Dungeness River Fest Fun Facts Teacher Resources 2012 Streamkeepers - http://www.clallam.net/SK/ Q: What is the easiest thing you can do to contribute to a healthy watershed? A: Turn off the water while brushing your teeth! BONUS: It can save as much as 3 gallons of water! WaterWise Games: http://www.epa.gov/watersense/kids/index.html Water Use Around the House: http://www.ecokids.ca/pub/eco_info/topics/water/water/play_waterconserve.cfm US Forest Service Olympic National Forest - http://www.fs.usda.gov/olympic Q: What kind of animal was recently reintroduced to the Olympic Peninsula? A: The Fisher Endangered Species Interactive Map: http://www.fws.gov/endangered/map/index.html Fisher Facts: http://www.canadiangeographic.ca/kids/animal-facts/fisher.asp WA Dept. of Health - http://www.doh.wa.gov/ Q: How many gallons of water does an oyster filter in one day? A: About 50 gallons. Timelapse Video Oyster Filtering: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTuBbuUro4g WA State BEACH Program - http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/eap/beach/ Q: What can you do to prevent pollution from entering the Puget Sound? A: Clean up animal poop, keep farm animals out of streams, get your car fixed to prevent oil leaks, use less fertilizer on your lawn! Watershed Quiz: http://www.bellmuseum.umn.edu/games/watershed/watershed2.html Dungeness River Audubon Center - http://www.dungenessrivercenter.org/ Q: What was the purpose of gyotaku (fish printing)? A: To identify species of fish caught! Gyotaku Lesson Plan: http://voices.yahoo.com/art-lesson-plan-gyotaku-fish-printing6323474.html Gyotaku Fish Print Gallery: http://www.catchofthedayoregon.com/pages/fish.html Clallam Conservation District - http://www.clallamcd.org/ Q; List at least one reason why native plants are important to wildlife. A: Food, shelter, protection from predators. Invasive Species Article NatGeo Kids: http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/kids/stories/spacescience/invasive-plants/ Native Plants of Railroad Bridge Park: http://www.dungenessrivercenter.org/NativePlantList.html Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe – Natural Resources - http://www.jamestowntribe.org/ Q: If you snorkeled the Dungeness River, where would you expect to observe salmon and why? A: In pools created by the installed log jams or other natural wood. Pools are areas of deep, slower moving water, and salmon need these sheltered areas as they move upstream, in order to conserve energy and have access to cooler water temperatures as they wait for good spawning conditions. SalmonRun Video PBSKids: http://pbskids.org/dragonflytv/show/salmonrun.html Journey Upstream Info: http://www.washingtontourist.com/salmon/journey/six.html Dungeness National Wildlife Refuge http://www.fws.gov/washingtonmaritime/dungeness/ Q: Which lasts longer in the ocean: Steel, wood, glass, or plastic? A: Plastic – All plastic ever created is still with us in one form or another. Marine Debris Activity Book: http://www.nero.noaa.gov/nero/education/101ActivBk_hi.pdf Nash’s Organic Produce - http://www.nashsorganicproduce.com/ Q: Why are carrots orange? A: Beta-carotene! Eating Carrots Turns You Orange?: http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/scicuriousbrain/2011/08/26/friday-weird-science-too-many-carrots-and-why-you-should-believe-yourdad/ North Olympic Peninsula Railroaders Q: What products do the railroads in the Pacific Northwest haul? A: Lumber, dairy products, fish, and people! History of ODT: http://www.olympicdiscoverytrail.com/about_us/history.html North Olympic Salmon Coalition - http://nosc.org/ Q: Why do salmon have teeth? A: To fight (spar) with other males and to catch prey away from redds. Salmon Fighting Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byrZx2s6Y7M Olympic Driftwood Sculptors Q: Where does driftwood come from? A: Not just the beach but also rivers, desert, and forests. Driftwood Creations Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8hcr6sLC7w&feature=related Olympic Peninsula Audubon Society - http://www.olympicpeninsulaaudubon.org/ Q: Name the raptor closest to your own size. Name three local raptors. Birds of Prey Quiz Game: http://magma.nationalgeographic.com/ngexplorer/0710/games/game_intro.html Explore Birds of Prey: http://www.peregrinefund.org/subsites/explore-raptors-2001/ Olympic National Park - http://www.nps.gov/olym/index.htm Q: How much sediment is trapped behind the Glines and Elwha dams and how many times would that sediment fill the Safeco Field? A: 24 million cubic yards, 8 Safeco fields. Elwha Dam Debate Lesson Plan (Grades 6-9): http://www.pbs.org/americanfieldguide/teachers/salmon/salmon_sum.html Glines Dam Removal Process: http://interactive-earth.com/resources/science-visualizations/7glines-canyon-dam-removal-process.html Peninsula Trail Coalition - http://www.olympicdiscoverytrail.com/ Q: Name three creeks to the west of the Railroad bridge that you cross. A: Matriotti, Sieberts, McDonald, Morse Explore Watersheds: http://www.discoverwater.org/explore-watersheds/ Dungeness Drainage Basin Map: http://www.pacificwatersheds.net/ontheground/map_dungeness.htm Feiro Marine Life Center - http://feiromarinelifecenter.org/ Q: What is the Japanese word for “fish painting”? A: Gyotaku Sequim Centennial: http://www.sequimwa.gov/index.aspx?NID=218 Q: What was the date of incorporation for the City of Sequim? A: October 31, 1913 History of Irrigation: http://www.irrigationmuseum.org/exhibit2.aspx Clallam Marine Resource Committee - http://www.clallam.net/ccmrc/ Q: How long can a geoduck live? A: Over 100 years About Geoducks: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/sea/pugetsound/species/geoduck.html Trumpeter Swan Society Q: What is the connection between swans and a glass of milk? A: Dairy farmers grow corn to feed their cows. Swans love to eat the corn left in the field after harvest. Swan Society Identification: http://www.trumpeterswansociety.org/swan-identification.html Built Green Clallam - http://www.builtgreenclallam.org/ Q: Which one of these materials do you think this part of your home is made out of? A: Answers will vary. Built Green Clallam Homepage: http://www.builtgreenclallam.org/ City of Port Angeles Q: What is one plastic product that can be easily recycled in Clallam County? A: Plastic bottle EPA RecycleCity: http://www.epa.gov/recyclecity/ Clallam PUD Q: Which light bulb uses less energy: Incandescent or CFL? A: CFL Carbon Footprint Calculator: http://epa.gov/climatechange/kids/calc/index.html#calc=instructions WA State Fish & Wildlife - http://wdfw.wa.gov/ Q: If you see a bear, should you run away? A: No. Bearinfo.org: http://bearinfo.org/ Other Resources: Ocean Explorer: http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/forfun/creatures/ Project WET: http://www.discoverwater.org/