Link To Response

Geographic Information Systems Research Center,
Feng Chia University (GIS.FCU)
National Applied Research Laboratories(NARL)
No. 100 Wenhwa Rd., Seatwen District, Taichung, 40724 Taiwan
Telephone: +886-4-24516669
Facsimile: +886-4-24519278
Activity #2: Increase availability of GEOSS Resources in the
GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot – Phase 6 (AIP-6)
Increase Satellite Images availability in GEOSS-using
Formosat 2
Response Due Date: 15 March 2013
Business POC Name: Lan-Kun Chung
Technical POC Name: Pi-Hui Huang
Business POC email:
Technical POC email:
Business POC phone: +886-4-24516669 ext 300
Technical POC phone: +886-4-24516669 ext 310
Due Date: 15 March 2013
GEOSS AIP-6 CFP Response
GIS.FCU Response to the GEOSS AIP-6 CFP
In recent decades, global warming has been gradually serious which induced disaster
dispread around the world. GEOSS is helping to reduce risk over the long term by
providing a better understanding of the relationship between natural disasters and climate
change. By making it possible to integrate different types of disaster-related data and
information from diverse sources, GEOSS aims to strengthen analysis and enable
informed decision making for disaster response and risk reduction.
Satellite images are the key information resource of land-related parameters. Once
disaster occurred, there are several questions addressed: the first one is how to get the
latest satellite images from governmental agencies and private companies that are
distributed around the world efficiently? The second one must be where can a decision
maker find the historical satellite images from a specific portal in order to proceed some
post-disaster recovery works.
However, GEOSS portal has been existing some problems since the very first
version release, that is, the low resources availability. Without much surprises, the
reasons of most of the SBA users couldn’t find much available resources from GEOSS
are: no service status monitoring, no continuous supports from resources providers, etc.
Our proposed contribution intends to maintain the availability not only a near realtime satellite information web service which has been registered with GEOSS portal
(ETA4Satellite service) and the Web-Based Near Real-Time Satellite Information Query
System which has been provided a user friendly interface to get the latest satellite images
effectively and efficiently which were developed in the previous AIP-5, but also to
develop a service which can query the historical satellite images(Formosat 2 mainly)
from National Space Organization(NSPO), Taiwan, this service will be registered to GCI
to interoperate with other mature systems, also an APP which can query the historical
images by using this service will be developed as well.
The benefit of this proposal and expected contributions will be
1. To increase the availability of satellite images during the phase of disaster
response and recovery
2. With the supports from NSPO, Taiwan, we can ensure the continuous availability
Due Date: 15 March 2013
GEOSS AIP-6 CFP Response
of providing Formosat 2 images.
3. Increase the use of the GCI by making more resources discoverable and useable
4. Client Applications for GEOSS users to download and utilize GEOSS resources
(in Activity 1).
Proposed Contributions
The life circle of disaster management includes Mitigation, Warning, Response and
Recovery phases. The latest in-situ information will help to strengthen analysis and
enable informed decision making for disaster response and risk reduction.
Emphasized from the AIP-5 contributions, were the Satellite tasking services. A web
service (here the “ETA4Satellite” service) provides the estimated time for arrival for a
particular satellite. User first finds out the satellite, which has the highest availability,
then tasks the satellite via the sensor tasking system (also developed in this scenario).
Once the satellite has done the acquisition, the system informs the user and stores the
acquired images to the image publisher. Advanced users can get the latest images to do
further research, like change detection, or get the images in the on-site vicinity by using
mobile device.
This application developed in AIP-5 fully supported the Gaza strip storm crisis in
Jan. 2013, with very user-friendly interface, UN-SPIDER and Office for the Coordination
of Humanitarian Affairs occupied Palestinian territory could ensure the availability and
capability of Formosat 2(eg. Was the target area covered by the viewing angle of
Formosat 2?), once they confirmed the availability and capability, NSPO dispatched
Formosat 2 to the Middle East and adjusted the viewing angle up to 57 degree, a serious
of the near-real time satellite images have been taken within 1.5 days.
Due Date: 15 March 2013
GEOSS AIP-6 CFP Response
Figure 1. The system developed in AIP-5 supported UN-SPIDER to take the images in
Gaza Strip
Development of a historical satellite images repository web service
We will develop a service which can query the repository of Formosat 2, this service
will be registered to GCI in order to interoperate with other mature existing system.
Development of a Formosat 2 Historical Images Anywhere APP.
To increase the mobility of using historical images, we will develop an APP which
called Formosat 2 Historical Images Anywhere as the client. This APP will be installed
only in Android operation system and will invoke the service in 2.1 which will be
registered to GCI.
Due Date: 15 March 2013
GEOSS AIP-6 CFP Response
Figure 2 Sequence Diagram for Formosat 2 Historical Images Anywhere APP
Table 1 Use case of searching for available EO satellite resources
Use Case Identifier: FS #1
Use Case Domain: AIP-6
Use Case Name: Search for available Formosat 2
satellite images resources
Status: Draft 2013-03-11
Use Case Description: User searches in a APP client for available Formosat satellite
Actors (Receivers):
Actors (Initiators):
- User can has a smart phone and access to internet
- User is interested in general information related to a
place of interest.
System Components:
App Client
Basic Course of Action:
1. User selects an area of interest in the APP Client
2. APP Client returns the historical Formosat 2 satellite resources to the user, user then
decide which images will be used.
3. User views or orders images (it depends on the sales policy of NSPO).
Due Date: 15 March 2013
GEOSS AIP-6 CFP Response
GEOSS Demonstration Development
This demonstration will establish a mechanism of realizing Formosat 2 historical
images availability through GCI to benefit the international or regional disaster
management agencies to use satellites images in disaster response and recovery phases.
Attendance and demonstration at GEO Plenary
The participants of GIS.FCU will participate in the GEO plenary and of course, to
demonstrate the achievement of AIP-6 and other achievements developed in AIP-6.
Description of GIS Research Center, Feng Chia University
Responding Organization
GIS.FCU has long-term contract with Taiwanese government for over 15 years.
GIS.FCU participates in planning and implementing debris flow observation stations and
helps government to make high-quality decisions since 2000. During the nine years, we
built 15 fixed observation stations and 2 mobile observation vehicles and kept
maintaining it. We owned integration experience in different kinds of sensors, networks,
computing and land constructions. Besides, GIS.FCU joins our government projects in
SOA implementation for a long time. We develop service-oriented architecture (SOA)
plan and leads the analysis, design and prototype implementation of SOA platform in
National GIS (NGIS) by Ministry of the Interior (MOI), Taiwan. We absolutely
understand SOA, web services and infrastructure construction, such as authentication and
authorization, security very details. We did have deep understand and result for service
conflation. We implement the prototype with proactive method, OGF enable GRID based
on web services to serve the partial requirements about distribution computing.
GIS.FCU is also a member of the Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc (OGC) since
2005, now GIS.FCU is the principal member of OGC and has been participated in OWS6, OWS-7, OWS-8 and OWS-9 and also participated in GEOSS AIP-3, AIP-4 and AIP-5
Established in June 2003, the National Applied Research Laboratories (NARL) has
combined eleven national laboratories into an independent non-profit institute. The
establishment of NARL creates a new era in the development of national laboratories in
Taiwan. The NARL consists of National Chip Implementation Center (CIC), Instrument
Due Date: 15 March 2013
GEOSS AIP-6 CFP Response
Technology Research Center (ITRC), National Science and Technology Center for
Disaster Reduction (NCDR), National Center for High-performance Computing
(NCHC), National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE), National
(NDL), National
(NLAC), National Space Organization (NSPO), Science & Technology Policy Research
and Information Center (STPI), Taiwan Ocean Research Institute (TORI) and Taiwan
Typhoon and Flood Research Institute (TTFRI). The research areas of NARL are the
critical technologies foreseen by the nation.
Due Date: 15 March 2013
GEOSS AIP-6 CFP Response
Personnel Information
Name: Lan-Kun (Peter) Chung
Education: PhD.
Certification: PMP, Introduction to CMMI, CSM
1. 17 years experience in GIS, the distributor and developer of
GenaMap, 1992-1995
2. Participant, GEOSS AIP-3,2010
3. Participant, GEOSS AIP-4, 2011
4. Participant, GEOSS AIP-5, 2012
5. Participant, OWS-6, 2008-2009
6. Participant, OWS-7, 2010
7. Participant, OWS-8, 2011
8. P.I. Debris flow response systems of Taiwanese government.
9. P.I. the establishment of EAI platform for Water Resource
Agency, 2005-2012
10. P.I. SOA for Highway GIS,2008-2010
11. Co P.I. GIS data warehouse for National Land Surveying and
mapping Center, 2005-2012
12. Co P.I. the establishment of National GIS SOA platform. 2006
13. P.I. The establishment of Cloud computing based water
resources platform, 2011-2012
Name: Pi-Hui (Pinky) Huang
Education: PhD.
Certification: PMP,CSM
1. 16 years experience in GIS
2. Participant, GEOSS AIP-3,2010
3. Participant, GEOSS AIP-4,2011
4. Participant, GEOSS AIP-5,2012
5. PM, The establishment of EAI platform for Water Resource
Agency, 2005-208
6. PM, the establishment of National GIS SOA platform. 20062007
7. PM, GIS data warehouse for National Land Surveying and
mapping Center, 2005-2008
8. PM, eco-spatial warehouse for Forest Bureau , 2008-2012
9. Co P.I. GIS data warehouse for National Land Surveying and
mapping Center, 2009-2012
Name: Chia-Hao (Sky) Chen
Education: B.S.
Certification: MCTS-SQL Server, OCUP(OMG Certified UML
1. 12 years experience in GIS
2. Analyst
3. Architect and analyst, Fighter mission planning system
Business Representative
Contract Representative
Project Manager
Sr.Analyst and Developer)
Due Date: 15 March 2013
GEOSS AIP-6 CFP Response
Personnel Information
4. Architect and analyst, SOA for highway GIS, 2008
5. Developer, the establishment of EAI platform for Water
Resource Agency, 2005-2008
6. Developer, GIS data warehouse for National Land Surveying
and mapping Center, 2005-2008
7. Developer, OGC OWS-6 GPW-Grid processing profile
8. Developer, OGC OWS-8 Geosynchronization thread
9. Developer, GEOSS AIP-3 Disaster Management Working
10. System Analyst, GEOSS AIP-4 Disaster Management
Working Group