The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Study Guide Part III (Chapters

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Study Guide Part III (Chapters 23-32)
1. Short
2. Run
3. $465
4. Missing his family
5. Arab
6. Wilks
7. Deaf and dumb
8. Goo-goo and baby noises
9. Cellar
10. $6,000
11. Give it to the family
12. Orgies
13. Doctor
14. ----15. The duke
16. In the bed
17. Coffin
18. Dog
19. The slaves
20. Slaves have been sold
21. The slaves have been split up
22. Go out of town for a few days
23. Candle
24. Writes it
25. Hanner
26. Apthrops
27. The REAL Harvey and William, the REAL uncles
28. Broken arm
29. A tattoo: PBW
30. Dig up the body
31. King and the duke
32. Chokes him
33. “temperance”
34. King
35. Hell
36. Phelps
37. Foster, Abram G.
38. Tom Sawyer
Study Guide Part IV (Chapters 33 to the end)
1. Ghost
2. Kisses her
3. Sid Sawyer
4. To town
5. Tarred and feathered
6. Too simple
7. Witches
8. Lift the bed and slip it free
9. Saw his leg off
10. Picks
11. Three
12. Use the stairs
13. White
14. Shirts
15. Sheet
16. The cat
17. Rope ladder
18. Coat of arms
19. Rattlesnakes
20. With tears
21. Lic king
22. His blood, rat bites
23. A warning letter
24. Butter
25. Gunshot wound
26. Unsafe for two
27. “Sid” (Tom) is gone
28. Jim’s help
29. Tom
30. Jim is a free man. Miss Watson dies and he was released in her will.
31. Aunt Polly
32. Pap Finn
33. Territory