Section 31745 Spring 2015 Math 125 Beginning Algebra Class: C 323, TWRF: 1:00-2:10 Instructor: Kasfy, H Phone: (626)585-3258 Office: R 322 P Office Hours: MTWR: 4:00-5:30 Course Objective: Perform operations on real numbers and algebraic expressions, Apply and follow the mathematical principles, operations and strategies to write, solve, graph and interpret linear equations and inequalities, Apply and follow the mathematical principles, operations and strategies to solve nonlinear equations such as rational, radical and quadratic equations, Solve application problems by using critical thinking skills. Text: Elementary Algebra, by George Woodbury ISBN-13: 978-0-321-16648-5. Prerequisites: A course grade of C or better in math 402 or Placement based on the Math assessment process. No Graphing Calculator Allowed Attendance: You are required to attend all class sessions; Please be on time! Excessive absences will affect your overall class performance. I have the right to drop you if you miss 10 or more hours of class. Note that 3 tardies are considered the equivalent of one absence. Homework: Home work will be assigned each day of class meeting, and will be collected the following class meeting. Home work should: be done in the order the problems are assigned, stapled, neatly written on regular paper, have you answers circled or highlighted. No late homework will be accepted. Tests: There will be five or six exams. You will be notified in advance. Attendance is MANDATORY during exams. In the event that you miss an exam, that exam will be replaced by the Final exam. There are NO MAKEUP for missed Exams NO EXCEPTIONS. Grading Policy: Homework : 15 % Exams : 60 % Final: : 25 % Grading Scale: 90 – 100 % A 80 – 89 % B 70 – 79 % C 60 – 69 % D 0 – 59 % F Final Exam On Section 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.7 3.6 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 6.1 6.3 6.2 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 9.1 Page 6 15 22 31 38 56 65 83 95 106 119 131 149 163 178 203 224 211 250 259 271 281 310 319 328 336 344 360 375 367 382 388 396 411 429 438 446 454 460 468 480 500 507 518 527 564 Numbers Elementary Algebra 10e 5-->51 odd/eoo 9-->35 odd, 43--> 79 odd 11--> 73 ODD/eoo 9--> 95 ODD/eoo 7--> 37 eoo, 45, 47,, 63--> 81 ODD 5--> 29 eoo 7--> 35 eoo, 37--> 69 ODD 11--> 21 ODD, 27--> 45 eoo, 51--> 75 odd, 77-->83 odd 7--> 89 eoo 7--> 45 ODD, 57--> 67 ODD 9--> 37 ODD, 41--> 57 ODD, 63--> 67 odd 9--> 19 ODD, 47--> 57 ODD 7--> 53 eoo, 55--> 71 ODD 7--> 15 eoo, 17-->33 odd, 35-->43 eoo, 45-->51 odd, 57-->67 odd 7--> 11 ODD, 13--> 35 EOO, 41--> 61 ODD 9--> 81 odd 11-->69 EOO 7--> 29 odd, 37--> 47 odd 23-->39 odd 3--> 21 eoo, 27-->33 odd, 45-->59 odd 7--> 29 ODD 5--> 35 eoo, 11 5--> 39 eoo, 11 5--> 49 eoo 7--> 17 ODD, 23--> 29 ODD, 35-->43 odd, 49-->57 odd, 63-->79odd, 91-->103 odd 3--> 71 eoo 9--> 31 EOO, 37-->45 odd, 55, 59, 61-->69 odd 5--> 13 ODD, 19-->39 odd, 55-->83 odd( skip 63, 65) 5--> 29 ODD( skip 17,19), 35--> 53 eoo, 63-->79 eoo 5--> 59 ODD 3--> 65 ODD 5--> 71 ODD 7--> 87 ODD 7--> 61 ODD 5--> 59 ODD 5--> 43 ODD, 65, 67ab, 75--> 79 ODD 5--> 35 eooo, 41, 43 7--> 49 odd 5--> 21 odd, 33--> 49 odd 5--> 17 EOO, 23--> 39 EOO, 45--> 67 EOO 3--> 45 ODD 3--> 51 odd 5-->59 odd 7-->29 eoo, 31-->37 odd 9--> 31 ODD, 43--> 69 ODD 3--> 57 ODD 5--> 93 ODD( skip 83) 5--> 21 ODD, 29--> 45 ODD 5--> 19 ODD,23, 25, 31, 33