Yashwanrao Chavan Academy of Development Administration (YASHADA), Pune - 411007 Training for Officers of Animal Husbandry Department Under Assistance to States For Control of Animal Diseases (ASCAD) Venue : BAIF, Varje, Dist. Pune Period : 17th TO 22nd November 2014 Time Table Time Topic Day 1st – 17.11.2014 Monday 9.00 to 10.00 Registration of Participants, YASHADA Film, Ice-breaking. 10.00 to 11.15 Inauguration / Introduction to course 11.30 to 13.00 Disease Alerts and Forecasting of livestock diseases and introduction to NADRS 14.00 to 15.30 Collection, Packing & Transport of samples for Bacterial diagnosis & brief descriptions on economically important Bacterial diseases. Wild life diseases: its diagnosis, prevention & control. 15.45 to 17.15 Resource Person Smt. Rohini Kolekar Project Assistant, SIRD Dr. Ratnakar Namde Asst. Prof. & Course Director, SIRD Mob - 9860805418 Dr. D.P. Gaikwad, Reg. Jt. Commissioner, DIS, Pune Mob. 9422380604 Dr. Ratnakar Namde Asst. Prof.& Course Director, SIRD, YASHADA Dr. S.N. Suryawanshi Dy. Commi. A.H, D.I.S., Pune-7 Mob. 9403768895 Dr. S.B. Tatwarthy Dy. Comm. A.H. , I.V.B.P., Pune- 7 Mob. 9850672759 Dr. M. D. Mahajan State AH Expert, Vasundhara Project, Pune Mob. 9422092653 Day 2nd -18.11.2014 Tuesday 9.45 to 11.15 Animal Disease Outbreak management and its challenges and limitations 11.30 to 13.00 Jurisprudence & introduction to various Acts in context to animal health. 14.00 to 15.30 Effective vaccination of livestock and poultry: Limitations and its solutions 15.45 to 17.15 Application of modern techniques in effective clinic-pathological investigation Dr. D. D. Parkale Dy. Comm. A.H. Office of Hon. CAH. M.S.Pune-7 Mob. 9767969121 Dr. V. V. Limaye Dy. Comm. A.H, D.I.S., Pune-7 Mob. 9822189775 Dr. Madhuri Dharmadikari Asstt .Comm.A.H. , RDIL ,Pune-7 Mob 9423006564 Dr. B. K. More Asso. Prof. Vety. College, Shirval Mob.9890349268 Day 3rd – 19.11.2014 Wednesday 9.45 to 11.15 Laboratory diagnosis of animal diseases at field level 11.30 to 13.00 Status of F.M.D control in Maharashtra & brief descriptions of F.M.D. in livestock Dr. S. R. Lahane ACAH, Office of Hon, CAH, MS, Pune Mob. 8275319465 Dr. Undegaonkar LDO, D.I.S., Pune-7 M – 9822345835 14.00 to 15.30 Common poisonings and toxicities in animals and collection of samples therefor. 15.45 to 17.15 PPR and Brucellosis Control Programme 7.00 to 19.00 Dr. M. R. Kulkarni LDO, IVBP, Pune-7 Mob. 9423531329 Dr. S. S. Rautmare Dy. Comm. A.H. Office of Hon. CAH. M.S.Pune-7 Mob. 9423012494 Day 4th – 20.11.2014 Thursday Dr. Ratnakar Namde Field Visit to BAIF, UrliKanchan, Pune Course Director SIRD, YASHADA Mob. 9860805418 Day 5th -21.11.2014 Friday 9.45 to 11.15 Use of Internet for up gradation of knowledge in veterinary staff 11.30 to 13.00 Collection, Packing & Transport of samples for Poultry diseases. Control & containment procedures in Avian Influenza RTI-2005 14.00 to 15.30 15.45 to 17.15 RTI - 2005 Dr. Mrs. Sadhana Firke, LDO, IT Hub, AHD, Pune – 16 Mob. 9421078450 Dr. Gulvelkar ACAH, D.I.S., Pune-7 (Retd.) Mob - 9764150821 Shri. Vivek Velankar President, Sajag Nagrik Manch & Trainer, Pune Mob- 9850063480 Shri. Vivek Velankar President, Sajag Nagrik Manch & Trainer, Pune Day 6th 22.11.2014 Saturday 9.45 to 11.15 Necropsy techniques in livestock & Poultry 11.30 to 13.00 Status of Suveillance and Collection of Samples for BSE and Scrapie and other transboundry diseases 14.00 to 15.30 Vision, Mission Functions & Policies of Animal Husbandry Dept., Importance of Animal Husbandry in Rural Economy Presentations by Participants & Evaluation , Feedback & Valedictory 15.45 to 17.15 Dr. D. S. Suryawanshi Manager, Omega Lab, Lonand Mob-8600891946 Dr. S. R. Lahane ACAH,O/O Hon,CAH, MS, Pune Mob. 8275319465 Dr. Ratnakar Namde Course Director SIRD, YASHADA Mob. 9860805418 Dr. Ratnakar Namde Course Director SIRD, YASHADA Tea 11.15am to 11.30am, 3.30pm to 3.45pm Lunch 1 to 2pm, Dinner 8 to 9.30pm