Bushey Manor Junior School Grange Road, Bushey, Herts, WD23

Bushey Manor Junior School
Grange Road, Bushey, Herts, WD23 2QL
Tel 01923 226362 Fax 01923 219276
Email: admin@busheymanorjm.herts.sch.uk
Website: www.busheymanorjm.herts.sch.uk
Bushey Manor JM School
Special Educational Needs Policy
We believe that every child has a right to a broad and balanced curriculum relevant and
appropriately differentiated, which provides progression and coherence. We believe that all
pupils can learn and make progress, even if only in very small steps.We are committed to
offering all children equal opportunity of access to the National Curriculum and the full life
of the school.
1. Procedures for identification:
Concern expressed by a parent
Cause for concern record sheet completed by staff
Teacher formative assessment
Teacher assessment
Discussion between staff at staff meetings
Target setting with the children and parents and link adviser
National Curriculum Levels
Reading age tests, spelling age test
Pupil progress meeting / Red Cell Analysis
Staff observation
Action will need to be taken for children who are not making adequate progress. We believe
adequate progress to be progress which:
• closes the attainment gap between the child and their peers and/or
• prevents the attainment gap growing wider and/or
• matches or betters the child’s previous rate of progress and/or
• demonstrates an improvement in self-help, social or personal skills and/or
• demonstrates an improvement in the child’s behaviour.
Once identified, action will be taken through:
1. Concerns noted by staff on pupil notes, parents informed and relevant provision mapped
and appropriate intervention programmes put in place
2. ‘School action”; IEP and parental involvement for children for whom additional provision
is made
Headteacher: P McCreadie B.Ed. N.P.Q.H
Bushey Manor Junior School
Grange Road, Bushey, Herts, WD23 2QL
Tel 01923 226362 Fax 01923 219276
Email: admin@busheymanorjm.herts.sch.uk
Website: www.busheymanorjm.herts.sch.uk
3. “School action plus”: IEP, parental involvement and external advice for whom specialist
advice is sought.
2. Curriculum and Equal Opportunities
 The Governing Body and staff will include all children with a disability under the current
 Learning activities should be planned to enable all pupils to succeed and progress.
 Children will be helped to develop and maintain self-esteem.
 Learning will be facilitated by recognising the importance of equal opportunities, taking
into account individual needs, gender, race, creed and class.
 Children respond well to praise and therefore a positive approach to their achievements
will be adopted to encourage them to succeed.
 Children will be helped to develop independent learning strategies which they can
employ within both the home and school contexts.
 Teaching assistants’ time will be allocated to each class in order to support children with
special educational needs.
 Provision Maps will outline Wave 1, Wave 2 and Wave 3 provision for all pupils for
whom intervention is appropriate. Teaching assistants will work with small groups
during the literacy hour and in some cases through additional literacy support
Teachers should;
 have high expectations of all pupils and should engender within them a feeling of self
 encourage children to share in the planning and evaluation of their learning and to
undertake a certain responsibility for it.
 encourage respect for others and their work and pupil opinion will be an important part of
all teaching.
 differentiate in their planning and teaching to meet the needs of the whole class.
plan the work, together with the teaching assistant, so that maximum use of their time is
spent with children with special educational needs.
give children the opportunity for repetition, reflection and revision.
be aware of their responsibility for meeting the range of needs in their classrooms by
differentiated programmes,
Teaching assistants should:
Headteacher: P McCreadie B.Ed. N.P.Q.H
Bushey Manor Junior School
Grange Road, Bushey, Herts, WD23 2QL
Tel 01923 226362 Fax 01923 219276
Email: admin@busheymanorjm.herts.sch.uk
Website: www.busheymanorjm.herts.sch.uk
be allocated to each year group in accordance with the funding received from the LEA for
children with special educational needs and for the hours allocated to children who have a
statement of special educational needs.
support children with special educational needs according to their IEP, statement or
recommendations from external support agencies.
work with small groups of children
support the children by encouraging independence, providing strategies to develop self
help skills
support children’s learning by delivering intervention programmes such as Hi-5, FLS,
ALS, Sir Kit’s, FFT, Springboard, Boosters
listening to reading regularly, checking spellings and tables as necessary.
provide continuity of learning for the children.
keep regisiters of groups and communicate regularly with class teachers, feeding back
observations and findings.
be involved in regular assessments and in target setting.
be provided with short term plans which indicate their role in pupil learning. Any change
in plans will be communicated verbally to them by their class teacher
feedback to literacy and numeracy lessons will be made informally unless the class
teacher has asked for a written assessment
be provided with access to provision maps and relevant IEPs
 Teachers will plan for children with SEN within their normal medium and short term
plans using earlier learning objectives where appropriate..
 Teachers and teaching assistants will work with children with SEN as part of planned
group work in literacy and numeracy. Differentiation will be made for independent
 Recommendations from any outside agencies will be taken into account.
 All planning will be informed by provision maps and IEPs
Assessment, recording and reporting
 Reviews of Individual Education Plans will be carried out termly by the class teacher and
involve the SENCo and IEPs will be discussed at individual meetings with parents/carers.
 IEPs are updated on a termly cycle, the summer IEP being written for review in the
autumn, to allow for transition and continued progress
 Annotated examples of children’s work will be collected together with any useful
 Teachers regularly communicate with the SENCo to discuss SEN issues at staff meetings,
during assembly time and non-contact time when necessary.
 information from assessment will be used to inform IEPs.
 Teachers assess, in terms of NC levels, how children have progressed
 SENCO will evaluate the effectiveness of the deployment of TAs.
Headteacher: P McCreadie B.Ed. N.P.Q.H
Bushey Manor Junior School
Grange Road, Bushey, Herts, WD23 2QL
Tel 01923 226362 Fax 01923 219276
Email: admin@busheymanorjm.herts.sch.uk
Website: www.busheymanorjm.herts.sch.uk
Individual Education Plans
 IEPs will be planned, drawn up and reviewed by the class teacher in consultation with
the SENCo.
 Parents and children are invited to meet with the class teacher and SENCO in school to
discuss the Individual Education Plan (IEP)
 IEPs are sent home to be reviewed by parents and children and returned to school by a
set time.
 A staff meeting is planned each half term to review IEPs
 Teaching assistants will be actively involved in drawing up and evaluating the IEP
Partnership with parents
Parents of children with SEN will be informed at each stage and will be encouraged to
help them at home.
School will work in partnership with parents and children clearly setting out targets (as set
out in the IEP) on which they are expected to work.
School will liaise and monitor progress with parents at Parent Consultation Meetings and
at any other appropriate time
Parents will be able to see the SENCo or support staff by appointment.
4. External support agencies
Outside agencies will be involved in assessment, according to the stage of the Code of Practice
the child is at, with the full involvement of the parents.
These agencies may include the child psychologist, speech therapist, occupational therapist,
health visitor, family therapist, advisory teachers ( Colnbrook Outreach centre, Chessbrook
Outreach centre, special needs teachers) or the Educational Welfare Officer. Parents are invited
in to school to discuss referrals being made to support agencies. The Behaviour Support team
may be contacted by school for crisis referrals to support children at risk of being excluded.
The Special Needs advisory service is invited into school to provide INSET for staff to support
the development of IEP’s and to offer advice regarding specific issues. Educational
Psychologist allocation is three visits per year. The content of the work undertaken on a visit is
negotiated between school and the E.P. and are either pupil focused (observations and or
assessments of individual pupils or working directly with children) or school focused (INSET
or consultation and advice on a variety of issues).
The school nurse will be informed of children considered to be in need of checks for hearing
and sight. Medical concerns will be brought to parents’ notice.
Staff attend SENco groups/courses run by the SEN advisory service.
Management and co-ordination
The implementation of the policy will be undertaken by all the staff and overseen by the SEN
Co-ordinator and the Head Teacher
Headteacher: P McCreadie B.Ed. N.P.Q.H
Bushey Manor Junior School
Grange Road, Bushey, Herts, WD23 2QL
Tel 01923 226362 Fax 01923 219276
Email: admin@busheymanorjm.herts.sch.uk
Website: www.busheymanorjm.herts.sch.uk
SEN files will be kept in the SEN room. Copies of IEPs will be used by the class teacher and
teaching assistants. A copy of The Code of Practice is also be kept in the Head’s office/ SEN for
reference purposes.
The policy will be monitored by the Head/ Deputy Head. This will be done through viewing
the weekly teaching plans, by the SENCo sampling teachers’ plans and by the SENCo
monitoring the delivery of intervention programmes. There will be monitoring of termly
reviews of IEPs through staff meetings held termly to discuss IEPs and through regular
contact with the SEN advisory support team.
The policy will be evaluated and reviewed by the whole staff to ensure that proper regard is
given to the Code of Practice.
Teaching assistant allocation to classes is determined by the needs of the children funding
received from the LEA. Children with statements have classroom assistant allocation
determined by the statement.
The school admissions policy will be followed.
Reference booksand resources for SEN will be available for staff use and kept in the SEN room.
Secondary school liaison
All children with Special Needs are seen by their respective secondary SENCOs. The children
visit the receiving secondary school with their peers towards the end of the Summer Term.
Arrangements are also made for extra visits with a teaching assistant to the child’s secondary
school. A joint review between the primary school and secondary school is held prior to
transfer for any statements child in order to maintain continuity of provision. All relevant
documentation on pupils with Special Educational Needs is forwarded to the receiving
secondary school.
SEN complaints procedures
Should there be a complaint about the school’s SEN provision the parent / guardian should be
referred to the Headteacher in the first instance. Then, if it proves to be necessary, the
Governors of Bushey Manor Junior School will follow the procedures for school-based
complaints, as recommended by the Education Conciliation, Advice and Appeals Service.
(Hertfordshire County Council).
Headteacher: P McCreadie B.Ed. N.P.Q.H
Bushey Manor Junior School
Grange Road, Bushey, Herts, WD23 2QL
Tel 01923 226362 Fax 01923 219276
Email: admin@busheymanorjm.herts.sch.uk
Website: www.busheymanorjm.herts.sch.uk
Partnership beyond the school:
Support services Educational Psychologists Service Level Agreement
County Support Teachers To support non statemented chitd~n with SEN, arranged through referral
Education Welfare Officers Service Level Agreement
County Hall
For requests and administration of statement procedures.
Conciliation, Advice and Appeals Service
For informal advice and dealing with formal complaints
about SEN (and admissions and exclusions).
See also Admissions Policy and Complaints Procedures.
Reviewed 2010
Review date: October 2011
Headteacher: P McCreadie B.Ed. N.P.Q.H
Bushey Manor Junior School
Grange Road, Bushey, Herts, WD23 2QL
Tel 01923 226362 Fax 01923 219276
Email: admin@busheymanorjm.herts.sch.uk
Website: www.busheymanorjm.herts.sch.uk
Issues relating to SEN are recorded on the SIP and reported on at the Governors’
The SENCo is Mrs Ginsberg.
Classroom assistant hours vary from term to term according to the funding received from the
LEA audit for children with special educational needs and for hours specified in each
statement of special educational needs. These hours are usually organised to provide support
for children 9ring the literacy hour arid numeracy lesson.
Headteacher: P McCreadie B.Ed. N.P.Q.H
Bushey Manor Junior School
Grange Road, Bushey, Herts, WD23 2QL
Tel 01923 226362 Fax 01923 219276
Email: admin@busheymanorjm.herts.sch.uk
Website: www.busheymanorjm.herts.sch.uk
Headteacher: P McCreadie B.Ed. N.P.Q.H