Intelligent Systems Laboratory

Ahmad Abdollahzadeh
Barforoush (PhD)
Intelligent Systems
Mr. Mohammad
Karim Sohrabi
Since 2005
PhD Candidate
MEng.: Software
Ahmad Abdollahzadeh Barforoush is the professor
of Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligent
Systems. He joined Amirkabir university of
Technology in October -1991. He received his Ph.D.
in computer science from University of Bristol,
England, in 1990. He is currently serving, as a
member of software engineering group in
department of computer engineering at Amirkabir
University of Technology (AUT). He is also a visiting
professor at Loughborough university.
Since 2007
PhD Candidate
MEng.: Software
Mr. Abbas
Since 2007
PhD Candidate
MEng.: Software
Mining Frequent Pattern in Large Analysis Patterns for Agent's Intelligence Formal Specification
Databases Using Divide and Conquer Engineering
Frequent pattern mining is an important data
mining problem with broad applications. It is
challenging since one may need to examine
a combinatorial explosive number of possible
patterns. This is a time and space
consuming task with exponential order. In
this thesis, we aim to represent a good
method to compress the datasets and apply
its new efficient pattern mining algorithms on
the compressed structure. The represented
algorithms use divide and conquer approach
to reduce the size of datasets and mine
In this research, we work on the field of
(AOSE). Specifically, we try to improve
requirement engineering of agent based
systems by introducing a new concept;
engineering approach to elicit, analysis,
specify and validate agent’s intelligence. This
intelligence engineering approach helps us to
benefit from the more specific assumptions
on structures and capabilities expected for
agents as intelligent entities.
Developing reliable, yet flexible software is a
hard problem. Formal methods take a
precise approach to software development,
delivering reliable software; however, in
addition of high cost involvements, they
require a level of expertise that is not
commercial development
communities lead to decreasing their
practicality. Semi-formal methods that are
widely used in practical large-scale software
development do not take a rigorous
approach to reliability of software in
development. This work proposes a new
approach to integrate formal and semiformal notations using a bidirectional,
precise, and consistent meta-model-based
Status: PhD Candidate
Status: PhD Candidate
Status: PhD Candidate
Mr. Reza Gorgan
Since 2008
PhD Student
MEng.: Software
Mr. Ali Rahnama
Since 2008
PhD Student
MEng.: Software
Requirements Engineering
Ontology Engineering
Mr. Reza Gordan Mohammadi is currently
working to prepare his PhD proposal. His
research field of interest is Software
Requirements Engineering. He received two
BSc. degrees in both software & hardware
engineering from Amirkabir University of
Technology in 2006. He also got my MSc. in
Software Engineering from the same
university in 2008.
Mr. Ali Rahnama is currently working on
Ontology Engineering. has not revised his
PhD proposal yet but hopes it will be ready
soon. He got his BSc in computer hardware
engineering from Shahid Bahonar University
in 1382 and he got his MSc in computer
software engineering from Sharif University
in 1384. Also he has been an instructor at
Shahid Bahonar University since 1384.
Status: Comprehensive Exam
Status: Comprehensive Exam
Mr.Sajjad Zare
Since 2008
MSc Student
BEng.: Software
Ms. Elham Nikooie
Since 2008
MSc Student
BEng.: Software
Ms. Sima Salmani
Since 2008
MSc Student
BEng.: Software
Agent-based Human Computer
Interaction for Visually Disabled People
Using Dynamic Ontologies for Web
Mapping Business Process Model to
Formal Model
The growth in Human-Computer Interaction
(HCI) field has not only been in quality of
interaction, it has experienced different
branching in its history. Instead of designing
regular interfaces, the different research
branches have had different focus on the
concepts of multimodality rather than
unimodality, intelligent adaptive interfaces
rather than command/action based ones,
and finally active rather than passive
interfaces. In this research we want to focus
on visually impaired people and after review
the existing systems for them, we will model
a system for interaction of these peoples with
computer (based on visual, audio or haptic
methods) and finally we test our suggested
system with the others.
In Semantic Web environment, user access
behavior models can be shared as ontology.
Ontology has become an important
component for Semantic Web, as it allows
the description of the semantics of web
content. However, majority of works have
focused on generating concept hierarchy for
building ontology from text documents.
Recently, semantic web personalization has
become an active research area. However,
the current research works create ontology
manually and are unable to deal with
temporal access behavior.
Researchers have tried to model the
business process using many analytical
tools, such as finite state machine, process
algebra, petri net and many more. The aim of
this research is defining a formalism to
transform BPEL to Petri net, which enables
property verification. BPEL is a language for
describing the behavior of business
processes based on web services. BPEL
lacks formal semantics as it has been
defined informally. We chose Petri net as our
analytical model because of its powerful
modeling capability and its nice graphic
Status: Defense
Status: Defense
Status: Defense
Mr. Ali Abdoli
Since 2009
MSc Student
BEng.: Software
Ms. Fatemeh
Since 2009
MSc Student
BEng.: Software
Ms. Ani
Since 2009
MSc Student
BEng.: Software
Representation of a New Method to Using Data Mining Techniques in Web Evaluation
Detect Duplicate Record in Operational Log Analysis for Producing Personalized Systems Architecture to Improve Hybrid
Database by Semantic Analysis
Web Pages
Many organizations collect large amounts of
data to support their business and decision
making processes. The data collected from
various sources may have data quality
problems. These kinds of issues become
prominent when various databases are
integrated. The integrated databases inherit
the data quality problems that were present
in the source database. The data in the
integrated systems need to be cleaned for
proper decision making. This is one of the
most crucial steps. In this research, we focus
on one of the major issue of data cleansing
i.e. “duplicate record detection” which arises
when the data is collected from various
sources. Duplicate elimination is also
referred to as record linkage, data deduplication, instance identification, object
identification or record matching. The goal of
the duplicate elimination techniques is to
reduce the clerical involvement and also to
minimize false positives.
Web Usage Mining is an active research
area in Web personalization. It means
applying data mining techniques on Web
usage data, usually Web server logs, to
discover usage patterns. After data modeling
and preparation, data mining techniques are
applied on data to extract interesting usage
patterns and useful correlations between
pages and user groups. Mining techniques
used for web logs analysis include
classification, clustering, mining sequential
patterns and association rules discovery, etc.
In this project, we use data mining
techniques to analyze web server logs in
order to enhance accuracy and coverage of
the web personalization.
The emergence of software architecture
concepts in software engineering and
evaluating software architecture has led to
vast researches recently. Most of these
methods for evaluating were done on
general software. Our aim is to present a
way for evaluating Natural Language
Processing applications’ architecture, in
particular Machine Translation systems.
Proposed evaluation will be done on hybrid
architecture systems. This research would
enable us to propose a new architecture
based on these evaluations, to get efficient
and well built systems.
Topics that this research will cover are
software architecture evaluation methods,
machine translation systems architecture
evaluation, machine translation systems
hybrid architecture.
Status: Researching
Status: Researching
Status: Researching
Mr. Mohammad
Sadegh Abeyat
Since 2010
MSc Student
BEng.: Software
Ms. Mahdieh
Since 2010
MSc Student
BEng.: Software
Ms. Rezvan
Since 2010
MSc Student
BEng.: Software
Game Theory in Negotiation to Efficient of Computational Ontology
Game theory was born as a branch of
economics but has recently become a wellestablished framework in MAS. In the multiagent systems community, game theory is
often presented as perspective on the
analysis of social interaction.
With existing technology, it is already
possible for personal agents to schedule
meetings for their users, to write the small
print of an agreement, and for agents to
search the Internet for the cheapest price.
However, serious negotiation cranks the
difficulty of the problem up several notches.
In this research, we review what game
theory has to offer in the light of experience
gained in agents’ negotiation.
The need to state requirements correctly,
precisely and completely in the software
development cycle is essential to successful
software development, and using appropriate
requirement engineering models in a project
is the first step towards increasing the overall
quality of a software product. In this
research, we focus on the using of formal
models in requirement engineering and its
improvement in software system products
Status: Seminar
Mr. Meisam
Since 2009
(MSc Student)
BEng.: Information
Business Intelligence
Support Systems
The advent of low-cost data storage
technologies and the wide availability of
Internet connections have made it easier for
individuals and organizations to access large
amounts of data. Such data are often
heterogeneous in origin, content and
representation. Their accessibility opens up
promising scenarios and opportunities, and
raises an enticing question: is it possible to
convert such data into information and
knowledge that can then be used by decision
makers to aid and improve the governance
of enterprises and of public administration?
Business Intelligence may be defined as a
set of mathematical models and analysis
methodologies that exploit the available data
to generate information and knowledge
processes. There are many components in
the Business Intelligence architecture such
as: Data Warehouse, OLAP, OLTP, ETL,
Data Mining, DSS, Dashboards, Reporting
and Analysis Tools. We will have a
Intelligence methodologies, tools and
techniques, and focus on Business Analytics
and Data Visualization, to find the
effectiveness of Business Intelligence
solutions. Also we will define an appropriate
course syllabus for Business Intelligence and
organize our survey to publish a textbook in
this field.
Status: Researching
In computer science and information
science, ontology is a formal representation
of knowledge as a set of concepts within a
domain, and the relationships between those
concepts. It is used to reason about the
entities within that domain, and may be used
to describe the domain. The term Ontology
has its origin in philosophy. Ontology, as a
branch of philosophy, is the science of what
is, of the kinds and structures of the objects,
properties and relations in every area of
reality. ‘Ontology’ in this sense is often used
in such a way as to be synonymous with
‘metaphysics’. In this research we are going
to study "philosophical ontology" in the first
place, and then "computational ontology", so
that we can map the first one to the second.
Status: Seminar
Status: Seminar