Agenda - South Western Federation of Museums and Art Galleries



Cornwall Museum Group (CMG) // Meeting 4

18 November 2009, 11am @ Shire Hall, Mount Folly Square, Bodmin, PL31 2DQ.


Libby Buckley (Chair and Porthcurno Museum), Stephanie Meads (MDO), Mary Godwin

(Consultant), Tamsin Daniel (Creative Development Team, Cornwall Council), George Barnes

(Padstow Museum), John Buckingham (Padstow Museum), Sarah Riddle (National Maritime

Museum Cornwall), Heather Medlen (Liskeard Muesum), Roger Holmes (Liskeard Museum) ,

Linda Higgins (Perranazabuloe Museum), Helen Luther (Fowey Museum), Peter Jennings (Lappa

Valley Railway), Lynda Small (Callington Heritage Centre), Patricia Gregory (Lostwithiel

Museum), Barbara Fraser (Lostwithiel Museum), Trevor Menedez (Lostwithiel Museum), Emmie

Kell (Consultant), Mervyn Mitchell (Newquay Old Cornwall Society), Jackie Bull (China Clay

Country Park and Cornwall Council), Carol Bunbury (Lawrence House Museum Launceston and

BAFM), Helena Jaeschke (Conservation Development Officer, Renaissance SW), Gary Mockett

(Penryn Museum), Kate Johnson (Mount Edgecumbe House) Vic Harding (Renaissance SW),

Peter Tuthill (Wadebridge & District Museum), Neil Prior (Wadebridge & District Museum),

Brian and Margaret Stevens (St Ives Museum), Patricia Wright (Bude Heritage Centre), Reg

Sheppard (Bodmin Town Museum) Jo Warburton (MDO and Geevor Tin Mine).


Jo Mattingly (MDO), Hilary McGowan (SWFed Training Co-ordinator), Tracey Clowes

(Constantine Heritage Centre), Sally Reynolds (Pencarrow House), Claire Sandry ( St Michael’s

Mount), Julia Twomlow (Leach Pottery), Deborah Tritton (Cornwall Records Office), Kevin Baker

(King Edward Mine), Mark Osterfield (Tate St Ives), Jo Moore (National Trust), Peter Wootton

(Grampound with Creed Heritage Centre), Pam Case (Gerrans Heritage Centre), Maggie Greenall

(RCM), Jeremy Pearson (National Trust).

1 Welcome by Libby Buckley (Chair).

2 CMG Constitution (previously circulated) was voted on and approved. Although there is currently a technical hitch, the Constitution and meeting minutes and information will also be uploaded to the following webspace:

3 Minutes of the last meeting – these are attached with along with this document. Please contact

Libby Buckly if there are any amendments. They will then be approved at the next meeting.

4 MDO support for Cornwall

Mary Godwin updated the group. Sarah Cooper departed in July. In October, Jo Mattingly, Jo

Warburton and Stephanie Meads took over joint responsibility for the role, with Mary Godwin supporting them:

Jo Mattingly is the first port of call for enquiries and working with Restormel Museum.

Stephanie Meads has responsibilities for North and South East Cornwall.

Jo Warburton is co-ordinating these meetings as well as working on training and the

Valuing Volunteering project.

 Mary Godwin is the contact for all Accreditation enquiries.

These arrangements are in place until March 2010.

Full list of all contact details at the end of this document.

5 MDF Valuing Volunteering project for Cornwall

Mary Godwin updated the group. £30,000 has been allocated from Renaissance South West to this project, with the overall aim of increasing the number of volunteers participating in museums:

 A questionnaire had been circulated by Sarah Cooper in conjunction with museums in

Gloucestershire and Somerset to establish a baseline for how many volunteers and volunteer hours there are in Cornwall. This data is very useful for a number of reasons. A conference had been held at the Eden Project to feedback on the results. This questionnaire will be circulated again with this document, if anyone who didn’t complete it, would like to do so now and return to Jo Warburton. Thanks.

 7 pliot projects have been awarded money: Bude (to create a DVD), Grampound with

Creed (to work with schools and develop their photo collection), Liskeard (to create a

Friends Group), Geevor Tin Mine (to recruit volunteers for events), Restormel Museums

Group (to create an audio and visual archive), Penlee House (to increase access to social history collection), Perranzabuloe (to enhance skills and roles of volunteers), Some of there projects will have mentors working with them for a boost of expertise in a particular field.

Resource Pack: The British Association of Friends of the Museum has created a

Volunteer Management handbook and DVD. Jo Warburton to create a ‘resource pack’ and circulate to those who are interested.

Posters. There is the chance for any museum who would like it, to receive a pack of posters. The posters would advertise that volunteer opportunities existed and would have images and details specific to each museum. Jo Warburton to circulate invitation.

The ‘great leaflet debate’ was opened….

 The Volunteer Award Scheme coordinated by Volunteer Cornwall was raised by Tamsin

Daniel as a great way to gain recognition for voluntary work and also some publicity. This is a County-wide awards scheme and Maureen Tooze had won the Cultural Volunteer of the Year award recently for her work at Bodmin Museum. The next round for nominations for the award will be Sept 2010 – this as well as details on any other volunteer awards to be circulated to the Group. Liskeard Museum has recently submitted their application for the Queen’s Award.

Volunteer Sub-Group. The first meeting will be held after lunch and it is open to everyone to attend. The aim of the group is for all museums with volunteers to come together and share skills, ideas, problems, successes etc.

6 Training

Mary Godwin mentioned that the latest round of the MLA Skills Sharing training courses had recently been announced – but alas, none of it was actually in Cornwall. Jo Warburton has been co-ordinating training requests made both previously to Sarah Cooper, and more recently, in order to put a training programme together based in Cornwall, (working with the South West

Federation (SWFed) who co-ordinate the MLA Skills Sharing programme) Please continue to feed any requests through to Jo W and watch out for training updates.

7 Strategy planning.

Libby Buckley opened this topic by mentioning that the transition to One Cornwall had led to some delays in progressing a Museums Strategy for Cornwall. One Cornwall had created a new post; Head of Culture, which had then been filled by Richard Hallows, who has subsequently resigned for personal reasons. Tamsin Daniel updated the group that Cornwall Council was not intending to fill this post at present, but that we still have an excellent cultural champion in Cllr

Neil Burden and the new senior management, especially Kevin Lavery CEO. As will all local authorities, especially with the recession, finding efficiencies is high on the agenda for Cornwall

Council so there is a lot of uncertainty around future funding for Museum. Jackie Bull, commented that there was still a lot of positive support for museums from the other

Directorates, including Gill Steward in Communities and others.

Mary Godwin then spoke about her role. Mary is working on an Action Plan – a practical useful document – rather than a strategy. The Council acknowledges the important contribution that museums make to local communities, education and tourism and Mary will be addressing how

Cornwall Council can support investing in Museums in Cornwall in a fair and equitable way.

Mary is currently consulting as many museums in Cornwall as possible. If you would like to

share your thoughts/opinions with Mary, please get in touch as soon as possible. Contact

details at end of this document. Mary hopes to produce a draft in the New Year.

Tamsin Daniel mentioned that the SWFed had produced a Manifesto for Museums that was structured around: what museums are able to do for themselves and working in partnership; what museums are able to do with current levels of investment and the importance of maintaining this support; what museums have the potential to do with new investment. Jackie

Bull commented that Museums in Cornwall should be as self-supporting as possible.

Mary Godwin stressed that she was working on behalf of both Cornwall Council and the

Cornwall Museums Group. The existence of the Group provided a powerful voice for museums in Cornwall.

Mary also added that the volunteer questionnaire was an important way of obtaining data and that she may be asking for museums for more information in future.

8 Updates:

Cornwall Council: as noted above and below

Heritage Kernow: this group are working towards producing a Heritage Strategy, with

Kate McCavana of Cornwall Council. Libby Buckley is attending meetings representing

CMG and will send round the next improved draft of this Strategy. The six main themes so far are: an excellent infrastructure, a dynamic workforce, increased participation, sense of place, the power of information and effective partnership.

Funding for 2010-2011. The Council had promised that all existing grants from district and county councils would continue 2009-2010 but it was not clear what would happen beyond this. Mervyn Mitchell asked if it would be helpful for everyone to approach their local Councillors and it was agreed that this would be a useful strategy. Tamsin Daniel commented that withdrawing all funding for museums wouldn’t go far to save the

Council much money and that the loud and powerful voice of museums would be heard if this should happen, but nevertheless, all directorates have been asked to identify potential efficiency savings. Jackie Bull said that nothing was certain until the Council had set the budget.

Renaissance in the Regions. Vic Harding presented a report from South West

Renaissance Museum Hub. This is attached in full.

Region of Culture bid (EROC). Tamsin Daniel updated the group. The European Union runs the Capital of Culture Scheme and there has been a request that the designation

‘rural region of culture’ be created, to allow Cornwall and other rural regions of Europe to gain the cultural recognition that so benefits the Capitals of Culture. There has been considerable support for the idea and Cornwall along with Finland and Poland has run a pilot project his year. The earliest that this designation can be properly considered is

2014 and it is intended that Cornwall with 4 other rural regions will co-ordinate a

‘demonstration’ year in 2014 for the new designation. Significant work needs to be done in advance of this demonstrator year to raise the profile of Cornwall’s culture and to

ensure that we are able to pull off a fantastic year of celebrations. Cornwall Council is therefore looking at a 5 year investment programme for culture, linked with the emerging Cultural Strategy and that each year from now will be a spotlight year on different aspects of our culture.

Manifesta. Tamsin Daniel updated the group on Manifesta – which is a biennial touring international visual arts exhibition. With the support of the Arts Council, Cornwall is applying to host this in 2014.

Feast. Tamsin Daniel updated the group on the Feast programme. The Arts Council

England have awarded nearly 750, 000 of new funding for Cornwall and with the potential to bid for a further three years. The project aim is to create great art for all – so all about excellence and community engagement. We are half way through the three year programme and there is still a chance to apply for money from programme to fund projects. They will consider small and large-ish bids, match funding is preferred but not a pre-requisite and volunteer hours can be factored in. Example of projects already funded and further info can be found at

Brittany Visit. See attached document for further details.

9 Cornwall Rep for SWFed.

Emmie Kell, Consultant in Cornwall was nominated and voted in to this role.

10 World Heritage Site.

Deborah Boden joined the group for a presentation on the work of the Cornwall and West

Devon Mining Landscape World Heritage Site. This presentation is attached. for further information.

Deborah also updated the group on the new appointment at Visit Cornwall of Malcolm Bell.

Libby Buckley offered to approach Malcolm on behalf of the Group.

11 AOB

Helena Jaeschke introduced herself as Conservation Development Officer for Renaissance South

West based at the Royal Albert Memorial Museum in Exeter, with a remit to support Collections

Care in Cornwall. This role is only confirmed until March, so if you have any questions or problems, please get in touch with Helena. Contact details at the end of this document.


Volunteering group meeting

The following people met: Linda Higgins (Perranazabuloe Museum), Helen Luther (Fowey

Museum), Heather Medlen (Liskeard & District Museum), Patricia Wright (Bude Heritage

Centre), Patricia Gregory (Lostwithiel Museum), Barbara Fraser (Lostwithiel Museum), Carol

Bunbury (Lawrence House Museum Launceston and BAFM), Mervyn Mitchell (Newquay Old

Cornwall Society), Peter Tuthill (Wadebridge & District Museum), Neil Prior (Wadebridge &

District Museum), Stephanie Meads (MDO), Mary Godwin (Consultant), Libby Buckley

(Porthcurno Museum), Jo Warburton (MDO and Geevor Tin Mine).

Each museum offered a brief introduction to their museum and explained the role of volunteers.

It was decided that in order to make further meetings useful, a specific agenda would be drawn up addressing particular problems or areas for discussion (eg leaflets!). All Museums who have received grants as part of the Valuing Volunteering Projects are encouraged to attend.

We may be able to support this group with a newsletter as well.


Contact List

Libby Buckley, Chair CMG and Porthcurno Museum


Tel: 01736 910966

Mary Godwin, Consultant


Tel: 07881521353

Stephanie Meads, MDO


Tel: 011208 851409

Jo Warburton, MDO and meetings co-ordinator


Tel: 07964941881

Tel: 01872 242789 (answerphone)

Jo Mattingly, MDO


Tel: 07964972208

Tel: 01872 242789 (answerphone)

Vic Harding, Renaissance South West Programmes and Projects Manager


Tel: (via Hub office) 0117 922 4653

Mobile: 07827 979725

Helena Jaeschke, Conservation Development Officer, Renaissance SW


Tel: 01392 665951
