-SQA- SCOTTISH QUALIFICATIONS AUTHORITY HIGHER NATIONAL UNIT SPECIFICATION GENERAL INFORMATION -Unit Number- 6451376 -Superclass- EC -Title- ADMINISTRATIVE LAW -----------------------------------------DESCRIPTIONGENERAL COMPETENCE FOR UNIT: Understanding the relevance of administrative law to the functioning of British public administration. OUTCOMES 1. explain the Nature of the British Constitution; 2. explain the role of delegated legislation in the British Constitution; 3. explain the process of judicial control of administrative action; 4. explain the functions of tribunals and inquiries and the Council on Tribunals; 5. analyse the role of the Offices of Ombudsman in relation to maladministration in the fields of central and local government. CREDIT VALUE: 2 HN Credits ACCESS STATEMENT: Access to this unit is at the discretion of the centre. It would be helpful if candidates had some understanding of the constitutional framework of the UK, for example, achievement of National Certificate module 92502 Central Government or 92356 Introduction to Administrative Law. ----------------------------------------For further information contact: Committee and Administration Unit, SQA, Hanover House, 24 Douglas Street, Glasgow G2 7NQ. Additional copies of this unit may be purchased from SQA (Sales and Despatch section). At the time of publication, the cost is £1.50 (minimum order (£5.00). Unit No. 6451376 Continuation HIGHER NATIONAL UNIT SPECIFICATION STATEMENT OF STANDARDS UNIT NUMBER: 6451376 UNIT TITLE: ADMINISTRATIVE LAW Acceptable performance in this unit will be the satisfactory achievement of the standards set out in this part of the specification. All sections of the statement of standards are mandatory and cannot be altered without reference to SQA. OUTCOME 1. EXPLAIN THE NATURE OF THE BRITISH CONSTITUTION PERFORMANCE CRITERIA (a) (b) (c) The characteristics of the British Constitution are explained clearly. The legal and non legal sources of the British Constitution are accurately described. The impact of membership of the European Union on British Government is assessed accurately. RANGE STATEMENT Characteristics of the British Constitution: legal competence of Parliament; Rule of Law; principle of separation of powers. Sources of constitution: statute law; common law; Parliamentary privilege; authorative texts; conventions. royal prerogative; UK and EU membership: EEC Act 1972; EEC (Amendment) Act 1986; European Union Act 1993. EVIDENCE REQUIREMENTS Written and/or oral evidence of the candidate’s ability to explain the nature of the British Constitution as specified in the performance criteria and range statements. 2 Unit No. 6451376 Continuation OUTCOME 2. EXPLAIN THE ROLE OF DELEGATED LEGISLATION IN THE BRITISH CONSTITUTION PERFORMANCE CRITERIA (a) (b) (c) The importance of delegated legislation is clearly explained. The types of delegated legislation are described accurately. The methods of control over delegated legislation are clearly explained. RANGE STATEMENT Types: statutory instruments; bye-laws; prerogative Order-in-Council. Methods of control: review. external consultation; parliamentary procedures; judicial EVIDENCE REQUIREMENTS Written and/or oral evidence of the candidate’s ability to explain the role of delegated legislation in the British Constitution as specified in the performance criteria and range statements. OUTCOME 3. EXPLAIN THE PROCESS ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION OF JUDICIAL CONTROL OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA (a) (b) (c) (d) The Scottish Civil Courts system is described fully and correctly. The rules of judicial precedent are clearly explained. The court procedures relating to Rule 260B (Act of Sederunt 1986) are described accurately. The principles of procedural and substantive ultra vires are explained clearly with reference to relevant case law. RANGE STATEMENT Scottish Civil Courts: Sheriff Court; Outer House of the Court of Session; Inner House of the Court of Session; House of Lords in its judicial capacity. EVIDENCE REQUIREMENTS Written and/or oral evidence of the candidate’s ability to explain the process of judicial control of administrative action as specified in the performance criteria and range statements. 3 Unit No. 6451376 OUTCOME 4. Continuation EXPLAIN THE FUNCTIONS OF TRIBUNALS AND INQUIRIES AND THE COUNCIL ON TRIBUNALS PERFORMANCE CRITERIA (a) (b) (c) The functions of tribunals are clearly explained. The functions of inquiries are clearly explained. The functions of the council on tribunals are clearly explained. RANGE STATEMENT The range for this outcome is fully expressed within the performance criteria. EVIDENCE REQUIREMENTS Written and/or oral evidence of the candidate’s ability to explain the function of the bodies as specified in the performance criteria. OUTCOME 5. ANALYSE THE ROLE OF THE OFFICES OF OMBUDSMAN IN RELATION TO MALADMINISTRATION IN CENTRAL AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT PERFORMANCE CRITERIA (a) (b) The role of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration is analysed effectively with reference to relevant legislation. The role of the Scottish Local Government Commissioner is analysed effectively with reference to relevant legislation. RANGE STATEMENT Parliamentary commissioner: PCA Act 1967; PCA Act 1994. Local Government commissioner: Local Government (Scotland) Act 1975; Local Government and Housing Act 1989. EVIDENCE REQUIREMENTS Written and/or oral evidence of the candidate’s ability to analyse the role of the above officers as specified in the performance criteria and range statements. 4 Unit No. 6451376 Continuation MERIT A candidate who achieves all performance criteria for all outcomes will be awarded a pass. A pass with merit may be awarded to a candidate who consistently demonstrates some or all of the following as appropriate: (a) (b) (c) evidence of sustained use of relevant and topical examples; superior analysis through the use of extrapolation or logical integration; the ability to compile and produce original reasoned arguments supported by factual evidence. ----------------------------------------- ASSESSMENT In order to achieve this unit, candidates are required to present sufficient evidence that they have met all the performance criteria for each outcome within the range specified. Details of these requirements are given for each outcome. The assessment instruments used should follow the general guidance offered by the SQA assessment model and an integrative approach to assessment is encouraged. (See references at the end of support notes). Accurate records should be made of the assessment instruments used showing how evidence is generated for each outcome and giving marking schemes and/or checklists, etc. Records of candidates’ achievements should be kept. These records will be available for external verification. SPECIAL NEEDS Proposals to modify outcomes, range statements or agreed assessment arrangements should be discussed in the first place with the external verifier. Copyright SQA 1996 Please note that this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part for educational purposes provided that: (i) (ii) no profit is derived from the reproduction; if reproduced in part, the source is acknowledged. 5 Unit No. 6451376 Continuation HIGHER NATIONAL UNIT SPECIFICATION SUPPORT NOTES UNIT NUMBER: 6451376 UNIT TITLE: ADMINISTRATIVE LAW SUPPORT NOTES: This part of the unit specification is offered as guidance. None of the sections of the support notes is mandatory. NOTIONAL DESIGN LENGTH: SQA allocates a notional design length to a unit on the basis of time estimated for achievement of the stated standards by a candidate whose starting point is as described in the access statement. The notional design length for this unit is 80 hours. The use of notional design length for programme design and timetabling is advisory only. PURPOSE This unit seeks to develop understanding in the field of administrative law and in particular the judicial institutions and procedures which have significance for the delivery of public services in the United Kingdom. CONTENT/CONTEXT Corresponding to Outcomes 1-5: 1. Characteristics of the British Constitution - legal competence of Parliament; Rule of Law; Separation of Powers. Sources of the Constitution - Statute Law; Common Law; Royal Prerogative; Parliamentary Privilege; Books of authority conventions, implication of EU membership - relevant legislation and case law. 2. Process of delegated legislation - statutory instruments; bye-laws; orders in Council. Methods of control - external consultation; parliamentary procedure; judicial review. 3. Scottish Courts System - Sheriff court, Court of Session (Outer and Inner Houses); House of Lords. Rules of Judicial Precedent - Binding; persuasive; Rule 260 B procedure - preliminary assessment; decision of the rents of the application. Principle of ultra vires - Procedural and Substantive. 4. Functioning of Tribunal system in Scotland. Relevant Reports and legislation. Franks report 1957; Tribunals and Inquiries Act 1992. 5. Functions of offices of ombudsmen - strengths and weaknesses. Relevant legislation. PCA Act 1967; PCA Act 1994; Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973; Local Government Housing Act 1989. Relevant reports and case law. 6 Unit No. 6451376 Continuation APPROACHES TO GENERATING EVIDENCE Candidates should be encouraged to adopt a logical and precise approach to this field of study. Where possible use should be made of existing practice in the public sector. Desirable approaches to encourage the above will include: - Case studies focusing on public sector organisations. Project work requiring the use of original sources. Visits and interviews with relevant practitioners. Group discussion based on original documentation and reports. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. Guide to unit writing. For a fuller discussion on assessment issues, please refer to SQA’s Guide to Assessment. Information for centres on SQA’s operating procedures is contained in SQA’s Guide to Procedures. For details of other SQA publications, please consult SQA’s publications list. Copyright SQA 1996 Please note that this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part for educational purposes provided that: (i) (ii) no profit is derived from the reproduction; if reproduced in part, the source is acknowledged. 7