Carl Friedrich Eckbrecht von Dürckheim-Montmartin

Carl Friedrich Eckbrecht von DürckheimMontmartin
‘Untersuchungen zum gelebten Raum’ in
Neue psychologische Studien, vol. 6 (Munich:
1932), p. 383ff [8473.f.1/37]
No English Translation as far as I know; rarely
quoted in English publications; read study for
my MA in original
Eugène Minkowski
Vers une Cosmologie (Paris: Ferdinand
Aubier, 1936) – original in situ signed by
Apparently not translated! Surprised.
Erwin Walter Straus
‘Die Formen des Räumlichen. Ihre Bedeutung
für die Wahrnehmung’ in Psychologie der
menschlichen Welt. Gesammelte Schriften.
(Berlin, Göttingen, Heidelberg: 1960), p.
141ff [not in BL]
Probably translated in one of these works:
The Primary World of Senses. A vindication of
sensory experience, translated by by Jacob
Needleman (London: Collier McMillan: 1964)
or Phenomenological psychology. The
selected papers of Erwin W. Straus, translated,
in part, by Erling Eng (London: Tavistock
publications, 1966)
Ludwig Binswanger
Über Ideenflucht (Zurich: Orell Füssli, 1933)
[BL: X.520/33002]
Ludwig Binswanger
‘Das Raumproblem in der Psychopathologie’
in Ausgewählte Vorträge und Aufsätze, vol. 2,
1955 [in BL: (Bern: 1947), W.P.6648.]
There seems to be an edition by Garland
Publishing, NY, but it has the German title;
can’t find anythin about it. ISBN 0824095685
Probably in one of the following publications:
Being-in-the-world. Selected papers of Ludwig
Binswanger. Translated and with a critical
introduction to his existential psychoanalysis
by Jacob Needleman (London: Souvenir Press,
1975) [BL: DSC W11/2333]
Ludwig Binswanger
Ernst Cassirer
Grundformen und Erkenntnis menschlichen
Daseins, (Zürich: 1942) [in BL: (München,
Basel: 1962) 8487.n.5]
Die Philosophie der symbolischen Formen, in
3 volumes (Berlin: 1923-1929)
Harold Lassen
Beiträge zur Phänomenologie und
Psychologie der Anschauung, (Würzburg,
1939) [BL: W.P.12483/1]
Situation ( apparently no. I): Beiträge zur
phänomenologischen Psychologie und
Psychopathologie (Utrecht, Antwerpen: 1954)
Gaston Bachelard
L’eau et les rêves (Paris: 1942) [in BL: L’eau
et les rêves: essays sur l’imagination de la
matrière (Paris: Corti, 1971) F13/6895 DSC]
Gaston Bachelard
L’air et les songes (Paris: Librairie Jose Corti,
1943) F13/7532 DSC
The philosophy of symbolic forms. Vol.1,
Language, translated (from the German) by
Ralph Manheim (Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 1953) [BL: W31/4116 DSC]; Vol.3, The
phenomenology of knowledge [BL: W53/2067
DSC] — I know from dissertation that volume
2 is not in BL – would need to order/find
Translation very unlikely – cannot find
anything; only one work in BL in german;
Google search brings up nothing
Translation extremely unlikely except maybe
certain articles. It seems, Minkowski refers to
it in one of his books; this is likely, as
Bollnow read Minkowski.
Water and dreams: an essay on the
imagination of matter, translated from the
French by Edith R. Farrell (Dallas : Pegasus
Foundation, c1983) DSC 86/17778
Air and dreams : an essay on the imagination
of movements, translated from the French by
Edith R. Farrell and C. Frederick Farrell
(Dallas: Dallas Institute Publications, Dallas
Gaston Bachelard
Gaston Bachelard
Gaston Bachelard
Rainer Maria Rilke
Institute of Humanities and Culture, c1988)
89/11432 DSC
La terre et le rêveries de la volonté (Paris:
Earth and reveries of will : an essay on the
Libraire Jose Corti: 1948) [BL: F13/6896
imagination of matter, translated from the
French by Kenneth Haltman (Dallas : Dallas
Institute of Humanities and Culture, 2002)
m03/30462 DSC
La terre et le rêveries du repos (Paris: Libraire Probably not translated; but it is possible that
Jose Corti: 1948) [BL: F13/7533 DSC]
this was included in one of the other
translations; I had never heard of this work
before – but BL has orignal
La poetique de l’éspace (Paris: Libraire Jose
Translation in situ: The poetics of space
Corti: 1958) [in BL: (Paris : Presses
(Boston, Mass.: Beacon Press, 1969)
universitaires de France, 1970) F13/7161
Stundenbuch. Gesammelte Werke, 2. Bd.
p.175 and page 242