Constitution of the Thai Students Association at the University of

Thai Students Association Constitution
I. Name and Purpose
Section 1: Name
The name of this organization shall be the Thai Students Association (TSA).
Section 2: Purpose
1. Celebrate Thai culture by hosting events regarding Thai food, film, customs,
festivals, and traditions. All annual profits made will be used towards social
issues in Thailand.
2. Promote Tufts recognition to the Thai populations around the northeastern area
of the United States.
3. Cooperate with Tufts Alumni in Thailand to establish a strong network that
would provide mentorship for current and prospective Thai students at the
4. Build a close-knit community for both Thai students at Tufts and all students
regardless of national background.
II. Membership
Section 1: Membership Requirements
1. Undergraduate students, graduate students, or professors within Tufts
2. A strong interest/curiosity in the Thai culture
3. To maintain membership status, each student must be a volunteer staff at least
once per semester
Section 2: Member Privileges
1. Potential mentorship from board members, and Thai alumni
2. Guarantee admission to events hosted by Thai Student Association
Section 3: Officer’s requirement
1. The ability to finish all the tasks assigned and has the initiative to take the
organization to the next step
2. Have the enthusiasm for the organization
Section 4: Ex-officer
1. Ex-officio members, who wish to help the organization, may be awarded the
advisors positions/ honorary members
Section 5: Discrimination Disclaimer
Thai Student Association does not discriminate based upon race, religion,
gender, nationality, handicap, sexual orientation, age, etc.
III. Officers
Section 1: List of Officers
Changes to this constitution or unanimous consent of the executive board may create
new executive board positions. Some positions may be left unfilled.
1. Presidents
a. Shall arrange and preside over all meetings
b. Shall direct the organization without discriminating any member’s opinion
c. Shall act on behalf of the Thai Student Association when matters require
immediate action
d. Shall determine the outcome, if the election cannot reach decision
2. Vice President
a. Shall take over the responsibilities of the president in his or her absence
b. Shall assist the president in carrying out his or her duties
3. Secretary
a. Assist presidents with administration within the organization
b. Keep minutes and distribute said minutes of all TSA meetings
c. Update records of all TSA members
d. Keep a schedule of all events and activities of Tufts TSA and all Thai
university culture clubs in the area
4. Director of Finance
a. Shall keep all financial records of all TSA transactions
b. Shall be responsible for funding, collecting, reimbursing, and transferring
c. Shall prepare annual budget
d. Shall oversee the allocation of funds and dispersal of funds toward TSA
5. Director of Public Relationship
a. Shall be responsible for all TSA publicity campaign
b. Shall publicize all TSA events to student population and relevant students
c. Shall design posters, advertisement for all TSA events
6. Director of Event Operations
a. Shall plan and oversee for all TSA events organization
b. Shall organize social events and outings for TSA board members
Section 2: Officer Qualifications
1. Any voting members of TSA is eligible to run for an officer position, apart from
the president position that will be determined by the previous president
IV. Election and Impeachment
Section 1: Election Process
1. For all voting members of TSA, except as otherwise stated, a majority shall rule
2. Officers must be full time students at Tufts University
3. When new officers are elected, previous officers are obligated to help new
officers adjusting to their new positions
Section 2: Impeachment
1. Officers may be impeached when they fail to perform their duties
2. Officers may be impeached when they fail in treating TSA purpose
and /or members with respect
V. Meeting
Section 1:
1. The frequency of our meetings will be weekly
Section 2:
1. Special/emergency meetings are required when all work are not done during the
normal weekly meeting or when additional work are required for a number of
executive board members
Section 3:
1. All executive board members must attend all meetings unless excused absent
Section 4:
1. Discussion of upcoming events, each person’s duty each week, and how to raise
awareness of Thai culture to the students and population in the area. Meetings
are necessary as long as events are coming up and the spread of Thai culture
awareness is needed
Section 5:
1. Majority vote rules
Section 6:
1. Robert’s Rules of Order will be used for parliamentary procedure
VI. Committee
Section 1:
1. TSA board members have the right to create or abolish general committee
Section 2: Committee Chair
1. Any TSA members is eligible to apply for committee chair position
2. Committee chair shall either be selected by TSA board members or elected by
majority vote
3. Committee chair must coordinate accordingly with committee members to
perform his/her duty
VII. Amendments
Section 1:
1. Any TSA members can propose an amendment to the constitution
Section 2:
1. Amendments proposal must be presented to voting members no later than 1 week
prior to the voting
Section 3:
1. All amendments to this constitution need at least 50 percent of voting members
Section 4:
1. All amendments shall take effect on approval by the Tufts Community Union
VIII. Adherence to College Policies
Section 1:
1. Thai Student Association shall, at all time, act in accordance with all University
policies, local, state, and federal laws