School Yard Archaeological Site Worksheet Name_______________________________________________________Period_______ Introduction Workers are constructing a new parking lot on campus and they made some interesting discoveries. Curious to find out what happened here they have given your science class all of the finds to interpret. They recovered four different layers of sediment and placed each in a separate plastic bin. With your group you will “excavate” each layer and record your observations and details about the artifacts you find on the Archaeological Excavation Recording Form. Each member of your group has been given money to send 1 sample from your excavations to a Radiometric Dating Laboratory. Use your money wisely so that you can learn the most information you can about your site. You will need to decide which sample to send to the lab, which dating method, and state why you chose that sample. You will receive a lab report with information on how many radioactive atoms remain in your sample. Using what you learned about radiometric dating you will determine the date of the samples found in your excavations. There are several other artifacts that you have either not chosen to send to the Radiometric Dating Lab or they cannot be dated in this way. You will need to apply what you have learned about relative dating to estimate how old these artifacts are in your written interpretation of the site. You will be writing an interpretation of the Schoolyard Archaeological Site in Part 3 of this exercise. You will need to focus on when the artifacts and strata were deposited and support your interpretations with the absolute and relative dates you determined and your profile maps made while excavating. Vocabulary: stratigraphy: the layering of deposits. Cultural remains and natural sediments become buried over time, forming layers or what scientists call strata (singular: stratum). artifact: any object made or used by people that is found in archaeological sites 1 PART 1: Archaeological Excavation Recording Form Record your observations for each stratum. Have at least 3 quantitative and 3 qualitative observations about the artifacts or sediments for each stratum. Include relevant information on the attached Profile Map. You may also include drawings on the back of the page. Stratum 1: Stratum 2: 2 Stratum 3: Stratum 4: 3 4 PART 3: Radiometric and Relative Dating Results Your have been given money to send 1 artifact sample to the Radiometric Dating Laboratory. Choose 1 of the artifacts recovered from your excavations to send to the lab. The lab will provide the number of radioactive Carbon14 or Potassium40 atoms remaining. You must use the tables and graphs provided to look up your results to determine the years since death (for Carbon14 samples) or years since formation (for Potasium40 samples). You will need to discuss your sample choice and dating results with the other members of your group so that you can write up your interpretations about the site. Use your choice wisely to learn as much as you can about the archaeological site. Artifact Description: Location Found: Why did you select this artifact for dating? What do you hope it tell you about this site? Will the sample be submitted for Carbon14 or Potassium40 Radiometric Dating? Why? Number of Radioactive Atoms Remaining: _____________________________ (Ask your teacher for the results) Age: 5 Radioactive Dating Information Radioactive Decay of Carbon14 Years Since Death Number of half-lives C14 atoms remaining passed 0 0 10,000 5,730 1 5,000 11,600 2 2,500 17,470 3 1,250 23,340 4 625 29,210 5 312 35,080 6 156 40,950 7 78 46,820 8 39 52,690 9 20 Radioactive Decay of Carbon14 12,000 C14 Atoms Remaining 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 0 5,730 11,600 17,470 23,340 29,210 35,080 40,950 46,820 52,690 Years Since Death 6 Radioactive Decay of Potassium40 Years Since Formed (Billions of years) Number of half-lives passed P40 atoms remaining 0.0 1.3 2.6 3.9 5.2 0 1 2 3 4 10,000 5,000 2,500 1,250 625 Radioactive Decay of P40 P40 Atoms Remaining 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 0.0 1.3 2.6 3.9 5.2 Years Since Formed (Billions of years) 7 PART 3 Interpretation After you have completed your excavation and determined the absolute dates of the samples recovered, what do you think happened here? Discuss with your group what you think happened in this location and in what order the artifacts were deposited. Write a paragraph about each stratum that reconstructs in what order each of the artifacts you recovered was deposited. List all of the absolute dates that your group obtained. Be sure to conclude your paragraph with evidence to support why you think things were deposited in that particular order. Stratum 1 Youngest To Oldest Why? ________________________________________________________________________ Stratum 2 Youngest To Oldest Why? 8 Stratum 3 Youngest To Oldest Why? ________________________________________________________________________ Stratum 4 Youngest To Oldest Why? 9