Tackle Climate Change - Local Government Association of South

Tackle Climate Change
It is becoming essential for all levels of Government to manage energy in order to
conserve fossil fuels, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and achieve operational
and cost efficiencies. This in turn directly affects the availability of a community’s
The National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 (NGER) establishes a
national framework for corporations to report greenhouse gas emissions and energy
consumption and production from 1 July 2008.
The Act makes registration and reporting mandatory for corporations whose energy
production, energy use or greenhouse gas emissions meet specified thresholds.
Councils will need to know where they stand in relation to these thresholds &
Cities for Climate Protection (CCP) is a Federal Government Initiative delivered by
ICLEI providing a program by which Councils can analyse and measure their areas
greenhouse gas emissions then strategically implement projects to reduce these
The LGCS is committed to assisting Councils in achieving their statutory and strategic
carbon emission obligations. If you want to know more or get a price to “get going”,
please tick the relevant box below, and forward to Environarc and they will be in
touch with you within three business days.
The National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 (NGER)
Registration and reporting under this Act is mandatory for Corporations whose energy
production, use or greenhouse gas emissions meet specified thresholds.
Under the Act, Corporations must apply for registration by the 31 August 2009 after the financial
year in which a threshold is met. The penalty for failure to apply for registration is 2000 penalty
units, which equates to $220 000 at 1 July 2008. An additional civil penalty might also be
incurred for each day after the due date that a controlling corporation fails to apply for
 1.1 Specialist consultant support to prepare your Council emissions data,
collection, management and reporting framework to a level that is consistent
with NGER Framework / guidelines.
Climate Protection Australia (CCP) through International Council for Local
Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) http://www.iclei.org/index.php?id=2291
As well as cutting carbon emissions by 4.7 million tonnes, the 3000 actions reported by 184
participating CCP Councils in 2007/08 saved money; reduced water use, air pollution and
traffic congestion; and, improved community health and fitness. This is equivalent to removing
well over one million cars from the road for an entire year.
Total emission reductions over the life of the program exceed 18 million tonnes of carbon
dioxide equivalent.
Specialist Consultant Support to achieve Milestone 1
Specialist Consultant Support to achieve Milestone 5
Specialist Consultant Support to achieve Milestone 1 to 5
Specialist Consultant Support to achieve Milestone 1 to 5 and CCP Plus
Workshops for Council Staff
 3.1
 3.2
 3.3
 3.4
 3.5
Introductory workshop for key staff about NGER
Greenhouse Inventory Workshop (CCP / ICLEI)
Actions to minimise energy at the workplace (Generally following
energy audits)
Carbon Education and Training
An introduction to ISO 14001
Workshops for the Community
 3.6
 3.7
Minimising greenhouse gas emissions for homes and saving money.
Minimising greenhouse gas emissions for business and saving money.
On Site Technical Solutions
Energy use audits and water use
 4.1
Basic site assessment (walkthrough) and an indicative report.
Council facility with occasional use: e.g. community hall, clubrooms etc.
 4.2
Add basic water use assessment of the site with broad saving options.
Energy Audit to AS 3598:2000 Level 1 and report of a facility.
Site wide energy uses on an annual basis
Derive performance indicators
Broad conclusions and recommendations
And provide assessment of greenhouse gas emission savings.
A site inspection is preferred, but this can be done with a desktop study.
Accuracy of figures + or – 40%
Applies to Council facility with regular use: e.g. sports club, library etc.
 4.4
Add water use assessment of the site and identified saving options.
 4.5
Energy Audit to AS 3598:2000 Level 2 and detailed report of a facility.
Site investigation
Detailed site energy input and energy use
Reconciliation of energy accounts with loads
Variation on month-by-month basis
Energy performance indicators
Detailed recommendations including costs and savings
implementation priorities and suggested payback plan
Consideration of building fabric
Provide assessment of greenhouse gas emission savings
Accuracy of figures + or – 20%
Applies to Council Facility with regular use and is a high-energy user: e.g. Council
Offices, Sport and Recreation Centre, aquatic centre, Council Depot.
 4.6
Add detailed water use assessment of the site, identified
saving options with indicative costs
 4.7
Energy Audit AS 3598:2000 Level 3 with report and presentation.
Detailed analysis of energy usage
The savings that can be made and the cost of achieving those savings
May involve energy data logging
Often forms the justification for substantial investment, with a detailed economic
analysis, with an appropriate level of accuracy
Provides assessment of greenhouse gas emission savings
Assessment of building fabric
Accuracy of figures + or – 10%
Applies to Industrial facility, large energy user, may focus on significant plant and
 4.8
Add detailed water use assessment of the site, identified
saving options including accurate costs.
 4.9
Street lights and all outdoor lighting with report.
Taken across entire Council area
Identify number of streetlights
Types of lights
Total electricity usage and cost per year
Assessment of greenhouse gas emission savings.
Contact person
Forward to:
EnvironArc Design Pty Ltd, either by Fax 8537 0538 or email to mgalea@environarc.com