MCAPWA Minutes 03-06

Executive Committee
Rob Pontau, P.E.
Assistant Director
Brunswick Sewer District
Brunswick, ME
Dennis Cox
Public Works Director
Topsham, ME
Meeting Minutes March 6, 2014
Held at MMA - Augusta
Directors Present: Rob Pontau, Dennis Cox, Dave Cote, Megan Bates, Eric Labelle,
Chris Branch, Dan Matchett, Shawn Bennett, Chip Swan, Doug Howard, Bob Burns,
Bob Seelye, Mike Bobinsky, Chris Bolduc. Also present: Pete Coughlan and Bob
Stevens from Maine Local Roads Center, Steve Bradstreet, Ransom Consulting and
Tom Martin, Past President of the Board.
1. Meeting Called to order: Rob Pontau called the meeting to order at 9:02AM.
2. Approval of the February 6, 2014 Minutes: Motion to accept made by Dennis
Cox and second by Chris Bolduc Motion passed unanimously
State Transportation Innovation Council Report on Incentive Program
Before the reports were given Pete Coughlan and Mike Bobinsky reported on the State
Transportation Innovation Council (STIC) meeting they attended the day before on
March 5, 2014. Two handouts were distributed: a draft of the STIC Team Charter and
the Technology and Innovative Deployment Program Accelerated Innovation
Deployment STIC Program Guidance.
STIC is looking for innovative practice ideas in writing by June 2014. The incentives
would be awarded in September and the funds need to be expended within two (2)
years. It is a $100,000 per state per year funding opportunity. There is an 80% Federal
incentive. Ideas considered to be potential ‘advancements’ mentioned during
discussion were: the public meeting process, development of specs, a municipal
service station for brine and State wide weather cam. Regional benefits would be
viewed more highly. Additional ideas can be e-mailed to Pete Coughlan and he will
assemble and submit by June. Rob will talk about this at the spring meeting and Pete
will send out e-mail to the board. Mike and Pete attend STIC meetings but if they
can’t make it the board should send a substitute.
Golf Tournament – Steve Bradstreet handed out announcements for the September
12, 2014 MCAPWA Golf Classic. Steve created three different notices to send to
equipment suppliers, consultants and Public Works Departments.
3. Reports:
Treasurer Report: Dave Cote reported $7,490.14 in checking and $18,450.55
in savings with no bills outstanding. The annual report the subcommittee
reviewed after last month’s meeting was submitted and checks are coming in
for the Highway Congress.
Motion to accept made by Mike Bobinsky and second by Doug Howard.
Public Works in the Public Interest
Home Page:
David Cote
Public Works Director
Brewer, ME
Megan Bates
Deputy Director
Lewiston, ME
Bob Burns, P.E.
Public Works Director
Gorham, ME
Eric Labelle
Operations Manager
Portland Public Services
Galen “Chip” Swan
Public Works Director
Hampden, ME
Peter Owen
Public Works Director
Bath, ME
Robert Seelye
Public Works Director
Calais, ME
Steve Johnson
Town Engineer
Yarmouth, ME
Mike Bobinsky
Public Services Director
Portland, ME
Dan Matchett
H.P. Fairfield, Inc.
Skowhegan, ME
Christopher Branch. P.E.
Sebago Technics
Lewiston, ME
Shawn Bennett
Road Commissioner
Pownal, ME
Craig Worth
Transportation Director
So. Portland Schools
Christopher Bolduc
Director of Operations /
Public Services
Cumberland, ME
Doug Howard
Public Services Director
South Portland, ME
Honorary Director
Guy W. Melcher, Jr
Other Associations
Maine Local Roads Center
Peter M. Coughlan
Motion passed unanimously
Delegate Report: Eric Labelle reported:
Regions 1, 2 and 5 will have their spring meeting in Cincinnati, Ohio May 2nd –
4th and the Water Resources Management Committee will meet on April 28th in
Kansas City.
The dead-line has been extended for committee appointments and awards to
March 3, 2014. Eric: Did I misunderstand? The report says April 1st.
George Cromby, former APWA President, passed away and a memorial service
will be held in Durham, NH on March 15th. Eric and Mike will be attending.
There were no further updates
There are still open positions for Liaisons for various National Committees.
So far the following committee Liaison positions have been filled: Craig
Worth, Buildings and Grounds, Doug Howard, Center for Sustainability and
Eric Labelle, Water Resource Management
Motion made to accept made by Bob Burns and second by Dave Cote.
Motion passed unanimously.
Membership: Bob reported the membership stands at 178 as of 01/31/2014
although the MCAPWA roster shows 173 members. An explanation will be provided
at the next meeting as to what the discrepancy is. DOT has a group membership
allowing for 16 members but only has 12 signed . Bob Stevens will look into DOT’s
membership status. There was question as to how many are in a group. Bob Burns
will look into how group memberships are set.
Motion made to accept made by Dave Cote and second by Dennis Cox.
Motion passed unanimously.
Maine Local Roads: Bob Steven reports:
 Workzone Safety Workshops are currently being held at 5 locations.
 Workshop on Drainage will begin April 1st and go through mid-May at 8
locations. The Traffic Signal Workshop will take place at the end of March.
 A Plan Reading class is scheduled for April 22nd and 23rd.
 A Sign Inventory software is currently in the works
 Approximately nineteen individuals will be receiving their Road Scholar
Awards at the spring meeting.
4. Update of By –Law Committee: Bob Burns reported that he, Steve Johnson and
Peter Owen read the by-laws and Bob reviewed suggestions with the board. There was
discussion on the following:
 Increasing the executive board by perhaps 3 or 4 while trying to target different
regions of the state.
 The Delegate position should also be addressed; currently two- three year
 Attendance to possibly include video conferencing communication when
committee members are not able to attend
The approval of the changes was discussed as the Board formerly approving
the document before sending it out to the entire membership.
5. 2014 Spring Meeting Update: Dave Cote reported flyers are out for individuals
without internet access. The agenda was reviewed.
 Road Maintenance Treatments – Alternatives to road resurfacing and repairs
will be presented.
 Municipal Purchasing thru State bids- Information from State buyer on how
one accesses the State bids process; a quick show how.
 Natural gas Fueled Vehicles – Large to small vehicles and quick fill stations
 Comedian Bob Seibel
6. Mechanics Training Update – Steve Johnson was absent for report. Rob asked
Megan Bates to contact Steve Johnson about getting a plan and a subcommittee
together and suggested involving Bob Dawes, Equipment Director, Bangor.
7.Supervisory Training Update – April 15-17th all set. For the second part of
training taking place on May 20-22nd assistant will be needed for indoor/outdoor
training. E-mails and Post mail will be sent out to Selectmen and Town Managers. The
MCAPWA membership notification will be done today.
8. Fall Conference – Joint MWWCA Session Discussion - Rob Pontau suggested
joining the Fall MCAPWA meeting with MWWCA with the idea of generating
greater interest and attendance. The idea was positively received and Megan Bates,
responsible for the meeting will work with MWWCA if they show interest in the joint
session. Rob will make contact with MWWCA Representative.
9. Awards Committee Update – There has been no contact with Craig Worth. Chris
Branch will try and make contact and see what he has for the Awards Committee to
work with.
10.. MAPA Expo April 8-9th - Rob will send a schedule out for booth coverage.
11. Website Update – The Website is up and running. Doug states there are a few
bugs that need to be addressed. Bob, Megan, Doug and Rob will meet again soon.
Doug said the website will be easy to maintain and had admin. rights to actually create
the pages. The website will offer start and end dates for information posting and links
to the National APWA. The current MCAPWA website will go directly to the new
website. There will be a place on the website to sign up for membership as well. This
may eliminate MMA’s involvement with this responsibility.
12. Highway Congress - Dennis Cox has received $8,000 to date from 20 vendors.
The snow plow roadeo is all set. Maine Audubon and MAPA have not responded to
date about offering a training session and information table. Dennis gave Megan the
contact to request a certificate of insurance for the day’s event. The responsibilities for
the event were covered briefly. A search committee was mentioned for obtaining new
vendors. Chris Branch will be heading up the awards. Mike will get in contact with
the radio company and the fairgrounds to see if they have 2-way radios. Programs Steve Bradstreet may be able to pick up. Additional fundraising was discussed: Gun
raffle only after discussion on having a 50/50 raffle, selling advertising space on the
program, sponsoring golf carts. Dave will check on gray areas with APWA regarding
Other Business – Sponsors for the Golf Classic were contacted earlier in hopes they
would be reached before their budgets were expended. Dennis will send out
information on the Highway Congress registration. These will be sent out at this time.
Dave Cote made a motion to adjourn and was seconded by Bob Burns.
Motion passed unanimously
The meeting was adjourned at 11:07 AM.