Avon Reservoir Trial Fisheries Releases – 2015/16 Information to External Stakeholders 1. Background 1.1 As part of the SHRImp project, managed by West Country Rivers Trust, trial fisheries bank releases were made during 2014/15. 1.2 Although the above project has now finished, the EA and SWW have agreed to continue with the trials to develop further understanding of the best potential use of the “freshet releases” for fisheries as mentioned in the Avon abstraction licence. 2. EA and SWW Documentation 2.1 Any release is triggered by the Environment Agency, who send a form to SWW with details of the requested trial release. 2.2 A sample template is shown in the attached appendix. 2.3 As can be seen, the agreed trial releases are set out as a series of options depending on the time of year. These are based on trials as developed in conjunction with West Country Rivers Trust. 2.4 During these periods, SWW will send to the EA a daily update of Avon storage and the total flow downstream of the Dam. 3. Looking ahead 3.1 It is currently anticipated that similar trials will continue in 2016/17 to give experience during different hydrological situations. SWW April 2015 Appendix Avon Reservoir Fisheries Water Bank Trial Releases – 2015/16 Example of documentation between SWW and EA FROM : .................................................. (EA) TO: Glenis Pewsey (SWW) Email addresses: wtrstrat@southwestwater.co.uk; gpewsey@southwestwater.co.uk Phone 1. 01392443514 DETAILS OF THE TRIAL RELEASE REQUESTED BY THE ENVIRONMENT AGENCY Requested date of trial release .................................. Ideal approximate requested time of start of releases........................... (24 hr clock)* Details:Q D Steady state total maximum release rate (equivalent Ml/d rate) (includes the compensation flow of 0.068 m3/s (5.875 Ml/d)) Approximate duration of steady state maximum release rate (as part days if necessary) Ml/d Hrs V1 Approximate total volume of specific releases including compensation flow Ml V2 Approximate total volume of specific releases excluding compensation flow Ml * It is recognised the start time might change for SWW operational reasons Signed ..............................………….for Environment Agency Print Name ...........................……… Date ............................... 2. AGREED TRIALS 2.1 The agreed trial releases are set out below which detail different possible options depending on the time of year. 2.2 During these periods, SWW will send to the EA a daily update of Avon storage and the total flow downstream of the Dam. Option 1. Smolt migration period (approx 1 April to 31 May) Maximum duration: around 2 days Maximum rate of release: 65 Ml/d including the compensation release from the reservoir. Trigger for release: when the flow below the reservoir has not exceeded the compensation flow for a period of the order of 4 days* Request for each release: Environment Agency to email South West Water by 12.00am on the day before the release is to take place The release will ‘turn on’ at the end of the day and ‘turn off’ at the beginning of the day **. This will ensure targeted use of water resources to night time periods when smolts are known to migrate Request for a release may be repeated after reservoir storage recovers to 95%*** * This is a working guide - the EA will assess the prevailing hydrological conditions before formally requesting a release from SWW. ‘In the order of…’ wording was agreed to allow flexible working around weekends etc. ** These are taken as 15:00 hrs and 09:00 hrs respectively to fit in with SWW operational requirements. ** * The 95% was the storage agreed for the 2014 trials. In the longer term it may be more appropriate to use a virtual storage type of calculation with 100% full to take into account hydro-electric releases Option 2. Low flow period (approx 1 June to 30 September) Maximum duration: 24 days* Rate of release: 0.095 cumecs (1.8 mgd or 8.2 Ml/d). This figure includes the compensation release of 0.068 cumecs Trigger for release: when the flow below the reservoir has not exceeded the compensation flow for a period of the order of 4 days** If a release under option 1 has been made, reservoir storage must have recovered to 95% before an option 2 release can be requested*** Request for a release may be repeated after reservoir storage recovers to 95%*** Request for each release: Environment Agency to email South West Water by 12.00am on the day before the release is to take place * This duration is for trial period only and is based on the total volume of storage used being of the same sort of order as the size of a fisheries bank in other abstraction licences ** This is a working guide - the EA will assess the prevailing hydrological conditions before formally requesting a release from SWW. ** * The 95% was the storage agreed for the 2014 trials. In the longer term it may be more appropriate to use a virtual storage type of calculation with 100% full to take into account hydro-electric releases. Option 3. Adult migration and spawning period (approx 1 Oct to 31 January) If a release under option 2 has been requested and the reservoir storage has not recovered to 95% *, then the total requested release from option 2 and 3 must not exceed a total of 60 Ml (excluding compensation flow)** If reservoir storage has recovered to 95%* since an option 2 release, then a maximum volume of 200 Ml can be requested (excluding compensation flow). The rate of release will be requested by the EA, taking into account: the minimum release for HEP is around 45 Ml/d ie about 39 Ml/d above the compensation flow and the maximum release for HEP is around 65 Ml/d ie about 59 Ml/d above the compensation flow(1) Trigger for release: when the flow below the reservoir has not exceeded the compensation flow for a period of the order of 4 days*** Request for each release: Environment Agency to email South West Water by 12.00am on the day before the release is to take place The release will ‘turn on’ at the end of the day and ‘turn off’ at the beginning of the day ****. This will ensure targeted use of water resources to night time periods. Request for a release may be repeated after reservoir storage recovers to 95%****. * The 95% was the storage agreed for the 2014 trials. In the longer term it may be more appropriate to use a virtual storage type of calculation with 100% full to take into account hydro-electric releases. ** This total is for trial period only and is based on the total volume of storage used being of the same sort of order as the size of a fisheries bank in other abstraction licences *** This is a working guide - the EA will assess the prevailing hydrological conditions before formally requesting a release from SWW. ‘In the order of…’ wording was agreed to allow flexible working around weekends etc. **** These are taken as 15:00 hrs and 09:00 hrs respectively to fit in with SWW operational requirements.