Lesson 5 introduction to natural resources

Paige Ennis
Natural Resources and Landforms Unit
Lesson #5
Lesson Plan Format
School of Education
The College of New Jersey
1. Title or Topic of the Lesson and Grade Level:
 Introduction to Natural Resources
 2nd grade
2. Lesson Essential Question(s):
 What is a natural resource?
 What are some of Earth’s natural resource?
3. Standards:
 5.4.2.G.4 Identify the natural resources used in the process of making various
manufactured products.
4. A. Learning Objectives and Assessments: Write a sentence for each of
your desired learning outcomes. These must be written in observable terms and
be assessable. These must also correlate to the NJCCC Standards addressed
B. Assessments: Describe the assessments you will use to measure student
progress towards or success in attaining the learning objectives. You may
include homework assignments.
Learning Objectives
SWBAT identify different types of
natural resources.
Group work and questions, Natural
Resource Guide Worksheet
SWBAT use the vocabulary associated
with natural resources
Natural Resource Guide Worksheet
5. Materials:
● Poster board
● markers
● crayons
● Natural Resource guide worksheet (5 different copies)
● Textbook pg 143-144
6. Pre-lesson assignments and/or prior knowledge:
This is an introductory day to natural resources. Students are expected to have no
knowledge of the term natural resource however they may know what some of them are
and how they are used.
7. Lesson Beginning:
The teacher will begin the lesson by leading the class to the carpet. The teacher will ask
students if they have ever heard of the term natural resource before. The teacher will
then explain that natural resources are things that people can use that come from the
Earth. Show the class a picture on page 143 of the science textbook and ask the class
“what natural resources do you see in this picture?”. Point to the tree in the picture.
Explain to the class that people can use trees for many things and that when they use a
tree up they can replace it by planting another one.
Point to the picture of oil and coal. The teacher will explain to the class what oil and coal
are and how they are used. The teacher will explain that these resources can be used
up and could run out completely one day.
Point to the sun, water, and air in the picture. Explain to the class how each of these are
used and that these are three natural resources that can never be used up.
8. Instructional Plan:
The teacher will create a table on a piece of poster paper and create a group for natural
resources that can be replaced, a column for ones that can run out, and a column for
ones that can never run out. The teacher will ask which natural resources the students
see in the classroom. The teacher will ask what objects in the room are made of natural
After the table is completed, the teacher will bring out the Natural Resource guide
worksheet. There will be several different worksheets. Each one will have either
sunlight, water, oil, coal, or plants. As a group, the class will go over the coal worksheet.
The teacher will explain that the students must write the name of the resource again.
They must then write a sentence about what the resource is used for and circle whether
the resource is replaceable, can never run out, or could possibly run out. The student
will then draw what the resource looks like and what it might look like when used.
After modeling the activity, the students will be sent back to their desks to complete one
worksheet on their own. When the students are finished, the teacher will collect the
worksheets and combine them into a Natural Resource Guide Book for the class to refer
back to throughout the unit.
o Differentiation:
● Give the modeled coal sheet to the students who may have a more
difficult time with the activity.
● The modeled worksheet will be hung at the front of the room next to the
table that the students helped to fill in as a guide for the students to refer
back to.
o Questions:
● What natural resources do you see in this picture?
● Which natural resources do you see in this classroom? What may have
come from a natural resource?
o Classroom Management:
● The students must remain seated cross-legged on the carpet and raise
their hand if they wish to share or answer questions.
● Students are not permitted to get up while completing the worksheet
o Transitions:
● Students will be led to the carpet and instructed to sit quietly and crosslegged.
● Students will be sent back to their desks by row and then distributed the
9. Closure:
● As a final review, the teacher will read through one of each natural
resource worksheet to the students.
● The lesson will conclude by having the teacher do an I-say-you-say and
repeat the words: natural resource, renewable, nonrenewable, oil, and