Mutual Respect and Sexual Harassment

Grievance and Harassment
Policy of BAMTC
Mutual respect, consideration and courtesy are expected of all team
members, counselors and stakeholders of Billings Adult Municipal Treatment
Court (BAMTC). Participants have the right to obtain services from BAMTC
free from all forms of discrimination and conduct which can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment.
In addition, the following policy outlines procedural guidelines for team
members, counselors/case managers and stakeholders to report significant
and/or consistent deficiency in the operation of BAMTC. Significant and/or
consistent deficiency can be defined as, but is not limited to, deficient care of
clients, inaccurate, falsified, and untimely reporting of client progress,
insufficient representation by BAMTC stakeholders, and refusal or inability of
stakeholders to foster a productive relationship with BAMTC for the
betterment of clients. It should be noted that after thorough investigation and
attempts at a collaborative corrective action plan, failure to comply with the
expectations of BAMTC client care may result in further action compromising
the continued professional partnership between BAMTC and the
stakeholder(s) in question.
1. The assigned case manager and/or stakeholder that has observed a
perceived deficiency will utilize the provided Stakeholder Grievance Form
to thoroughly document the delinquency. In addition, if a participant
believes they have experienced any of the above mentioned deficiencies
as outlined in the purpose statement, they too will follow the procedure
2. The ability to thoroughly document the perceived problem is predicated
upon obtaining accurate and verifiable information related to the incident.
Grievances that objectively, exhaustively, and coherently document the
incident will be considered, all other grievances will be disregarded. If it is
found that inaccurate information is provided the grievance may be
dismissed and the reporting of inaccurate information may be reported to
the stakeholder’s supervisor.
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3. At minimum, the documented grievance must address the following: who
are the individuals involved, what the incident entails and all roles played
by identified individuals, and where and when the incident occurred.
4. Completed grievances will be submitted to the stakeholder’s supervisor for
review in a timely manner. For acute incidents it is recommended
documentation be provided no less than two business days following the
incident and for persistent and ongoing problems it is recommended the
documentation be received in a timely manner as determined by the
5. Grievances requiring follow-up and potential action will be forwarded to
the office of the Coordinator for immediate review. The Coordinator will
review the grievance and will proceed in the following manner(s). If an
employee of the court i.e.…Judge, Coordinator, or Clerk is involved in the
deficiency, the grievance will be submitted to the appropriate supervisor
or city council member.
6. If additional information is necessary the Coordinator will contact the
person leveling the grievance in order to obtain said information.
7. If no additional information is necessary, the Coordinator will contact the
stakeholder accused of the grievance and elicit information regarding the
incident. A corrective action plan will be discussed if appropriate.
8. If the Coordinator is unable to effectively address the incident, the case
will be presented to the BAMTC team/steering committee for review.
9. The Coordinator will seek information from either the person insinuating
the grievance and/or the stakeholder the grievance is against as often as
is necessary to accurately determine the appropriate response and action.
Following the outcome of the investigation, the grievance will be
dismissed or the Coordinator will ask the stakeholder to take
observable and measureable action to correct and prevent the
incident from further occurrence.
Appeals to either the original grievance and/or final outcome of the
investigative process will be submitted to the Coordinator’s office
and will be reviewed by the appropriate BAMTC management staff.
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(Submit to Coordinator)
Name: ______________________________
Date: _________________________
Name(s) of Witnesses:
Place and time of incident: _________________________________________________
Description of Incident: (Describe in your own words the actions/roles of all involved - attach
additional pages if necessary)
I understand that BAMTC will conduct an investigation of my report.
A report of the grievance, any harassment, its investigation, the outcome of the
investigation and any action taken relating to the participant is confidential.
Dissemination of confidential information shall be limited to persons with a need to
know in order to conduct an investigation and take appropriate corrective action.
I hereby authorize dissemination of information regarding this report to other persons
with a need to know.
I acknowledge that I have read and understand the above statements and certify that
all information I have provided is true to the best of my knowledge.
Participant Signature: _______________________ Date: _________ Time: _______
Submitted to: _____________________________ Date: _________ Time: ________
May 22, 2013
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