A TIME FOR GIVING THANKS November 24-28, 2014 A TIME FOR GIVING THANKS – Pilgrims 11-24-2014 MORNING MESSAGE PROJECT READ UNIT 3 Lesson 1(d) & Unit 2/3 REVIEW DAY 4 Letter of the Day: Dd (TM p3-3--3-5) VAKT INPUT 1. Skywrite (Snap fingers - Aim – Press - Do & Say) 2. Writing Notebook – Dd HARCOURT (TM - p530-545) 1. Phonemic Awareness (p531 & 541) 2. Active Beginning (p544) 3. Practice/Apply (p545) STUDENT PRACTICE 1. HAR 4 – p11-13 2. Word Boxes – p14 SHARED STORY Title: There Was An Old Lady That Swallowed a Pie Day 1 Review Story/Vocabulary Story Sequence Interactive Reading Story Extensions EAGER TO READ Title: Ten Little Indians Day 4 The students will Partner Read. CELEBRATE LARGE GROUP/PHONEMIC AWARENESS (assessment/initial phonemes/syllabication) The students will identify the beginning sound of each Thanksgiving word. If time permits, the students will name each Thanksgiving picture. They will then identify how many syllables each word has and circle that number. (st assessment, st sht p28) CCS: RI.K.1, RI.K.2, RI.K.5, RI.K.6, RI.K.7, RI.K.10, RF.K.1, RF.K.1a, RF.K.1b, RF.K.1c, RF.K.2, RF.K.2a, RF.K.2c, RF.K.2d, RF.K.2e, RF.K.3, RF.K.3a, RF.K.3c, RF.K.3d, RF.K.4, RL.K.1, RL.K.2, RL.K.3, RL.K.4, RL.K.5, RL.K.6, RL.K.7, RL.K.10, L.K.1, L.K.1 L.K.1a, L.K.1b, L.K.1c, L.K.1d, L.K.1e, L.K.1f, L.K.2a, L.K.2b, L.K.2c, L.K.2d, L.K.4, L.K.4a, L.K.4b, L.K.6, SL.K.1, SL.K.1a, SL.K.1b, SL.K.2, SL.K.3, SL.K.4, SL.K.5, SL.K.6 CALENDAR MATH/MATH (greater/less/estimation) The students will use given charts to write the numbers 1-25. (GP) Next, the students will compare the group of objects in each row. (IP) Then, the students will use one-to-one correspondence to compare the two groups and circle the group that greater/less than. The students will then review, using the math cd. If time permits, the students will use a small ear of Indian corn to estimate the number of kernels on the cob, with the teacher writing their name and the number on a chart. (EV- 4-1, math cd, chart, marker, small ear of Indian corn) CCS: K.CC.5, K.CC.6, K.CC.7, K.OA.1, K.OA.2 WRITING (sentence structure) The students will re-arrange and glue the sentence (I see the Pilgrim girl/boy.) in the correct order onto torn-paper animal skins. (torn-paper animal skins, cut-up sentence, glue) CCS: L.K.1f, SL.K.5 THEME (social studies) The students will assist in re-telling the story of the first Thanksgiving by reading the story and adding beads to a pipe cleaner (bracelet). The class will then discuss the importance of where the Pilgrims built their first community (Plymouth Rock). The students will also discuss how things (communication, food, shelter, clothing, etc) have changed since the time of the Pilgrims. (story, pipe cleaner for each child, beads (w, bl, g, pu, r, o, y, br)) CCS: SS 2.1.1(DOK 1), 2.1.2, 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.1.3, 4.4.1 A TIME FOR GIVING THANKS – Thanksgiving 11-25-2014 MORNING MESSAGE PROJECT READ UNIT 3 Lesson 1(Dd) & Unit 2/3 Assessment DAY 5 Letter of the Day: Dd (TM p3-1--3-3) VAKT INPUT - STATIONS *Sky Write (Snap – Aim – Press – Do & Say) 1. Tactile Letters 2. Felt Forms 3. Memory Box 4. Dry Boards STUDENT PRACTCE 1. Write/Illustrate Sentences (d3) 2. Shape Book (with words and pictures) 3. Assessment SHARED STORY Title: There Was An Old Lady That Swallowed a Pie Day 2 EAGER TO READ Title: Ten Little Indians Day 5 LARGE GROUP/PHONEMIC AWARENESS (listening comprehension) The students will color the picture, using the cues given by the teacher. (st sht p30, teacher directions) CCS: RI.K.1, RI.K.2, RI.K.5, RI.K.6, RI.K.7, RI.K.10, RF.K.1, RF.K.1a, RF.K.1b, RF.K.1c, RF.K.2, RF.K.2a, RF.K.2c, RF.K.2d, RF.K.2e, RF.K.3, RF.K.3a, RF.K.3c, RF.K.3d, RF.K.4, RL.K.1, RL.K.2, RL.K.3, RL.K.4, RL.K.5, RL.K.6, RL.K.7, RL.K.10, L.K.1, L.K.1 L.K.1a, L.K.1b, L.K.1c, L.K.1d, L.K.1e, L.K.1f, L.K.2a, L.K.2b, L.K.2c, L.K.2d, L.K.4, L.K.4a, L.K.4b, L.K.6, SL.K.1, SL.K.1a, SL.K.1b, SL.K.2, SL.K.3, SL.K.4, SL.K.5, SL.K.6 CALENDAR MATH /MATH (greater/less) of objects in each group and circle the group that is greater/less than. (P) Then, the students will use one-one correspondence to match the number of objects and circle the group of objects with less. The students will then review, using the math webpage. (EV-4-1(R&P), www.pearsonsuccessnet.com) WRITING (open response) The teacher will review the word "feast". The students will then respond to the Open Response prompt about the first Thanksgiving feast. (or question w/rubric) CCS: SL.K.5 SS 2.1.1(DOK 1), 4.3.1, 4.4.1, 5.1.1, 5.2.1(DOK 2), 5.2.3 THEME (s. studies/assessment) The class will discuss the first Thanksgiving (Pilgrims and Indians) and why it was celebrated. We will also discuss why we still celebrate Thanksgiving today. The students will then complete the assessment about the Pilgrims, Indians and the first Thanksgiving feast. Next, using a paper plate and grocery ads from local stores, the students will cut out and glue foods that would make a good feast for Thanksgiving. (p plates, food ads, assessment) CCS: SS 2.1.1(DOK 1), 4.3.1, 4.4.1, 5.1.1, 5.2.1(DOK 2), 5.2.3 A/H 2.4.1, 4.3.1 11-26-2013 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT – NO SCHOOL 11-27-2013 THANKSGIVING VACATION - NO SCHOOL 11-28-2013 THANKSGIVING VACATION - NO SCHOOL LEARNING TARGETS November 24-28, 2014 Monday, November 24, 2014 Reading: I can identify and write Dd and /d/ and review letters/sounds of the alphabet. Math: I can use one-one correspondence to identify sets with greater/less. Tuesday, November 25, 2014 Reading: I can I can identify and write words that begin with Dd and /d/ and demonstrate my knowledge of the letters/sounds alphabet. Math: I can use one-one correspondence to identify sets with greater/less. 11-26-2014 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT – NO SCHOOL 11-27-2014 THANKSGIVING VACATION - NO SCHOOL 11-28-2014 THANKSGIVING VACATION - NO SCHOOL