List of publications Scientific publications submitted Stenberg L

List of publications
Scientific publications submitted
1. Stenberg L, Tuukkanen T, Finer L, Marttila H, Piirainen S, Kløve B, Koivusalo H. Ditch erosion
processes and sediment transport in a drained peatland forest. Submitted
2. Postila H, Ronkanen A-K, Marttila H, Kløve B. Hydrology and hydraulics of treatment wetlands
constructed on drained peatlands. Submitted
3. Mustonen K, Mykrä H, Marttila H, Haghighi AT, Klöve B, Aroviita J, Veijalainen N, Sippel K, Muotka
T. Defining natural flow regimes of highly seasonal boreal rivers: relationship with taxonomical and
functional structure of macroinvertebrate communities. Submitted
4. Tertsunen J, Marttila H, Tammela S, Heikkinen K, Saukkoriipi J, Martinmäki K, Ihme R, Tuohino J,
Klöve B. Methods to control water acidity originated from peatland forestry drainage areas – case studies
from Sanginjoki-river catchment, Northern Finland Submitted
5. Marttila H, Nieminen M, Meissner K, Tuukkanen T, Saukkoriipi J, and Kløve B. Transport, dynamics
and temporal trends of suspended sediment: Insights into the transfer of very fine particulate matter in
boreal rivers. Submitted
6. Irannezhad M, Marttila H, Kløve B. Observed Variations and Changes in Daily Precipitation
Characteristics in Finland. Submitted
7. Marttila H, Irannezhad M, Saukkoriipi J, Kløve B. Long term fluxes of riverine organic matter and
connections to climatic indices in River Oulujoki. Submitted
8. Eskelinen R, Ronkanen A-K, Marttila H, Isokangas E, Kløve B. Effect of soil frost on drained peat soils
on snowmelt runoff and surface water quality. Submitted
9. Haghighi TA, Marttila H, Kløve B. Intra-annual flow alteration and river regime impacts after river
construction. Submitted
Accepted and published international scientific publications
Tuukkanen T, Marttila H, Kløve B. Effect of soil properties on peat erosion and suspended sediment
delivery in peat extraction sites. Water Resources Research (published on-line)
Marttila H, Kløve B. Spatial and temporal variation in particle size and particulate organic matter
content in suspended particulate matter from peatland-dominated catchments in Finland. Hydrological
Processes (published on-line)
Tolkkinen, M., Marttila, H., Saukkoriipi, J., Martinmäki, K., Tammela, S., Tertsunen, J., Heikkinen,
K., Tuohino, J., Ihme, R., Kløve B. pH-levels in intensively drained and peatland dominated river basin:
paleolimnological approach to detect impacts of past land use. 2014. Ecological Engineering, 64, 367376.
Postila H, Saukkoriipi J, Heikkinen K, Karjalainen S-K, Kuoppala M, Marttila H, Kløve B. 2014. Can
treatment wetlands be constructed on drained peatlands for efficient purification of peat extraction
runoff? Geoderma, 228-229, 33-34.
Irannezhad M, Marttila H, Kløve B. 2014. Long-term variations and trends in precipitation in Finland.
International Journal of Climatology. DOI: 10.1002/joc.3902
Marttila H, Kløve B. Storage, properties and seasonal variations in fine-grained bed sediment within
the main channel and headwaters of the River Sanginjoki, Finland. Hydrological Processes (published
Marttila H, Saarinen S, Celebi A, Klöve B. 2013. Transport of particle-associated elements in two
agricultural dominated boreal river systems. Science of the Total Environment, 461-462, 693-705.
Sarkkola S, Hökkä H, Nieminen M, Koivusalo H, Laurén A, Ahti E, Launiainen S, Nikinmaa E,
Marttila H & Laine J. 2013. Domination of growing-season evapotranspiration over runoff makes ditch
network maintenance in mature peatland forests questionable? Mires and Peat, Volume 11 Special
Volume: Peatlands In Balance: a Taster of the 14th International Peat Congress 2013
Saarinen, T., Mohammadighavam, S., Marttila, H. & Klöve, B. 2013. Impacts of peatland forestry on
runoff water quality in areas with sulphide-bearing sediments - how to avoid acid surges? Forest
Ecology and Management, 293, 17-28.
July 2014
List of publications Marttila
10. Marttila H & Kløve B 2012. Use of Turbidity Measurements to Estimate Suspended Solids and
Nutrient Loads from Peatland Forestry Drainage, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering,
138(12), 1088–1096
11. Marttila, H., Tammela, S. and Klöve, B. 2012. Hydraulic geometry, hydraulics and sediment properties
of forest brooks after extensive erosion from upland peatland drainage. Open Journal of Modern
Hydrology 2(3):59-69.
12. Hökkä H, Hyttinen H, Marttila H, Jämsen J & Klöve B 2011. The effect of the PRC method on volume
growth of tree stands in ditch maintenance areas, Silva Fennica 45(3):331-339.
13. Marttila H & Kløve B 2010. Dynamics of erosion and suspended sediment transport from drained
peatland forestry, Journal of hydrology 344(3-4):414-425.
14. Marttila H, Vuori K-M, Hökkä, H, Jämsen, J & Kløve B 2010. Framework for designing and applying
peak runoff control structures for peatland forestry conditions. Forest Ecology and Management
15. Tammela S, Marttila H, Dey S & Kløve, B 2010. Effect and design of underminer structure. Journal of
Hydraulic Research 48(2):188-196.
16. Marttila H & Kløve B 2010. Managing runoff, water quality and erosion in peatland forestry by peak
runoff control. Ecological engineering 36(7):900-911.
17. Marttila H, Postila H & Kløve, B 2010. Calibration of turbidity meter and acoustic doppler velocimetry
(Triton-ADV) for sediment types present in drained peatland headwaters: Focus on particulate organic
peat River research and applications 26(8):1019-1035.
18. Marttila H & Kløve B 2009. Retention of sediment and nutrient loads with peak runoff control. Journal
of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 134(2):210-216.
19. Marttila H & Kløve B 2008. Erosion and delivery of deposited peat sediment, Water Resources
Research 44, W06406
International conference publications and extended abstract
Tuukkanen T, Koivusalo H, Marttila H, Leinonen A, Kløve B, Lauren A, Finer L. 2012. A GIS-based
model for ditch erosion risk assessment in peatland forestry. Erosion and Sediments Yields in the
Changing Environment (Proceedings of a symposium held at the Institute of Mountain Hazards and
Environment, CAS-Chengdu, China, 11–15 October 2012) (IAHS Publ. 356, 2012).
Marttila H, Tuukkanen T and Klöve B. 2012. Peat soil properties and erosion: does degree of
humification affect erosion conditions at peat mining sites? IPS conference. Stockholm 2012.
Sarkkola S, Hökkä H, Nieminen M, Koivusalo H, Lauren A, Ahti E, Launiainen S, Marttila H & Laine
J. 2012. Can tree stand water use compensate for maintenance of ditch networks in peatlands?
Implications from water balance measurements. IPS conference. Stockholm 2012.
Stenberg L, Tuukkanen T, Koivusalo H, Marttila H, Piirainen S, Klöve B & Klöve B. 2012 Erosion
and sediment transport dynamics in drained peatland forest: A case study at Koivupuro Catchment,
Eastern Finland. IPS conference. Stockholm 2012.
Tuukkanen H, Klöve B, Marttila H, Heikkinen K and Karppinen A. 2012. Processes and site
characteristics controlling nutrient and sediment runoff loads from peat harvesting sites. IPS conference.
Stockholm 2012.
Marttila H & Klöve B. 2011. Organic rich sediments and suspended solids in peatland drainage
catchments. Thule research seminar - Highlights in research of northern and environmental issues –
extended abstracts
Tammela, S. Marttila, H. & Klöve B. 2011. Boreal forest brook restoration using wooden structures.
Thule research seminar - Highlights in research of northern and environmental issues – extended
Marttila H, Tammela S & Klöve B 2010. Sediment delivery and erosion processes in drained
peatlands. International Symposium on Sediment dynamics for a changing future June 14-18, 2010,
Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW, Warsaw, Poland. IAHS Red Book.
July 2014
List of publications Marttila
Marttila H, Tammela S, Vuori K, Ihme R, Riihimäki J, Hökkä H, Yrjänä T, Ahola M, Luhta P-L,
Moilanen E, Jämsen J & Klöve B 2008. Sustainable methods for peak flow control in boreal headwaters
affected by peatland drainage. Proceedings of the 13th International Peat Congress. Tullamore, Ireland,
June 8th-3th, 2008.
10. Hökkä, H., Koivusalo, H., Ahti, E., Nieminen, M., Laine, J. Saarinen, M., Laurén, A., Alm, J.,
Nikinmaa, E., Klöve, B. & Marttila, H. 2008. Effects of tree stand transpiration and interception on site
water balance in drained peatlands: experimental design and measurements. In: Farrel, C. & Feehan, J.
(Eds). Proceedings of the 13th International Peat Congress. After Wise Use – The Future of Peatlands.
Volume 2, Poster Presentations. Tullamore, Ireland, 8 – 13 June 2008. pp. 169-171.
Other scientific articles, monographs and reports
Suomela R, Eden P, Huhmarniemi A, Saarinen T, Tertsunen J, Auri J, Marttila H, Yli-Halla M, Boman
A, Joki-Tokola E, Luoma S, Rankonen E. 2014. Happamat sulfaattimaat ja niistä aiheutuvan
vesistökuormituksen hillitseminen Siika- ja Pyhäjoen –valuma-alueilla. Acid Sulfate Soil and Acid
Discharge Reduction Strategies in the Catchment Areas of Rivers Siikajoki and Pyhäjoki. MTT Raportti
2. Klöve B, Saukkoriipi J, Tuukkanen T, Heiderscheidt E, Heikkinen K, Marttila H, Ihme R, Depre L &
Karppinen A. 2012. Turvetuotannon vesistökuormituksen ennakointi ja uudet hallintamenetelmät. Preestimation of loading on water bodies from peat production and new pollution control methods. Suomen
ympäristö 35.
3. Tertsunen J, Martinmäki K, Heikkinen K, Marttila H, Saukkoriipi J, Tammela S, Saarinen T,
Tolkkinen M, Hyvärinen M, Ihme R, Yrjänä T & Klöve B. 2012. Happamuuden aiheuttamat
vesistöhaitat ja niiden torjuntakeinot Sanginjoella, Suomen ympäristö; Acidity-induced watercourse
defects and their prevention on the River Sanginjoki, Suomen ympäristö 37.
4. Klöve B, Tuukkanen T, Marttila H, Postila H & Heikkinen K. 2012. Turvetuotannon kuormitus –
kirjallisuuskatsaus ja asiantuntija-arvio turvetuotannon vesistökuormitukseen vaikuttavista tekijöistä.
TASO-hankkeen julkaisuja.
5. Jämsen, J. & Marttila H. 2011. Ohjeistus virtaamansäätöpadon rakentamiseen. Guidelines for use of
peak runoff control method. Metsäkeskuksen julkaisu nro 5/2011. Central Finland Forestry Centre.
6. Yrjänä T, Luhta P-L, Moilanen E, Tammela S, Marttila H, Klöve B, Suurkuukka H, Virtanen R &
Muotka T 2011. Liettyneiden metsäpurojen kunnostaminen. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja,Tieteen tori.
7. Marttila, H. Tammela, S. Klöve, B. 2009. Johdatus virtavesien prosesseihin, Rakenteiden
mitoittaminen in Purokunnostusopas, Käsikirja metsäpurojen kunnostajille. (A guide for forest stream
restoration) Ahola, M., Havumäki, M. (ed.), Kainuun ympäristökeskus, Pohjois-Pohjanmaan
ympäristökeskus, Vammalan Kirjapaino Oy, 89 p.
8. Klöve, B., Marttila, H., Óskarsson, H., Grønlund, A., Berglund, K., Berglund, Ö., Maljanen, M.,
Lægdsmand, M., 2009. Past and Future of Cultivated Peatlands - Nordic Environmental Challenges.
Peatlands international.
9. Marttila. H & Kløve, B. 2006. Effective water protection with peak runoff control. Vesitalous 1/2006,
s. 34-36 (abstract in English)
10. Marttila, H. 2006. Peak runoff control and sediment transport in the ditch of the peat harvesting sites.
MSc thesis, Water resources and Environmental Engineering Laboratory, Department of Process and
Environmental Engineering, Univ. Oulu. (abstract in English)
July 2014
List of publications Marttila