How to upload a Hot Potatoes Quiz


How to upload a Hot Potatoes Quiz

This helpsheet assumes that you have basic Moodle skills and know how to create a Hot Potatoes Quiz.

For more information about this please look under Training and Support at

. If you do not have a login please email


1. Login to your moodle and go to the course to which you are adding the

Hot Potatoes quiz.

2. Turn editing on (at the top right hand side of the page).

3. In the topic section where you want the quiz to appear a) choose “Add an activity” b) then click on “Hot Potatoes Quiz”:

You will then get a classic Moodle editing screen.

Only edit what is necessary

– leave all other settings as default.

Type in the name of your quiz here

A quick description of your quiz here

Open and close the quiz

– if you wish

Click here and locate the quiz. Browse and U pload it( if it’s not already in your course files) and then click choose

(see below for a refresher on this)

(Choose the actual Hot Pots file,

NOT the .html version)

Enter in here the maximum grade/mark available for the quiz – ie the number of questions/gaps etc.

If you want to restrict the amount of times your students can take the quiz alter this setting.

If you have a series of quizzes and want to link to the next quiz choose this option. If not, choose Display Course

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Refresher: How to browse for and upload a file

After clicking on Choose or Upload a

File click here:

Click on Browse

Locate the Hot Potatoes file. (Choose the actual Hot Pots file, NOT the .html version)

Click on Open

Click on Upload this File

Click on Choose

The file name now appears here
