Benha University Faculty of Science Department of Physics Course Specification A- Affiliation Physics Relevant program: Department offering the program: Department offering the course: Academic year/level: Date of specifications approval: Physics Physics 2012/2013/ 2 B - Basic information Title: Modeling of physical systems Physics Teaching Hours: 36 Code: Phy 414 Year/level: 2012/2013/ 2 Lectures:3 Practical:0 Tutorial: 0 Total: -3 h/week C - Professional information 1 – Course Learning Objectives: At the end of this course, the students will acquire: The course aims to demonstrate the utility and limitations of a variety of powerful calculational techniques and to provide a deeper understanding of the mathematics underpinning theoretical physics. The course will review and develop the theory of: complex analysis and applications to special functions; asymptotic expansions; ordinary and partial differential equations, in particular, characteristics, integral transform and Green function techniques; Dirac delta and generalised functions; Sturm-Liouville theory. The generality of approaches will be emphasised and illustrative examples from electrodynamics, quantum and statistical mechanics will be given 2 - Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOS) a - Knowledge and understanding: On completion of this course a student should be able to: 1)define and derive convergent and asymptotic series 2)apply techniques of complex analysis, such as contour integrals and analaytic continuation, to the study of special functions of mathematical physics 3)calculate approximations to integrals by appropriate saddle point methods 1 4)define and manipulate the Dirac Delta and other distributions and be able to derive their various properties 5)be fluent in the use of Fourier and Laplace transformations to solve differential equations and derive asymptotic properties of solutions 6)solve partial differential equations with appropriate initial or boundary conditions with Green function techniques 7)have confidence in solving mathematical problems arising in physics by a variety of mathematical techniques b - Intellectual skills: Apply appropriate theories, principles and concepts relevant to the physics. B1. Critically assess and evaluate the literature within theoretical and computational physics. B2. Analyze the information from a variety of sources relevant to computational and theoretical physics. B3. Demonstrate a reasoned argument to the solution of familiar and unfamiliar problems relevant to mathematical equations in physics. c - Practical and professional skills: c1. Plan, design and execute practical activities using techniques and procedures appropriate to mathematic related to different aspects of physics. c2. Plan, design, record, execute and communicate a piece of independent research using mathematics media and techniques in physics. c3. Respond to change within the external and internal mathematics to computational physics. c4. Solve problems relevant to theoretical physics. d - General skills: d1. Deal with an appropriate effective data relevant to physics. d2. Demonstrate the ability to work effectively as part of a group, involving leadership, group dynamics and interpersonal skills such as listening, negotiation and persuasion relevant to mathematics and theoretical physics. d3. Use organization skills (including task and time management) relevant to computational physics both individually and in a group situation. d4. Solve problems relevant to theoretical and computational using ideas and techniques some of which are at the forefront of the discipline. d5. Acquire the ability to self appraise and reflect on practice relevant to physics. 2 3 - Contents Lecture hours Topic 1-solve of systems equations, 3 2-vector analysis 3 3- Fourier series 3 4- normal Differential equations 3 5- Partial differential equation 3 6- Simulation 3 7-graphical representation 3 8- applicability of curves 3 9-statistics analysis 3 3 3 3 36 10- complex analysis 11- solving physical probelms 12- review Total hours Tutorial hours Practical hours Knowledge & Understanding y A Brain storming Problem solving Practical Discussions & Seminars Intended Learning Outcomes Presentations & Movies Lecture 4 - Teaching and Learning methods: y Solving integrals and differential equations for physical problems Simulations y Studying complex analysis y y A y Y p r o f e s s i o n a l Plan, design and execute practical activities Y a n d C1 3 s k i l l s Lecture , Discussion , seminars and Brain storming b1, b2, b3 P r a c t i c a l Intellectual Skills A C2 using techniques and procedures appropriate to mathematic related to different aspects of physics. y y y Genetal Skills Analyze and Draw the out pout data from each simulatin C3 Plan, design, record, execute and communicate a piece of independent research using mathematics media and techniques in physics. y y C4 Respond to change within the external and internal mathematics to computational physics. y y Lecture, Discussions , Seminars , Problem solving, Brain storming, computer d1, d2, d3 5- Students’ Assessment Methods and Grading: Tools: Mid-Term Exam Oral exam Practical exams Written exam To Measure Knowledge , Intellectual and General skills Intellectual and professional All (ILOS) Time schedule After 20h Grading 10% After 30h 10% -80% 100 % After 36h Total 6- List of references: 4 6-1 Course notes Manual note book 6-2 Required books. Mathematical Methods for Physicits, By Chow. Cambridge Univrsity Press. 6-4 Periodicals, Web sites, etc. 1- 7- Facilities required for teaching and learning: 1- Blackpoard 2- projector 3- Computers Course coordinator: Head of the Department: Date: Dr. Ahmed Farag Ali 5