Promiscuity drives self-referent kin recognition Timothy J. A. Hain & Bryan D. Neff* Department of Biology, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, N6A 5B7, Canada * To whom correspondence should be addressed. Email: Running head: Promiscuity drives self-referent kin recognition 1 Summary 2 Kin selection theory has been one of the most significant advances in our understanding 3 of social behavior [1-3]. However, the discovery of widespread promiscuity in mating 4 systems has challenged the importance of kin selection because it reduces the benefit to 5 helping nestmates [4-6]. This challenge would be resolved if promiscuous species 6 evolved a self-referent kin recognition mechanism that enabled individuals to 7 discriminate between kin and non-kin [7-9]. Here we take advantage of a rare 8 asymmetry in the level of promiscuity among males of alternative life histories in the 9 bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus). We show that, as a consequence of this 10 asymmetry, offspring of “parental” males have a high level of relatedness to nestmates 11 whereas offspring of “cuckolder” males have a low level of relatedness to nestmates. In 12 support of the resolution to the apparent conflict between promiscuity and kin selection, 13 we find that offspring of parentals do not use a direct recognition mechanism to 14 discriminate among nestmates, whereas offspring of cuckolders use kin recognition by 15 self-referent phenotype matching to differentiate between kin and non-kin. We also 16 estimate that the fitness cost of utilizing kin recognition by self-referent phenotype 17 matching is equivalent to a relatedness (R) of at least 0.06. These results provide 18 compelling evidence for adaptive use of kin recognition by self-referent phenotype 19 matching and confirm the importance of kinship in social behavior. 20 2 21 Results and Discussion 22 Here we use the bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) to test the association of 23 promiscuity with kin recognition by self-referent phenotype matching (hereafter 24 referred to as “self-referent kin recognition”). With self-referent kin recognition, 25 individuals compare phenotypic cues of putative kin to their own phenotype to 26 determine the degree of relatedness. This mechanism contrasts to familiarity, in which 27 individuals instead learn phenotypic cues of conspecifics encountered during early 28 development and remember these individuals as kin [7-9]. Bluegill are native to lakes 29 and rivers of North America. The population studied here is found in Lake Opinicon, 30 Ontario, Canada (44 38’ N, 76 19’W), where males are characterized by a discrete life 31 history polymorphism termed “parental” and “cuckolder” [10,11]. Parentals construct 32 nests, court and spawn with females, and provide sole care for developing larvae. 33 Cuckolders instead mature precociously and specialize in stealing fertilizations from 34 parentals. Genetic paternity analysis has shown that a parental fertilizes an average of 35 about 80% of the eggs in his nest, largely by excluding cuckolders during spawning 36 [12,13]. Cuckolders fertilize the remaining 20% of the eggs and do this in part by 37 opportunistically intruding into the nests of multiple parentals during spawning. 38 The difference in level of promiscuity (i.e. degree of multiple-mating) between the 39 two male life histories should lead to an asymmetry in the relatedness of nestmates of 40 parentals’ offspring versus cuckolders’ offspring. Using microsatellite loci and pair- 41 wise relatedness calculations, we indeed found that within nests the average relatedness 42 of parentals’ offspring was over three times that of cuckolders’ offspring (median 43 parental R = 0.30, median cuckolder R = 0.09; Mann-Whitney U = 152.5, n = 73, P < 44 0.001; Fig. 1). Thus, a parental’s offspring could gain more kin selective benefits than a 3 45 cuckolder’s offspring simply by associating with and helping a random nestmate [1]. 46 Such benefits may include reduced aggression and increased cooperation, which in 47 bluegill and other fishes has been shown to lead to increased foraging efficiency and 48 growth rate [14,15]. These benefits may be important to share among only kin if there is 49 an optimal group size. Conversely, to gain a similar kin selective benefit, a cuckolder’s 50 offspring would have to actively discriminate among nestmates. Because cuckolders’ 51 offspring are always in broods of mixed parentage with potential kin dispersed 52 throughout the nest [16], only self-referent kin recognition would provide a reliable 53 mechanism to distinguish kin from non-kin [7-9]. Location and familiarity (learning), 54 two other reported kin recognition mechanisms [17,18], would not reliably allow 55 discrimination of kin and non-kin. 56 We used in vitro fertilization and two-choice behavioral trials to determine the kin 57 recognition mechanisms employed by offspring of parentals and offspring of 58 cuckolders. The two-choice trials presented pairs of larvae with the choice of 59 associating with odor cues of broods differing in their degree of relatedness or 60 familiarity, but not both, relative to the focal larvae. Specifically, four types of trials 61 were conducted: (1) familiar full sibling versus unfamiliar full sibling; (2) unfamiliar 62 full sibling versus unfamiliar non-kin; (3) unfamiliar full sibling versus unfamiliar half 63 sibling; and (4) unfamiliar half sibling versus unfamiliar non-kin. These trials enabled 64 us to test for the independent roles of familiarity and relatedness (and the degree of 65 relatedness) in kin recognition. 66 Consistent with our kin recognition hypothesis, offspring of parentals did not 67 discriminate between the odors of unfamiliar full-siblings and unfamiliar non-kin (mean 68 of differences between kin and non-kin = -0.06 ± 0.16 SE; Wilcoxon Z = 0.55, n = 15, P 4 69 = 0.58), unfamiliar full-siblings and unfamiliar half-siblings (mean of differences = 0.07 70 ± 0.14; Z = 0.53, n = 11, P = 0.59), unfamiliar half-siblings and unfamiliar non-kin 71 (mean of differences = 0.24 ± 0.18; Z = 1.31, n = 11, P = 0.19), or unfamiliar full- 72 siblings and either unfamiliar half-siblings or non-kin (mean of differences = -0.01 ± 73 0.11; Z = 0.04, n = 26, P = 0.97; Fig. 2a). Thus, we could rule out that offspring of 74 parentals use self-referent kin recognition. Furthermore, we found that offspring of 75 parentals do not use familiarity as they did not discriminate between the odors of 76 familiar full-siblings versus unfamiliar full-siblings (mean of differences = 0.09 ± 0.28; 77 Z = 0.20, n = 10, P = 0.84). 78 In contrast, although offspring of cuckolders did not discriminate between odors of 79 familiar full-siblings versus unfamiliar full-siblings (mean of differences = 0.24 ± 0.19; 80 Wilcoxon Z = 1.19, n = 10, P = 0.24) or unfamiliar half-siblings and unfamiliar non-kin 81 (mean of differences = -0.07 ± 0.16; Z = 0.56, n = 20, P = 0.57), they did prefer to 82 associate with odors from unfamiliar full-siblings versus unfamiliar half siblings or non- 83 kin (mean of differences = 0.63 ± 0.18; Z = 2.64, n = 16, P = 0.008; Fig. 2b). Thus, 84 offspring of cuckolders do not use familiarity as a recognition mechanism and do not 85 discriminate between half-siblings and unrelated individuals. They do discriminate 86 between full-siblings and all other less related individuals. It is unlikely that cuckolder 87 offspring simply prefer the odor of any cuckolders’ offspring because in all full-sibling 88 versus paternal half-sibling trials (n = 5) where cuckolders sired both stimulus broods, 89 focal larvae still preferred to associate with full-siblings (Binomial test: P = 0.03; see 90 Fig. 2b). 91 However, this experiment could not definitively rule out the possibility that these 92 larvae had instead formed their kin template using cues from their nestmates and not 5 93 themselves [19]. Thus, we conducted another experiment in which we scrambled the 94 cues of kinship for offspring of cuckolders to confirm that these larvae use self-referent 95 kin recognition. We accomplished this by generating focal fish from broods mixed at 96 fertilization, consisting of two full-sibling families, one sired by a cuckolder and the 97 other sired by a parental, and rearing these larvae together throughout their lives. The 98 focal larvae were then presented in pairs with odors from ‘pure’ unfamiliar full siblings 99 and ‘pure’ unfamiliar non-kin (Supplemental Data Fig. S1). 100 In these mixed brood trials, when there was at least one larva sired by a cuckolder in 101 the focal pair (in which case an asymmetry in association preference is expected), there 102 was a significant preference for associating with the odor from the pure cuckolder-sired 103 brood versus the pure parental-sired brood (mean of differences = 0.50 ± 0.12; 104 Wilcoxon Z = 2.54, n = 11, P = 0.011; Fig. 3). This latter result remained significant 105 when corrected for multiple comparisons (corrected α = 0.0125). A kin template formed 106 from nestmates would not allow a cuckolder’s offspring to differentiate between the two 107 referent odors because both odors were present in its nestmates since fertilization. Thus, 108 our results cannot be explained by learned or environmental cues for kin recognition 109 [18,20], but instead conclusively demonstrate that offspring of cuckolders use self- 110 referent kin recognition. 111 Our analysis also enabled us to determine the potential fitness cost of utilizing self- 112 referent kin recognition. First, by examining trials involving offspring of cuckolders, we 113 found that in 4 out of 14 trials that involved full sibling versus unrelated referents (see 114 Figs. 2, 3), the focal pair incorrectly associated with the unrelated referent. This 115 represents a maximum error rate of 28%; the actual error rate may be lower because we 116 do not know if the focal pair chose to associate with the unrelated referent. Using this 6 117 error rate, a cuckolders’ offspring would be expected to associate with on average an 118 individual of relatedness 0.36 (= 0.28 × 0 relatedness + 0.72 × 0.5 relatedness). Thus, a 119 cuckolders’ offspring could increase its kin selective benefits by as much as 4-fold by 120 actively discriminating kin from non-kin (= 0.36 / 0.09). If a parentals’ offspring 121 discriminated kin from non-kin with the same accuracy as a cuckolders’ offspring, it too 122 could expect to associate with on average an individual of relatedness 0.36. By 123 randomly associating with a nestmate, the level of relatedness would instead be 0.30 124 (see Fig. 1). Thus, a parentals’ offspring could increase its kin selective benefits by only 125 1.2 times by using self-referent kin recognition (= 0.36 / 0.30). Because offspring of 126 parentals do not use self-referent kin recognition (see Fig. 2a), our data suggest that 127 there is a fitness cost in excess of a relatedness value of 0.06 (= 0.36 - 0.30). 128 It is likely that both types of offspring possess the genetic architecture for self- 129 referent kin recognition and the differential expression represents phenotypic plasticity. 130 A portion of a parental’s offspring become parentals themselves and as adults use self- 131 referent kin recognition in the context of parental care [21,22]. The differential gene 132 expression in the larva could be mediated by RNA or transcription factors released by 133 the spermatozoa into the ovum as has been recently discovered in several mammals 134 [23,24]. In bluegill, spermatozoa of cuckolders have more ATP than do those of 135 parentals, and have more ATP than is required to travel to and fertilize eggs [25]. Given 136 that ATP is a precursor to cyclic-AMP, an important signal transmitter implicated in 137 many cellular activities [26], it is possible that ATP is one of the transcription factors 138 involved in the differential expression. 139 The evolution of social behavior, which is the association and interaction with 140 conspecifics, has interested biologists for decades, and in many species such behavior 7 141 can be explained by kin selection [1-3]. Although kin selection has been one of the most 142 significant advances in our understanding of social behavior, its importance has recently 143 been challenged with the discovery of widespread promiscuity in mating systems 144 because promiscuity reduces the benefit to helping nestmates [4-6]. Several other 145 studies have attempted to quell this challenge by demonstrating an association between 146 promiscuity and self-referent kin recognition [27-30]. However, our study is among the 147 first to provide evidence of self-referent kin recognition that cannot be explained by 148 learning in utero or indirect recognition [19,31]. Furthermore, although self-referent kin 149 recognition should evolve in promiscuous species because in these species other 150 mechanisms cannot reliably identify kin [7-9, but see 32], to date there has been little 151 empirical evidence directly linking promiscuity with the mechanism. Here, we used an 152 intra-specific approach that eliminates phylogeny as a potential confounding variable 153 [33] and showed that an asymmetry in promiscuity between alternative male 154 reproductive life histories is associated with differential expression of self-referent kin 155 recognition in their offspring. These data suggest that promiscuity, and specifically its 156 consequence on the relatedness of nestmates, is a driving force behind the expression of 157 self-referent kin recognition. This recognition mechanism allows individuals to 158 discriminate between kin and non-kin even when nestmates are not reliably kin. Future 159 studies will investigate context-dependent kin recognition, the ontogeny of self-referent 160 kin recognition in larvae sired by parentals, and the benefits of kin discrimination by 161 larvae. 162 163 Experimental Procedures 164 Relatedness calculation. We calculated average relatedness within a nest using 8 165 microsatellite analysis of larvae and putative parents collected in June 1996 [12,13]. 166 Genotypes were determined for an average of 46 larvae (range = 43-48) from 38 nests 167 at 11 microsatellite loci. For each nest, each larva was first assigned to either the nest- 168 tending parental or a cuckolder by exclusion methods [12] Next, the larva’s mean 169 relatedness to all other larvae within the nest was calculated using the formula (eqn. 6) 170 developed by Queller and Goodnight [34]. These data were then used to determine the 171 mean level of relatedness within nests for parental-sired larvae and for cuckolder-sired 172 larvae. 173 Experimental fish. During the summer of 2005, swimmers equipped with snorkelling 174 gear conducted daily surveys of breeding activity along the littoral zone of the northern 175 edge of Lake Opinicon. When spawning was discovered, mature parentals, cuckolders 176 and females were netted opportunistically and transported by boat to aquarium facilities 177 at the Queen’s University Biological Station, which resides on the lake’s shore. These 178 fish were used to generate offspring via in vitro fertilization [35]. Full and half siblings 179 were generated by fertilizing 100 eggs from either one or each of two females in 500 180 mL glass jars with milt from either a parental or cuckolder. Full-sibling fertilizations 181 were performed in duplicate, and one replicate was used for focal fish and the other 182 replicate was used to provide an ‘unfamiliar’ odor source. This design ensured that we 183 could control for the effects of familiarity as a recognition mechanism because we could 184 select referent odors that the focal fish had never come into contact. Mixed broods were 185 generated by dividing a jar in half with a removable barrier. Eggs from one of two 186 females were placed on either side of the barrier and one batch was fertilized with milt 187 from a parental and the other batch was fertilized with milt from a cuckolder. Five 188 minutes after fertilization, when sperm have ceased activity [32], the barrier was 9 189 removed and the eggs were gently mixed. As above, replicate families of ‘pure’ full- 190 siblings were also generated for both families in the mixed broods to serve as unfamiliar 191 full sibling referent odors (Supplemental Data Fig. S1). 192 Recognition trials. Behavioral trials were conducted between 10:00 and 17:30 EST 193 within four days of post larval swim-up (i.e. when the larvae switch to exogenous 194 feeding and are free swimming). The two-choice trial aquarium measured 34.4 cm 195 18.9 cm 20.4 cm (l w h) and was filled with fresh lake water to a depth of 8.1 cm. 196 Two-10 cm association zones were defined at either end of the tank (Supplemental Data 197 Fig. S1); the remaining 14.4 cm defined the middle, neutral zone. A trial began by 198 placing two larvae from the same brood into the centre of the tank. Simultaneously, 199 water conditioned by one of two broods differing from the focal fish in either 200 relatedness or familiarity (but not both) was introduced at a distance of 5 cm from either 201 end of the aquarium at a rate of 6.6 1.5 ml/min (SD). The conditioned water was taken 202 directly from the jars that had contained the referent brood for 16-23 h, and the side that 203 the referents were placed on was determined by flipping a coin. Fish, including bluegill, 204 have a well-developed olfactory system that has been shown to be involved in mate 205 choice and kin recognition [29,36-37]. Two focal larvae were used because preliminary 206 trials with only a single focal larva revealed erratic and agitated swim behavior by the 207 larva consistent with a flight response. This behavior was not displayed by pairs of 208 larvae. Each trial lasted 5.0 min during which an observer who was naïve to the sources 209 of conditioned water recorded the number of focal fish that were in the neutral or either 210 association zones at 10 s intervals. All analyses examined the average of the counts of 211 the scan samples for the second half of trials to ensure that there was sufficient time for 212 odor cues to accumulate in the test aquarium and for focal larvae to assess these cues 10 213 [13]. For the trials involving mixed broods, we used microsatellite loci and exclusion 214 paternity techniques to determine the paternal origin of the two focal larvae [methods in 215 ref. 12]. Focal fish were never used in more than one trial and between trials the lake 216 water was changed and the aquarium was cleaned with ethanol. 217 218 Supplemental Data 219 Supplemental data includes one figure and can be found with this article online. 220 221 Acknowledgements 222 We thank R. Knapp, L. Zanette, B. Fraser, S. Garner and T. Pitcher for comments on 223 this work. We are grateful to N. Sweet and J. Marcus for field assistance and to A. Dang 224 for assistance with the parentage work. We thank F. Phelan and F. Connor for technical 225 assistance at the Queen’s University Biological Station. Research conformed to 226 protocols outlined by the Canadian Council on Animal Care and was supported by the 227 National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (scholarship to 228 T.J.A.H. and grant to B.D.N.). 229 References 230 1. Hamilton, W. D. (1964) The genetical evolution of social behaviour I & II. J. Theor. 231 Biol. 7, 1-52. 232 2. Trivers, R. L. (1985) Social evolution (Benjamin/Cummings, Menlo Park, CA). 233 3. Michod, R. E. (1982) The theory of kin selection. Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 13, 23-55. 234 4. Burke, T., Davies, N. B., Bruford, M. W., and Hatchwell, B. J. 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Association preference for full sibling odors by (a) parentals’ offspring 318 or (b) cuckolders’ offspring. Preference was calculated as the average count of 319 larvae in the full sibling association zone minus average count of larvae in the 320 non-kin (black bars) or half-sibling (gray bars) association zone. Trials are 321 arranged in order of decreasing preference for full sibling odor. 322 Figure 3. Association preference for odors from the cuckolder-sired broods. 323 Preference was calculated as the average count of larvae in the cuckolder-sired 324 association zone minus average count of larvae in the parental-sired 325 association zone. Trials involved focal pairs of larvae that were either full sibling 326 offspring of a cuckolder (black bars) or one offspring of a cuckolder and one 327 offspring of a parental (gray bars). Trials are arranged in order of decreasing 328 preference for cuckolder-sired odor. 329 16 330 Figure 1 331 14 Cuckolder Parental 12 Frequency (n) 10 8 6 4 2 0 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Relatedness 17 Association preference for full sibling odor Association preference for full sibling odor 332 Figure 2 333 a 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 b 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 18 Association preference for odor of cuckolders' offspring 334 Figure 3 335 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 19 336 Figure S1. (Supplemental Data) 337 Referent odor larvae Focal larvae Referent odor larvae P1 C1 F1 F2 jar jar jar barrier referent cue water level Association zone Neutral zone Association zone Figure S1: Fertilization and two choice trial protocol for the mixed brood experiment. P1 refers to a parental male, C1 refers to a cuckolder male, and F1 and F2 refer to two females. In the leftmost jar, eggs from F1 were fertilized using sperm from P1. In the rightmost jar, eggs from F2 were fertilized using sperm from C1. In the center jar, eggs from F1 were fertilized with sperm from the P1 on one side of a barrier, and eggs from F2 were fertilized with sperm from the C1 on the other side of the barrier. Five minutes later, the barrier was removed and the eggs were mixed by gently swirling the jar. Larvae from the center jar were used as focal larvae and water from the leftmost and rightmost jars provided ‘pure’ referent odors. 20