Exam 1 Study Answers

WS 101 Exam 1 Answers
Dr. Sendak Spring 2006
Multiple Choice 25 @ 1 point each
Using a #2 pencil, mark the best answer on your scantron sheet. Please do not write on the exam. Please
write legibly. Any illegible answers will be marked incorrect.
1. Feminist or other forms of activism can:
a. Be defined as “consistently expressing one’s values with the goal of making the world more just”
b. Take a multi-issue approach, as some 3rd wave feminist activists do—addressing concern for gay
rights, women’s rights globally, and environmentalism
c. Consist of boycotts, marches, lobbying politicians, and raising public awareness through media
d. All of the above
2. Patriarchy can be defined as:
a. Male centeredness
b. Male domination
c. Male objectification
d. All of the above
3. A primary focus of the second wave feminist agenda was on:
a. Sexuality and identity
b. Equal pay for equal work
c. The right to vote
d. Getting women into high positions in the political and legal system
e. All of the above
4. In “Claiming an Education,” Adrienne Rich explains that students must:
a. Take themselves seriously
b. Seek out criticism
c. Think actively
d. All of the above
5. According to Deborah L. Rhode in “Denials of Inequality,” people don’t recognize gender inequality
a. They compare themselves to people like themselves
b. They are brain-washed by the media
c. They work to maintain the status quo
d. They suffer from externalized oppression
6. The bootstrap myth
a. Is part of the ideology of our capitalist economic system
b. Paints economic success as a result of hard work and ambition
c. Works to keep institutional discrimination invisible by blaming the poor for their situation
d. All of the above
7. A potential Chicana tenant is told that the apartment is already rented even though it is still vacant. This
is an example of what kind of racism according to Gloria Yamato in “Something about the Subject…”
a. Unintentional/Self-righteous
b. Aware/Personal
c. Unaware/Covert
d. Aware/Covert
8. Economic democracy is financial equity, or the ability of everyone to earn a living. Political
democracy is:
a. The ability of everyone to influence government equally through voting
b. The type of government that feminists are fighting against
c. An unrealizable myth of American ideology
d. None of the above
9. According to readings and class discussion, privilege is:
a. Definable as a special advantage some people have by virtue of their status in society
b. Like a backpack of unearned assets that people carry around wherever they go
c. Is conferred dominance according to Patricia Hill-Collins
d. Hard to recognize if you have it, and impossible to “give back”
e. All of the above
10 The movie Mighty Times about Rosa Parks and the civil rights movement showed that:
a. People with privilege don’t fear losing their status as others gains rights
b. Coalitions between different groups—African Americans and White housewives—work to
benefit both groups
c. Gay rights aren’t the same as civil rights
d. None of the above
11. Radical feminist activism seeks to transform society. Liberal feminist activism seeks
a. To reclaim women’s essential nature
b. To reform society
c. Transformation of personal feelings
d. To reform personal feelings
12. The feminist theoretical perspective that combines a radical feminist understanding of male
domination with the insights of a class analysis from a critical examination of capitalism is:
a. Liberal feminism
b. Lesbian feminism
c. Eco-feminism
d. Socialist feminism
13. According to Allen Johnson, in “Guilt, Shame and Responsibility,” men avoid taking responsibility
for patriarchy for all of the following reasons BUT WHICH:
a. Most men do not realize patriarchy exists
b. Some men are reluctant to expose themselves to guilt and shame
c. Patriarchy is really women’s problem, and they should solve it themselves
d. All of the above are reasons men avoid responsibility for patriarchy
14. The idea that all people are and should be interested in and attracted to the opposite sex is termed:
a. Misogyny
b. Homophobia
c. Homoeroticism
d. Compulsory Heterosexuality
15. Which of the following statements about oppression is FALSE:
a. Oppression is basically a state of mind that can be changed by “changing the lens” through
which one views the world
b. Oppression happens on the structural level, but individuals feel its effects personally
c. Oppression is relational in that barriers faced by one group relate to privileges granted to another
d. Oppression is like a bird cage, limiting choices and opportunities no matter where one turns
16. In “Toward a New Vision,” Patricia Hill Collins discusses three suggestions for overcoming barriers
of inequality and privilege. These include:
a. Create coalitions around common causes
b. Socialize women to succeed in the public world
c. Build empathy
d. Both (a) and (b)
e. Both (a) and (c)
17. Radical feminists are more likely than liberal feminists to:
a. Want to keep the economic system as it is and just make minor adjustments
b. Focus on their hatred of men
c. Be lesbians
d. None of the above
e. All of the above
18. In her article on homophobia, Suzanne Pharr writes that the threat of being called a lesbian which
keeps all women in line is called:
a. Homophobia
b. Sexual terrorism
c. Lesbian hostility
d. Lesbian baiting
19. Assuming that an individual enjoys a particular food simply because it is representative of her ethnic
heritage is an example of:
a. Aware/blatant racism
b. Aware/covert racism
c. Unaware/unintentional racism
d. Unaware/self-righteous racism
20. Several men are taking a dance class to please their girlfriends. In the class they are absolutely
miserable. This is an example of
a. Oppression not suffering, as they are forced into doing something they don’t like
b. Suffering not oppression, as their experience is one that is occasional and avoidable
c. Oppression and suffering, as they are in a double bind with their girlfriends
d. Suffering but not oppression because their girlfriends are in the class with them
21. What system of inequality and privilege does Lisa Maria Hogeland, in “Fear of Feminism: Why
Young Women Get the Willies” believe to be absolutely crucial to understanding why many young
women fear feminism?
a. Ageism
b. Classism
c. Heterosexism
d. Looksism
22. Two aspects that are crucial to any definition of feminism include:
a. Equality for and inclusivity of all women
b. Equality for all women and exclusivity of all men
c. Inclusivity of all women and some minorities
d. None of the above
23. A primary focus of first wave feminism was on:
a. The need to put white women ahead of men in business and industry
b. The need to include women in the public spheres of politics, education and the economy
c. The need for white women to listen to women of color
d. None of the above
24. A primary focus of the third wave feminist agenda was on:
a. Sexuality and identity
b. Equal pay for equal work
c. The right to vote
d. Getting women into the political and legal system
e. All of the above
25. According to class discussion, the bootstrap myth:
a. Wasn’t such a myth in the period from 1947 to 1979 where a variety of social programs like
the GI bill and FHA mortgage lending allowed the lower and middle classes to increase their
income at the same as the wealthy
b. Was never real as the rich have always gotten richer
c. Keeps us from seeing that economic equality is important for everyone
d. Makes us believe we have political democracy when we don’t
Matching fill-in (10 @ 1 point each)
Complete each sentence by matching it to the correct on term on the right. Each sentence can be completed by only
term. Each term will be used only once.
Mark the letter(s) corresponding to the correct term on your scantron form as shown in this example:
47. The sky is clear, not ________ today.
A. nuclear
AB. cloudy
B. banana
C. apple
The correct term is AB. cloudy.
You would fill-in both the A bubble and the B bubble on line 47 of your scantron as such:
26. ____BD_________________implies putting men in the center of all
things and confusing maleness with humanity.
27. The term for the process whereby individuals direct the resentment and
anger they have about their situation onto those who are of equal or lesser
status is __________B___________________.
28. Being a member of the _______A______ implies that you are the
“average” person and that all people have the same characteristics as you.
29. _______________BC____________ is the threat of rape and sexual
assault that controls women’s lives.
30. A representation of a graduated, not binary gender system that reflects
power and privilege as it exists in the world is known as a
A. the mythical norm
B. horizontal hostility
C. ideology
D. lesbian bating
E. multi-strategic
AB. the bootstrap myth
AC. patriarchy
AD. liberal feminism
31. The _______CE_____ means that you are caught between opposing
forces and your options are limited.
AE. first wave feminism
32. _________BE__________ made gains in women’s economic and
educational equality during the 1960s and 1970s.
BC. sexual terrorism
33. Using different strategies to achieve a common activist goal is called
BE. second wave
BD. androcentrism
34. The right to vote was the most important issue of _______AE__________. CD. sexual hierarchy
35. ______C________ works to support systems of inequality and privilege
by masking the true workings of power, by placing responsibility on
individuals for societal level problems, and by controlling behavior through
specific images and symbols.
CE. double bind
DE. gender pyramid