Dr Ian M Davies - The Scottish Government

Dr Ian M Davies
1. Davies, I.M. and J.C. McKie, 1986. Accumulation of total tin and tributyltin in edible tissues of
farmed Atlantic salmon. Scott. Fish. Working Paper, 11/86.
2. Davies, I.M. and J.D. Paul, 1986. Accumulation of copper and nickel from antifouling
compounds during cultivation of scallops (Pecten maximus) and Pacific oysters
(Crassostrea gigas). Int Coun Expl. Sea, C.M. 1986/F:12.
3. Davies, I.M. and J.D. Paul, 1986. Accumulation of copper and nickel from anti-fouling
compounds during cultivation of scallops (Pecten maximus L.) and Pacific oysters
(Crassostrea gigas Thun.). Aquaculture, 55, 93-102.
4. Davies, I.M., A.H. Griffiths, T.M. Leatherland, and A.P. Metcalfe, 1986. Particulate mercury
fluxes in the Forth estuary, Scotland. Rapp. P.-v. Reun. Cons. int. Explor. Mer, 186, 301-305.
5. Davies, I.M., J. Drinkwater, and J.C. McKie, 1986. Effects of tributyltin compounds from
antifoulants upon Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) in Loch Sween and Loch Melfort,
Argyll. Scott. Fish Working Paper, 13/86.
6. Davies, I.M., J.C. McKie, and J.D. Paul, 1986. Accumulation of tin and tributyltin from
anti-fouling paint by cultivated scallops (Pecten maximus) and Pacific oysters (Crassostrea
gigas). Int.Coun. Expl. Sea, C.M. 1986/F11.
7. Davies, I.M., J.C. McKie, and J.D. Paul, 1986. Accumulation of tin and tributyltin from
anti-fouling paint by cultivated scallops (Pecten maximus) and Pacific oysters (Crassostrea
gigas). Aquaculture, 55, 103-114.
8. Davies, I.M., D.C. Moore, and S.K. Bailey, 1986. Tributyltin in Scottish sea lochs, as
indicated by degree of imposex in the dogwhelk, Nucella lapillus (L.). Scott. Fish. Working
Paper, 14/86.
9. Falconer, C.R., I.M. Davies, and G. Topping, 1986. Cadmium in edible crabs (Cancer
pagurus L.) from Scottish coastal waters. Science Tot. Env., 54, 173-183.
10. Paul, J.D. and I.M. Davies, 1986. Effects of copper and tin-based antifouling compounds on
the growth of scallops (Pecten maximus) and oysters (Crassostrea gigas). Int. Coun. Expl.
Sea, C.M. 1986/F:13.
11. Paul, J.D. and I.M. Davies, 1986. Effects of copper- and tin-based anti-fouling compounds on
the growth of scallops (Pecten maximus) and oysters (Crassostrea gigas). Aquaculture, 54,
12. Wootten, R., I.M. Davies, J.C. McKie, and D.W. Bruno, 1986. Chemical and
histopathological changes in salmon exposed to low concentrations of tributyltin in seawater.
Mar. Lab Working Paper, 15/86.
13. Bailey, S.K., and I.M.Davies, 1987. Tributyltin contamination in the Firth of Forth. Proc. Roy.
Soc. Edin., 93B, 561-562.
14. Clark, G.K. and I.M. Davies, 1987. Mercury in fish from the Forth. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin., 93B,
15. Davies, I.M., 1987. Trace metals and organohalogen compounds in the Forth, Scotland.
Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin., 93B, 315-326.
16. Davies, I.M. and J.C. McKie, 1987. Accumulation of total tin and tributyltin in muscle tissue of
farmed Atlantic salmon. Mar. Poll. Bull., 18, 405-407.
17. Davies, I.M., S.K. Bailey, and D.C.Moore, 1987. Tributyltin in Scottish sea lochs, as indicated
by degree of imposex in the dogwhelk, Nucella lapillus (L.). Mar. Pollut. Bull., 18, 400-404.
18. Davies, I.M., J. Drinkwater, J.C.McKie, and P.W.Balls, 1987. Effects of the use of tributyltin
antifoulants in mariculture. Proc. Oceans '87 Conference, 1477-1481.
19. King, D.G. and I.M. Davies, 1987. Laboratory and field studies of the accumulation of
inorganic mercury by the mussel Mytilus edulis (L.). Mar. Pollut. Bull., 18, 40-45.
20. Moore, D.C. and I.M. Davies, 1987. Monitoring the effects of the disposal at sea of Lothian
Region sewage sludge. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin., 93B, 467-477.
21. Bailey, S.K. and I.M. Davies, 1988. Tributyltin contamination in the Firth of Forth (1975-87).
Science Tot. Env., 76, 185-192.
22. Bailey, S.K. and I.M. Davies, 1988. Tributyltin contamination around an oil terminal at Sullom
Voe, Shetland. Environ. Pollut., 55, 161-172.
23. Davies, I.M., J. Drinkwater, and J.C. McKie, 1988. Effects of tributyltin compounds from
antifoulants on Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) in Scottish sea lochs. Aquaculture, 74,
24. Davies, I.M. and R. Russell, 1988. The influence of dissolved selenium compounds on the
accumulation of inorganic and methylated mercury compounds from solution by the mussel
Mytilus edulis and the plaice Pleuronectes platessa. Science Tot. Env., 68, 197-205.
25. McKie, J.C., J. Drinkwater, P.W. Balls, S.K. Bailey, and I.M. Davies, 1988. The occurrence
and effects of TBT in Loch Spelve, Mull between November 1986 - November 1987. Scot.
Fish. Working Paper, 8/88.
26. Bailey, S.K. and I.M. Davies, 1989. Survey of the effects of tributyltin on dogwhelks (Nucella
lapillus) from Scottish coastal waters. J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. UK, 69, 335-354.
27. Bailey, S.K., R. Owen, and I.M. Davies, 1989. Investigation of the occurrence of tributyltin
(TBT) in trout resulting from discharge of effluent from sawmills and timber treatment plants.
Scottish Fisheries Working Paper No. 5/89.
28. Davies, I.M. and S.K. Bailey, 1989. Effects of organotin compounds in Scottish coastal
waters. Final report on Dept. of the Environment contract PECD 7/8/90.
29. Clark, G.K., and I.M. Davies, 1989. Trace metal concentrations in the sediment of the
Garroch Head sewage sludge disposal site, Firth of Clyde, Scotland. Scott. Fish. W. Paper,
14/89, 7 pp.
30. Clark, G.K., Fryer, R., and I.M. Davies, 1989. Identification of trace metal contaminated
sediment at the Garroch Head sewage sludge dump site, Firth of Clyde, Scotland. In prep.
31. Bailey, S.K. and I.M. Davies, 1990. The continuing impact of TBT used in mariculture on
dogwhelk (Nucella lapillus L.) populations in a Scottish sea loch. 3rd. International Organotin
Symposium, in press.
32. Davies, I.M. and S.K. Bailey, 1990. The impact of tributyltin from large vessels on dogwhelk
(Nucella lapillus) populations in Scottish coastal waters. 3rd International Organotin
Symposium, in press.
33. Clark, G.K., D.C. Moore, and I.M. Davies, 1990. Recovery of a sewage sludge dumping
ground. ICES, CM 1990/E:27, 7 pp.
34. I M Davies, 1991. Report on contract PECD/7/8/173. Analytical chemistry for the ICES/IOC
Bremerhaven Workshop. Interim report - May 1991. Fisheries Research Services Report
35. McHenery J G, C Francis, and I M Davies, 1991. Toxicity of CGA 18809 to larvae of the
common lobster (Homarus gammarus L.) Fish. Res. Serv. Report, 8/91.
36. McHenery J G, C Francis, and I M Davies, 1991. Toxicity of FD2 to larvae of the common
lobster (Homarus gammarus L.). Fish. Res. Serv. Report, 9/91.
37. Callanan K, D J Murison, J G McHenery, and I M Davies, 1991. Effects of CGA 18809
exposure on oyster (Crassostrea gigas) embryo development. Fish. Res. Serv Report, 10/91.
38. Davies, I M, 1991. Actual amounts of Aquagard used on Scottish salmon farms. Report to
39. Davies, I M, 1991. The use of tarpaulins for containing dichlorvos, with emphasis on the
Outer Hebrides and Shetland. Report to MAFF VMD.
40. Davies, I M, 1991. Experience of the River Purification Authorities in applying both annual
and 24 hour Environmental Quality Standards for dichlorvos. Report to MAFF VMD.
41. Davies, I M, and J G McHenery, 1991. Progress on alternatives. Report to MAFF VMD.
42. Davies, I M, 1991. Animal Health and Environment. In: Aquaculture and the Environment, N
De Pauw, and J Joyce, Eds. European Aquaculture Society Special Publication No 16, Gent,
43. Madden, S, K Callanan, N Robertson, D C Moore, I M Davies, 1991. Determination of acute
toxicity (LC50) of CGA18809 to yolk sac and post yolk sac herring larvae (Clupea harengus
L.). Fish. Res. Serv. Rep 12/91.
44. Davies, I M, and D W MacKay, 1991. Farmed shellfish production in Scotland, 1990. Scott.
Fish. Work. Paper, 9/91.
45. Davies, I M, and A M Shanks, 1991. Geographical distribution of catches of shellfish landed
by UK vessels at Scottish ports, 1990. Scott. Fish. Work. Paper, 10/91.
46. Davies, I M, and G Topping, 1991. Recent determinations of the concentrations of cadmium
in scallops from Northern Scotland. Scott. Fish. Work. Paper, 11/91.
47. McHenery, J G, I M Davies, A W Shaw, 1991. Treatment of Atlantic salmon with 14C labelled
azamethiphos (H[2-14C]pyridyl CGA 18809) and collection of samples for evaluation of
distribution, metabolism and residues in salmon tissues and persistency of residues in
treated sea water. Fish. Res. Serv. Rep. 15/91.
48. Shanks, A M, D W Bruno, C G Mitchell, and A L S Munro, 1991. The use of Aquagard and
the prevalence of cataracts among farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Scottish
Fisheries Working Paper, 7/91.
49. McHenery J G, and S W Forsyth, 1991. Effects of dichlorvos exposure on
acetylcholinesterase levels of lobster larvae and mussels deployed in the vicinity of a salmon
farm. Scottish Fisheries Working Paper, 8/91.
50. Davies, I M, W R Turrell, and D E Wells, 1991. The observation and simulation of the
dispersion of DDVP in Loch Ailort - August 1990. Scottish Fisheries Working Paper, 15/91.
51. Robertson, N A, D J Murison, D C Moore, and J G McHenery, 1991. Studies on invertebrate
assemblages associated with seaweeds on rocky shores adjacent to salmon farm cages in
Scottish sea lochs. Scottish Fisheries Working Paper, 17/91.
52. Rodger, G K, F M J Brown, and I M Davies. JMG Purpose A report: Mercury in fin and
shellfish landed at Scottish ports. Scottish Fisheries Working Paper, 20/91.
53. Rodger G K, I M Davies, and D C Moore, 1991. The long-term effects on the sediment at a
sewage sludge dump site following the cessation of dumping. Scottish Fisheries Working
Paper 24/91.
54. Brown, F, 1991. Six monthly survey of mercury concentrations in exported fish and shellfish
species. Current values: Spring 1991. Scottish Fisheries Working Paper 21/91.
55. Rodger, G K, I M Davies, and D C Moore, 1991. Recovery of a sewage sludge dumping
ground. I. Trace metal concentrations in the sediment. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 75,
56. Moore, D C, and G K Rodger, 1991. Recovery of a sewage sludge dumping ground. II.
Macrobenthic community. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 75, 301-308.
57. Rodger, G K, I M Davies, and G Topping, 1991. Retention of trace metal contaminants in the
sediment at an accumulating sewage sludge disposal site. Water Res., 26, 111-120.
58. Davies I M and S K Bailey, 1991. The impact of tributyltin from large vessels on dogwhelk
(Nucella lapillus) populations around Scottish oil ports. Mar Env Res. 32, 201- 212.
59. Bailey S K, and I M Davies, 1991. Continuing impact of TBT, previously used in mariculture,
on dogwhelk (Nucella lapillus L.) populations in a Scottish sea loch. Mar Env Res., 32,
60. Davies, I M, 1991. Review of some approaches to the selection of substances of particular
hazard to the environment. Report to ICES WG on Environmental Assessment and
Monitoring Strategies.
61. Walmsley, P M, 1991. An investigation into detoxification responses of dab (Limanda
limanda) to organic and inorganic contaminants. MSc project report, Napier Polytechnic.
62. Rodger, G K, I M Davies, and J G McHenery, 1992. Effects of sewage sludge disposal on
the sediment at Garroch Head dump site, Firth of Clyde, Scotland. Science of the Total
Environment, 119, 133-156.
63. Rodger, G K, and I M Davies, 1992. The recovery of a sewage sludge dumping ground:
Trace metal geochemistry in the sediment. Science of the Total Environment, 119, 57-75.
64. Rodger, G K, 1992. Sewage sludge dumping in Scottish coastal waters. Communicable
diseases and Environmental health in Scotland, in press.
65. Walmsley, P M, and R Stagg, 1992. Field observations of detoxification responses of dab
(Limanda limanda) to organic and inorganic contaminants. In prep.
66. Bailey, S K, I M Davies, M J C Harding, and A M Shanks, 1992. Effects of tributyltin oxide on
the dogwhelk Nucella lapillus (L.). Proc 10th World Meeting of ORTEP Association, Berlin,
Sept 26/27 1991, pp 1-66.
67. Robertson, N A, S Madden, D C Moore, and I M Davies, 1992. Acute effects of CGA 18809
exposure on Temora longicornis. Fisheries Research Services Report 5/92.
68. Robertson, N A, S Madden, D C Moore, and I M Davies, 1992. Effects of CGA 18809
exposure on the intertidal amphipod Hyale nilssoni (Rathke). Fisheries Research Services
Report 6/92.
69. Robertson, N A, S Madden, D C Moore, and I M Davies, 1992. The toxicity of CGA 18809 to
the mussel (Mytilus edulis L.). Fisheries Research Services Report 7/92.
70. Robertson, N A, S Madden, D C Moore, and I M Davies, 1992. Effects of short, repeated
exposure of the mussel (Mytilus edulis L.) to CGA 18809. Fisheries Research Services
Report 8/92.
71. Callanan, K, D J Murison, J G McHenery and I M Davies, 1992. Effects of CGA18809
exposure on the development of the oyster (Crassostrea gigas) embryo over a 24 hour
period. Fisheries Research Services Report 10/92.
72. Madden, S, N A Robertson, K Callanan, D C Moore, and I M Davies, 1992. The toxicity of
CGA1809 to herring larvae (Clupea harengus L.) Fisheries Research Services Report 11/92.
73. Madden, S, N A Robertson, D C Moore, and I M Davies, 1992. The toxicity of CGA 18809 to
Patella vulgata. Fisheries Research Services Report 12/92.
74. Robertson, N A, S Madden, D C Moore, and I M Davies, 1992. Repeated short exposure of
lobster larvae (Homarus gammarus L.) to CGA 18809. Fisheries Research Services Report
75. Madden, S, N A Robertson, I M Davies, and D C Moore, 1992. Determination of toxicity of
CGA 18809 to Littorina littorea. Fisheries Research Services Report 5/92.
76. Madden, S, N A Robertson, I M Davies, and D C Moore, 1992. Determination of toxicity of
CGA 18809 to the common starfish Asterias rubens. Fisheries Research Services Report
77. Madden, S, D C Moore, I M Davies, and N A Robertson, 1992. Sentinel species deployment
- Effects of CGA 18809 release upon lobster larvae and mussels in the vicinity of cages at
Ardnish fish farm, Loch Ailort. Fisheries Research Services Report 16/92.
78. Callanan, K N A Robertson, D C Moore, and I M Davies, 1992. Effect of CGA18809 on
phytoplankton chlorophyll levels. Fisheries Research Services Report 17/92.
79. Harding, M J C, S K Bailey, and I M Davies, 1992. UK Department of the Environment. TBT
Imposex survey of the North Sea. Contract PECD 7/8/214. Scottish Fisheries Working Paper
No 9/92, 26 pp.
80. Harding, M J C, S K Bailey, and I M Davies, 1992. UK Department of the Environment. TBT
Imposex survey of the North Sea. Contract PECD 7/8/214. Annex 1: Norway. Scottish
Fisheries Working Paper No 10/92, 8 pp.
81. Harding, M J C, S K Bailey, and I M Davies, 1992. UK Department of the Environment. TBT
Imposex survey of the North Sea. Contract PECD 7/8/214. Annex 2: Sweden. Scottish
Fisheries Working Paper No 11/92, 6 pp.
82. Harding, M J C, S K Bailey, and I M Davies, 1992. UK Department of the Environment. TBT
Imposex survey of the North Sea. Contract PECD 7/8/214. Annex 3: Denmark. Scottish
Fisheries Working Paper No 12/92, 8 pp.
83. Harding, M J C, S K Bailey, and I M Davies, 1992. UK Department of the Environment. TBT
Imposex survey of the North Sea. Contract PECD 7/8/214. Annex 4: Germany. Scottish
Fisheries Working Paper No 13/92, 7 pp.
84. Harding, M J C, S K Bailey, and I M Davies, 1992. UK Department of the Environment. TBT
Imposex survey of the North Sea. Contract PECD 7/8/214. Annex 5: The Netherlands.
Scottish Fisheries Working Paper No 14/92, 8 pp.
85. Harding, M J C, S K Bailey, and I M Davies, 1992. UK Department of the Environment. TBT
Imposex survey of the North Sea. Contract PECD 7/8/214. Annex 6: Belgium. Scottish
Fisheries Working Paper No 15/92, 6 pp.
86. Harding, M J C, S K Bailey, and I M Davies, 1992. UK Department of the Environment. TBT
Imposex survey of the North Sea. Contract PECD 7/8/214. Annex 7: France. Scottish
Fisheries Working Paper No 16/92, 7 pp.
87. Harding, M J C, S K Bailey, and I M Davies, 1992. UK Department of the Environment. TBT
Imposex survey of the North Sea. Contract PECD 7/8/214. Annex 8: United Kingdom.
Scottish Fisheries Working Paper No 17/92, 8 pp.
88. Davies, I M, S K Bailey, and M J C Harding, 1992. UK Department of the Environment. TBT
Imposex survey of the North Sea. Contract PECD 7/8/214. Annex 9. Scottish Fisheries
Working Paper No 18/92, 9 pp.
89. Taylor P M H, J J Moore, S K Bailey and I M Davies, 1992. Survey of dogwhelk, Nucella
lapillus, population structure and imposex in the vicinity of Sullom Voe, Shetland. A report to
SOTEAG from FSCRC and SOAFD. Report No. FSC/RC/28/91. pp23 plus appendices.
90. Basford, D J, A Eleftheriou, I M Davies, G Irion and T Soltwedel, 1993. The ICES North Sea
benthos survey: the sedimentary environment. ICES J Mar Sci., 50, 71-80.
91. Cofino, W P, F Smedes, S A de Jong, A Abarnou, J P Boon, I Oostingh, I M Davies, J
Klungsoyr, S Wilhelmsen, R J Law, J A Whinnett, D Schmidt, and S Wilson, 1992. The
Chemistry programme. Mar Ecol Prog Series, 91, 47 -56.
92. Stagg R, A Goksoyr, and G Rodger, 1992. Changes in branchial Na+,K+-ATPase,
metallothionein and P450 1A1 in dab Limanda limanda in the German Bight: Indicators of
sediment contamination? Mar Ecol Prog Series, 91, 105-115.
93. Canli, M and R W Furness, 1993. Toxicity of heavy metals dissolved in sea water and
influences of sex and size on metal accumulation and tissue distribution in the Norway
Lobster Nephrops norwegicus. Mar Env Res 36, 217-236.
94. Canli, M, R Stagg and G Rodger, 1993. The induction of metallothionein in the tissues of the
Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus following exposure to cadmium, copper and zinc.
95. EC, 1993. Workshop on fish farm effluents and their control in EC countries. Insitut fur
Meereskunde, Kiel. 205pp. Member of Editorial Committee.
96. Harding, M J C, G K Rodger, and I M Davies, 1994. Effects of tributyltin on Littorina sp.
Fisheries Research Services Report 1/94, 6 pp.
97. Harding, M J C, G K Rodger and I M Davies, 1994. SOTEAG rocky shore monitoring
programme. TBT contamination in Sullom Voe, Shetland. 1993 dogwhelk survey. Fisheries
Research Services Report 2/94, 14pp.
98. Davies, J M, I M Davies, et al, 1993. Interim report of the Monitoring programme on the
Braer oil spill. Marine Policy, Sept 1993, pp 441-448.
99. Bennett A V, G K Rodger, and I M Davies, 1994. The toxicity of ivermectin to a mysid
crustacean. Fish. Res. Serv. Rep. 5/94, 6 pp.
100. Bennett A V, M C Kelly, G K Rodger, and I M Davies, 1994. The toxicity of ivermectin to a
gammarid crustacean (Corophium volutator). Fish. Res. Serv. Rep. 14/94, 6 pp.
101. Bennett A V, G K Rodger and I M Davies, 1994. The toxicity of ivermectin in sediment to
the common starfish, (Asterias rubens). Fish. Res. Serv. Rep. 13/94.
102. Moore J J, P M H Taylor, M J C Harding, G K Rodger and I M Davies, 1994. Surveys of
dogwhelks, Nucella lapillus, in the vicinity of Sullom Voe, Shetland, August 1993. A report to
SOTEAG from FSCRC and SOAFD. Report No FSC/RC/4/94, pp30 plus appendices.
103. Rosenthal H, V Hilge, A Kamstra, E A Black, P Burbridge, R Gowen, I M Davies, (eds),
1994. Proceedings of the Workshop on Fish farm Effluents. J Applied Icthyology 10,
104. Bailey S K, I M Davies and M J C Harding, 1995. Tributyltin contamination and its impact
on Nucella lapillus populations. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin., 103B, 113 - 126.
105. Bennett, A V, M C Kelly, G K Rodger and I M Davies, 1995. Exposure and depuration of
ivermectin in the mussel Mytilus edulis. Fisheries Research Services Report 5/95, 5 pp.
106. Bennett, A V, M C Kelly, G K Rodger and I M Davies, 1995. Temporal study of the toxicity
of ivermectin in sediments. Fisheries Research Services Report 6/95, 6 pp.
107. Bennett, A V, M C Kelly, G K Rodger and I M Davies, 1995. Degradation of ivermectin in
sediments. Fisheries Research Services Report 7/95, 4 pp.
Rowlatt S R, and I M Davies (eds), 1995. Results of the 1990/1991 Baseline Study of
contaminants in North Sea sediments. ICES Coop. Res Rep, No 208, 193 pp.
109. McHenery J G, C Francis and I M Davies, 1995. Threshold toxicity and repeated
exposure studies of dichlorvos to larvae of the common lobster (Homarus gammarus L.).
Aquatic Toxicology, 34, 237-251.in press.
110. Davies I M, 1995. Pesticide usage in marine fish farming - the role of the chemist. In:
Pesticides - Developments, impacts and controls. G A Best and A D Ruthven, Eds., pp 135 141.
111. Harding M J C, G K Rodger and I M Davies, 1995. SOTEAG rocky shore monitoring
programme. TBT contamination in Sullom Voe, Shetland. 1995 dogwhelk survey. Fisheries
Research Services Report 14/95, 16pp.
112. Harding, M J C, S K Bailey and I M Davies, 1995. Effects of TBT on the reproductive
success of the dogwhelk, Nucella lapillus. Scottish Fisheries Working Paper 8/95, 23 pp.
113. Davies I M, P Smith, T D Nickell, and P G Provost 1996. Interactions of salmon farming
and benthic microbiology in sea lochs. In: Aquaculture and Sea Lochs, K D Black (ed),
Scottish Association for Marine Science, pp33-39.
114. McHenery J G, S W Forsyth, G K Rodger and I M Davies, 1996. Effects of dichlorvos
exposure on acetylcholinesterase activity in lobster larvae and mussels deployed in the
vicinity of salmon farms. Ecotoxicology, submitted.
115. Moore J J, A E Little, M J C Harding, G K Rodger and I M Davies, 1996. Surveys of
dogwhelks, Nucella lapillus, in the vicinity of Sullom Voe, Shetland, August 1995. A report to
SOTEAG from FSCRC and SOAEFD. Report No FSC/RC/3/96, pp 41 plus appendices.
116. Cronin, M, Davies I M, Newton A, Pirie J M, Topping G and S C Swa, 1996. Trace metals
in deep sea fish from the North Atlantic. Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Proceedings of
the Annual International Symposium; Aberdeen, Scotland, 1 - 5 July 1996.
117. Cronin, M, Davies I M, Newton A, Pirie J M, Topping G and S C Swan, 1996. Trace
metals in deep sea fish from the North Atlantic. International Council for the Exploration of
the Sea, CM 1996/E:14, 8pp.
118. Harding, M J C, S K Bailey, I M Davies, and R Lange, 1996. Effects of TBT on the
reproductive success of the dogwhelk, Nucella lapillus, ICES, CM 1996/Q:3,
119. Davies, I M, 1996. Contaminants in North Sea sediments. Proceedings of the 1st Dept of
the Environment Marine Research Seminar, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Plymouth, July
120. Greenstreet, S P R, I D Tuck, G N Grewar, F Armstrong, D G Reid, and P J Wright,
1996. An assessment of the acoustic survey technique, RoxAnn, as a means of mapping
sea-bed habitat. Can J Fish Aquat Sci, in press.
121. Clarke M, and I M Davies, 1996. Report for Corophium bioassay of field sediments.
Fisheries Research Services Report 12/96, 6 pp.
122. McHenery J G, G E Linley-Adams, D C Moore, G K Rodger, and I M Davies, 1997.
Experimental and field studies of effects of dichlorvos exposure on acetylcholinesterase
activity in the gills of the mussels, Mytilus edulis L. Aquatic Toxicology, 38, 125-143.
123. Murison, D J, D C Moore, J G McHenery, N A Robertson and I M Davies, 1997. Epiphytic
invertebrate assemblages and dichlorvos usage at salmon farms. Aquaculture, 159, 53-66.
124. Provost, P G, K D Black, I M Davies and P A Read, 1997. Antibiotics in fish farm
sediments. Proceedings of the 1995 International Conference on Environmental Pollution
(ICEP=95), St Petersburg, Russia, 17 - 24 July 1995. Environmental Pollution: Assessment
and Treatment. Eds: P Read and J Kinross, pp 7 - 20.
125. Bailey, S K, R Owen and I M Davies, 1997. Contamination of brown trout (Salmo trutta)
by tributyltin from timber treatment plants. Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 11, 485-490.
126. Harding, M J C, G K Rodger, I M Davies and J J Moore, 1997. Partial recovery of the
dogwhelk (Nucella lapillus) in Sullom Voe, Shetland, from tributyltin contamination. Marine
Environmental Research, 44, 3, 285-304.
127. Davies, I M, M J C Harding, S K Bailey and A M Shanks, 1997. Sub-lethal effects of
tributyltin oxide on the dogwhelk Nucella lapillus (L.). Marine Ecology Progress Series, 158,
128. Thain, J E, Davies I M and G H Rae, 1997. Acute toxicity of ivermectin to the lugworm,
Arenicola marina. Aquaculture, 159, 47-52.
129. Davies I M, J G McHenery, and G H Rae, 1997. Environmental risk of dissolved
ivermectin to marine organisms. Aquaculture, 158, 263-275.
130. Davies, I M, S M Rowlatt, J Ridgway, and M D Krom. 1997. Contaminants in North Sea
sediments. Proceedings of the 2nd Dept of the Environment Marine Research Seminar,
CEFAS, Lowestoft, July 1997, pp 36 - 37.
131. Davies, I M, and M J C Harding, 1997. Effects of TBT in western coastal waters. Interim
report to DETR, contract PECD CW0691, 5pp.
132. Mortimer R J G, M D Krom, P Hayes, and I M Davies, 1997. Evidence for sub-oxic
nitrification in an organic rich marine sediment. Poster at Gordon Research Conference, 10 15 August 1997, Kimble Union Academy, New Hampshire, USA.
133. Davies I M and M Gardner, 1997. A look to the future - QUASIMEME II New tests and
determinands. QUASIMEME Bulletin, 4, Feb 1997, pp 9, 22.
134. Davies I M (Chairman) and others, 1997. OSPAR Working Group on Concentrations
Trends and Effects of Substances in the Marine Environment (SIME). Report on the TBT
Training Workshop, Aberdeen, 24-26 September, 1997.
135. Chamberlain, J, Fernandes T F, Read P, Davies I M, and Nickell TD. Assessing the
environmental implications of mussel (Mytilus edulis) farming. Poster. British Ecological
Society meeting, Warwick University, 16 - 18 December 1997.
136. Edgar, P, Davies I M, Hursthouse A and Matthews, J. 1997. PCBs in the estuarine
environment. Poster. Joint meeting of the Society for the Environmental Geochemistry and
Health and the Royal Society of Chemistry Analytical Division (Scotland), Heriot-Watt
University, 12 June 1997
Edgar, P, Davies I M, Hursthouse A and Matthews, J. 1997. PCBs in the estuarine
environment. Poster. Royal Society of Chemistry Autumn Meeting, Aberdeen University 2-5
September 1997.
138. Hayes P, I.M.Davies, R.J.G.Mortimer and M.D.Krom, 1997. Pore water geochemistry of
organic rich sediments from Loch Duich Scotland. Poster. Progress in Chemical
Oceanography symposium, Southampton Oceanography Centre, 18-19th Septemeber,
139. Hayes P, I.M.Davies, R.J.G.Mortimer and M.D.Krom, 1997. Evidence for sub-oxic
nitrification in recent marine sediments. Abstract of talk. Progress in Chemical
Oceanography symposium, Southampton Oceanography Centre, 18-19th September, 1997
140. Harding M J C and I M Davies, 1997. SOTEAG rocky shore monitoring programme. TBT
contamination in Sullom Voe, Shetland. 1997 dogwhelk survey. Fisheries Research Services
Report 11/97, 20pp.
141. Edgar, P, Davies I M, Hursthouse A and Matthews, J. 1997. PCBs in the estuarine
environment. Poster. Aberdeen Research Consortium meeting, Aberdeen University, 19
November 1997.
142. P Hayes and I M Davies, 1997. Biogeochemical Zones of Loch Duich. Poster. Aberdeen
Research Consortium meeting, Aberdeen University, 19 November 1997.
143. Davies I M, A Minchin and M Harding, 1997. OSPAR Working Group on Concentrations
Trends and Effects of Substances in the Marine Environment (SIME). Report on the TBT
Training Workshop, Aberdeen, 24-26 September, 1997. Marine Laboratory Aberdeen Report
9/97, 33pp.
144. Moore J J, A E Little, M J C Harding, G K Rodger and I M Davies, 1997. Surveys of
dogwhelks Nucella lapillus in the vicinity of Sullom Voe, Shetland, August 1997. A report to
SOTEAG from CORDaH/OPRU and FRS/MLA. Report No OPRU/34/97, 74 pp
145. Davies I M, 1998. The potential role of QUASIMEME in the interpretation of international
marine monitoring data. QUASIMEME Bulletin 5, 6 - 8.
146. Davies I M, 1998. Sexual abnormalities and QUASIMEME. QUASIMEME Bulletin 5, 19 20.
Davies I M, 1998. Eggs, cliffs and chemists. QUASIMEME Bulletin 5, 18.
148. Davies, I M, 1998 Report to OSPAR AD HOC MON 1998 on quality assurance aspects
of data on temporal trends of inorganic contaminants in marine biota.
149. J Gauld, A L S Munro, and I M Davies, 1998. Country production report - Scotland - Fish.
Report to ICES Working Group on Environmental Interactions of Mariculture, Esbjerg, March
150. Davies, I M (Chairman), 1998. Report of ICES WG on Environmental Assessment and
Monitoring Strategies, 1998.
151. Davies, I M (Joint Chairman), 1998. Report of ICES WG on Environmental Interactions of
Mariculture, 1998.
152. D Fraser and I M Davies, 1998. Country production report - Scotland - Shellfish. Report
to ICES Working Group on Environmental Interactions of Mariculture, Esbjerg, March 1998.
153. Davies, I M, 1998. New industry-led strategic approach to sea louse control in Scotland.
Report to ICES Working Group on Environmental Interactions of Mariculture, Esbjerg, March
154. Davies, I M, 1998. Environmental impact assessment of fish farm developments in
Scotland. Report to ICES Working Group on Environmental Interactions of Mariculture,
Esbjerg, March 1998.
155. Davies, I M, 1998. Conflict resolution in Scotland. Report to ICES Working Group on
Environmental Interactions of Mariculture, Esbjerg, March 1998.
156. Davies, I M, 1998. Site separation distances and possible scientific bases for their
definition. Report to ICES Working Group on Environmental Interactions of Mariculture,
Esbjerg, March 1998.
157. Davies, I M, 1998. Notes on site fallowing. Report to ICES Working Group on
Environmental Interactions of Mariculture, Esbjerg, March 1998.
158. Davies, I M, S K Bailey, and M J C Harding, 1998. TBT inputs to the North Sea from
shipping activities, and potential risk of biological effects. ICES J. Marine Science, 55, 34 43.
159. Pedersen, B, Cofino, W and I M Davies, 1998. The 1993-1995 QUASIMEME Laboratory
Performance Study: Trace metals in sediment and biota. Mar Poll Bull, 35, 42-51..
160. Davies I M, and D E Wells, 1998. Quality assurance and the interpretation of
international marine monitoring data. Mar Poll Bull, 35, 133-139.
161. Davies I M and J D M Gordon, 1998. Contaminants in deep water fish stocks. Progress
report: March 1998. Fisheries Research Services Report 4/98, 33pp.
162. Davies, I M, M J C Harding, A Minchin and G Grewar, 1998. Effects of TBT in western
coastal waters. Final report to DETR, contract PECD CW0691. Fisheries Research Services
Report 5/98, 39pp.
163. Davies, I M, M J C Harding, S K Bailey, A M Shanks and R Lange, 1998. Response to
comment from J M Ruiz, M Quintela, and R Barreiro (Tributyltin and imposex: no uncertainty
shown) on Sub-lethal effects of tributyltin oxide on the dogwhelk Nucella lapillus (L.). (Marine
Ecology Progress Series, 158, 191-204.). Marine Ecology Progress series, 170, 295-297.
164. Cronin, M, Davies I M, Newton A, Pirie J M, Topping G and S C Swan, 1998. Trace metal
concentrations in deep sea fish from the North Atlantic. Marine Environmental Research, 45,
165. Mormede S, and I M Davies, 1998. Trace elements in deep water fish from the Rockall
Trough. ICES CM 1998/O:55, 7 pp.
166. Nickell, TD, K D Black, T H Pearson, I M Davies and P G Provost, 1998. The recovery of
the sea-bed after the cessation of fish farming: benthos and biogeochemistry, ICES CM
1998/V:1, 21pp.
167. Nickell, TD, K D Black, T H Pearson, I M Davies and P G Provost, 1998. The recovery of
the sea-bed after the cessation of fish farming: benthos and biogeochemistry, Marine
Ecology Progress Series, submitted.
168. Minchin, A and I M Davies, 1998. Effect of sample handling on imposex measurement in
the dogwhelk Nucella lapillus (L.). Marine Laboratory, Aberdeen Report 4/98, 5 pp.
169. Minchin, A and I M Davies, 1998. Effect of freezing on penis length in Nucella lapillus
(L.). Marine Laboratory, Aberdeen Report 5/98, 6 pp.
170. Davies I M, P A Gillibrand, J G McHenery, and G H Rae, 1998. Environmental risk of
ivermectin to sediment-dwelling organisms. Aquaculture, 163, 29-46.
171. Mormede, S, and I M Davies, 1998. Trace elements in deep water fish species from the
Rockall Trough. Poster at Atlantic Frontier Environmental Forum Conference, Aberdeen, Oct
172. Rodger G K, Davies I M, and R M Stagg, 1998. Development and application of
biomarker/bioassay procedures for the environmental monitoring of sea lice treatment
chemicals used in salmon farming - Phase 1. Consultation period draft report. 66pp
173. Harding, M J C, Davies I M, Bailey S K, and G K Rodger, 1998. Survey of imposex in
dogwhelks (Nucella lapillus) from North Sea coasts. Applied Organometallic Chem, in press.
174. Minchin, A, I M Davies, H Pymm and G N Grewar, 1998. Survey of imposex in the North
Sea CW0825: Interim report for August - December 1998. Fish Res Services Rep, 13/98, 5
175. Mormede S., I M Davies, and J D M Gordon, 1998. Contaminants in deep water fish
stocks. Progress report: November 1998. Fisheries Res Services Report, 14/98, 3 pp.
176. Davies, I M (Chairman). Chapter of report on biomarker approaches to assessing the
combined effects of pollutants. Proceedings of ICES/AMAP Symposium, EEA Copenhagen,
Novemer 1998.
177. Davies, I M and others, 1999. Contributor to Chapter 4 (Field assessment) of report on
Endocrine Disruption in Invertebrates. SETAC Workshop held at Noordwijk an Zee, The
Netherlands, Dec 1998. In press.
Minchin A and Davies, I M, 1999. Effect of freezing on penis length in Nucella lapillus (L.)
J Env Monit. 1, 203-205.
180. Minchin, A and I M Davies, 1999. Imposex measurement in the dogwhelk Nucella lapillus
(L.) - temporal aspects of specimen preparation. J Env Monit, 1, 239-241
181. I M Davies, A Minchin, B Bauer, M J H Harding and D E Wells 1999. QUASIMEME
laboratory performance study of the biological effects of tributyltin (imposex and intersex) on
two marine gastropod molluscs. J Env Monit, 1, 233-238.
182. Fleming S. A. , R.W. Furness and I. M. Davies, 1999. Mercury accumulation in deep-sea
and continental shelf fish species. 9th Annual Meeting of SETAC (Society of Environmental
Toxicology and Chemistry, Leipzig- Germany 25th-29th May 1999.
183. Minchin, A, I M Davies, H Pymm and G N Grewar, 1999. Survey of imposex in the North
Sea CW0825: Interim report for August 1998 - January 1999. Fish Res Services Rep, xx/99,
xx pp
184. Minchin, A, I M Davies, H Pymm and G N Grewar, 1999. Survey of imposex in the North
Sea CW0825: Six month report. Fish Res Services Rep, 1/99, 33 pp
185. Rodger G K, Davies I M, and R M Stagg, 1999. Development and application of
biomarker/bioassay procedures for the environmental monitoring of sea lice treatment
chemicals used in salmon farming - Phase 1. Report to SNIFFER. 66pp
186. Rodger G K, Davies I M, and R M Stagg, 1999. Development and application of
biomarker/bioassay procedures for the environmental monitoring of sea lice treatment
chemicals used in salmon farming - Phase 1. Fisheries Research Services Report, 2/99,
187. Davies, I M (Joint Chairman), 1999. Report of ICES WG on Environmental Interactions of
Mariculture, 1999.
188. J Gauld, and I M Davies, 1999. Country production report - Scotland - Fish. Report to
ICES Working Group on Environmental Interactions of Mariculture, Montpellier, March 1999.
189. D I Fraser and I M Davies, 1999. Country production report - Scotland - Shellfish. Report
to ICES Working Group on Environmental Interactions of Mariculture, Montpellier, March
190. Davies, I M, 1999. Infectious Salmon Anaemia in Scotland. ICES Working Group on the
Environmental Interactions of Mariculture, Montpellier, March 1999.
191. Davies, I M, 1999. New projects - Scotland: Monitoring relating to sea lice treatments.
ICES Working Group on the Environmental Interactions of Mariculture, Montpellier, March
192. Davies, I M, 1999. Draft proposals for new fish farm location management strategies in
Scotland. ICES Working Group on the Environmental Interactions of Mariculture,
Montpellier, March 1999.
193. Edgar, P J, I M Davies, A S Hursthouse and J Matthews, 1999. The biogeochemistry of
PCBs in the River Clyde. Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 17th
European Conference, Glasgow, March 1999.
194. Chamberlain, J., Fernandes, T.F., Read, P., Davies, I.M., Nickell, T.D. 1999. Mussel
farming and its depositional effects on the benthic environment. British Ecological Society
Winter and Annual General Meeting, University of Leicester - 5-8 January 1999
195. Chamberlain, J., Fernandes, T.F., Read, P., Davies, I.M., Nickell, T.D., 1999. Assessing
the environmental implications of mussel (Mytilus edulis L.) farming. Napier University
Annual Research Conference - 30th April 1999.
196. Mortimer R. J. G. , M. D. Krom, P. Hayes and I. M. Davies, 1999. Suboxic nitrification in
Recent sediments from a Scottish sea loch. Ninth Annual Goldschmidt Conference,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 22 – 27 August 1999.
197. Edgar, P J, I M Davies, A S Hursthouse and J Matthews, 1998. The biogeochemistry of
PCBs in the Clyde: Distribution and source evaluation. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 38,486496..
198. Davies, I. M., Rodger, G. K., Redshaw, J. and Stagg, R. M., 1999. Targeted
environmental monitoring for sea lice treatment chemicals at fish farm sites. ICES
Symposium on Environmental Impacts of Mariculture, St Andrews, Sept 1999.
199. Mormede, S and I M Davies, 2000. Polychlorinatedbiphenyls and pesticide residues in
monkfish and black scabbard from the Rockall Trough. Extended abstract of presentation at
ICES Young Scientists Conference, Gilleleje, Denmark, November 1999. ICES Cooperative
Research Report No 240, pp19-20.
200. Davies, I M, 2000. Kinetics of the development of imposex in adult dogwhelks, Nucella
lapillus, L. Environ Pollut, 107, 445-449.
201. Rodger, G K and I M Davies, 2000. Summary of mariculture production in countries
neighbouring the European Union. J Applied Ichthyology, 16, 224 -229.
202. Henderson, A and I M Davies, 2000. Review of aquaculture, its regulation and monitoring
in Scotland. J Applied Ichthyology, 16, 200-208.
203. Smedes, F, A S de Jong and I M Davies, 2000. Determination of (Mono-, Di- and)
Tributyltin in sediments - Analytical Methods. J Env Monit, 2, 541-549..
204. Harding, M, Davies I M, and G Grewar, 2000. A field evaluation of international
monitoring guidelines for the biological effects of tributyltin. J Env Monit, 2, 404-409.
205. Mormede S, and I M Davies, 2000. Contaminants in deep water fish stocks. Third
progress report, Dec 1999. Marine Lab Aberdeen Report, 01/00, 6 pp.
206. Matthiessen, P, Reynoldson, T, Billinghurst Z, Brassard D W, Cameron P, Chandler C T,
Davies, I M, Horiguchi T, Mount D R, Oehlmann, J, Pottinger T G, Sibley, P K, Thompson H
M and A D Vethaak, 1999. Field assessment for endocrine disruption in invertebrates. In:
Endocrine disruption in invertebrates: Endocrinology, testing, and assessment. Eds: P L de
Fur, M Crane, C Ingersoll and L Tattersfield. Proceedings from the International SETAC
Workshop on Endocrine disruption in invertebrates: Endocrinology, testing, and assessment.
12- 15 December 1998, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands. SETAC Technical Publication
207. Davies I M, and G K Rodger, 2000. A review of the use of ivermectin as a treatment for
sea lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis Kroyer and Caligus elongatus Nordmann) infestation in
farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Aquaculture Research, 31,11, 869-883.
208. Minchin A and I M Davies, 2000. BEQUALM and QUASIMEME Workshop on imposex
and intersex in marine snails, Nucella lapillus, Buccinum undatum and Littorina littorea.
Report on the TBT training workshop. Marine Laboratory Aberdeen Report 03/00, 11 pp.
209. Smedes, F., I. M. Davies, D. Wells, A. Allan and V. Besada, 2000. Interlaboratory
study on sieving and normalization of geographically different sediments. Quality
Assurance of Sampling and Sample Handling (QUASH), Interlaboratory Study Report
210. McIntosh A D, Minchin A and I M Davies, 2000. BEQUALM. P4501A1 activity in fish liver.
Round One Exercise Report. Marine Laboratory Aberdeen Report 07/00, 15 pp.
211. Fleming, S, R W Furness, and I M Davies, 2000. Contemporary patterns and historical
rates of increase of mercury contamination in different marine food chains. ICES ASC 2000,
CM 2000/S:07
212. Davies, I M, 2000. Waste production by farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in
Scotland. ICES ASC 2000, CM 2000/O:01
213. O’Neill, S, Davies I M, and C F Moffat, 2000. Colorimetric protein phosphatase assay for
the detection of the diarrhetic shellfish toxin, okadaic acid. Marine Laboratory Aberdeen
Report 13/00, 24 pp.
214. Davies, I M (Chairman), 2000. Report of ICES WG on Environmental Interactions of
Mariculture, 2000.
215. Minchin A and I M Davies, 2000. SOTEAG rocky shore monitoring programme. TBT
contamination in Sullom Voe, Shetland. 1999 dogwhelk survey. Fisheries Research Services
Report 01/00, 19pp.
216. Mortimer, R J G, Hayes, P, Krom, M D, Davies, I M, 2000. Direct evidence of
geochemical recycling within sedimentary biogeochemical zones. Americam Society of
Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO), Copenhagen, Denmark, 5 – 9 June 2000.
217. Mortimer, R J G, Hayes, P, Krom, M D, Davies, I M, Davison, W, Zhang H, Phillips, C J,
and J I Prosser, 2000. A new conceptual model for microbial processes in sediments. SET
2000, Special reception for young researchers, House of Commons, London.
218. Mortimer, R J G, Hayes, P, Krom, M D, Davies, I M, Davison, W, Zhang H, Phillips, C J,
and J I Prosser, 2000. A new conceptual model for microbial processes in sediments.
Goldschmidt 2000, Oxford, 3 – 8 September 2000. Journal of Conference Abstracts, 5, 723.
219. Henderson, A and I M Davies, 2001. Review of the regulation and monitoring of
aquaculture in Scotland, with emphasis on environment and consumer protection. MLA
Report, 01/01..
220. Mormede S, and I M Davies, 2001. Trace elements in deep water fish from the Rockall
Trough. Fisheries Res, 51, 197- 206.
221. Mormede, S and I M Davies, 2001. Organic contaminants in monkfish and black
scabbard from the Rockall Trough. ICES J Mar Sci, 58, xxx
222. Mormede, S and I M Davies, 2001. Heavy metal concentrations in commercial deep-sea
fish from the Rockall Trough. Continental Shelf Research, 21, 899-916.
223. Davies I M, 2001. The influences of international conventions for the prevention of marine
pollution on mariculture in European countries. In: The implications of Directives,
Conventions and Codes of Practice on the monitoring and regulation of marine aquaculture
in Europe. P A Read, T F Fernandes, K L Miller, A Eleftheriou, M Eleftheriou, I M Davies and
G K Rodger, eds. pp75-83.
224. McIntosh A D, Davies I M, Webster L, and C F Moffat, 2001. The source and fate of
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in farmed mussels and other commercial species
from Loch Leven. A) farmed Atlantic salmon. FRS Marine Laboratory Report 04/01, 4pp
225. McIntosh A D, Davies I M, Webster L and C F Moffat, 2001. The source and fate of
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in farmed mussels and other commercial species
from Loch Leven. B) Nephrops norwegicus. FRS Marine Laboratory Report 05/01, 4pp
226. McIntosh A D, Davies I M, Webster L and C F Moffat, 2001. The source and fate of
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in farmed mussels and other commercial species
from Loch Leven. C) Blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) FRS Marine Laboratory Report 07/01, 4pp
227. McIntosh A D, Davies I M, and Webster L, 2001. The source and fate of polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in farmed mussels and other commercial species from Loch
Leven. D) PAH in fume treatment plant discharge and the loch water column. FRS Marine
Laboratory Report 11/01, 5pp
228. Davies I M, McIntosh A D, Webster L and C F Moffat, 2001. Measurements of
contaminant concentrations in shellfish: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. FRS Marine
Laboratory Report 08/01, 3pp
229. Webster L, Davies I M, and McIntosh A D, 2001. Measurements of contaminant
concentrations in shellfish: Chlorobiphenyls and pesticides. FRS Marine Laboratory Report
10/01, 7pp
230. Tait, D J K, Davies I M, McIntosh A D and C F Moffat, 2001. Measurements of
contaminant concentrations in shellfish: Trace metals. FRS Marine Laboratory Report 12/01,
8 pp
231. Robinson, C D, Craft J A, Davies I M, Moffat C F, Pirie D, Robertson F E, Brown E, Stagg
R M, and S Struthers, 2001. Effects of ethynyloestradiol and sewage effluent upon
maturation, molecular markers of oestrogenic exposure and reproductive success in a
mature teleost (Pomatoschistus minutus, Pallas). Fisheries Research Services Report 03/01,
26 pp.
232. Chamberlain, J, T F Fernandes, P Read, T D Nickell, I M Davies, 2001. Impacts of
biodeposits from suspended mussel (Mytilus edulis L.) culture on the surrounding surficial
sediments. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 58, 411-416.
233. Costello, M J, A Grant, I M Davies, S Cecchini, S Papoutsoglou, D Quigley and M
Saroglia, 2001, The control of chemicals used in aquaculture in Europe. J Appl Ichthyol., 17,
234. Hursthouse, A S, J Matthews, J Figures, P Iqbal-Zahid, I M Davies and D H Vaughan,
2001. Chromium behaviour in intertidal sediments and pore waters, R. Clyde, UK. Env
Geochem and Health, 23, 253-259.
235. Krom M D, A Neori, J v Rijn, S Poulton, and I M Davies, 2001. Working towards
environmentally friendly marine farming. Ocean Challenge, 11, 23-27.
236. Davies, I. M., Rodger, G. K., Redshaw, J. and Stagg, R. M., 2001. Targeted
environmental monitoring for sea lice treatment chemicals at fish farm sites. ICES Journal of
Marine Science, 58, 477-485.
237. Davies, I M, 2001. Aquaculture, the environment and health. Proceedings of the 3rd
Thematic Conference PESCA), 5–6 November 1999, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, pp13
– 15. Pub: EC, DG Fisheries, Brussels.
238. Richardson, D M, I M Davies, C F Moffat, P Pollard, and R M Stagg, 2001. Biliary PAH
metabolites and EROD activity in flounder (Platichthys flesus) from a contaminated estuarine
environment. J Environ Monit, 3, 610-615.
239. Harding M J C, G K Rodger and I M Davies, 2001. SOTEAG rocky shore monitoring
programme. TBT contamination in Sullom Voe, Shetland. 2001 dogwhelk survey. Fisheries
Research Services Report 04/01, 13pp.
240. L. Tiano, I. Davies, G. Falcioni, 2002. Analysis of stress-induced gene expression in
trout red blood cells following tributyltinchloride exposure. Conference on “Comparative
functional genomics of chloroplasts, mitochondria and their bacterial homologues - new
perspectives on symbiosis in cell evolution”. Abstract for National Congress of the Italian
Biochemical Society, joint symposium with British Biochemical Society, 16-19 September
2002, Sicily.
241. McIntosh, A D, I M Davies, C Megginson, L Webster and C F Moffat, 2002.
Measurements of chemical contaminants in shellfish from Scottish waters. Fisheries
Research Services Report No 08/02, 4pp.
242. Mortimer, R.J.G., Krom, M.D., Harris, S.J., Hayes, P.J., Davies, I.M, Davison, W., &
Zhang, H. (2002). Evidence for suboxic nitrification in recent marine sediments. Marine
Ecology Progress Series 236, 31-35.
243. Tiano, L, D.Fedeli, G.Santoni, I.Davies and G.Falcioni, 2002. Impairment of
mitochondrial activity in trout red blood cells by tributyltin. Abstract for symposium on
“Comparative functional genomics of chloroplasts, mitochondria and their bacterial
homologues - new perspectives on symbiosis in cell evolution”, Royal Society, London, 26-27
June 2002.
244. Gowland, B T G, A D McIntosh, I M Davies, and C F Moffat, 2002. Glutathione STransferase activiy in mussels, Mytilus edulis, exposed to discharges from an aluminium
smelter. Bull. Env. Contam. Toxicol., 69, 147-154.
245. Gowland BTG, McIntosh AD, Davies IM, Moffat CF, Webster L., 2002. Implications
from a field study regarding the relationships between Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
and Glutathione S-transferase in Mussels. Marine Environmental Research, 54, 231-235.
246. Gowland, B.T.G., Webster, L., Fryer, R.J., Davies, I.M., Moffat, C.F. and Stagg, R.M.,
2002. Uptake and effects of the cypermethrin-containing sea lice treatment Excis in the
marine mussel, Mytilus edulis. Environmental Pollution, 120, 805-811.
247. Gowland BTG, Moffat CF, Stagg RM, Houlihan DF, Davies IM, 2002. Cypermethrin
induces glutathione S-transferase activity in Carcinus maenas. Marine Environmental
Research, 54(2), 169–177.
248. Allen, Y., Balaam, J., Bamber, S., Bates, H., Best, G., Bignell, J, Brown, E., Craft, J.,
Davies, I. M., Depledge, M., Dyer, R., Feist, S., Hurst, M.,
Hutchinson, T., Jones, G.,
Jones, M., Katsiadaki, I., Kirby, M., Leah, R., Matthiessen, P., Megginson, C., Moffat, C.
F., Moore, A., Pirie, D., Robertson, F., Robinson, C. D., Scott, A. P., Simpson, M., Smith,
A., Stagg, R. M., Struthers, S., Thain, J., Thomas, K., Tolhurst, L., Waldock, M., and
Walker, P. (2002). Endocrine Disruption in the Marine Environment (EDMAR) Final
Report. 67pp. Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), London,
UK. USBN 0 907545 16 5
249. Allen Y., L. Balk F. Colijn, I. Davies, S. Feist, K. Hylland, D. Lowe, M. Reckerman, H.
Rumohr, JE Thain. 2002. Biological effects quality assurance in monitoring programmes
(BEQUALM). Report to EU, June 2002.
250. Edgar, P J, Hursthouse, A S, Matthews J E, Davies, I M and S Hillier, 2002. The
influence of sediment geochemistry on the bioaccumulation of PCBs by Mytilus edulis
from intertidal sediments of the Clyde estuary, UK. Submitted to Marine Env Res.,.
251. Robinson, C D, Brown E, Craft J A, Davies I M, Megginson, C and C F Moffat, 2002.
Further laboratory studies of the effects of exogenous oestrogenic chemicals on exposure
markers and breeding success in sand goby (Pomatoschistus minutus, Pallas). Fisheries
Research Services Report 12/02, 33 pp.
252. McIntosh, A D, Hall, C and I M Davies, 2002. BECPELAG project: An assessment of
hydrocarbon concentrations in the water column by continuous fluorimetric detection in
two areas of the North Sea. Abstract of paper presented at BECPELAG Project
Conference, 17-18 August 2002, Copenhagen.
253. McIntosh, A D, Gowland, B and I M Davies, 2002. BECPELAG project: Hepatic 7Ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD) activity in herring (Clupea harengus) and saithe
(Pollachius virens) from two areas of the North Sea. Abstract of paper presented at
BECPELAG Project Conference, 17-18 August 2002, Copenhagen.
254. Davies IM and Minchin A, 2002. Quality assurance of imposex and intersex
measurements in marine snails. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 4, 788 - 790.
255. Allen, Y, Balk l, Colijn, F, Davies I, Feist S, Hylland K, Lowe D, Reckerman M,
Rumohr H, and J E Thain, 2002. Biological effects quality assurance in monitoring
programmes (BEQUALM). Contract No: SMT4-CT98-2241. CEFAS Contract report
C0629, 89 pp.
256. McIntosh, A D, L Webster, X Bredzinski, I M Davies, and C F Moffat, 2002.
Measurement of chemical contaminants in shellfish from Scottish waters. FSA (Scotland)
Project Code: SO2013. Fisheries Research Services Contract Report No 08/02, 14pp.
257. Zhang, H., Davison, W., Mortimer, R.J.G., Krom, M.D., Hayes, P.J., & Davies, I.M.,
2002. Localised remobilisation of metals in a marine sediment. Sci. Tot. Env., 296, 175187
258. Green, N., Bjerkeng, B., and I M Davies, 2002. Data quality in international marine
environmental assessment programmes. Paper presented at QUASIMEME conference,
Barcelona, 23 – 26 October, 2002.
259. Smith K.M., Grewar G.N., Davies I.M., Wells D.E. and M. Krysell, 2002. Production of
candidate certified reference materials (CRMs) for nutrients in seawater – Preliminary
Results. Poster presented at QUASIMEME conference, Barcelona, 23 – 26 October,
260. Krom, M D, R J G Mortimer, S W Poulton, P Hayes, I M Davies, W Davison, and H
Zhang, 2002. In-situ determination of dissolved iron production in recent marine
sediments. Aquatic Science, 64, 282-291.
261. McIntosh, A D, Gowland, B T G, Hall C D and I M Davies, 2002. The assessment of
hepatic 7- Ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD) activity in herring (Clupea harengus)
and saithe (Pollachius virens) from two areas of the North Sea. International Council for
the Exploration of the Sea, Annual Science Conference, 2002. CM 2002/X:12, 15pp.
262. Gillibrand, P A, Gubbins, M J, Greathead, C and I M Davies, 2002. Scottish Executive
locational guidelines for fish farming: Predicted levels of nutrient enhancement and
benthic impact. Scottish Fisheries Research Report number 63/2002, 53 pp.
263. Edgar, P E, A Hursthouse, S Matthews, and I M Davies, 2003. An investigation of
geochemical factors controlling the distribution of PCBs in intertidal sediments at a
contamination hotspot, the Clyde estuary, UK. Applied Geochemistry, 18, 327-338
264. Sophie Mormede and Ian M. Davies, 2003. Horizontal and vertical distribution of
organic contaminants in deep-sea fish species. Chemosphere, 50, 563-574.
265. Robinson, C.D., Brown, E., Craft, J.A., Davies, I.M., Moffat, C.F., Pirie, D.P.,
Robertson,F., Stagg, R.M. & Struthers, S., 2003. Effects of sewage effluent and ethynyl
oestradiol upon molecular markers of oestrogenic exposure, maturation and reproductive
success in the sand goby (Pomatoschistus minutus, Pallas). Aquatic Toxicology 62 (2),
266. Robinson, C. D., Brown, E., Craft, J. A., Davies, I. M., Megginson, C. and Moffat, C.
F., 2003. Indicators of oestrogenic exposure predict population-level reproductive
success in the marine fish Pomatoschistus minutus. Submitted to Environ. Sci. Technol.
267. L. Tiano, D. Fedeli, G. Santoni, I. Davies, G. Falcioni, 2003. Ebselen prevents
mitochondrial ageing due to oxidative stress: in vitro study of fish erythrocytes.
Mitochondrion, published.
268. L Tiano, D Fedeli, G Santoni, I Davies, G Falcioni. 2003. Effect of tributyltin on trout
blood cells: changes in mitochondrial morphology and functionality. Biochimica
Biophysica Acta, 1640, 105-112. .
269. Kirby, M. F., Bignell, J., Brown, E., Craft, J. A., Davies, I., Dyer, R. A., Feist, S. W.,
Jones, G., Matthiessen, P., Megginson, C., Robertson, F. E. and Robinson, C., 2003.
The presence of morphologically intermediate papilla syndrome in United Kingdom
populations of sand goby (Pomatoschistus sp.): Endocrine Disruption? Environ. Toxicol.
Chem., 22, (2), 239-251.
270. Davies, I.M. and G Rae, 2003. Scoping study for research into the aquaculture (fish)
carrying capacity of GB coastal waters. Fisheries Research Services Collaborative
Report, 01/03, 28 pp.
271. Davies, I.M. and D MacLeod, 2003. Scoping study for research into the aquaculture
(shellfish) carrying capacity of GB coastal waters. Fisheries Research Services
Collaborative Report, 04/03, 22 pp.
272. Davies, I M and R J Slaski, 2003. Waste production by farmed Atlantic halibut
(Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.). Aquaculture, 219, 495-502.
273. O’Neill, S, Ripp S, Megginson C, and I M Davies, 2003. Microbial detection of
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in contaminated sediment. Fisheries Research Services
Collaborative Report, 5/03, 7 pp.
274. Hursthouse, Andrew. S., Matthews, Joy M., Figures, Julie E., Iqbal-Zahid, Parveen,
Davies, Ian. M., Vaughan, D. Huw., 2003. Chromium in Intertidal Sediments of the Clyde,
UK: Potential for remobilisation and bioaccumulation. Environmental Geochemistry &
Health, 27, 171-203.
275. Davies, I M. 2003. Biomarkers of environmental oestrogen exposure in a marine fish,
2003. Conference presentation. Annual meeting of the Societa Italiana di Biochimica e
Biologia Moleculare, Marine and Environmental Biochemistry, San Benedetto del Tronto,
May 29-30 2003.
276. B T G Gowland, A D McIntosh, C F Moffat, I M Davies, 2003. Biomarkers and PAH
concentrations in the mussel, Mytilus edulis, from Loch Leven; a Scottish sealoch
impacted by an aluminium smelter. Conference poster presentation. Annual meeting of
the Societa Italiana di Biochimica e Biologia Moleculare, Marine and Environmental
Biochemistry, San Benedetto del Tronto, May 29-30 2003.
277. Ford, A T, T F Fernandes, P Read, C Robinson, I M Davies, 2003. Endocrine
disruption in a marine amphipod : Field observations of intersexuality and impaired
reproductive output. Conference poster presentation. Annual meeting of the Societa
Italiana di Biochimica e Biologia Moleculare, Marine and Environmental Biochemistry,
San Benedetto del Tronto, May 29-30 2003.
278. Tiano, L, Fedeli D, Santoni G, Davies, I, and Falcioni, G. 2003. Effect of tributyltin on
trout red blood cells: Changes in mitochondrial morphology and functionality. Conference
poster presentation. Annual meeting of the Societa Italiana di Biochimica e Biologia
Moleculare, Marine and Environmental Biochemistry, San Benedetto del Tronto, May 2930 2003.
279. Tiano, L, Davies, I, and Falcioni, G. 2002. Analysis of stress induced gene expression
in trout red blood cells following tributyltin chloride exposure. Poster, Italian Biochemical
Society Conference, Palermo, Italy, June 2002.
280. Tiano, L, Davies, I, Craft J, and G Falcioni, 2003. Hsp70 expression in trout red blood
cells following tributyltinchloride exposure. Conference presentation. Annual meeting of
the Societa Italiana di Biochimica e Biologia Moleculare, Marine and Environmental
Biochemistry, San Benedetto del Tronto, May 29-30 2003.
281. Alex T. Ford, Teresa F. Fernandes, Sebastien A. Rider, Paul A. Read, Craig D.
Robinson and Ian M. Davies, 2003. Reproduction in the amphipod, Echinogammarus
marinus: a comparison between normal and intersex specimens. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K.,
83, 937-940
282. Margaret Brown, Ian M. Davies, Colin F. Moffat, Craig Robinson, John Redshaw,
John A. Craft, 2003. Transcription profiling of xeno-oestrogen-treated male plaice; Poor
men’s genomics using subtractive hybridisation and macroarrays. Poster presented at
Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry conference, 8 – 10 September,
2003, Aberdeen UK.
283. H.A. Selley, G.I. Paton, I.L. Marr, I.M. Davies, 2003. Ecotoxicology: How can the
effects of complex mixtures of pollutants be monitored in a harbour environment? Poster
presented at Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (UK) conference, 8 –
10 September, 2003, Aberdeen UK.
284. Gubbins, M J, P A Gillibrand, P J Sammes, B S Miller, and I M Davies, 2003. OSPAR
eutrophication assessment of aquaculture hotspots in Scottish coastal waters. Fisheries
Research Services Collaborative Report No 07/03, 202 pp.
Gubbins, M J, P A Gillibrand, B S Miller, and I M Davies, 2003. OSPAR eutrophication
assessment of aquaculture hotspots in Scottish coastal waters: Addendum report.
Fisheries Research Services Collaborative Report No 12/03, 48 pp.
286. M.J. Gubbins, P.A. Gillibrand, I.M. Davies, C.F. Moffat, A. Edwards, P. Holmes, 2003.
287. OSPAR Eutrophication Assessment of Aquaculture Hotspots in Scottish Coastal
Waters: Outline Programme of Work for 2004 – 2006. Fisheries Research Services
Collaborative Report No XX/03, YYYpp.
288. O'Neill S, Ripp S and I Davies. 2003. Microbial sensor for naphthalenes: A potential
tool for directing monitoring resources. Proceedings 2nd SENSPOL Workshop:
Response to new pollution Challenges. S Alcock and R Kadara (eds). Cranfield
University, pp 304-305.
289. Craft, J A, Stagg, R, Moffat, C, and I M Davies, 2003. Altered gene expression in
marine organisms. Final project report to DEFRA, contract CW0841, 84pp.
290. Dounas, K, Davies, I, Hayes, P, Arvanitidis, Ch, and Koulouri, P, 2003. A new method
for the quantitative measurements of the effects of trawling on benthic nutrient fluxes and
sediment biogeochemistry. 7th Hellenic Symposium on Oceanography and Fisheries.
Chersonissos, Greece, 6-9 May 2003. Abstracts, p204.
291. Ford, A. T., Fernandes, T. F., Rider, S. A., Read, P. A., Robinson, C. D. and Davies, I.
M. (2003). Measuring sublethal impacts of pollution on reproductive output in marine
Crustacea. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 265, 303-309.
292. Ford, A.T., Rodgers-Gray, T. P., Davies, I. M., Dunn, A., Read, P. A., Robinson, C. D.,
Smith, J. E., and Fernandes, T. F. . Abnormal gonadal morphology in intersex
Echinogammarus marinus: a possible cause of reduced fecundity? Submitted to J of Exp
293. Ford, A.T., Fernandes, T. F., Read, P. A., Robinson, C. D. and Davies, I. M., 2004.
The costs of intersexuality: a crustacean perspective. Marine Biology, in press.
294. Ford, A.T., Fernandes, T. F., Robinson, C. D., Davies, I. M., and Read, P.A., (2004;
PAPER 6). Can pollution cause intersexuality in the amphipod, Echinogammarus
marinus? In prep. (Mar. Poll. Bull.)
295. Brown, M., Davies I M, Moffat C F, Redshaw, J and J A Craft, 2004. Characterisation
of choline esterases and their tissue and subcellular distribution in the mussel (Mytilus
edulis). Marine Env Res, 57, 155-169.
296. Brown, M., Davies, I. M., Moffat, C. M., Robinson, C., Redshaw, J. and Craft, J. A.
(2004). Identification of transcriptional effects of ethynyl oestradiol in male plaice
(Pleuronectes platessa) by suppression subtractive hybridisation and a nylon macroarray.
Marine Environmental Research, 58, 559-563
297. Gubbins M.J., Lawton E., Gowland, B.T.G., Davies, I.M., Moffat C.F., 2004. Toxicity
and sub-cellular effects of fish farm chemotherapeutants on non-target marine
crustaceans. Poster presented at Society of Experimental Biology meeting, March 2004,
298. Craft, J. A., Brown, M., Dempsey, K., Francey, J., Kirby, M., Scott, A. P., Katsiadaki, I.,
Robinson, C. D., Davies, I. M., Bradac, P. and Moffat, C. M. (2004). Kinetics of
vitellogenin protein and mRNA induction and depuration in fish following laboratory and
environmental exposure to oestrogens. Mar. Environ. Res., 58, 419-423.
299. Tony I. Venelinov , Ian Davies and John H. Beattie, 2004. Dialysis - Chelex method for
determination of exchangeable copper in human plasma. Analytical and Bioanalytical
Chemistry, 379 : 777-780.
300. Teresa F. Fernandes, Alex T. Ford, Paul A. Read, Craig D. Robinson & Ian M. Davies,
2004. The use of intersex crustaceans as biomarkers of endocrine disruption. Presentation
at the joint UK-Japan workshop on cooperation in endocrine disruptor research, Suizenjikoen
Kumamoto City, Japan 18-19 Feb 2004.
301. John A. Craft, Kate E. Dempsey, Margaret Brown, Jill Francey, John Redshaw, Craig
Robinson, Ian M Davies and Colin F. Moffat, 2004. Hormone-responsive gene expression in
common mussel (Mytilus edulis) and plaice (Pleuronectes platessa). Presentation at the joint
UK-Japan workshop on cooperation in endocrine disruptor research, Suizenjikoen
Kumamoto City, Japan 18-19 Feb 2004.
302. Mortimer, R.J.G., Harris, S.J., Krom, M.D., Freitag, T., Prosser, J.,Barnes, J.,
Anschutz, P., Hayes, P., & Davies, I.M., 2004. Anoxic nitrification in marine sediments.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 276, 37-51.
303. D M Richardson, M J Gubbins, I M Davies, C F Moffat and P M Pollard, 2004. Effects
of feeding status on biliary PAH metabolite and biliverdin concentrations in plaice
(Pleuronectes platessa). Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, in press.
304. Robinson, C. D., Brown, E., Craft, J. A., Davies, I. M., and Moffat, C. F. (2004).
Effects of prolonged exposure to 4-tert-octylphenol on toxicity and indices of oestrogenic
exposure in the sand goby (Pomatoschistus minutus, Pallas). Mar. Environ. Res., 58, (1),
305. Ford, A. T., Fernandes, T. F., Rider, S. A., Read, P. A., Robinson, C. D. and Davies, I.
M. (2004). Endocrine disruption in a marine amphipod? Field observations of
intersexuality and de-masculinisation. Mar. Environ. Res., 58, 169-173
306. Robinson C. D., Craft, J. A., Moffat, C. F., Davies, I. M., Brown, E. S. and Megginson,
C. (2004). Oestrogenic markers and reduced population fertile egg production in a sand
goby partial life-cycle test. Mar. Environ. Res., 58, 147-150
307. Brown, M., Robinson, C., Davies, I.M., Moffat, C.F., Redshaw, J. and Craft, J.A.
(2004) Temporal changes in gene expression in the liver of male plaice (Pleuronectes
platessa) in response to exposure to ethynyl oestradiol analysed by macroarray and RealTime PCR. Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis
552 (1-2), 35-49.
308. Linda J. Harvey, Jack R. Dainty, Wendy J. Hollands, Victoria J. Bull, John H. Beattie,
Tony Venelinov, Ian M. Davies and Susan J. Fairweather-Tait, 2004. Use of mathematical
modelling to predict copper absorption and gain new insights into human copper
metabolism. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 81, 807-813.
309. Gubbins, MJ, M O’Reilly, L McIlroy, J Thain, IM Davies A decade of UK organo-tinspecific biological effects monitoring - Trends, ecological quality assessment and future
monitoring requirements. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Annual
Science Conference 2004, CM 2004/Z:06, 18pp.
310. Davies, I M, M Gubbins, and C Greathead, 2004. Relative rates of discharge of
nutrients by cultivated finfish species. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea,
Annual Science Conference 2004, CM 2004/V:02, 10pp.
311. McIntosh A D, G Grewar, L Webster, I M Davies, E J Dalgarno and C F Moffat, 2004.
Kinetics of depuration of hydrocarbons by mussels, (Mytilus edulis). International Council
for the Exploration of the Sea, Annual Science Conference 2004, CM 2004/V:04, 16pp.
312. Davies I M, C Greathead, M Gubbins, 2004. Relative importance of aquaculture, land
run-off and tidal exchange as sources of nutrients in Scottish sea lochs. International
Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Annual Science Conference 2004, CM 2004/V:06,
313. Davies, I M, E Black, and U Barg, 2004. GESAMP initiative on risk assessment for
coastal aquaculture. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Annual Science
Conference 2004, CM 2004/V:05, 25pp.
314. Gubbins M J, Lawton E, Gowland BTG, Davies IM, Moffat CF, 2004. Biological effects
measurements applied to medicinal chemicals discharged by fish farms. International
Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Annual Science Conference 2004, Poster, CM
315. Greathead C, M Gubbins, I M Davies, 2004. Locational Guidelines for fish farming in
Scotland (spatial and temporal planning). International Council for the Exploration of the
Sea, Annual Science Conference 2004, Poster, CM 2004/V:13.
316. Dounas C., I. M. Davies, P.J. Hayes, C. Arvantitidis, and P. Koulouri, 2004. The effect
of different types of otter trawl groundrope on benthic nutrient fluxes and sediment
biogeochemistry. Conference Proceedings volume. Fishing and Benthic Habitats 2002,
Symposium on Effects of Fishing Activities on Benthic Habitats: Linking Geology, Biology,
Socioeconomics, and Management. November 12-14, 2002, Tampa, Florida. American
Fish Soc J, in press.
317. Gubbins M, Harding M J C, and I M Davies, 2004. SOTEAG rocky shore monitoring
programme. TBT contamination in Sullom Voe, Shetland. 2004 dogwhelk survey.
Preliminary report Fisheries Research Services Contract Report 14/04, 13pp.
318. Tiano L., Davies I. M., Craft J., and G Falcioni, 2004. Analysis of stress-induced gene
expression in trout red blood cells following tributyltinchloride exposure. Fish Physiology
and 30, 231 - 240
319. Gubbins M, Harding M J C, and I M Davies, 2005. SOTEAG rocky shore monitoring
programme. TBT contamination in Sullom Voe, Shetland. 2004 dogwhelk survey.
Fisheries Research Services Contract Report 02/05, 15pp.
320. McIntosh A D, Devalla S, Robinson C D, and I M Davies, 2005. Sampling and
analysis of scallops for trace metal contaminants from Fishing Box NM12. Fisheries
Research Services Contract Report 05/05, 7pp.
321. Robinson C D, Davies I M, and C F Moffat, 2005. Possible routes towards the
assessment of endocrine disruption (ED) in the marine environment, including and
overview of recent UK Government-funded marine ED research. Fisheries Research
Services Internal Report 01/05, 16pp.
322. Haya K., Burridge L. E., Davies, I. M. and A. Ervik, 2005. A Review and Assessment
of Environmental Risk of Chemicals Used for the Treatment of Sea Lice Infestations of
Cultured Salmon. In: Environmental Effects of Marine Finfish Aquaculture, ed: B T
Hargrave. The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, Vol M, 305 – 340.
323. Hayes, P. J., Davies I. M. and M. Russell, 2005. Seabed survey data report: Aberdeen
disposal site, June 2002. Fisheries research Services Internal report No 14/05, 6 pp.
324. Davies I.M., Gubbins M. J., and C. Greathead, 2005. Comparison of nitrogen
discharge rates from cultivated marine finfish species. Poster, European Aquaculture
Society conference, Trondheim, August 2005.
325. Greathead, C. Jackson, J. and I.M. Davies, 2005. Seasonal variations in the relative
importance of aquaculture, land run-off and tidal exchange as sources of nutrients in
Scottish sea lochs. Poster, European Aquaculture Society conference, Trondheim,
August 2005.
326. Greathead C., Gubbins M. and I.M. Davies, 2005. Predictive models to inform spatial
planning for Scottish marine fish farms, 2005. Poster, European Aquaculture Society
conference, Trondheim, August 2005.
327. Davies I.M., Gubbins M. J., and C. Greathead, 2005. Comparison of nitrogen
discharge rates from cultivated marine finfish species. Short paper, Proceedings of the
European Aquaculture Society conference, Trondheim, August 2005.
328. Greathead, C. Jackson, J. and I.M. Davies, 2005. Seasonal variations in the relative
importance of aquaculture, land run-off and tidal exchange as sources of nutrients in
Scottish sea lochs. Short paper, Proceedings of the European Aquaculture Society
conference, Trondheim, August 2005.
329. Greathead C., Gubbins M. and I.M. Davies, 2005. Predictive models to inform spatial
planning for Scottish marine fish farms, 2005. Short paper, Proceedings of the European
Aquaculture Society conference, Trondheim, August 2005.
330. Ahmed A, Webster L, Davies I, Moffat C, Pollard P and M Russell, 2005. Distribution
of hydrocarbons in the Fladen Ground. Poster, International Council for the Exploration of
the Sea, Annual Science Conference, Aberdeen, September 2005, CM2005/S:40.
331. Craig A, Zuur A, Fryer R, and Ian Davies, 2005. Performance of sensory assessment
panels for the detection of hydrocarbon taint in fish. Poster, International Council for the
Exploration of the Sea, Annual Science Conference, Aberdeen, September 2005,
332. Craig A, Zuur A, Fryer R, and Ian Davies, 2005. Performance of sensory assessment
panels for the detection of hydrocarbon taint in fish. International Council for the
Exploration of the Sea, Annual Science Conference, Aberdeen, September 2005,
CM2005/S:39, 7pp.
333. O’Neill, S and I M Davies, 2005. Use of a biosensor to detect hydrocarbon
contamination in fish. Poster, International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Annual
Science Conference, Aberdeen, September 2005, CM2005/S:24.
334. Smedes, F, Davies, I M and R Fryer, 2005. Pragmatic estimation of uncertainty in
normalised concentrations of contaminants in sediment. International Council for the
Exploration of the Sea, Annual Science Conference, Aberdeen, September 2005,
CM2005/Z:04, 10 pp.
335. Davies, I M, Black E, and U Barg, 2005. Progress report on GESAMP/ICES initiative
on environmental risk analysis for coastal aquaculture. Poster, International Council for the
Exploration of the Sea, Annual Science Conference, Aberdeen, September 2005,
336. Davies, I M, Black E, and U Barg, 2005. Progress report on GESAMP/ICES initiative
on environmental risk analysis for coastal aquaculture. International Council for the
Exploration of the Sea, Annual Science Conference, Aberdeen, September 2005,
CM2005/T:21, 9pp
337. Ford A. T., Rodgers-Gray T. P., Davies I. M., Dunn A., Read P. A., Robinson C. D.,
Smith J. E., and Fernandes T. F. (2005). Abnormal gonadal morphology in intersex,
Echinogammarus marinus (Amphipoda): A possible cause of reduced fecundity? Marine
Biology, 147(4), 913-918.
338. Ahmed A, Webster L, Fryer R J, Davies I M, Russell M, Walsham P, Packer G, Moore
D C, Moffat C F, and P Pollard, 2005. The effects of oil exploration and production in the
Fladen Ground: Composition and concentration of hydrocarbons in sediment samples
collected during 2001 using a stratified random sampling design. Fisheries Research
Services Contract Report, 14/05, 35 pp.
339. Selley H A, Paton G I, Davies, I M and I L Marr, 2005. Ecotoxicology: How can the
effect of complex mixtures of pollutants be monitored in a harbour environment?
Proceedings of Pollutant Responses in Marine Organisms (PRIMO 13), Alessandria, Italy,
19 – 22 June 2005, pp 58-59.
340. O’Neill S, Craig A, Megginson C, Shanks A M and I M Davies, 2005. Pseudomonas
fluorescens HK44: Microbial response to fish muscle tissue and the detection of crude oil
in contaminated fish. Fisheries Research Services Internal Report, 17/05, 8 pp.
341. Webster L, McIntosh A, Phillips L, Robinson C, Walsham P, Russell M, Packer G,
Rose M, Dalgarno E, Devalla S, Bredzinski X, McKenzie M, Davies I, and C Moffat, 2005.
Measurement of nutrients, contaminants and biological effects in Scottish waters as part
of the UK National Marine Monitoring Programme (NMMP): 1999-2004. Fisheries
Research Services Internal Report, 04/05, 55 Fisheries Research Services Internal
Report, 01/06, 19 pp. pp.
342. Webster L, Rose M, Walsham P, Shaw C, Davies I, and C Moffat, 2006. The nutrient
status of Scottish coastal waters: 2001-2005. Fisheries Research Services Internal
Report, 01/06, 19 pp.
343. Greathead C, Jackson J, and I M Davies, 2006. Seasonal variation in the relative
importance of aquaculture, land run-off and tidal exchange as sources of nutrients in
Scottish sea lochs. Fisheries Research Services Internal Report, 05/06, 9 pp.
344. Ford A T., Fernandes T F., Robinson C D., Davies I M., and P A. Read, 2006.
345. Can industrial pollution cause intersexuality in the amphipod, Echinogammarus
marinus? Mar Poll Bull, 53, 100-106
346. Abdulwaheed S. Ahmed, Lynda Webster, Pat Pollard, Ian M. Davies and Colin F.
Moffat, 2006. Description and evaluation of a sampling system for monitoring
hydrocarbons in sediments. Fisheries Research Services Internal Report, 09/06, 19 pp.
347. Abdulwaheed S. Ahmed, Lynda Webster, Pat Pollard, Ian M. Davies, Marie Russell,
Pam Walsham, Gill Packer and Colin F. Moffat, 2006. The distribution and composition of
hydrocarbons in sediments from the Fladen Ground, North Sea, an area of oil production.
Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 8, 307 - 316
348. Alexander P. Scott, Ioanna Katsiadaki, Peter R. Witthames, Ketil Hylland, Ian M.
Davies, Alistair D. McIntosh and John Thain, 2006. Vitellogenin in the blood plasma of
male cod (Gadus morhua): A sign of oestrogenic endocrine disruption in the open sea?
Marine Environmental Research 61,149-170
349. Robinson, C. D., Charles, S., Yates, K., Russell, M., Webster, L. and Davies, I. M.
(2006). Extraction and internal standardisation in the determination of butyltin
concentrations in marine sediments. Poster presentation at QUASIMEME Workshop on
Organotin in Marine Materials, NERI, Roskilde, Denmark. 15-16th March 2006.
350.Yates, K., Davies, I. M., Webster, L., Lawton, L., Pollard, P., and Moffat, C. 2006.
Uncertainty in the determination of partition coefficients for silicone rubber passive
samplers, Poster at the 2nd International Passive Sampling Workshop and Symposium
(IPSW 2006), May 3rd - 6th 2006, Bratislava, Slovakia
351. Edgar, P. J. , Hursthouse, A. S., Matthews, J. E., Davies, I. M. and S. Hillier, 2006.
Sediment influence on congener-specific PCB bioaccumulation by Mytilus edulis: a case
study from an intertidal hot spot, Clyde Estuary, UK. Journal of Environmental Monitoring,
8, 887-896.
352. Abdulwaheed S. Ahmed, Lynda Webster, Pat Pollard, Ian M. Davies and Colin F.
Moffat, 2006. Hydrocarbons in sediments in the Fladen Ground: a comparison of grid and
stratified random sampling regimes. Fisheries Research Services Collaborative Report,
11/06, 12 pp.
353. McIntosh A D, Hall C D, and I M Davies, 2006. Measurements of hydrocarbon
concentrations in the water column in two areas of the North Sea by continuous
fluorescence. In: Biological effects of contaminants in marine pelagic ecosystrems, Eds:
K Hyllund, T Lang, and D Vethaak, pp 43-50. SETAC, Brussels.
354. McIntosh A D, Hyllund K, Gowland, B T G, and I M Davies, 2006. Assessment of
hepatic 7-ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase activity and CYP1A concentrations in herring
(Clupea harengus) and saithe (Pollachius virens) from two areas of the North Sea. In:
Biological effects of contaminants in marine pelagic ecosystrems, Eds: K Hyllund, T Lang,
and D Vethaak, pp 93-102. SETAC, Brussels.
355. McIntosh A D, Craig, A E, Russell M, Webster L, Phillips L A, Dalgarno E J, Devalla
S, Robinson C D and I M Davies, 2006. Collection and analysis of shellfish flesh from
Scottish inshore and offshore harvesting areas for chemical contaminants. FSA
(Scotland) Project Code: S14026. Fisheries Research Services Contract report No 16/06,
29 pp.
356. Craig A, Zuur A, Fryer R, and Ian Davies, 2006. Sensory analysis of tainted fish.
Assessing the assessors using mixed models. Fisheries Research Services Internal
Report, 24/06, 10pp.
Craig A, Zuur A, Fryer R, and Ian Davies, 2006. Sensory analysis of tainted fish.
Assessing the assessors using mixed models. Supplement including 2004 data. Fisheries
Research Services Internal Report, 25/06, 5pp.
358. Amundrud, T L, Greathead C, Gubbins, M J, and I M Davies, 2006. Locational
Guidelines for fish farming: Impact of seasonal resolution of nutrient input on the ECE
model. Fisheries Research Services Internal Report, 28/06, 14 pp.
359. Colin F Moffat, Lynda Webster, Pat Pollard, Abdulwaheed S. Ahmed, Marie Russell
and Ian M Davies, 2007. Sampling Sediments in the Marine Environment. Encyclopaedia
of Statistics, submitted.
360. Amer Diab, Catherine Mackenzie, Ian Davies, Lesley Stobo, Moshe Tom and
Stephen George, 2007. Analysis of the effects of algal PSP toxins in the SAF-1 cell line
from sea bream (Sparus aurata) using a cDNA microarray and DIGE. Poster at PRIMO
Conference, Florianopolis, Brazil, May 2007.
361. Foppe Smedes, Ian M. Davies and Jacek Tronczynski, 2007. ICES Passive sampling
trial survey for water and sediment (PSTS) 2006 – 2007. Part 1: Objectives, Design and
Realization. ICES CM 2007/J:02, 17pp
362. Foppe Smedes, Ton van der Zande, Céline Tixier and Ian M. Davies, 2007. ICES
Passive sampling trial survey for water and sediment (PSTS) 2006 – 2007. Part 2:
Laboratory intercomparison, analytical issues and lessons learned. ICES CM 2007/J:03,
363. Foppe Smedes, Ton van der Zande, Patrick Roose and Ian M. Davies, 2007. ICES
Passive sampling trial survey for water and sediment (PSTS) 2006 – 2007. Part 3:
Preliminary interpretation of field data. ICES CM 2007/J:04, 30pp
364. K. Yates, I. M Davies, L. Webster, P. Pollard, L. Lawton, and C. F. Moffat, 2007.
Measurement of the availability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in marine
sediments and pore-waters from Loch Leven, Scotland using silicone rubber passive
samplers. ICES CM 2007/J:01, 25pp
365. K. Yates, I. M Davies, M. Kennedy, and P. Pollard, 2007. Pore water concentrations of
PAHs in dredge spoils from Scotland. ICES CM 2007/J:13, 24pp
366. K. Yates, I. M Davies, L. Webster, P. Pollard, L. Lawton, and C. F. Moffat, 2007.
Availability of PAHs in sediments from the Vefsn Fjord, Norway to the rag worm, Nereis
virens. Poster, ICES CM 2007/J:17
367. Michael J. Penston and Ian M. Davies, 2008. Lepeophtheirus salmonis larvae in water
column and L. salmonis gravid lice at Atlantic salmon farms in Scotland. 7th International
Sea lice conference, Chile, 31 March – 1 April 2008.
368. Rita Enwere, Pat Pollard, Lynda Webster, Ian M. Davies, and Colin F. Moffat, 2007.
Oil Spill Source Investigation: The depuration of triterpanes and steranes biomarkers
from mussels (Mytilus edulis). Poster at 8th European Meeting on Environmental
Chemistry, Inverness, 5-8 December 2007.
369. Craig D. Robinson, Nikki Robinson, John Redshaw, and Ian M. Davies, 2007.
Oestrogenic endocrine disruption in wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) parr in Scotland.
Talk at 8th European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry, Inverness, 5-8 December
370. S. Devalla, C. D. Robinson, G. Hermann, N. Rimlinger, P. J. Wright, and I. M. Davies,
2007. Development and validation of flow-injection ICPMS methodology to determine the
elemental composition of dissolved otolith samples. Poster at 8th European Meeting on
Environmental Chemistry, Inverness, 5-8 December 2007.
371. Moffat, C.F., Webster, L., Pollard, P., Ahmed, A.S., Russell, M. and Davies,
I.M. (2007) Sampling Sediments in the Marine Environment. The Encyclopedia of
Statistics in Quality and Reliability, Ruggeri, F., Kenett, R.S. and Faltin, F.W (eds), J
Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK, pp 1756 – 1761.
Moore, J.J., Gubbins, M.J., Grewar, G., Harding, M. and Davies, I.M., 2007.
Surveys of dogwhelks Nucella lapillus in the vicinity of Sullom Voe, Shetland, August 2007. A
report to SOTEAG from Aquatic Survey & Monitoring Ltd., Cosheston, Pembrokeshire and
Fisheries Research Services, Aberdeen. 56 pp +iv.
Gubbins, M J, G Grewar, M Harding and I M Davies, 2008. SOTEAG Rocky
Shore Monitoring Programme, TBT Contamination in Sullom Voe, Shetland. 2007 Dogwhelk
survey. Fisheries Research Services Contract Report No 5/08, 27 pp
374. Black E. A. and I.M. Davies, 2008. Introduction. In: IMO/FAO/UNESCOIOC/WMO/IAEA/UN/UNEP/UNIDO Joint Group of Experts on Scientific Aspects of Marine
Environmental Protection (GESAMP) 2007. Assessment and communication of
environmental risks in coastal aquaculture. Rome, FAO. GESAMP Reports and Studies
(76): 200p.
375. Davies I.M. and E.A. Black, 2008. Environmental effects, risks and uncertainties
associated with coastal aquaculture. In: IMO/FAO/UNESCOIOC/WMO/IAEA/UN/UNEP/UNIDO Joint Group of Experts on Scientific Aspects of Marine
Environmental Protection (GESAMP) 2007. Assessment and communication of
environmental risks in coastal aquaculture. Rome, FAO. GESAMP Reports and Studies
(76): 200p.
376. Black E.A. and I. M. Davies, 2008. Risk analysis. In: IMO/FAO/UNESCOIOC/WMO/IAEA/UN/UNEP/UNIDO Joint Group of Experts on Scientific Aspects of Marine
Environmental Protection (GESAMP) 2007. Assessment and communication of
environmental risks in coastal aquaculture. Rome, FAO. GESAMP Reports and Studies
(76): 200p.
377. Black E. A. and I.M. Davies, 2008. Risk analysis in practice for coastal aquaculture.
Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP) 2007. Assessment and
communication of environmental risks in coastal aquaculture. Rome, FAO. GESAMP
Reports and Studies (76): 200p.
378. Davies I. M., Greathead C. and E. A. Black, 2008. Risk analysis of the potential
interbreeding of wild and escaped farmed cod (Gadus morhua Linnaeus). In:
Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP) 2007. Assessment and
communication of environmental risks in coastal aquaculture. Rome, FAO. GESAMP
Reports and Studies (76): 200p.
379. Yates, K., Davies, I.M., Webster,L., Pollard, P., Lawton, L., and C.F. Moffat, 2008.
Application of silicone rubber passive samplers to investigating the bioaccumulation of
PAHs in Nereis virens from marine sediments. Fisheries Research Services Internal
Report No. 01/08, 16pp.
380. K. Rodgers, G.I. Paton, I. M. Davies, C. D. Robinson, M. Solan, K. Killham, 2008.
Environmental consequences of copper released at marine cage fish farms. Poster,
Society for Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology, 18th Annual meeting, Warsaw, 2529 May, 2008.
381. Dias P. J., Bland M., Shanks A. M., Beaumont A., Piertney S., Davies I. M., Snow M.,
2008. Mussel aquaculture in Scotland: managing mixed species Mytilus cultivation.
Presentation at National Shellfish Association 100th Annual Conference, Providence,
Rhode Island, USA, 2008.
382. Penston M J, Millar C P, and I M. Davies, 2008. Reduction of Lepeophtheirus
salmonis (Krøyer) infection pressure in a Scottish sea loch. Poster at 7th International
Sea Lice Conference, Chile, 31 March - 1 April 2008
383. Penston, M.J. and Davies, I.M., 2008. Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Kroyer) larvae in the
water column and L. salmonis gravid lice at Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar (L.), farms in
Scotland. 7th International Sea Lice Conference, Chile, 31 March - 1 April 2008.
384. Hayes, P., M Russell, G Packer, A D McIntosh, C D Robinson, S Devalla, S Charles,
M McKenzie, L Phillips, L Webster and I M Davies, 2008. Assessment of the quality of
sediment from west coast sewage sludge and sea disposal grounds with respect to
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, chlorinated biphenyls, trace metals, tri-butyl tin and
biological effects data. Fisheries Research Services Internal Report No 03/08
385. Hayes, P., M Russell, G Packer, A D McIntosh, M McKenzie, L Phillips, L Webster
and I M Davies, 2008. Assessment of the quality of sediment from Guillam Bank and
Aberdeen sea disposal sites with respect to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Fisheries
Research Services Internal Report No 04/08
386. Penston, M. J., Millar, C. P., Zuur, A., and I M Davies, 2008. Spatial and temporal
distribution of Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Krøyer) larvae in a sea loch containing Atlantic
salmon, Salmo salar L., farms on the north-west coast of Scotland. J Fish Diseases, 31,
387. I M Davies, F Smedes, P Roose, 2008. Field testing of passive samplers. Conference
presentation at the EU Chemical Monitoring Activity Workshop on 'In-situ trialing for
ecological and chemical studies in support of WFD implementation’, Pau, France, 14-15
May 2008.
388. J Dias, S Piertney, I M Davies and M Snow, 2008. Blue mussel species in Scotland:
implications for aquaculture. Conference presentation at Aquaculture UK, Aviemore, 21st
May 2008.
389. Gubbins, M J, G Grewar, M Harding and I M Davies, 2008. SOTEAG rocky shore
monitoring programme. TBT contamination in Sullom Voe, Shetland. 2007 dogwhelk
survey. Fisheries Research Services Contract Report 05/08, 25pp.
390. Davies, I M, 2008. Strategic research assessment for wet renewables. Fisheries
Research Services Internal Report 11/08, 81pp.
A E Craig, A D McIntosh and I M Davies, 2008. Sensory assessment and polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) analysis of salmon flesh exposed to diesel; fuel oil. Fisheries
Research Services Contract Report 07/08, 6pp.
392. Beaumont, A.R., M. P. Hawkins, F. L. Doig, I. M. Davies and M. Snow, 2008. Three
species of Mytilus and their hybrids identified in a Scottish Loch: natives, relicts and
invaders? J Exp Mar Biol Ecol,
393. Gubbins MJ, Greathead C, Amundrud T, Gillibrand P, Tett P, Inall M, Hawkins AJS, I
M Davies, 2008. Towards determination of the carrying capacity of Scottish waters for
shellfish aquaculture. ICES Annual Science Conference, CM 2008/H:13, 7pp.
394. Dias, J., Snow M., and I Davies, 2008. Understanding the distribution of (Mytilus
species) mussels in cultivated and wild populations in Scotland. Fish Farmer, Sept/Oct
2008, 26-27.
395. Penston M.J., Millar C.P. and Davies I.M. (2008) Reduced Lepeophtheirus salmonis
larval abundance in a sea loch on the west coast of Scotland between 2002 and 2006.
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 81, 109-117.
396. Bottrell, S. H., Mortimer J.J.G., Davies, I.M., Harvey, S.M, and M D Krom, 2008.
Sulphur cycling in organic-rich marine sediments from a Scottish fjord. Sedimentology, XX
397. P. J. Dias, I. M. Davies and M. Snow, 2009. Real-time PCR as a tool for the management
of mussel aquaculture seed areas. Abstract submitted to European Aquaculture Society
conference, Trondheim, 2009.
398. C. D. Robinson, S. Devalla, M. Rompais, I.M. Davies, 2009. Comparison of two nebuliser
/ spray chamber configurations for determining otolith elemental composition using flow
injection ICPMS. Poster presentation at European Winter Conference on Plasma
Spectrochemistry, Graz, Austria. 15-20th February 2009.
399. C. D. Robinson, S. Devalla, M. Rompais, D. Avery, D.C. Moore, and I.M. Davies, 2009.
Determination of trace metals in marine biota: method validation and concentrations in blue
mussels from North Sea production platforms. Poster presentation at European Winter
Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Graz, Austria. 15-20th February 2009.
400. Krom, M.D, Carbo, P., Clerici, S, Cundy, A.B. and Davies, I.M., 2009. Sources and
timing of trace metal contamination to sediments in remote sea lochs, N.W.Scotland.
Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, in press.
401. Harrald, M., and I.M. Davies, 2009. An assessment of the MSFD pressures and
impacts that are particularly relevant to the Scottish marine environment and their relation
to qualitative descriptors when determining environmental status for these waters.
Fisheries Research Services Internal No 04/09, 29pp.
402. Harrald, M., I.M. Davies and M Robertson, 2009. The Marine Strategy Framework
Directive: Towards the determination of Good Environmental Status. Fisheries Research
Services Internal Report No 03/09, 34pp.
403. Robertson M and I M Davies, 2009. A review of the sources and scope of data on
characteristics of Scottish waters. An assessment of the adequacy of the data and
identification of gaps in knowledge. Fisheries Research Services Internal Report No
06/09, 14pp.
404. Dias, P, J. Dordor, A., Tulett, D., Piertney, S., Davies, I.M. and M. Snow, 2009.
Survey of mussel (Mytilus) species at Scottish shellfish farms. Aquaculture Research, in
405. M Harrald and I M Davies, 2009. Discussion document on application of MSFD
Descriptor 9 (contaminants in seafood for human consumption) in Scottish waters. Marine
Scotland Contract Report No 05/09, 23 pp.
406. F Smedes, I Davies, J Tronczynski, T Zande and C Tixier, 2009. ICES Passive
sampling trial survey for water and sediment (PSTS) 2006 – 2007. Part I: Design and
intercomparison. Proceedings 3rd International Passive Sampling Workshop and
Symposium, 27 – 30.5.2009, Prague, The Czech Republic. Ocelka, T., Vrana B., Booji,
K., Koci, V., and Strakos K (Eds). p17.
407. F Smedes, J Tronczynski, T Zande, C Tixier, P Roose and I Davies, 2009. ICES
Passive sampling trial survey for water and sediment (PSTS) 2006 – 2007. Part II:
Preliminary interpretation of field data. Proceedings 3 rd International Passive Sampling
Workshop and Symposium, 27 – 30.5.2009, Prague, The Czech Republic. Ocelka, T.,
Vrana B., Booji, K., Koci, V., and Strakos K (Eds). p39.
408. K Yates, L Abbott and I Davies, 2009. Freely dissolved concentrations of polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons and chlorinated biphenyls in the Clyde estuary, Scotland.
Proceedings 3rd International Passive Sampling Workshop and Symposium, 27 –
30.5.2009, Prague, The Czech Republic. Ocelka, T., Vrana B., Booji, K., Koci, V., and
Strakos K (Eds). p40.
409. K Yates, I Davies and L Abbott, 2009. Freely dissolved concentrations of polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons and chlorinated biphenyls in the Clyde estuary, Scotland. Poster
presentation at 3rd International Passive Sampling Workshop and Symposium, 27 –
30.5.2009, Prague, The Czech Republic. Ocelka, T., Vrana B., Booji, K., Koci, V., and
Strakos K (Eds). p40.
410. K Yates, I Davies and L Abbott, 2009. Freely dissolved concentrations of polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons and chlorinated biphenyls in the Clyde estuary, Scotland. Poster
presentation at 3rd International Passive Sampling Workshop and Symposium, 27 –
30.5.2009, Prague, The Czech Republic.
411. I.M Davies and K. Yates, 2009. Partition coefficients and the bioavailability of
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in marine sediments. Poster presentation at 3 rd
International Passive Sampling Workshop and Symposium, 27 – 30.5.2009, Prague, The
Czech Republic.
412. I M Davies and M Harrald, 2009. Fisheries interactions and the Marine Strategy
Framework Directive. Paper to General Assembly of EFARO, Gothenborg, Sweden. 2628 May 2009.
413. M Harrald and I M Davies, 2009. Fisheries interactions and the Marine Strategy
Framework Directive. Presentation to General Assembly of EFARO, Gothenborg,
Sweden. 26-28 May 2009.
414. Enwere, R., Pollard, P., Webster, L., Davies I, and Moffat C. 2009. Oil spill
management: Elimination kinetics of PAHs in mussels (Mytilus edulis). J. Environ. Monit.,
2009, 11, 1284 – 1291
415. Craig D. Robinson, Sandhya Devalla, Magali Rompais and Ian M. Davies, 2009.
Solution-based determination of trace elements in biogenic carbonates: comparison of
two sample introduction systems for use in flow injection ICPMS analysis. J. Anal. At.
Spectrom., 24, 939-943
416. Harrald, M. and I M Davies, 2009. Degree to which tools developed for the purposes
of the Water Framework Directive and the Scottish contributions to other international
activities (e.g. to the EU and OSPAR) can be used to contribute to the required
assessments against Good Environmental Status (GES). Marine Scotland Contract
report No 07/09, 39pp.
417. Dias P.J; Malgrange B; Snow, M; Davies, I.M., 2010. Performance of mussels Mytilus
edulis, M. trossulus and their hybrids in cultivation at three Scottish lochs. Journal of the
World Aquaculture Society
418. Robinson, C.D; Dymond, P; Smedes, F; Balaam, J; Gravell, A; Thomas, R.J; Dobson,
J; Davies, I.M., 2010. Freely dissolved PAH and CB concentrations in UK transitional and
coastal waters, determined using silicone rubber passive sampling.. Poster at SETAC
Europe 20th Annual Meeting, Seville, Spain, 23-27 May 2010.
419. Davies, I.M and members of ICES/OSPAR Study Group on Integrated Monitoring of
Contaminants and Biological Effects (SGIMC), 2010. Towards integrated assessment of
measurements of the biological effects of contaminants. SETAC Europe 20th Annual
Meeting, Seville, Spain, 23-27 May 2010.
420. Balaam, J; Bersuder, P.R.C; Barber, J; Robinson, C.D; Davies, I.M; Smedes, F;
Gravell, A; Thomas, R; Dobson, J, 2010. Evaluation of silicone rubber passive samplers
for the determination of freely dissolved BFRs in UK transitional and coastal waters.
SETAC Europe 20th Annual Meeting, Seville, Spain, 23-27 May 2010.
421. Henna Piha; George Hanke; Michael Angelidis; John Batty; Anders Bignert; Jordi
Dachs; Ian Davies; Yuriy Denga; Anja Duffek; Barak Herut; Peter Lepom; Pim Leonards;
Jukka Mehtonen; Patrick Roose; Jacek Tronczynski; Violeta Velikova; Dick Vethaak;
Robin Law, 2010. Recommendations for the status assessment of European Seas
regarding contaminants and pollution effects under the Marine Strategy Framework
Directive. SETAC Europe 20th Annual Meeting, Seville, Spain, 23-27 May 2010.
I Davies and J Mckie, 2009. Simplification of marine renewable energy
development application procedures. Marine Scotland Topic Sheets
J McKie, and I Davies, 2009. Marine renewable licensing in Scotland. Marine
Scotland Topic Sheets
I Davies, 2009. Marine Scotland initiatives on marine renewables. Marine
Scotland Topic Sheets
I Davies, 2009. A marine spatial plan for the Pentland Firth and Orkney
waters. Marine Scotland Topic Sheets
426. C. Martínez-Gómez, A. D. Vethaak, K. Hylland , T. Burgeot, A. Köhler, B. P. Lyons, J.
Thain M. J. Gubbins and I. M. Davies, 2010. A guide to toxicity assessment and
monitoring effects at lower levels of biological organization following marine oil spills in
European waters. ICES J Marine Science.
427. Lyons, B.P., Thain, J.E., Stentiford, G.D., Hylland, K., I. M. Davies, Vethaak, A.D.,
2010. Using biological effects tools to define Good Environmental Status under the
European Union Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Marine Pollution Bulletin, in press
428. Paton, G., Standing, D., Rodgers, K., Davies, I., Robinson, C., Solan, M., 2010.
SARF026 Evaluation of the impact of copper released to the environment from marine
cage fish farms. Final Report to the Scottish Aquaculture Research Forum. 28pp.
429. Paton, G., Standing, D., Rodgers, K., Davies, I., Robinson, C., Solan, M., 2010.
SARF026 Evaluation of the impact of copper released to the environment from marine
cage fish farms. Submitted to 15th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the
Environment, Gdansk, Poland, 19 – 23 September 2010.
430. Concepción Martínez-Gómez, A. D. Vethaak, K. Hylland, T. Burgeot, B. P. Lyons, M.
J. Gubbins & I. M. Davies, 2010. Monitoring oil spills: the use of biological effects
techniques. Poster at SETAC Europe, Seville, May 2010.
431. R. Cormier, A Kannen, I Davies, R Sardá, A Diedrich, 2010. Policy fragmentation
implications in ecosystem-based management in practice. International Council for the
Exploration of the Sea, Annual Science Conference, Nantes, France, 20 – 24 Sept 2010,
ICES ASC 2010/ B:08
432. R Cormier, A Kannen, B Morales Nin, I Davies, C Greathead, R Sarda, A Diedrich, V
Stelzenmüller and E Moksness, 2010. Risk-based frameworks in ICZM and MSP
decision-making processes. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Annual
Science Conference, Nantes, France, 20 – 24 Sept 2010, ICES ASC 2010/ B:07
433. Robertson M R, and I.M. Davies, 2010. Contributions of seabed habitat surveys to
marine planning for renewable energy developments. International Council for the
Exploration of the Sea, Annual Science Conference, Nantes, France, 20 – 24 Sept 2010,
Poster, ICES CM2010/B:33
434. P J Hayes and I M Davies, 2010. Marine Scotland Science: Contribution of
bathymetric surveys to marine planning for renewable energy developments. International
Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Annual Science Conference, Nantes, France, 20 –
24 Sept 2010, ICES CM 2010/B:05
435. J C McKie and I M Davies, 2010. Institutional and regulatory reform to contribute to
the achievement of development objectives in the marine environment. International
Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Annual Science Conference, Nantes, France, 20 –
24 Sept 2010, ICES CM 2010/B:06
436. C. D. Robinson*, L. J. Abbott, M. Gubbins, P. Dymond, J. Dobson, J. Thain, J.
Bignell, T. Bean, I. M. Davies, 2010. Integration of passive sampling and mussels
monitoring for environmental assessment of Scottish inshore waters. International
Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Annual Science Conference, Nantes, France, 20 –
24 Sept 2010, ICES CM 2010/F19
437. Gubbins MJ, Moore J, Fryer R, Davies IM, 2010. Long time series data showing
recent recovery of gastropod populations from effects of tri-butyl tin at the Shetland Oil
Terminal. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Annual Science
Conference, Nantes, France, 20 – 24 Sept 2010, ICES CM 2010/F:09
I M Davies, M Harrald and A Donald, 2010. Application of marine spatial planning
tools to the minimisation of risk to renewable energy developments. International Council
for the Exploration of the Sea, Annual Science Conference, Nantes, France, 20 – 24 Sept
2010. Poster, ICES CM2010/B:22
439. L Webster, R Fryer, I Davies, M Gubbins, P Roose and C Moffat, 2010.
Environmental status assessment of contaminant concentrations in sediment and biota –
Assessment criteria and data integration. International Council for the Exploration of the
Sea, Annual Science Conference, Nantes, France, 20 – 24 Sept 2010. ICES CM
440. Law, R, Hanke, G, Angelidis M, Batty J, Bignert A, Davies I, Denga Y, Duffek A, Herut
B, Hyllund K, Lepom P, Leonards P, Mehtonen J, Piha H, Roose P, Tronvzynski J,
Velikova A and D Vethaak, 2010. Marine Strategy Framework Directive, Task Group 8
report, Contaminants and pollution effects. Office for Official Publications of the European
Commission, Luxembourg, 161 pp.
441. M Russell, C D Robinson, L Webster, P Walsham, L Phillips, E Dalgarno,M Rose, D
Watson, J Scurfield, D J Avery, S Devalla, M Gubbins, I M Davies and C F Moffat, 2010.
Persistent organic pollutants and trace metals in sediments close to Scottish marine fish
farms. Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science Volume 1 (16), 37 pp
442. Harrald, M and Davies, I M, 2010. The Saltire Prize Programme: further Scottish
leasing round (Saltire Prize projects) scoping study. Scottish Marine and Freshwater
Science, 1 (7), 65pp
443. M Harrald, C Aires and I M Davies, 2010. The Saltire Prize programme: Further
Scottish Leasing Round (Saltire Prize projects), Regional Locational Guidance. Scottish
Marine and Freshwater Science, 1 (18), 168pp
444. Craig D. Robinson, L.-A. J. Abbott, M. Gubbins, P. Dymond, J. Dobson, J. Thain, J.
Bignell, T. Bean, and I. M. Davies, 2010. Integration of passive sampling and mussels
monitoring for environmental assessment of Scottish inshore waters. International
Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Annual Science Conference, Nantes, France, 20 –
24 Sept 2010, ICES CM 2010/F:19
445. J Balaam et al., 2010. Measuring freely dissolved concentrations and effects of
priority pollutants in the marine environment: a UK survey. International Council for the
Exploration of the Sea, Annual Science Conference, Nantes, France, 20 – 24 Sept 2010,
ICES CM 2010/F:23
446. I M Davies, M Gubbins and members of the ICES/OSPAR Study Group on Integrated
Monitoring of Contaminants and Biological Effects (SGIMC), 2010. Towards integrated
assessment of measurements of biological effects of contaminants. International Council
for the Exploration of the Sea, Annual Science Conference, Nantes, France, 20 – 24 Sept
2010, ICES CM 2010/F:38
447. Lyons, BP, Thain JE, Stentiford, GD, Hylland K, Davies IM and A D Vethaak, 2010.
How to use biological effects tools to define Good Environmental Status under the
European Union Marine Strategy Framework Directive. International Council for the
Exploration of the Sea, Annual Science Conference, Nantes, France, 20 – 24 Sept 2010,
ICES CM 2010/F:48
448. Langton, R., Scott B.E., and I M Davies, 2010. Seabird conservation and tidal stream
and wave power generation: Information needs for predicting and managing potential
impacts. Marine Policy, 35, 623-630.
449. Dias P. J., Piertney S., Snow M. and Davies I.M, 2011. Survey and management of
mussel Mytilus species in Scotland. Hydrobiologica, in press.
450. K Yates, PPollard, I M. Davies, L Webster, and C F. Moffat, 2011 Application of
silicone rubber passive samplers to investigating the bioaccumulation of PAHs by Nereis
virens from marine sediments. Environ, Pollut., 159, 3351-3356
451. P J Hayes, M Harrald and I M Davies, 2011. Marine Scotland Science: Contribution of
bathymetric surveys to marine planning for renewable energy developments off the west
coast of Lewis. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, ASC 2011 S:02
452. M. R. Robertson, M. Harrald, T. LeBas, P. J. Hayes and I. M. Davies, 2011. A
comparative study of three methods for the derivation of seabed habitat information from
multibeam acoustic backscatter data. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea,
ASC 2011 Session S, poster
453. P J Hayes, M Harrald and I M Davies, 2011. Marine Scotland Science: Regional sea
bed habitat mapping contributing to planning for marine renewable energy development.
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, ASC 2011 S:03
454. I M Davies and F Thompson, 2011. Assessment of collision risk for seals and tidal
stream turbines. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, ASC 2011 S:11
455. I M Davies, Marion Harrald, Mike Robertson, and Robert Watret, 2011. Facilitation of
wave and tidal power developments through the application of a spatial planning
approach. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, ASC 2011 S:10
456. Ian M Davies, Mike Robertson, Gareth Jones, Robert Watret, and Jim McKie, 2011.
Test centre to commercial arrays: Progress towards wave and tidal energy in Scotland.
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, ASC 2011 S:12
457. Ross McGregor, Andy Douse, George Lees and Ian Davies, 2011. Ornithological
interactions with wave and tidal energy developments in Scotland – filling the knowledge
gaps. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, ASC 2011 S:07
458. R. Langton, I. M. Davies and B. E. Scott, 2011. A simulation modelling approach to
predicting the impact on seabirds of generating power from waves and tides. International
Council for the Exploration of the Sea, ASC 2011 Session S, poster
459. Ian M Davies and Robert Watret, 2011. Scoping study for offshore wind farm
development in Scottish waters. Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science Report (2), 13,
460. Ian M Davies, Matthew Gubbins and Robert Watret, 2012. Scoping study for offshore
wave energy development in Scottish waters. Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science
Report (3), 2, 41pp
461. Ian M Davies, Matthew Gubbins and Robert Watret, 2012. Scoping study for tidal
stream energy development in Scottish waters. Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science
Report (3), 1, 42pp
462. Gubbins M.J., McLennan D., Pendrey D., Snow M., Davies I.M., Dias J., Fraser D.
and Hermann G., 2012. Mytilus trossulus: managing impact on sustainable mussel
production in Scotland. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, ASC
463. Craig D. Robinson, Matthew J., Gubbins, Ian M. Davies, Brett P. Lyons, John Bignell,
Tim Bean, Kelly MacNeish, Peter Dymond, Judy Dobson, Lynda Webster, and John E.
Thain, 2012. Assessing Good Environmental Status for Descriptor 8 – an integrated
assessment of contaminants and their biological effects across multiple matrices in the
Forth sea area of eastern Scotland, International Council for the Exploration of the Sea,
ASC 2012/G:16
464. Ian M Davies, John E Thain, Matthew J. Gubbins, Craig Robinson and Dick Vethaak,
2012. The use of biological effect measurements to assist the determination of GES for
EU MSFD Descriptor 8. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea ASC
465. Ian Davies and Bill Band, 2012. Turbine height as a management tool for collision
risk to birds at offshore wind farms. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
ASC 2012/O:8
466. Pratt, D., Watret R., and I M Davies, 2012. Offshore Wave Energy in Scottish Waters:
Draft Regional Locational Guidance.
467. Pratt, D., Watret R., and I M Davies, 2012. Offshore Tidal Energy in Scottish Waters:
Draft Regional Locational Guidance.
468. Pratt, D., Watret R., and I M Davies, 2012. Offshore Wind Energy in Scottish Waters:
Draft Regional Locational Guidance.
469. Andronikos Kafas, Gareth Jones, Robert Watret, Ian Davies, and Beth Scott, 2012.
Representation of the use of marine space by commercial fisheries in Marine Spatial
Planning. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea ASC 2012/I:23
470. Anne McLay, Matt Gubbins, Ian Davies, Gareth Jones, Robert Watret, Elisa Barreto,
and David Bruce, 2012. Mapping inshore fishing activity to inform marine planning in
Scotland: A pilot project using stakeholder data in the Pentland Firth and Orkney waters.
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea ASC 2012/I:07
R. Langton, I. M. Davies and B. E. Scott, 2012. An individual-based model
incorporating the behaviour and energetics of a breeding central place forager
parameterised for the common guillemot (Uria aalge). Submitted to Ecological Modelling
Davies, I.M. and Vethaak, A.D., 2012. Integrated marine environmental monitoring of
chemicals and their effect. ICES Cooperative Research Report No. 315, 277pp
Davies, I.M. and Vethaak, A.D., 2012. Introduction to guidance on integrated
monitoring and assessment of chemicals and biological effects. In: Integrated marine
environmental monitoring of chemicals and their effect. ICES Cooperative Research Report
No. 315, 1-4
Davies, I.M., Gubbins, M., Hylland, K., Maes, T., Martinez-Gomez, C., Moffat, C.,
Burgeot, T., Thain, J., and Vethaak, A.D., 2012. Guidelines for the integrated monitoring and
assessment of contaminants and their effects. In: Integrated marine environmental
monitoring of chemicals and their effect. ICES Cooperative Research Report No. 315, 5-17
Hylland, K, Vethaak, A.D., and Davies, I.M., 2012. Background document: Polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbon metabolites in fish bile. In: Integrated marine environmental
monitoring of chemicals and their effect. ICES Cooperative Research Report No. 315, 18-25
Hylland, K., Maes, T., Martinez-Gomez, C., Kamman, U., Gubbins, M., and Davies,
I.M., 2012. Background document: Cytochrome P450 1A activity (EROD). In: Integrated
marine environmental monitoring of chemicals and their effect. ICES Cooperative Research
Report No. 315, 26-29
Lyons, B. and Davies, I.M., 2012. Background document: DNA adducts of polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons. In: Integrated marine environmental monitoring of chemicals and
their effect. ICES Cooperative Research Report No. 315, 60-67
Vethaak, A.D., and Davies, I.M., 2012. Background document: in vitro DR-Luc/DRCALUX bioassay for screening of dioxin-like compounds in marine and estuarine sediments
In: Integrated marine environmental monitoring of chemicals and their effect. ICES
Cooperative Research Report No. 315, 174-179
Gubbins, M., Strand, J., Thain,J. and Davies, I.M., 2012. Assessment criteria for
imposex in marine gastropods affected by exposure to organotin compounds. In: Integrated
marine environmental monitoring of chemicals and their effect. ICES Cooperative Research
Report No. 315, 180-181
Vethaak, A.D., Lang, T., and Davies, I.M., 2012. Technical Annex: Sampling and
analysis for integrated chemical and biological effects monitoring in fiah and shellfish. In:
Integrated marine environmental monitoring of chemicals and their effect. ICES Cooperative
Research Report No. 315, 182-190
Gubbins, M., Roose, P., Davies, I.M. and Vethaak, A.D., 2012. Technical Annex:
Recommended packages of chemical and biological methods for monitoring on a
determinant basis. In: Integrated marine environmental monitoring of chemicals and their
effect. ICES Cooperative Research Report No. 315, 197-202
Wosniok, W. and Davies, I.M., 2012. Discussion document: Survey design for
integrated chemical and biological effects monitoring. In: Integrated marine environmental
monitoring of chemicals and their effect. ICES Cooperative Research Report No. 315, 203208
Davies, I.M., Gubbins, M., Hylland, K., Thain, J., Maes, T., Martinez-Gomez, C.,
Giltrap, M., Burgeot, T., Wosniok, W., Lang, T. and Vethaak, A.D., 2012. Technical Annex:
Assessment criteria for biological effects measurements. In: Integrated marine environmental
monitoring of chemicals and their effect. ICES Cooperative Research Report No. 315, 209212
Davies, I.M. 2012. Introduction – Marine renewables and birds. Proceedings of
Marine Renewables and birds. British Ornithologists Union conference, Peterborough, 26
November 2012.
Davies, I.M., Finlay A., Cole E, and P Alcock, 2012. Avoidance behaviour at offshore
windfarms: a new joint industry approach. Proceedings of Marine Renewables and birds.
British Ornithologists Union conference, Peterborough, 26 November 2012
Langton, R., Scott, B.E. and Davies, I.M., 2012. Predicting the impact of wet
renewables on seabirds using simulation modelling. Proceedings of Marine Renewables and
birds. British Ornithologists Union conference, Peterborough, 26 November 2012
Craig D. Robinson, Marie Russell, Lynda Webster, Matthew Gubbins,
Peter Dymond, Graeme Paton, Karen Rogers, and Ian M. Davies, 2013,
Salmon culture as a source of POPs and metals to the Scottish marine environment? 23rd
Annual SETAC Europe Meeting, 12-16th May 2013, Glasgow, UK
Kyari Yates, Pat Pollard, Ian Davies, Lynda Webster, and Colin Moffat, 2013.
Silicone rubber passive samplers for measuring pore water and exchangeable
concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons concentrations in sediments. Sci. Tot.
Env., in press.
Cormier, R., Davies, I.M., and Kannen, A. (Eds.) 2013. Integrated coastal-zone risk
management. ICES Cooperative Research Report 320. 145 pp.
Cormier, R., Davies, I.M. and Kannen, A. 2013. Integrated coastal-zone risk
management. In: Integrated coastal-zone risk management, Cormier, R., Davies, I.M,, and
Kannen, A. (Eds). ICES Cooperative Research Report 320, pp 1-4
Hayes, P.J., and Davies, I.M., 2013. Marine Scotland Science: the contribution of
bathymetric surveys to marine planning for renewable energy developments. In: Integrated
coastal-zone risk management, Cormier, R., Davies, I.M,, and Kannen, A. (Eds). ICES
Cooperative Research Report 320, pp 12-18
McKie, J.C. and Davies, I.M, 2013. Institutional and regulatory reform to contribute to
the achievement of development objectives in the marine environment. In: Integrated
coastal-zone risk management, Cormier, R., Davies, I.M,, and Kannen, A. (Eds). ICES
Cooperative Research Report 320, pp 18-26
Cormier, R., Kannen, A., Morales-Nin, B., Davies, I.M., Greathead, C., Sardá, R.,
Diedrich, A., Stelzenmüller, V., and Moksness, E., 2013. Risk-based frameworks in ICZM
and MSP decision-making processes. In: Integrated coastal-zone risk management, Cormier,
R., Davies, I.M,, and Kannen, A. (Eds). ICES Cooperative Research Report 320, pp 26-37
Cormier, R., Kannen, A., Davies, I.M., Sardá, R., and Diedrich, A., 2013. Policy
fragmentation implications in ecosystem-based management in practice. In: Integrated
coastal-zone risk management, Cormier, R., Davies, I.M,, and Kannen, A. (Eds). ICES
Cooperative Research Report 320, pp 37-44
Harrald, M., Hayes, P.J., Davies, I.M., and Robertson, M.R., 2013. Contribution of
seabed habitat surveys to marine planning for renewable energy developments. In:
Integrated coastal-zone risk management, Cormier, R., Davies, I.M,, and Kannen, A. (Eds).
ICES Cooperative Research Report 320, pp 107-114
Williams, T.D., Ian M. Davies, Huifeng Wu, Amer M. Diab, Lynda Webster, Mark R.
Viant, J. Kevin Chipman, Michael J. Leaver, Stephen G. George, Colin F. Moffat, Craig D.
Robinson, 2014. Molecular responses of European flounder (Platichthys flesus) chronically
exposed to contaminated estuarine sediments. Chemosphere, 108, 152-158.
Ian M. Davies and David Pratt, 2014. Strategic Sectoral Planning for Offshore
Renewable Energy in Scotland. In: Marine Renewable Energy Technology and
Environmental Interactions. Mark A. Shields and Andrew I.L. Payne, eds. Springer,
Dordrecht, pp 141-152.