Curriculum Vitae of Hui Tian Hui Tian Astrophysicist Harvard

Curriculum Vitae of Hui Tian
Hui Tian
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
60 Garden Street, MS-58
Cambridge, MA 02138, USA
Phone: 6174967871
Fax: 6174957356
1. September 2005-July 2010:
Ph.D. in space physics. Advisors: Prof. Chuanyi Tu, Prof. Eckart Marsch. Thesis
title: Observational studies of the solar transition region and solar wind origin.
Enrolled at School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University, China
Visiting Ph.D. student at Max-Planck-Institute for solar system research,
2. September 2001-June 2005:
Bachelor of Engineering
Enrolled at School of Electronic Information, Wuhan University, China
1. August 2012-now:
Astrophysicist at Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA,
USA, 02138
2. August 2010-August 2012:
ASP Postdoc Fellow at High Altitude Observatory, National Center for
Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, USA, 80301
Research projects:
1. August 2012-now: IRIS mission
(1) Role: I am a member of the team of NASA’s IRIS mission. Duties include
software testing, instrument operation, calibration, and science.
(2) Projects:
Instrument calibration and mission operation: pre-launch software testing (logic of
automatic exposure control, planning tool testing, default OBS validation, et al.),
commissioning and calibration (wavelength calibration, stellar calibration, and AEC
optimization), instrument operation (IRIS planner), chair of weekly IRIS science
discussion telecon
Science data analysis: Solar transition region above sunspots; transition region in
coronal holes
(3) Collaborators: Paul Boerner, J. P. Wuelser, Bart De Pontieu, Sean McKillop,
Paola Testa, Ed DeLuca, Kathy Reeves, et al.
2. August 2010-August 2012: Coronal waves, flows, jets, and CMEs
(1) Role: Data analysis of HINODE/EIS, HINODE/XRT, SDO/AIA
(2) Projects:
Spectroscopic observations of active region outflows
Propagating disturbances along plume-like structures in both coronal holes and the
quiet Sun
Persistent Doppler shift oscillations in the solar corona
Spectroscopic observations of jets and CMEs: flows and plasma diagnostics
(3) Collaborators: Scott W. McIntosh, Bart De Pontieu, Xin Wang, Juan
Martinez-Sykora, Shadia Rifal Habbal, Tongjiang Wang, Leon Ofman, Davina Innes,
Hardi Peter, et al.
3. January 2012-August 2012: CoMP
(1) Role: Chair of HAO’s weekly CoMP meeting, data calibration, science data
(2) Projects:
Doppler shift correction, level-2 data (the “Dynamics” dataset) generation
Level-3 data (Alfvén wave tracking) generation using the Full FOV level-2 data
CoMP observations of CMEs: signatures in Doppler shift, line width, and
polarization (coronal magnetism)
(3) Collaborators: Steve Tomczyk, Scott W. McIntosh, Christian Bethge, Leonard
Sitongia, Bidya Binay Karak, et al.
4. October 2010-December 2011: Alfvén waves in the solar wind
(1) Role: Data analysis of WIND/MFI and WIND/3DP
(2) Projects:
Identification of solitary Alfvén waves in the solar wind
Torsional Alfvén waves and small flux ropes during 2006-2010
(3) Collaborators: John T. Gosling, Tai Phan
5. September 2005-July 2010: Solar transition region
(1) Role: Data analysis of SOHO/SUMER, HINODE/EIS, TRACE
(2) Projects:
Transition region structures in the quiet Sun, coronal holes, and sunspots
Flows and plasma diagnostics of coronal bright points
Spectroscopic signatures of solar wind origin
Properties of the solar Hydrogen Ly-α profiles
Tracking apparent horizontal flows in the UV continuum
(3) Collaborators: Chuanyi Tu, Eckart Marsch, Werner Curdt, Luca Teriaca, Udo
Schühle, Lidong Xia, Jiansen He, Jean-Claude Vial, Hugh E. Potts, Enrico Landi,
Juan M. Fontenla, Min Zhang, et al.
6. January 2007-July 2010: Reconnection in the solar wind and magnetosphere
(1) Role: Data analysis of WIND/MFI, WIND/3DP, Cluster/FGM, Cluster/CIS
(2) Projects:
Magnetic reconnection at boundaries of interplanetary flux ropes
Reconstruction of 3-D magnetic field around a null in the magnetotail.
(3) Collaborators: Jiansen He, Chuanyi Tu, Qiugang Zong, et al.
Awards and honors:
1. 2007: A scholarship from China Scholarship Council to do research in Germany
2. 2008: Graduate fellowship of International Max Planck Research School
3. 2008: Award of academic innovation for graduate students at Peking University
4. 2009: Award of top ten academically distinguished Ph.D. students, Peking
5. 2010: Best student paper, 7th Chinese national conference on space weather
6. 2010: ASP Postdoc fellowship, National Center for Atmospheric Research, U.S.
7. 2011: Award of best dissertation in Beijing, Government of Beijing City
8. 2013: Top 100 dissertation in China, Chinese Ministry of Education
Invited talks:
1. Tian, H., Curdt, W., Marsch, E., Tu, C.-Y., & He, J.-S.: The solar transition
region in the quiet Sun and active regions, 6th annual meeting of AOGS, Singapore,
August 11-15, 2009
2. Tian, H., Tu, C.-Y., & He, J.-S.: Observational studies of the solar transition
region, 2nd International Space Weather Symposium, Nanjing, China, October 17-21,
3. Tian, H.: Crossing the transition region, workshop From the Heliosphere into the
Sun, Bad Honnef, Germany, Jan 31-Feb 3, 2012
4. Tian, H.: The mass cycle between the chromosphere and the corona/solar wind,
SDO-4 / IRIS / Hinode workshop, Monterey, CA, March 12-16, 2012
Tian, H.: Two components of the coronal emission revealed by both
spectroscopic and imaging observations, SHINE 2012, Wailea Maui, Hawaii, June
25-29, 2012
6. Tian, H.: First results of NASA’s IRIS mission, IAGA 2013, Merida, Yucatan,
Mexico, Aug 26-30, 2013
Community service:
1. Reviewer of ~20 papers submitted to Astrophys. J., Astrophys. J. Lett., Astron.
Astrophys., Geophys. Res. Lett., J. Geophys. Res., Sol. Phys., and Res. in Astron.
2. Panelist of NSF SHINE 2012 proposals; Electronic reviewer of NSF SHINE 2010
& 2011 proposals; Reviewer of NASA LWS/SDO 2013 and HGI 2013 proposals.
3. Leader (session convener & chair) of working group 6 (Flows vs. Waves – Does it
matter?) in RHESSI workshop “Solar in Sonoma-Tracing the connections in solar
eruptive events”, Petaluma, CA, Nov 27-Dec 2, 2012
4. Organizer of session Magnetic Reconnection in Partially Ionized Chromospheric
Plasmas in SHINE 2014 workshop, Telluride, CO, June 23-27, 2014
5. Judge of student papers at AGU 2013 Fall meeting
Student mentoring:
1. Mentor of a visiting PhD student Chad Madsen (from Boston University), project
“Investigation of the relationship between umbral flashes and running penumbral
waves”, May-August 2014
2. Mentor of an undergraduate student Rebecca Arbacher (from Columbia University)
in the Solar Summer Intern Program/Research Experiences for Undergraduates
Program (REU program, Funded by NSF), project “Searching for the source of the
solar wind in coronal holes”, June-August 2014
3. Mentor of an undergraduate student Sarah Murray (from University of
Pennsylvania) in the REU program, project “Spectroscopic Observations of Coronal
Mass Ejections”, June-August 2013
4. Co-mentor (with Dr. Steven Tomczyk at NCAR) of a visiting PhD student Bidya
Binay Karak (from Indian Institute of Science, now Postdoc Fellow at Nordic Institute
for Theoretical Physics), June-July 2012
5. Co-mentor (with Dr. Scott W. McIntosh at NCAR) of a visiting PhD student Xin
Wang (from Peking University), Sept 2011-Sept 2012
6. Co-advisor (with Dr. Yu Liu at YNAO) of a master student Nianping Liu (now
PhD student at YNAO) at Yunnan Astronomical Observatory (YNAO), Sept
2009-July 2011
7. Help Prof. Chuanyi Tu mentoring two undergraduate students Shuang Li (PhD at
Stanford) and Fang Fang (now ASP postdoc fellow at NCAR/HAO) at Peking
University, July 2006-July 2007
Selected peer-reviewed papers:
Tian, H., DeLuca, E., Reeves, K. K., et al. High-resolution Observations of the
Shock Wave Behavior for Sunspot Oscillations with the Interface Region Imaging
Spectrograph, Astrophys. J., 786, 137, 2014
Tian, H., Tomczyk, S., McIntosh, S. W., Bethge, C., de Toma, G., Gibson, S.,
Observations of Coronal Mass Ejections with the Coronal Multichannel Polarimeter,
Sol. Phys., 288, 637, 2013
Tian, H., McIntosh, S. W., Wang, T.-J., Ofman, L., De Pontieu, B., Innes, D. E.,
Peter, H., Persistent Doppler shift oscillations observed with HINODE/EIS in the
solar corona: Spectroscopic signatures of Alfvénic waves and recurring upflows,
Astrophys. J., 759, 144, 2012
Tian, H., McIntosh, S. W., Xia, L.-D., He, J.-S., Wang, X., What can we learn
about solar coronal mass ejections, coronal dimmings, and Extreme-Ultraviolet jets
through spectroscopic observations, Astrophys. J., 748, 106, 2012
McIntosh, S. W., Tian, H., Sechler, M., De Pontieu, B., On the Doppler
Velocity of Emission Line Profiles Formed in the ”Coronal Contraflow” that is the
Chromosphere-Corona Mass Cycle, Astrophys. J., 749, 60, 2012
Tian, H., McIntosh, S. W., De Pontieu, B., Martínez-Sykora, J., Sechler, M.,
Wang, X., Two components of the solar coronal emission revealed by
Extreme-Ultraviolet spectroscopic observations, Astrophys. J., 738, 18, 2011
Tian, H., McIntosh, S. W., Habbal, R. S., He, J.-S., Observation of high-speed
outflow on plume-like structures of the quiet sun and coronal holes with Solar
Dynamics Observatory/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly, Astrophys. J., 736, 130, 2011
Tian, H., McIntosh, S. W., De Pontieu, B., The spectroscopic signature of
quasi-periodic upflows in active region timeseries, Astrophys. J., 727, L37, 2011
Gosling, J. T., Tian, H., Phan, T., Pulsed Alfvén waves in the solar wind,
Astrophys. J., 737, L35, 2011
Curdt, W., Tian, H., Spectroscopic evidence for helicity in explosive events,
Astron. Astrophys., 532, L9, 2011
He, J.-S., Marsch, E., Tu, C.-Y., Yao, S., & Tian, H., Possible Evidence of
Alfvén-cyclotron Waves in the Angle Distribution of Magnetic Helicity of Solar Wind
Turbulence, Astrophys. J., 731, 85, 2011
Tian, H., Tu, C.-Y., Marsch, E., He, J.-S., Kamio, S., The Nascent Fast Solar
Wind Observed by the EUV Imaging Spectrometer on Board Hinode, Astrophys. J.,
709, L88, 2010
Tian, H., Yao, S., Zong, Q.-G., He, J.-S., & Qi, Y., Signatures of magnetic
reconnection at boundaries of interplanetary small-scale magnetic flux ropes,
Astrophys. J., 720, 454, 2010
Tian, H., Potts, H. E., Marsch, E., Attie, R., & He, J.-S., Horizontal
supergranule-scale motions inferred from TRACE ultraviolet observations of the
chromosphere, Astron. Astrophys., 519, A58, 2010
Curdt, W., Tian, H., Teriaca, L., & Schühle, U., The SUMER Ly-α line profile
in quiescent prominences, Astron. Astrophys., 511, L4, 2010
Tian, H., Teriaca, L., Curdt, W., Vial, J.-C., Hydrogen Lyα and Lyβ radiances
and profiles in polar coronal holes, Astrophys. J., 703, L152, 2009
Tian, H., Curdt, W., Marsch, E., & Schühle, U., Hydrogen Lyman-α and
Lyman-β spectral radiance profiles in the quiet Sun, Astron. Astrophys., 504, 239,
Tian, H., Curdt, W., Teriaca, L., Landi, E., & Marsch, E., Solar transition
region above sunspots, Astron. Astrophys., 505, 307, 2009
Tian, H., Marsch, E., Curdt, W., He, J.-S., Upflows in funnel-like legs of
coronal magnetic loops, Astrophys. J., 704, 883, 2009
He, J.-S., Tu, C.-Y., Marsch, E., & Tian, H., Excitation of kink waves due to
small-scale magnetic reconnection in the chromosphere? Astrophys. J., 705, L217,
Fontenla, J. M., Curdt, W., Haberreiter, M., Harder, J., & Tian, H.,
Semi-empirical models of the solar atmosphere III. Set of NLTE models for
FUV/EUV irradiance computation, Astrophys. J., 707, 482, 2009
Tian, H., Curdt, W., Marsch, E., &He, J.-S., Cool and hot components of a
coronal bright point, Astrophys. J., 681, L121, 2008
Tian, H., Marsch, E., Tu, C.-Y., Xia, L.-D., &He, J.-S., Sizes of
transition-region structures in coronal holes and in the quiet Sun, Astron. Astrophys.,
482, 267, 2008
Tian, H., Tu, C.-Y., Marsch, E., He, J.-S.,&Zhou, G.-Q., Signature of mass
supply to quiet coronal loops, Astron. Astrophys., 478, 915, 2008
Tian, H., Xia, L.-D., He, J.-S., Tan, B., &Yao, S., Emission heights of
transition region lines in an equatorial coronal hole and the surrounding quiet Sun,
Chin. J. Aston. Astropys., Vol. 8, No. 6, 732, 2008
Marsch, E., Tian, H., Sun, J., Curdt, W., & Wiegelmann, T., Plasma flows
guided by strong magnetic fields in the solar corona, Astrophys. J., 685, 1262, 2008
Curdt, W., Tian, H., Dwivedi, B.N., & Marsch, E., The redshifted network
contrast of transition region emission, Astron. Astrophys., 491, L13, 2008
Curdt, W., Tian, H., Teriaca, L., Schühle, U., & Lemaire, P., The Ly-α profile
and center-to-limb variation of the quiet Sun, Astron. Astrophys., 492, L9, 2008
He, J.-S., Tu, C.-Y., Tian, H., et al., A magnetic null geometry reconstructed
from Cluster spacecraft observations, J. Geophys. Res., 113, A05205, 2008