Publications on the Bisley Experimental Watersheds 1988

Publications on the
Bisley Experimental Watersheds
Complied by
Samuel Moya and Evelyn Pagan
International Institute of Tropical Forestry
Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico
Pérez, I.E. (1988). Field guide to the trees of Bisley Watersheds, Luquillo
Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico., Comps. New Orleans, LA: USDA
Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, Institute of Tropical
Forestry, Río Piedras, PR; Center for Energy and Environment Research
of the University of Puerto Rico. 89p.
Scatena, F.N. (1988). Hydrologic influences on Caribbean nutrient
dynamics. Abstract of invited talk for special symposium on the nutrient
dynaics in Caribbean streams. Ecological Society of American annual
Scatena, F.N. (1988). Physiography and history of the Bisley
Experimental Watersheds in the Luquillo Mountains of Puerto Rico.
Abstract, Twelfth Congress of Scientific Investigation, San Juan, Puerto
Scatena, F.N. (1988). Watershed management research. 1988 annual
letter. USDA Forest Service Institute of Tropical Forestry, Río Piedras,
Puerto Rico.
Basnet, K. (1989). Distribution of tabonuco (Dacryodes excelsa) in
Bisley watersheds of Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico. Bulletin
of Ecological Society of America 70:59.
Bloomfield, J. (1989). Puerto Rican Rain Forest: Digging in After
Hurricane Hugo. Below Ground Ecology (1)1:9.
Lugo, A.E., and F.N. Scatena. (1989). Global change and the forest
ecosystems of the Luquillo Experimental Forest. Proceedings of LongTerm Ecological Research workshop on global change, 1989, Denver,
Colorado. LTER/National Science Foundation special publication.
McDowell, W.H., W.B. Bowden, F.N. Scatena, C.E. Asbury, and A.
Finley. (1989). Influence of groundwater hydrology on nitrogen
transformations at the stream-water interface of a tropical stream, Puerto
Rico. Association of Tropical Biologists annual meeting, 1989, Toronto,
Canada, August, 1989.
Scatena, F.N. (1989). An introduction to the physiography and history of
the Bisley experimental watersheds in the Luquillo Mountains of Puerto
Rico. New Orleans, LA: USDA Forest Service, Southern Forest
Experiment Station, Institute of Tropical Forestry 22p. (Gen. Tech. Rep.
SO; 72).
Scatena, F.N. (1989). Watershed research in the Bisley Experimental
Watersheds. Tropical Geomorphology Newsletter No. 4. Available from
Institute of Tropical Forestry Library, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico.
Scatena, F.N. (1989). Watershed management research. 1989 annual
letter. USDA Forest Service Institute of Tropical Forestry, Río Piedras,
Puerto Rico.
Scatena, F.N. (1989). Research in the Bisley Experimental
Wathersheds. Annual report, Luquillo Experimental Forest Long Term
Ecological Research Program, National Science Foundation.
Basnet, K. (1990). Studies of ecological and geological factors
controlling the pattern of Tabonuco forests in the Luquillo Experimental
Forest, Puerto Rico. Ph.D. dissertation. Rutgers. The State University of
New Jersey, New Brunswick, New Jersey. 167p.
Bowden, W.B., W.H. McDowell, A. Finley, and C. Asbury. (1990).
Nitrous oxide emissions along riparian catenas in two tropical forested
watersheds. Ecological Society of America Abstracts 71(2):64.
Chinea, J.D. (1990). Herbaceous vegetation of the Bisley Watersheds of
the Luquillo Mountains one year after Hurricane Hugo. Poster
presentation. Long-Term Ecological Research Network All Scientists
meeting, Estes Park, Colorado.
Chinea, J.D. (1990). Seedling establishment of the exotic invasive tree
Albizia procera in the Bisley Area of the Luquillo Mountains. Poster
presentation. Long-Term Ecological Research Network All Scientists
meeting, Estes Park, Colorado.
García, D., and F.N. Scatena. (1990). Impacts of charcoal production on
the vegetation of the Bisley watersheds, Puerto Rico. Abstract presented
at Latin America Botanical Congress, Cuba.
Scatena, F.N. (1990). Watershed management research. 1990 annual
letter. USDA Forest Service Institute of Tropical Forestry, Río Piedras,
Puerto Rico.
Scatena, F.N. (1990). Culvert flow in small drainages in montane tropical
forests: observations from the Luquillo Experimental Forest of Puerto
Rico. Tropical Hydrology and Caribbean Water Resources 237-246.
Scatena, F.N. (1990). Selection of riparian buffer zones in humid tropical
steeplands. In. Research needs and applications to reduce erosion and
sedimentation in tropical steep lands: Proceedings of the Fiji symposium;
Suva, Fiji. Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK: International Association of
Hydrological Science, Institute of Hydrology 328-337.
Scatena, F.N. (1990). Watershed scale rainfall interception of two
forested watersheds in the Luquillo Mountains of Puerto Rico. Journal of
Hydrology 113:89-102.
Scatena, F.N. (1990). Hydrologic and geomorphic impacts of Hurricane
Hugo on the Luquillo Experimental Forest of Puerto Rico. Abstract for
special symposium on the effects of Hurricane Hugo. Annual meeting of
Ecological Society of America. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of
America 71(2):
Scatena, F.N. (1990). Watershed research in the Bisley Watersheds of
the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico. Proceedings of the
International symposium on tropical hydrology and Fourth Caribbean
Water Resources Congress, San Juan, Puerto Rico (poster). American
Water Resources Association Technical Publication TPS-90-2.
Scatena, F.N., and M. Larsen. (1990). Field Guide: Rainforest (Luquillo
Experimental Forest) watershed hydrology and landslide problems. Pages
20-26 ln Field Trip Guide, International symposium on tropical hydrology
and 4th Caribbean Islands Water Resources Congress, July 22-27, 1990,
San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Silver-Beissinger, W.. (1990). Disturbance and nutrient cycling.
Belowground Ecology 1(2):16-19.
Scatena, F.N. (1991). Hydrobiogeochemical studies in two forested
steepland watersheds of the Luquillo Experimental Forest of Puerto Rico.
Page 198 (abstract) ln AGU 1991 Fall Meeting program and abstracts.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 9-13, 1991, San
Francisco, California. AGU, Washington, D.C.
Ackerman, J.D.; L.R. Walker, F.N. Scatena, and J. Wunderle. (1991).
Ecological effects of hurricanes. Bulletin of the ecological Society of
America 72:178-180.
Borges, S. (1991-1992). Earthworm Diversity and Ecology in the Bisley
Watershed and El Verde, Luquillo Experimental Forest. Annual Letter,
United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Forest
Experiment Station, Institute of Tropical Forestry, Río Piedras, Puerto
Rico. p. 18-19.
Brokaw, N.V.L. and Walker, L.R. (1991). Summary of the effects of
Caribbean Hurricane on vegetation. Biotropica 23(4a):442-447.
Buzby, K. (1991). Aquatic insects response to a high flow event in two
tropical streams. Poster presentation at North American Benthological
Society thirty-ninth annual meeting, May 21-24, 1991, Santa Fe, New
Dallmeir, F. (1991). Field Guide to the Bisley Biodiversity Plots Luquillo
Biosphere Reserve-Puerto Rico. 2nd edition. The Smithsonian
Institution/Manand the Biosphere, Biological Diversity Program,
Washington, D.C. 58p.
García Montiel, D.C. (1991). The effect of human activity on the
structure and composition of a tropical forest in Puerto Rico, Masters
Thesis University of Puerto Rico.
García Montiel, D.C., F.N. Scatena. (1991). Human impacts on the
vegetation of the Bisley watersheds, Puerto Rico. Abstract presented at
the first Venezuelan Ecological Congress.
Lodge, D. Jean, and W.H. McDowell. (1991). Summary of ecosystemlevel effects of Caribbean hurricanes. Biotropica 23(4a): 373-378.
Lodge, D.J.; Scatena, F.N.; Asbury, C.E, and Sánchez, M.J. (1991).
Fine litterfall and related nutrient inputs resulting from Hurricane Hugo in
subtropical wet and lower montane rain forests of Puerto Rico. Biotropica
Lugo, A.E., and F.N. Scatena. (1991). An overview of tree mortality in
tropical forests. Special symposium on tree mortality and coarse woody
debris dynamics in tropical forests. Association of Tropical Biology. San
Antonio, Texas, August, 1991.
Masteller, E.C. and K. Buzby. (1991). Insects collected from an Aquatic
Emergence Trap in the Luquillo Mountains from stream #3 of the Bisley
Experimental Watershed. Pennsylvania State University.
McDowell, W.H. (1991). Nutrient and major element chemistry of
Caribbean rain forest streams. Proceedings of the international
association for theoretical and applied limnology: Congress ; Congress in
Munich, Germany. Stuttgart, Germany: Internat. Verein. Limnol. 17201723.
Scatena, F.N. (1991). Geomorphic impacts of Hurricane Hugo on the
Luquillo Mountains of Puerto Rico: preliminary observations. In. Research
needs and applications to reduce erosion and sedimentation in tropical
steeplands: Proceedings of the Fiji symposium, Suva, Fiji. Wallingford,
Oxfordshire, UK: International Association of Hydrological Science,
Institute of Hydrology 393p.
Scatena, F.N., A.P. Covich, K. Buzby, C. Pringle, and C. Asbury.
(1991). Effects of disturbance on stream community structure and detrital
processing in headwaters of the Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico.
Abstract in special LTER stream symposium, North American
Benthological Society thirty-ninth annual meeting, May 21-24, 1991, Santa
Fe, New Mexico.
Scatena, F.N. and Larsen, M.C. (1991). Physical aspects of Hurricane
Hugo in Puerto Rico. Biotropica 23(4a):317-323.
Steudler, P.A., J.M. Melillo, R.D. Bowden, M.S.Castro and A.E. Lugo.
(1991). The effects of natural and human disturbances on soil nitrogen
dynamics and trace gas fluxes in a Puerto Rican wet forest. Biotropica
Waide, R.B. (1991). The effect of Hurricane Hugo on bird populations in
the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico. Biotropica 23:475-480.
Willig, M.R. and Camilo, G.R. (1991). The effect of hurricane Hugo on
six invertebrate species in the Luquillo Experimental Forest of Puerto
Rico. Biotropica 23(4a):455-461.
You, C. and W.H. Petty. (1991). Effects of Hurricane Hugo on Manilkara
bidentata, a primary tree species in the Luquillo Experimental Forest of
Puerto Rico. Biotropica 23:400-406.
Basnet, K. (1992). Effect of topography on the pattern of trees in
tabonuco (Dacryodes excelsa) dominated rain forest of Puerto Rico.
Biotropica 24(1):31-42.
Basnet, K. (1992). An experimental study of the slope stability of the rain
orest in Puerto Rico. Tropical Ecology 33(2):181-185.
Basnet, K.; Likens, G.E.; Scatena, F.N., and Lugo, A.E. (1992).
Hurricane Hugo damage to a tropical rain forest in Puerto Rico. Journal of
Tropical Ecology 8(1):47-55.
Bowden, W. B., W.H. McDowell, C.E.Asbury and A.M. Finley. (1992).
Riparian nitrogen dynamics in two geomorphologically distinct tropical rain
forest watersheds: nitrous oxide fluxes. Biogeochemistry 18:77-99.
Dallmeier, F., editor. (1992). Long-term monitoring of biological diversity
in tropical forst areas: methods for establishment and inventory of
permanent plots. MAB Digest 11. United Nations Educational, Scientific,
and Cultural Organization, Paris, France.
Dial, R. (1992). A food web for a tropical rain forest: the canopy view
from Anolis, Stanford University.
Flint, O.S., Jr. (1992). New species of caddisflies from Puerto Rico
(Trichoptera). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington
Hall, C.A.S., Taylor, M.R., and Everham, E. (1992). A geographicallybased ecosystem model and its application to the carbon balance of the
Luquillo Forest, Puerto Rico. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 64:385-404.
Masteller, E. and Flint, Oliver, Jr. (1992). Long-term emergence
phenology of trichoptera from tropical mountain streams on Puerto Rico.
McDowell, W.H., W.B. Bowden and C.E. Asbury. (1992). Riparian
nitrogen dynamics in two geomorphologically distinct tropical rain forest
watersheds: subsurface solute patterns. Biogeochemistry 18:53-75.
Silver, W. L. (1992). The effects of small-scale and catastrophic
disturbances on carbon and nutrient cycling in a lower montane
subtropical wet forest in Puerto Rico. Ph.D. Dissertation,Yale University,
New Haven, Connecticut. 253 p.
Ahmad, R.; Scatena, F.N., and Gupta, A. (1993). Morphology and
sedimentation in Caribbean montane streams: examples from Jamaica
and Puerto Rico. Sedimentary Geology 85:157-169.
Alvarez, J. and M.R. Willing. (1993). Effects of treefall gaps on the
density of land snails in the Luquillo Experimental Forest of Puerto Rico.
Biotropica 25(1):100-110.
Basnet, K.; Scatena, F.N.; Likens, G.E., and Lugo, A.E. (1993).
Ecological consequences of root grafting in tabonuco (Dacryodes excelsa)
trees in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico. Biotropica
Basnet, K. (1993). Controls of environmental factors on pattern of
montane rain forest in Puerto Rico. Tropical Ecology 34(1):51-63.
Bloomfield, J. (1993). Nutrient dynamics and the influence of substrate
quality on the decomposition of leaves and fine roots of selected tree
species in a lower montane tropical rain forest in Puerto Rico, Yale
Bloomfield, J., K.A. Vogt and D.J. Vogt. (1993). Decay rate and
substrate quality of fine roots and foliage of two tropical tree species in the
Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico. Plant and Soil 150:233-245.
Chinea, J.D.; Beymer, R.J.; Rivera, C.; Sastre de Jesús, L., and
Scatena, F.N. (1993). An annotated list of the flora of Bisley Area,
Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico, 1987 to 1992. New Orleans,
LA: USDA Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry; 12 p.
(Gen. Tech. Rep. SO; 94).
Lodge, D.J. (1993). Nutrient cycling by fungi in wet tropical forests. In:
Isaac, S.; Frankland, J.C.; Watling, R., and Whalley, A.J.S., editors.
Aspects of tropical mycology. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University
Press; pp. 37-57.
Masteller, E.C. (1993). Comparison of tropical and temperate
emergence phenology of aquatic insects from Puerto Rico and
Pennsylvania. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 66:192-199.
Migenis, L.E. and Ackerman, J.D. (1993). Orchid-phorophyte
relationships in a forest watershed in Puerto Rico. Journal of Tropical
Ecology 9:231-240.
Petty, W.H. (1993). Seedling growth and mortality of four shade-tolerant
canopy tree species in the rain forest of Puerto Rico following Hurricane
Hugo, University of Tennessee.
Scatena, F.N.; Silver, W.; Siccama, T.; Johnson, A., and Sánchez,
M.J. (1993). Biomass and nutrient content of the Bisley Experimental
Watersheds, Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico, before and after
Hurricane Hugo. Biotropica 25(1):15-27.
Scatena, F.N. (1993). The management of Luquillo, elfin cloud forest
ecosystems:: irreversible decisions in a non-substitutable ecosystems. In:
Hamilton, L.S.; Juvik J.O., and Scatena, F.N., editors. Tropical montane
cloud forests. Proceedings of an international symposium; San Juan,
Puerto Rico. Honolulu, HI: East West Center 191-198p.
Silver, W.L. and Vogt, K.A. (1993). Fine root dynamics following single
and multiple disturbances in a subtropical wet forest ecosystem. Journal
of Ecology 81:729-738.
Bandle, S. (1994). Development of Luquillo Stream Classification
System. USDA International Institute of Tropical Forestry. Under
graduate thesis. San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Dial, R. and J. Roughgarden. (1994). Notes on the absolute abundance
of canopy anoles, anolis cuvieri, a. evermanni (Lacertilia: Polychridae) in
the Luquillo Forest, Puerto Rico. Caribbean Journal of Science 30:278279.
García, D.C. and Scatena, F.N. (1994). The effect of human activity on
the structure and decomposition of a tropical forest in Puerto Rico. Forest
Ecology and Management 63(1):57-78.
Lodge, D.J.; McDowell, W.H., and McSwiney, C.P. (1994). The
importance of nutrient pulses in tropical forests. Tree 9(10):384-387.
Silver, W.L.; Scatena, F.N.; Johnson, A.H.; Siccama, T.G., and
Sánchez, M.J. (1994). Nutrient availability in a montane wet tropical
forest: spatial patterns and methodological consideration. Plant and Soil
Torres, J.A. (1994). Wood decomposition of Cyrilla racemiflora in a
tropical montane forest. Biotropica 26(2):124-140.
Dial, R. and Roughgarden, J. (1995). Experimental removal of
insectivores from rain forest canopy, direct and indirect effects. Ecology
Lugo, A.E. and Scatena, F.N. (1995). Ecosystem-level properties of the
Luquillo Experimental Forest with emphasis on the tabonuco forest . In:
Lugo, A.E. and Lowe, C., Comps., editors. Tropical forests: management
and ecology. New York: Springer-Verlag; pp. 59-108.
Scatena, F.N. and A.E. Lugo. (1995). Geomorphology, disturbance, and
the soil and vegetation of two subtropical wet steepland watersheds of
Puerto Rico. Geomorphology 13:199-213.
Scatena, F.N. (1995). Relative scales of time and effectiveness of
watershed processes in a tropical montane rain forest of Puerto Rico.
Natural and Anthropogenic Influences in Fluvial Geomorphology. J.E.
Costa, A.J. Miller, K.W. Potter and P. Wilcoch, American Geophysical
Union press: 103-111.
Watt, F., R. Beymer, F.N. Scatena, W.L. Silver, P.L. Weaver and L. S.
Hamilton. (1995). Comprehensive Bibliography on Tropical Montane
Cloud Forest. Tropical Montane Cloud Forests. Ecological Studies 110.
L.S. Hamilton, J. Juvik and F.N. Scatena, Springer-Verlag: 247-260.
Arnold, E.A. (1996). Influence of Microenvironment of Growth and
Nutrient Dynamics of the herbaceous species in the Bisley Experimental
Watersheds of Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico. Thesis, Master
of Science. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. 134p.
Bloomfield, J., K.A. Vogt and P. Wargo. (1996). Tree root turnover and
senescence. Plant roots: the hidden half. Second Edition. Y. Wiasel, A.
Eshel and U. Kafkafi. New York, Marcel Dekker Inc.: 363-381.
Everham, E.M. (1996). Hurricane disturbance and recovery: An
empirical and simulation study of vegetation dynamics in the Luquillo
Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico. Syracuse, New York, University of New
York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry.
Everham III, E.M.; Myster, R.W., and Van De Genachte, E. (1996).
Effects of light, moisture, temperature, and litter on the regeneration of five
tree species in the tropical montane wet forest of Puerto Rico. American
Journal of Botany 83(8):1063-1068.
García Martinó, A.R.; Warner, G.S.; Scatena, F.N., and Civco, D.L.
(1996). Rainfall, runoff and elevation relationships in the Luquillo
Mountains of Puerto Rico. Caribbean Journal of Science 32(4):413-424.
García Martinó, A.R.; Warner, G.S.; Scatena, F.N., and Civco, D.L.
(1996). Watershed characterization and low flow prediction in Easten
Puerto Rico. Bulletin of the American Water Works Association.
Lugo, A.E. and F.N. Scatena. (1996). Background and Catastrophic
Mortality in Tropical Moist, Wet, and Rain Forests. Biotropica 28(4a):585599.
McDowell, W.H.; McSwiney, C.P., and Bowden, W.B. (1996). Effects
of hurricane disturbance on groundwater chemistry and riparian function in
a tropical rain forest. Biotropica 28(4a):577-584.
Scatena, F.N., S. Moya, C. Estrada and J.D. Chinea. (1996). The first
five years in the reorganization of aboveground biomass and nutrient use
following Hurricane Hugo in the Bisley Experimental Watersheds, Luquillo
Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico. Biotropica 28(4):424-440.
Secrest, M.F., Willig, M.R., and Peppers, L.L. (1996). The legacy of
disturbance on habitat associations of terrestrial snails in the Luquillo
Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico. Biotropica 28(4a):502-514.
Silver, W.L., F.N. Scatena, A.H. Johnson, T.G. Siccama and F. Watt.
(1996). At what temporal scales does disturbance affect below ground
nutrient pools? Biotropica 28(Special Issue 4a):441-457.
Van Hogezand, R.J.P. (1996). The Use of Chemical tracers in
identifying stormflow generating processes in a small catchment in the
Luquillo mountains, Puerto Rico. Part of the project Hydrological
modelling in a tropical island setting, with special reference to the Luquillo
Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico; working paper no. 1. Amsterdam,
Holland. P.1-63.
Vogt, K.A.; Vogt, D.J.; Boon, P.; Covich, A.; Scatena, F.N.;
Asbjornsen, H.; O'Hara, J.L.; Pérez, J.; Siccama, T.G.; Bloomfield, J.,
and Ranciato, J.F. (1996). Litter dynamics along stream, riparian and
upslope areas following Hurricane Hugo, Luquillo Experimental Forest,
Puerto Rico. Biotropica 28(4a):458-470.
Holwerda, F. (1997). A study of evaporation from lowland and montane
tropical rain forest in the Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico. In: Hydrological
modeling in a humid tropical island setting: with special reference to the
Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico,. Work. Pap. 3 Amsterdam, The
Netherlands: Vridje Universiteit., Faculty of Earth Sciences. 69 p.
Covich, A.P., T.A. Crowl, S.L. Johnson and F.N. Scatena. (1998).
Effects of drought on pool morphology and benthic macroinvertebrates in
headwater streams of the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico.
American Water Resources Association TPS-98-2:91-96.
Dallmeier, F.; Comiskey, J.A., and Scatena, F.N. (1998). Five years of
forest dynamics following Hurricane Hugo in Puerto Rico's Luquillo
Experimental Forest. In: Dallmeier, F. and Comiskey, J.A., Comps., editor.
Forest biodiversity in North, Central and South America, and the
Caribbean: research and monitoring. Paris, France: UNESCO; pp. 231248.
García, A.R.; Scatena, F.N.; Moya, S.; Estrada, C.; Torrens, C.;
Salgado, M., and Guzmán, G. (1998). Monthly summary of
climatological data at the Bisley experimental station watershed, October.
Río Piedras, Puerto Rico: USDA Forest Service, International Institute of
Tropical Forestry. 2p.
Nieves, L.O. (1998). Ecological study of the freshwater stream fishes of
the upper Mameyes River (Bisley) in the Luquillo Mountains of Puerto
Rico [Ph.D. Dissertation]. Fairfax, Virginia: George Mason University.
Scatena, F.N. (1998). A comparative ecology of the Bisley biodiversity
plot and experimental watersheds, Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto
Rico. In: Dallmeier, F. and Comiskey, J. A., Comps., editors. Forest
biodiversity in North, Central and South America, and the Caribbean:
research and monitoring. Paris, France: UNESCO; pp. 213-230.
Scatena, F.N. (1998). Climate change and the Luquillo Experimental
Forest of Puerto Rico: Assessing the impacts of various climate change
scenarios. American Water Resources Association TPS-98-2:193-198.
Scatena, F.N. (1998). An assessment of climate change in the Luquillo
Mountains of Puerto Rico. In: Segarra-García, R. I., editor. Proceeding tropical
hydrology and Caribbean water resources, Third international symposium on
tropical hydrology and Fifth Caribbean Islands water resources congress; San
Juan, Puerto Rico. Herndon, VA: American Water Resources Association;
1998: 193-198.
Waide, R.B., Zimmerman, J.K., and Scatena, F.N. (1998). Controls of
primary productivity: lessons from the Luquillo Mountains in Puerto Rico.
Ecology 79(1):31-37.
Willig, M.R.; Secrest, M.F.; Cox, S.B.; Camilo, G.R.; Gary, J.F.;
Alvarez, J., and Gannon, M.R. (1998). Long-term monitoring of snails in
the Luquillo Experimental Forest of Puerto Rico: heterogeneity, scale,
disturbance, and recovery. In: Dallmeier, F. and Comiskey, J.A., Comps.,
editors. Forest biodiversity in North, Central and South America and the
Caribbean: research and monitoring. Paris, France: UNESCO; pp. 293322.
Chestnut, T.J., D.J. Zarin, W.H. McDowell and M. Keller. (1999). A
nitrogen budget for late-successional hill slope tabonuco forest, Puerto
Rico. Biogeochemistry 46:85-108.
Chinea, J.D. (1999). Changes in the herbaceous and vine communities
at the Bisley Experimental Watersheds, Puerto Rico following Hurricane
Hugo. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 29(9):1433-1437.
Dallmeier, F., J.A. Comiskey and F.N. Scatena. (1999). Five years of
Forest Dynamics following Hurricane Hugo in Puerto Rico’s Luquillo
Experimental Forest. Forest Biodiversity in North, Central and South
America and the Caribbean: Research and Monitoring. F. Dallmeier and J.
A. Comisky, Parthenon Press. Chapter 12:231-248.
Foster, D.R.; Fluet, M., an Boose, E.R. (1999). Human or natural
disturbance: landscape scale dynamics of the tropical forests of Puerto
Rico. Ecological Applications 9(2):555-572.
Hendrix P.F.; Lachnicht, S.L.; Callaham Jr., M.A., and Zou, X. (1999).
Stable isotopic studies of earthworm feeding ecology in tropical
ecosystems of Puerto Rico. Rapid Communications in Mass
Spectrometry 13:1295-1299.
Larsen, M.C., A.J. Torres-Sánchez and I. M. Concepción. (1999).
Slopewash, surface runoff, and fine-litter transport in forest and landslide
scars in humid-tropical steeplands, Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto
Rico. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 24:481-502.
Pringle, C.M.; Hemphill, N.; McDowell W.H.; Bednarek, A., and March
J.G. (1999). Linking species and ecosystems: different biotic
assemblages cause interstream differences in organic matter. Ecology
Schellekens, J.; Scatena, F.N.; Bruijnzeel, L.A., and Wickel, A.J.
(1999). Modelling rainfall interception by a lowland tropical rain forest in
northeastern Puerto Rico. Journal of Hydrology 225(3-4):168-184.
Silver, W.L., A.E. Lugo and M. Keller. (1999). Soil oxygen availability
and biogeo chemistry along rainfall and topographic gradients in upland
wet tropical forest soils. Biogeochemistry 44:301-328.
Covich, A.P., T.A. Crowl and F.N. Scatena. (2000). Linking habitat
stability to floods and droughts: effects on shrimp in montane streams,
Puerto Rico. Verhandlungen Internationale Vereinigung fur Theoretische
und Angewandte Limnologie 27:2430-2434.
Crowl, T.A.; Bouwes, N.; Townsend, M.J.; Covich, A.P., and Scatena,
F.N. (2000). Estimating the potential role of freshwater shrimp on an
aquatic insect assemblage in a tropical headwater stream: a bioenergetics
approach. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol 27:2403-2407.
Heartsill-Scalley, T. (2000). Multi-scale assessment of riparian systems:
land cover, riparian vegetation and stream characteristics in three tropical
montane watersheds [M.S. Thesis ]. Río Piedras, Puerto Rico: University
of Puerto Rico, Faculty of Natural Sciences; 53p.
Kent, R.; Odum, H.T., and Scatena, F.N. (2000). Eutrophic overgrowth
in the self-organization of tropical wetlands illustrated with a study of swine
wastes in rainforest plots. Ecological Engineering 16(2):255-269.
O'Connor, P.J.; Covich, A.P.; Scatena, F.N., and Loope, L.L. (2000).
Non-indigenous bamboo along headwater streams of the Luquillo
Mountains, Puerto Rico: leaf fall, aquatic leaf decay and patterns of
invasion. Journal of Tropical Ecology 16:499-516.
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