paper - School of Computer Science

NeuDL: Neural-Network Description Language
by Samuel Joe Rogers
August 2, 1993
Neural networks have demonstrated their value in many
applications, such as pattern recognition, classification,
generalization, forecasting, noise filtering, etc.[1] Most of these
applications have been successful through the use of generic network
implementations, like the standard backpropagation training algorithm.
These generic implementations illustrate the adaptive nature inherent
in neural networks; however, deviating from standard architectures and
gearing the design specifically for a problem can sometimes reduce
network training time and improve network accuracy. A neural network
tool is needed to facilitate the manipulation of the network
architectures along with training methods, training parameters, input
data preprocessing, and network analysis.
There are several examples of how changes to traditional
neural networks can yield more desirable results than the original
algorithms. While it may not be clear exactly how to deviate from the
standard designs, it is limiting to try to solve all problems with one
fixed neural network implementation. However, there is supporting
evidence to pursue new designs and variations of old ones. For
example, Karnin describes a method for dynamically pruning
backpropagation neural network weights during training. This approach
allows training to begin with a purposely oversized network and end up
with one of the appropriate size.[2] Sontag describes how
more creative network weight connections can be used to provide more
stabilized learning, faster convergence, and reduce the likelihood of
the local minima problem.[3] Tveter presents a collection of
techniques that can be used to improve backpropagation neural network
These ideas and others are generally not supported by the generic
neural network implementations currently available. Most currently
available neural network tools provide a generic template of a basic
network architecture which can be used for a variety of diverse
problems.[5] These tools allow the user to modify many of the training
parameters and even some aspects of the network architecture, such as
the number of middle layer nodes in a backpropagation neural network.
However, when more significant changes to the network architecture are
desired, these tools become very inflexible. The obvious solution to
this problem is to code a neural network algorithm tailored
specifically to the needs of a problem. Unfortunately, implementing a
new architecture has many drawbacks. First, coding a network
architecture can be time consuming, and since errors can arise from
the network design as well as from the code itself, debugging can be
difficult. Second, a great deal of effort is wasted if a new design,
once implemented, does not perform as well as expected. Third, a user
who understands the concepts and ideas behind neural networks may not
understand the intricacies of a programming language well enough to
successfully realize his or her design.
Another approach is to use prewritten library functions or
objects to remove the need for the user to deal with detailed code
pertaining to the neural network's implementation. However, a certain
level of programming expertise is still required, and if the source
code is unavailable, poorly documented, or cryptically coded,
modifications may be impossible to make. Masters has provided a rich
set of neural network objects for the C++ language.[6] However, if a
user wishes to modify these objects, even though inheritance
simplifies this action, the user may not have the programming skills
necessary to accomplish this task. Masters provides the NEURAL
program to serve as an interface to the neural network objects. This
interface serves well for the objects as they are, but many of the
objects are not primitive enough to allow the user to utilize his or
her creative abilities in creating the network.
Another approach proposed by Mesrobian and Skrzypek is that of
a neural network simulation environment called SFINX (Structure and
Function in Neural ConneXtions).[7] This approach combines graphics,
programming languages, and a wide range of neural networks into an
interactive software package. While SFINX offers its users a great
deal of flexibility, it still requires some low level coding and it
lacks the ability to dynamically modify the neural networks during
This paper introduces a new tool with an interpreted
programming language interface to build, train, test, and run neural
network designs. Currently, this tool is limited to backpropagation
neural networks.[8] However, by bridging the gap between inflexible
generic tools and time consuming coding, it clearly demonstrates the
power and flexibility such an interface gives to the design and
operation of neural networks.
The Neural-Network Description Language or NeuDL is a
programming language which facilitates the operations associated with
neural network design and operation. NeuDL's grammar is C-like;
however, by eliminating many of the esoteric C conventions, it is
usable by both C and non-C programmers.
Many of C's execution flow instructions are present in NeuDL,
including: if/else, while, and for. These instructions are virtually
identical to their C counterparts in both syntax and semantics. Also,
statements are compounded in NeuDL, as they are in C, by placing braces
({,}) around them.
NeuDL also provides a set of data manipulation instructions to
create and maintain training and testing sets for neural networks.
These data sets are made up of elements each having three components:
an identification number, an array of input values, and an array of
output values. A data set can be loaded from disk, entered manually,
or placed directly in the NeuDL code. Instructions exist to gather
statistical information from data sets, normalize data sets, and print
data sets. Each data set is referenced by an identification number
which can be the result of evaluating an expression. Examples of the
data manipulation instructions are shown below:
Create_Data will create a data set with the specified
number of input and output values per element and assign
it to the parameterized data set identification number.
Load_Data will load a formatted data file and assign
it to the parameterized data set identification number.
Add_Data will add a data element to a data set. The first
parameter is the identification number of the data set it
be added to, the second parameter is the identification
of the new element, and the remaining parameters are the
input and output values. If the data set has n inputs per
element and m outputs per element, then the first n
after the element identification number are the element's
values, and the next m parameters are the element's output
values. All parameters can be expressions.
These instructions reset the current data pointer to
the head or tail of a data list.
Next_Data retrieves the element identification number, the
input values, and the output values of the current data set
element. The current data element pointer is then
updated to point to the next element. If only the data
identification number is provided, the current pointer is
advanced and nothing is returned.
Find_High_Low will find the high and low values for each
input and output component in the data set and will store
the results in the arrays provided.
Normalize_Data will take the high/low range values in
the parameterized arrays and will normalize each input
and output component between 0.0 and 1.0 for each data set
element. Denormalize_Data will return the data back to
its original values.
Another feature of NeuDL is a set of system variables that are
used to maintain current information about the network and data sets.
Using certain data manipulation instructions, like Create_Data,
Load_Data, and Add_Data, will update several system variables to
reflect the current state of the data sets. The system variables
relating to the data sets are shown below:
- An array holding the number of elements in
each data set. The Data_Count array is indexed
by the data set identification number.
- An array holding the number of input components
in each element of a data set. The array is
indexed by the data set identification number.
- An array holding the number of output components
in each element of a data set. The array is
indexed by the data set identification number.
To improve the readability of NeuDL code, two other system
variables are also provided: TRAINING and TESTING. TRAINING is
initialized to 0, and TESTING is initialized to 1. These variables can
be used as data set identification numbers instead of expressions or
The remaining NeuDL instructions deal with creating and
running the neural network. A Create_Network instruction will create
a network in memory; it has a variable length parameter list which
specifies the number of nodes in each layer.
For example, if the user wants a network with 2 input layer nodes, 3
middle layer nodes, and 1 output layer node, the following instruction
will create this network in memory:
The number of network layers is determined by how many parameters the
instruction has. The following example will create a network with 10
input nodes, 7 nodes in the first middle layer, 5 nodes in the second
middle layer, and 2 nodes in the output layer:
An ADALINE can also be specified by having only one output layer node
and no middle layer nodes:
The Create_Network instruction does not connect any of the
network nodes together. Instead, NeuDL provides several primitive
commands that allow the user to connect the network according to his or
her specifications. The Connect_Weight instruction will connect two
network nodes together with a directed weighted connection. The
Connect_Weight instruction takes four parameters: a from layer, a from
node, a to layer, and a to node:
The output of the from node in the from layer will be an input to the
to node in the to layer (nodes and layers are indexed from 0 to the
number of nodes or layers minus 1). For example, if a connection is
needed between the 3rd node (node 2) in the input layer (layer 0) and
the 4th node (node 3) in the first middle layer (layer 1), then the
following instruction can be used:
The Connect_Weight instruction initializes the weighted value between
the connected nodes to a random value; however, a Set_Weight
instruction is also provided to give the user more control over the
network. For example:
There are also complementary commands to Connect_Weight and Set_Value:
There are also two instructions provided to connect networks
in traditional methods: Partially_Connect and Fully_Connect.
Partially_Connect connects each node in each layer to each node in its
succeeding layer. Fully_Connect connects each node in each layer to
each node in each succeeding layer. These two commands can be
implemented with the primitive commands; however, they are convenient
to use if they correspond to the desired network architecture. For
for (i=0; i<2; i++)
// For each node in input layer
for (j=0; j<3; j++)
// For each node in middle layer
for (i=0; i<3; i++)
// For each node in middle layer
The two for loops are equivalent to:
When executed, certain instructions will update system
variables to reflect the current network state. For example, when the
Create_Network instruction is executed the following variables are
-> The number of layers in the network.
-> An array containing the number of nodes in each
The input layer is Layer[0] and Layer[Layer_Count-1]
the output layer.
-> The index of the input layer (always 0).
Output_Layer -> The index of the output layer (Layer_Count-1).
Weight_Count -> The number of weighted connections in the network
These variables can be used at any point in a NeuDL program's
execution; however, they will not be initialized until the
Create_Network or Load_Network (discussed below) instructions are
executed. For example, the following code illustrates how a generic
partially_connect and a generic fully_connect can be implemented with
// Equivalent to Partially_Connect:
for (i=Input_Layer; i<Output_Layer; i++)
for (j=0; j<Layer_Nodes[i]; j++)
for (k=0; k<Layer_Nodes[i+1]; k++)
// Equivalent to: Fully_Connect:
for (i=Input_Layer; i<Output_Layer; i++)
for (j=i+1; j<=Output_Layer; j++)
for (k=0; k<Layer_Nodes[i]; k++)
for (l=0; l<Layer_Nodes[j]; l++)
Three more instructions are provided to allow easy access to
all weights in the network. A current pointer to the network weights
is maintained. When the Reset_Current_Weight instruction is executed,
the pointer is set to the first weight in the network. A
Get_Current_Weight instruction will retrieve the weight value and
position (from_layer,from_node,to_layer,to_node) of the current
weight. A Next_Weight instruction advances the current pointer to the
next weight. These instructions are shown below:
To get an output from the network, a forward pass must be
performed: input must be loaded into the input layer and then
propagated through the network. NeuDL provides a Forward_Pass
instruction to accomplish this task. Forward_Pass is an overloaded
instruction, so it will execute differently depending on what
parameters it is given. If two array names are provided as
parameters, the first array's values will be loaded into the input
layer, a forward pass will be performed, and the output layer will be
loaded into the second array.
A second version of Forward_Pass allows the current element in a data
set to be sent as the network input and no output is returned.
This variation is useful when training a network with the primitive
commands since it is more efficient.
For training purposes, NeuDL provides a backward error
propagation instruction called Backward_Pass. Backward_Pass uses the
current element's output array in the parameterized data set to
compute the network error and adjust the weights.
Two system variables are implicit parameters for Backward_Pass.
Learning_Rate, which is the percent each weight is adjusted, and
Momentum, which is the percent of the previous weight change added to
the current change. If these variables are not modified by the user,
default values will be used by Backward_Pass; however, the user
can change these variables before and during training.
Two additional instructions are provided to give further
support to the Backward_Pass instruction. When executed, the
Backward_Pass instruction adds the square of the error for the input
pattern to an accumulator variable. If the user needs the network error
value, the Get_Network_Error instruction will retrieve this value.
The user must reset the accumulator manually with the
Reset_Network_Error instruction.
Training can be achieved in many ways using the primitive
commands. The following code segment is a trivial example of
performing 1000 training iterations on a training set:
// Load Training Set Data from
// Create Network in memory
// with the number of input
// and output layer nodes
// corresponding to the number
// of inputs and outputs in the
// loaded data file. The number
// of middle layer nodes is half
Create_Network(Data_Inputs[TRAINING], // the sum of inputs and
for (i=0; i<1000; i++)
// Perform 1000 Training Iterations
Reset_To_Head(TRAINING); // Set Current Pointer to Head
for (j=0; j<Data_Count[TRAINING]; j++)
// Go through each
// Training Element
// Forward Pass to get
Backward_Pass(TRAINING); // Backward Pass to correct
// network error
// Advance current data set
// pointer
// Save Network weights to file
More complicated heuristics can be used to determine if the network
has finished training other than a predetermined number of iterations.
The following code segment uses an overall network error tolerance to
determine when training should end:
// Load Training Set Data from
Create_Network(Data_Inputs[TRAINING], // Create Network in memory
// Initialize to a value that will enter loop
while (Network_Error>0.10)
// Train until network error is below
// Reset error from last iteration
// Set Current Pointer to Head
for (j=0; j<Data_Count[TRAINING]; j++)
// Go through each
// Training Element
// Forward Pass to get
// Backward Pass to
// correct network error
// Advance current data set
// pointer
// Get network error
// Save Network weights to file
Far more elaborate training methods can be implemented than the ones
illustrated above. However, it should be clear that the primitive
training instructions allow a great deal of flexibility.
A more automated training method is also provided by NeuDL.
The BP_Train instruction is a generic method for training a neural
network using the Backpropagation algorithm. It uses the primitive
instructions shown above; however, if the user wants to use a generic
training method and not code the details, this instruction will
conveniently accomplish that task. BP_Train takes three parameters:
an output file to store the network weights, a training data set
identification number, and a testing data set identification number:
This instruction also uses several system variables as input parameters:
Percent to adjust weights on each backward pass
Percent of each previous weight change to add
the current weight change
The greatest amount of error any output node can
have and the input pattern be considered correct
- How many iterations must pass before status
information is printed on the screen
The minimum number of training iterations that
be performed before training can end
The maximum number of training iterations that
be performed regardless of the network error
These variables can be changed at any point in a NeuDL program's
execution. When the BP_Train instruction is executed, the current
values of these system variables are used as training parameters.
If these variables are not initialized by the user, default values are
assigned to them. Using system variables as training parameters
reduces the number of parameters for the BP_Train instruction and
allows the use of default values. The following code segment
illustrates the use of the BP_Train instruction:
// Load Training Data Set from
// Load Testing Data Set from
Create_Network(Data_Inputs[TRAINING], // Create Network in memory
// Fully Conect Network
// Change default error
// tolerance
// Use generic training
// instruction
Power and Flexibility of NeuDL
The above examples of NeuDL code are simple examples that do
little more than the generic neural network implementations. However,
the instructions introduced above can be used to implement more complex
network architectures and training methods.
Suppose that a user wants to connect a network so that each
input node has only three connections. These connections are arranged
so that a middle layer node only receives input from neighboring input
nodes. This architecture or a similar one may be desired when it is
known that certain inputs do not influence others. A complete NeuDL
program is shown below to illustrate this network design:
// Load Training Data Set
// Load Testing Data Set
// Create network with
// middle layer containing
// two less nodes than
// input layer
int i,j;
// declare loop control variables
// Connect Input to Middle
for (i=0; i<layer[Input_Layer+1]; i++) // for each node in middle
for (j=i; j<=i+2; j++)
// for each subset of inputs
// Connect Middle to Output
for (i=0; i<layer[Input_Layer+1]; i++) // for each node in middle
for (j=0; j<layer[Output_Layer]; j++) // for each output
NeuDL will also allow the network to be altered during
training. Suppose that a user wants to use the following training
Create a fully connected network
Train 100 iterations
Remove the lowest weighted connection in the network
Repeat steps 2-3 29 more times
Train final 100 iterations
The following code is a complete NeuDL program to illustrate this
training scenario:
// Load Training Data Set
// Load Testing Data Set
// Create network with
Data_Outputs[TRAINING])/2.0, // two middle layers,
Data_Outputs[TRAINING])/2.0, // the first middle layer
// has 60% the number
// nodes as the input
// layer, and the second
// has 60%
// Fully_Connect Network - each node is
// connected to each node in each succeeding
// layer
int round;
int i;
int j;
// Declare loop control variables
float low_weight; // Variables to store lowest weight value and
float value;
int f_l;
int f_n;
int t_l;
// Variables to hold current weight value and
int t_n;
// Change Training Parameters from default so
// BP_Train will train exactly 50 iterations
High_In[Data_Inputs[TRAINING]]; // Storage for high/low info
for (round=0; round<30; round++)
// Train 5
Reset_Current_Weight; // Go through weights and find lowest
Get_Current_Weight(from_layer,from_node, // first weight
if (low_weight<0) low_weight*=-1;
for (j=1; j<Weight_Count; j++)
// Weight_Count is a system
// variable
if (value<0) value*=-1;
// Absolute Value
if (value<low_weight)
// Advance to next weight
// Remove lowest weight
print("Removing Weight: (",from_layer,",",from_node,")->(",
value: ",low_weight);
// Train final 10 times
Another training method might include the removal of all
network weights below a predefined threshold. The following code
segment illustrates this method:
// Change Training Parameters from default so
// BP_Train will train exactly 100 iterations
for (round=0; round<10; round++)
// Train 100
Reset_Current_Weight; // Set Current weight to first one
for (j=0; j<Weight_Count; j++)
// Go through each weight
if (value<0) value*=-1;
// Absolute value
if (value<Threshold)
// Remove if below threshold
// Train final 100
NeuDL's power and flexibility are not limited to neural
network architectures and training methods. NeuDL's programming
language interface is capable of handling a wide array of input data
preprocessing and ouput data postprocessing. While instructions exist
to gather certain statistical information about data sets, like
Find_High_Low, the user is not limited to these functions; he or she
can simply code a new procedure to perform whatever task is needed for
the specific problem. This ability eliminates the need to have
separate programs handle preprocessing and postprocessing of data
channeled to and from the neural network.
Also, NeuDL programs can very easily be made very generic.
For example, file names and other training parameters can be queried
within the NeuDL code or they can be provided on the command line when
the interpreter is executed, thus, eliminating the need to change the
NeuDL code each time it is run on a different set of data.
NeuDL Implementation
The NeuDL interpreter is an object oriented design implemented
with C++. Each NeuDL instruction is a class derived from a base
instruction class which allows new instructions to be easily added to
the language. The interpreter uses a simple parsing algorithm to
convert NeuDL instructions into an object format. Once converted, the
instruction objects can be executed.
The neural network operations in NeuDL are part of a
backpropagation neural network class which is derived from a base
neural network class. The base class provides the operations to build
a network and perform a forward pass; the derived backpropagation
class provides the operations to train the network with the
backpropagation training algorithm. The backpropagation neural
network class is a client of the interpreter's state and is accessible
by all of the NeuDL instruction classes. The state is also an object
which maintains all program variables as well as the neural network
and can be modified by any executing instruction.
All data set operations are provided by another class which is
also a client of the state object and the backpropagation object. The
data class and the backpropagation neural network class together can
function independently of the interpreter. This independence allows
the interpreter another feature which translates NeuDL code into C++
code. Translated code can be compiled with a C++ compiler and then
linked with the data and backpropagation objects to produce executable
object code. The translate feature is not needed to execute the NeuDL
code since the interpreter itself can directly execute the code;
however, if the overhead of the interpreter needs to be removed, a
NeuDL program can be translated, compiled, and then executed.
Translated programs suffer many of the same problems as C++, such as
no range checking. However, if the NeuDL programs are first tested
with the interpreter, errors can more easily be eliminated. Also,
instructions like BP_Train execute at object speed, not interpreted
speed, since they are merely calls to the already compiled object.
Therefore, compilation of translated code may not improve the
interpreter's performance by a great deal. On the other hand,
compiling the code eliminates the interpreter freeing up a great deal
of memory that can be used for storing larger networks or more data in
Future Plans
NeuDL is a very flexible and powerful tool with its current
instruction set. However, there is room for improvement. Most
notably, the support for other network architectures is needed, such
as recurrent backpropagation and Kohonen self-organizing neural
networks. The object oriented design of the NeuDL interpreter will
easily allow such additions.
Also, NeuDL is not restricted to a C-like grammar. Since the
parser converts the NeuDL code into an object form, it could take a
variety of language grammars as input. Loops, conditions, assignment,
and variable declarations are all abstract instructions; the parser
instantiates the instruction objects with basic information unrelated
to syntax. They are not specific to a C-like language; they could
just as easily be Pascal, Ada, or FORTRAN. If users do not like C, a
Pascal-like version of NeuDL could easily be put together simply by
modifying the parser.
Graphical displays are not currently supported by NeuDL;
however, the object oriented design would allow graphics instructions
to be added. Graphical instruction objects could be used to design
the network, plot training statistics, and evaluate the network's
architecture. Even the addition of graphic primitives, like
draw_line, to NeuDL's grammar would allow the user to produce
graphical representations of the network, its weight strengths, etc.
NeuDL is a new approach to neural network design that attempts
to bridge the gap between inflexible tools and coding a network from
scratch. NeuDL is much simpler to use than C, but it also provides
much of the power and flexibility a programming language can give to
the design process. Since most of NeuDL's instructions are primitive
instructions for the creation and operation of neural networks, the
user is not overwhelmed by the complexities of a programming language.
Nevertheless, NeuDL also provides more powerful commands to facilitate
operations like network creation and training. Hence, the user can be
as involved as he or she desires in the network design and training.
This ability is not possible with most tools and programming languages
making NeuDL's new approach to network design and training an
interesting addition to the science of neurocomputing.
[1] Robert Hecht-Nielsen.
Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA,
[2] Ehud D. Karnin. "A Simple Procedure for Pruning Back-Propagation
Neural Networks," in IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol.1,
no. 2,
pp. 239-242.
Eduardo D. Sontag. "On the Recognition Capabilities of Feedforward
Nets," Technical report, SYCON Center, Rutgers University, 1990.
Don Tveter. "Getting a fast break with Backprop," AI Expert, July
1991, pp. 36-43.
Neural Network Resource Guide.
AI Expert, February 1993,
Timothy Masters. Practical Neural Network Recipes in C++.
Brace Jovanovic, Boston, 1993.
pp. 48Harcourt
Edmond Mesrobian and Josef Skrzypek. "A Software Environment for
Studying Computation al Neural Systems" IEEE an Software
vol. 18, no. 7, July 1992, pp. 575-589.
David Rumelhart, James McClelland, and the PDP Research Group.
Parallel Distributed Processing. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA., 1986.