-July 1, 1981
5. Lekas, T.D. and N.S. Vlachos, "A Computational and Expedmental Study for the Surface
BIocking in Filter Media", Int’l Symposium on Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer in
Energy and Enviromental Problems, Univ. of Patras, June 29-1uly 1, 1981
6. Laker, J.R., C.A. Verriopoulos and N.S. Vlachos, "A Microprocessor Controlled Data
Acquisition and Processing System for Hot-Wire Anemometry", Proc. 7th Biennial
Symposium on Turbulence, Univ. of Missouri-Rolla, pp. 120-128, Sep.21-23, 1981
7. Vlachos, N.S., "LDA Measurements of Natural Transition in a Confined Round Jet", Proc.
8th Biennial Symp. on Turbulence, Univ. of Missouri, Rolla, pp. 83-91, Sep. 26-28, 1983
8. Vlachos, N.S., "On Turbulence Modeling and Large Scale Structures", Symposium on
Fluid Dynamics, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, pp. 339-355, April 26-27, 1984
9. Khodadadi, J.M. and N.S. Vlachos, "Numerical Prediction of Pulsatile Flow in a Model
Arterial Branch", 4th International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology
SUNY at Buffalo, pp. 123-126, July 8-11, 1984
10. Nguyen, T.M., J.M. Khodadadi and N.S. Vlachos, "Laminar Flow and Conjugate Heat
Transfer Augmentation in Tubes Roughened with Circumferential Ribs", ASME Winter
Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Dec. 9-14, 1984
11. Khodadadi, J.M. and N.S. Vlachos, "Unsteady Flow in a Ninety Degree Bifurcation",
ASME Winter Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, Dec. 9-14, 1984
12. Samagio, A. and N.S. Vlachos, "Numerical Study of 3-D Laminar Flow in a Ninety
Degree Bifurcation", 1st World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Univ. of Texas,
Austin, Vol. 2, Sep. 22-26, 1986
13. Khodadadi, J.M. and N.S. Vlachos, "An Experimental and Numerical Investigation of
Confined Coaxial Turbulent Jets", AIAA 20th Fluid Dynamics, Plasma Dvnamics and
Laser Conference, Honolulu, HI, Paper AIAA-87-1380, June 8-10, 1987
14. Khodadadi, J.M. and N.S. Vlachos, "Computation of Confined Swirling Flows:Effect of
Boundary Conditions and Turbulence Model", Proc. 5th Int’l Conf. on Numerical Methods
in Laminar and Turbulent Flows, Montreal, Canada, Vol. 1, pp. 458-469, July 6-10, 1987
15. Samagaio, A. and N.S. Vlachos, "Calculation of 3-D Laminar Flow in Tee-Shaped
Junctions", 8th Int’l Conference on Computer Methods in Applied Sciences and Engng.,
Versailles, France, December 14-18, 1987
16. Khodadadi, J.M. and N.S. Vlachos, "Pressure Variation on the Walls of a Model Arterial
Branch During Pulsatile Flow", 6th Int’l Conf. on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology,
San Antonio, Texas, Aug. 6-12, 1988
17. Samagaio, A. and N.S. Vlachos, "An Experimental and Numerical Study of 3-D Turbulent
Flow in a Backward Facing Step", ASME Int’l Computers in Engng. Conference and
Exhibition, San Francisco, July 31-Aug. 3, 1988
18. Liljegren, L.M. and N.S. Vlachos, "Laser Measurements in a Horizontal Turbulent GasSolid Pipe Flow", 11th Biennal Symposium on Turbulence, Univ. of Missouri-Rolla,
Rolla, Oct. 16-19, 1988
19. Khodadadi, J.M. and N.S. Vlachos, "Shear Stress Distribution in a 90-Degree Bifurcation
During Pulsatile Laminar Flow", ASME-Winter Annual Meeting, Chicago, Dec. 2-15,
20. Schutzbach, K.C. and N.S. Vlachos, "Calculation of Three-Dimensional Turbulent Flow
in a PC Cabinet", 3rd PHOENICS User Conference, Dubrovnik, Yugo., Aug. 28-Sep. 2,
21. Vlachos, N.S., "Problems in Numerical Modeling of Electronic Equipment Cooling",
Panel Discussion, ASME Winter Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Dec. 13, 1989.
22. S.F. Owens, N.C. Costes, N.S. Vlachos and G.H. Fichtl, "Analysis of Coolant Flow and
Heat Transfer in the SSME HPOTP Number 4 Bearing Assembly", 8th SSME CFD
Working Group Meeting NASA-Marshall Space Flight Center, April 17-19, 1990
23. Vlachos, N.S., "Laser Optical Sensors for Flow Measurement", Sensors ’93 - TEE
Meeting, Athens, May 28, l993
24. Vlachos, N.S., "Modeling of Flue Gas Desulfurization in Power Stations", 3rd Conference
on Environmental Science & Technology, pp.1-13, Molyvos-Lesvos, Greece, Sep. 6-9, 1993
25. Sakkas, N., Th. Lekkas and N. Vlachos, "Assessment of the detachment mechanisms from
the surface of a liquid fluidized particle", Proc. 3rd Conf. of Environmental Science &
Technology, pp. 117-128, Molyvos-Lesvos, 6-9 Sept. 1993
26. Koutlas, G. and N.S. Vlachos, «Modeling of Laser chemical vapor deposition» Proc.
(compl.) 4th ECCOMAS Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Paper 9, Athens,
Sept. 7-11, 1998
27. Sarris, Ι.Ε., Α. Tsiantis, O. Giannopoulos, D. Feidaros and N.S. Vlachos, "Modeling of
Coal Combustion in a Rotary Cement Kiln». 3th National Congress on Computational
Mechanics, pp. 665-672, Volos, June 24-26, 1999
28. Fidaros, D.K., I.E. Sarris and N.S. Vlachos, "Modelling the dispersion and deposition of
gas and solid atmospheric pollutants", 6th Conference of Environmental Science &
Technology, Samos-Greece, 28 Aug. - 2 Sep. 1999 (in Greek)
29. Katsavos, N., I. Lekakis and N.S. Vlachos, "Study of Natural Convection in a Glass
Melting Tank", 6th National Conference of the Solar Technology Institute, Vol. B, pp. 6169, Volos, 3-5 Nov. 1999 (in Greek)
30. Fidaros, D., I. Sarris and N.S. Vlachos, «Assessment of the Pollution from an Industrial
Stack with a 3-D Model», 6th National Conference of the Solar Technology Institute, pp.
111-120, Volos, 3-5 Nov. 1999 (in Greek)
31. Sarris, I., N. Katsavos, I. Lekakis and N.S. Vlachos, «The influence of combustion on the
optimum glass melt flow», 6th National Conference of the Solar Technology Institute, Vol.
B, pp. 201-209, Volos, 3-5 Nov. 1999 (in Greek)
32. Griparis, M.K., F.N. Koumpoulis, N.S. Vlachos and I. Marinos, ‘Prercalcination in
cement plants: System description and control trends’, IFAC-MIM 2000 Symp. on
Manufacturing, Modeling, Management and Control, Rio, Patras, Greece, pp. 262-267,
12-14 July 2000
33. Koumpoulis, F.N., M.G. Skarpetis, N.D. Kouvakas and N.S. Vlachos, ‘Noninteracting
control for submarine in straight horizontal course’, Proc. 8th Mediterenean Conf. On
Control and Automation (MED 2000), Rio, Patras, Greece, pp. 262-267, 17-19 July 2000
34. Katsavos, N., I. Lekakis, I. Pappa, I. Sarris and N. Vlachos, ‘Development of a PIV
system for the study of glass melt flow’, First Balkan Conference on Glass Science &
Technology, Volos, Greece, pp. 239-247, 9-10 Oct. 2000
35. Sarris, I.E., I. Lekakis and N. Vlachos, ‘Control of glass melt recirculation by a heated
strip on the tank bottom’, First Balkan Conference on Glass Science & Technology,
Volos, Greece, pp. 379-388, 9-10 Oct. 2000
36. Katsavos, N., I.G. Pappa, I.E. Sarris, Ι. Lekakis and Ν.S. Vlachos, ‘A study of natural
convection from a heating line source of a high Pr fluid in a rectangular cavity’, 5th
World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics & Thermodynamics,
Vol. 1, pp. 591-596, Thessaloniki, Greece, 24-28 Sep. 2001
37. Sarris, I.E., I. Lekakis and N. S. Vlachos, “Effect of Burner Arrangement on Glass Melt
Circulation”, XIX Intl Congress on Glass, Edinburgh, Vol. 2, p. 127, July 2-6, 2001
38. Baxevanou, C. and N.S. Vlachos, "A comparative study of numerical schemes and
turbulence models for wind turbine aerodynamics modelling", European Wind Energy
Conference, Poster, Madrid-Spain, 16-19 June 2003.
39. Dritselis, C.D., I.E. Sarris, and N.S. Vlachos, ‘Magnetohydrodynamic turbulent channel
flow with transverse square cylinders’, 16th ANS biennial Topical Meeting on the
Technology of Fusion Energy (TOFE) in Madison, Wisconsin, September 14-16, 2004
40. Ι.Ε. Sarris and N.S. Vlachos, ‘Mixing enhancement in an industrial glass melt tank by
additional heating from the bottom’, 7th ESG Conference on Glass Science and
Technology, Athens, Greece, April 25-28, 2004
41. Dritselis, C., I. Sarris and N. Vlachos, “Direct numerical simulation of particle pollutant
transport and deposition in turbulent duct flows”, 9th Intl Conference on Environmental
Science & Technology, Rhodes, 1-3 Sept. 2005
42. Fidaros, D.K., A.P. Grecos and N.S. Vlachos, “Numerical study of Magnetohydrodynamic flow in a cylinder with a rotating disk”, CDRom 1st National Conference of
Mechanical-Electrical Engineers, Athens, 38-30 March 2005
43. Baxevanou, Α.Α., D.K. Fidaros and N.S. Vlachos, “Penetration of Computational Fluid
Dynamics (CFD) technology in the Greek market”, CDRom 1st National Conference of
Mechanical-Electrical Engineers, Athens, 38-30 March 2005
44. Sarris, Ι.Ε., C.D. Dritselis, Α.P. Grecos and N.S. Vlachos, “Study of magnetic field effect
on the cooling by free convection of a liquid metal in a cylindrical container”, CDRom 1 st
National Conference of Mechanical-Electrical Engineers, Athens, 38-30 March 2005
45. Kakarantzas, S., Ι.Ε. Sarris, A.P. Grecos and N.S. Vlachos, “Numerical study of the
magnetic field effect on unsteady natural convection with internal heat sources”, CDRom
1st National Conference of Mechanical-Electrical Engineers, Athens, 38-30 March 2005
46. S.C. Kakarantzas, A.P. Grecos, N.S. Vlachos, I.E. Sarris, B. Knaepen, D. Carati, “Direct
numerical simulation of an efficient configuration for fusion heat removal blankets”,
ECOS2006 - Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of
Energy Systems, Agia Pelagia, Crete, Greece, 12-14 July 2006.
47. D.K. Fidaros, C.A. Baxevanou and N.S. Vlachos, “Solar calcinator – A CFD parametric
study”, ECOS 2006- Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation & Environmental Impact
of Energy Systems, Agia Pelagia, Crete, Greece, 12-14 July 2006
48. A.K. Politis, G.P. Stavropoulos, F.G. Panagopoulos, N.S. Vlachos and N.C. Markatos a
Numerical study of pulsatile flow in composite arterial coronary grafts, 5th World
Congress of Biomechanics, Munich, July 29 – August 4, 2006, Editor Dieter Liepsch,
Medimond International Proceedings, 2006. Abstract in Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 39,
Supplement 1, page S402, 2006.
Articles Published in Proceedings of Meetings, Workshops and Schools
1. Katsavos, N., I. Lekakis and N.S. Vlachos, ‘Study of Natural Convection with Particle
Image Velocimetry (PIV)’, First Meeting of Research Activities in Fluid Mechanics in
Greece, Paper 1, NTUA, Athens, Greece, 15 May 1998 (in Greek)
2. Fidaros, D., I. Sarris and N.S. Vlachos, ‘Simulation of Dispersion and Deposition of Solid
Pollutants’, First Meeting of Research Activities in Fluid Mechanics in Greece, Paper 11,
NTUA, Athens, Greece, 15 May 1998 (in Greek)
3. Sarris, I.E., Ν. Katsavos and N.S. Vlachos, ‘Simulation of Three-dimensional Flow of
Glass Melt’, First Meeting of Research Activities in Fluid Mechanics in Greece, Paper
16, NTUA, Athens, Greece, 15 May 1998 (in Greek)
4. Koutlas, G. and N.S. Vlachos, ‘Simulation of Chemical Vapor Deposition with a Laser
Beam’, First Meeting of Research Activities in Fluid Mechanics in Greece, Paper 22,
NTUA, Athens, Greece, 15 May 1998 (in Greek)
5. Sarris, I.E., A. Grecos and N.S. Vlachos, ‘Development of Models for the Application of
CFD to Turbulent Plasma’, FLOW 2000: 2nd Meeting of Research Activities in Fluid
Flow Phenomena in Greece, pp. 5-8, UTH, Volos, Greece, 22 May 2000 (in Greek)
6. Katsavos, N. I. Lekakis, I. Pappa, K. Kalobr;ekthw and N.S. Vlachos, ‘Certification of a
PIV System for Natural Convection Flows’, FLOW 2000: 2nd Meeting of Research
Activities in Fluid Flow Phenomena in Greece, pp. 59-63, UTH, Volos, Greece, 22 May
2000 (in Greek)
7. Kouvakas, N., I. Lekakis and N.S. Vlachos, ‘Mixing of Turbulent Streams downstream of
Grids with Zero Gradient of Mean Velocity’, FLOW 2000: 2nd Meeting of Research
Activities in Fluid Flow Phenomena in Greece, pp. 64-68, UTH, Volos, Greece, 22 May
2000 (in Greek)
8. Baxevanou, A., V. Riziotis, N.S. Vlachos, S. Voutsinas and P. Hchaviaropoulos, ‘Twodimensional Aerolastic Analysis of Airfoils of Wind Turbine Blades’, FLOW 2000: 2nd
Meeting of Research Activities in Fluid Flow Phenomena in Greece, pp. 122-125, UTH,
Volos, Greece, 22 May 2000 (in Greek)
9. Feidaros, D., Ch. Dritselis and N.S. Vlachos, ‘Numerical Modeling of Calciner
Processes’, FLOW 2000: 2nd Meeting of Research Activities in Fluid Flow Phenomena in
Greece, pp. 126-129, UTH, Volos, Greece, 22 May 2000 (in Greek)
10. Sarris, I.E., I. Lekakis and N.S. Vlachos, ‘Improvement of Glass Melt Mixing with an
Orthogonal Prism at the Bottom of the Glass Tank’, FLOW 2000: 2nd Meeting of
Research Activities in Fluid Flow Phenomena in Greece, pp. 134-137, UTH, Volos,
Greece, 22 May 2000 (in Greek)
11. Koutlas, G. and N.S. Vlachos, ‘Numerical Modeling of TiC Deposition with Laser
Beams: Effect of Mass transfer on Deposition Shape’, FLOW 2000: 2nd Meeting of
Research Activities in Fluid Flow Phenomena in Greece, pp. 138-141, Volos, Greece, 22
May 2000
12. Feidaros, D., I. Sarris and N.S. Vlachos, «Assessment of Pollution Activity from an
Industrial Stack with a Three-dimensional Model», FLOW 2000: 2nd Meeting of
Research Activities in Fluid Flow Phenomena in Greece, pp. 142-145, UTH, Volos,
Greece, 22 May 2000 (in Greek)
13. Dritselis, Ch., Fidaros, D. and N.S. Vlachos, Simulation of Flow and Transport
Phenomena in Cyclones of Cement Production, First Meeting of ERCOFTAC Greek Pilot
Center, AUTH, Thessaloniki, Greece, 31 Jan. - 1 Feb. 2002
14. Zikos, G., I. Sarris, A. Grecos and N.S. Vlachos, Simulation of the Effect of Magnetic
Field on Natural Convection Flow in Cavities, First Meeting of ERCOFTAC Greek Pilot
Center, AUTH, Thessaloniki, Greece, 31 Jan. - 1 Feb. 2002
15. S. Kakaratzas, I. Sarris, A. Grecos and N. Vlachos, ‘Interaction of Magnetism and
Internal Heat Sources in the Natural Convection in a Cavity with side-wall Temperature
Difference’, FLOW 2002: 3rd Meeting of Research Activities in Flow Phenomena in
Greece, pp. 155-162, Univ. Patras, 2-3 Oct. 2002
16. Dritselis, Ch., D. Fidaros and N. Vlachos, ‘Simulation of Flow and Transport Phenomena
in Cyclones for Cement Production’, FLOW 2002: 3rd Meeting of Research Activities in
Flow Phenomena in Greece, pp. 170-174, Univ. Patras, 2-3 Oct. 2002
17. Zisiopoulos, A., E. Christodoulakis, I. Lekakis, N. Vlachos, A. Nasiopoulou and G.
Kaltsas, ‘Measurement of Wall Shear Stress in Flow between Parallel Plates with
Integrated Thermal Sensors’, FLOW 2002: 3rd Meeting of Research Activities in Flow
Phenomena in Greece, pp. 281-286, Univ. Patras, 2-3 Oct. 2002
18. Th. Papadopoulos, I. Lekakis and N. S. Vlachos, Th. I. Lekas, ‘Effects of the Shape of
Airfoil Attack Front on the Intensity of Radar Signature’, FLOW 2002: 3rd Meeting of
Research Activities in Flow Phenomena in Greece, pp. 350-357, U. Patras, 2-3 Oct. 2002
19. Baxevanou, A.A and N.S. Vlachos, ‘Parametric study of classical flutter using
computational aeroelastodynamics’, FLOW2004 – 4th Meeting ‘Research Activities in
Fluid Flow in Greece’, NTUA, Athens, 26 November 2004
20. Dritselis, C.D., Ι.E. Sarris and Ν.S. Vlachos, ‘Numerical study of particle deposition in
turbulent flow between parallel vertical walls’, FLOW2004 – 4th Meeting ‘Research
Activities in Fluid Flow in Greece’, NTUA, Athens, 26 November 2004
21. Fidaros, D.K., Α.P. Grecos and N.S. Vlachos, ‘Numerical model for study of magnetohydrodynamic flow of conducting fluid in a cylindrical enclosure’, FLOW2004 – 4th
Meeting ‘Research Activities in Fluid Flow in Greece’, NTUA, Athens, 26 Nov. 2004
22. Kakarantzas, S., Ι.Ε. Sarris, A.P. Grecos and Ν.S. Vlachos, ‘Study of the effect of
magnetic field on unsteady natural convection flows with internal heat sources’,
FLOW2004 – 4th Meeting ‘Research Activities in Fluid Flow in Greece’, NTUA, Athens,
26 November 2004
23. Sarris, Ι.Ε., C.D. Dritselis, Α.P. Grecos and N.S. Vlachos, ‘Direct numerical simulation
of the magnetic field effect on free cooling of metals in a vertical cylindrical container΄,
FLOW2004 – 4th Meeting ‘Research Activities in Fluid Flow in Greece’, NTUA, Athens,
26 November 2004
24. Ν.S. Vlachos, "Turbulence and coherent structures in fluid flow», 18th Summer School
and Conference on Non Linear Science & Complexity, Thessaloniki, 18-30 July 2005
25. Ν.S. Vlachos, "Non linear phenomena in fluid flow», 19th Summer School and Conf. on
Non Linear Science & Complexity, Thessaloniki, 10-20 August 2006
Technical Reports
1. Markatos, N.C.G., D.B. Spalding, D.G. Tatchel and N.S. Vlachos, «The GeneraJ Electric
Mixer Computer Program: A User’s Manual», Report 1330/1, CHAM Ltd., London, 1976
3. Gosman, A.D., J.A.C. Humphrey and N.S. Vlachos, ‘TEACH3-E: A General Computer
Program for 3-D Recirculating Flows”, Imperial College, Report FS/76/13, 1976
4. Vlachos, N.S., “Numerical Computations of 2-D Recirculating Flows’, Imperial College,
MED Report FS/77/30, 1977.
5. Vlachos, N.S., ‘Calculation of Three-Dimensional Turbulent Flow in the Vicinity of Two
Interlacing Jets’, CHAM NA Report 1407/1, Dec. 1988
6. Schutzbach, K.C., Svennson, U. and N.S. Vlachos, ‘An Atmospheric Boundary Layer
Model for Neutrally Stratified Flow Over Complex Terrain’, CHAM NA Report 6750/1,
7. Owens, S.F., Mahaffey, W.A., S.K. Jain and N.S. Vlachos, ‘Analysis of PhysicalChemical Processes Governing Space Shuttle Main Engine Internal Flows’, Progress
Reports to NASA-MSFC, CHAM NA 2005/9-ll, Dec. 1988 - March 1989
8. Mahaffey, W.A., P.L. Daley and N.S. Vlachos, ‘Fundamental Investigation of Duct/ESP
Phenomena’, Final Report to DOE, CHAM NA 4770/11, Dec. 1990
9. Vlachos, N.S., I.E. Sarris, D.K. Fidaros and O. Giannopoulos, ‘The Computational Fluid
Dynamics code DIAN3D’, Lab. Of Fluid Mechanics, Univ. Thessaly, 1998
1. ‘Measurement and Calculations of Blood Flow in Small Diameter Ducts,Particularly in
Venules’, Ph.D Thesis, Imperial College, Univ. of London, 1977.
2. "Statistical Analysis of Cyclic Variations in Internal Combustion Engines", M.Sc. Thesis,
Imperial College, Univ. of London, 1972.