November 22, 2012 Aaron Thornell 201102614 Lab 6-8 Changes in stream water chemistry and transport in Watershed 2 of the Hubbard’s Brook Experiment Forest following harvesting Abstract This report examines the effect that deforestation has on stream dissolved and particulate loading by using data from the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest from 1964 to 2007. It also looks at the nitrogen transport in this ecosystem, and the effect deforestation has on water pH levels. The study revealed that deforestation dramatically increased dissolved particulate load, and to a lesser extent, particulate load in the stream. It also showed that nitrogen levels increased greatly, in both nitrogen species examined, nitrate and ammonium. Finally, it also increased the pH of rainwater by about one pH level after coming in contact with the soil of the deforested land. Introduction This study focuses on the effect of deforestation on stream dissolved and particulate loading, as well as nitrogen transport. It also looks at trends in pH of both stream water and precipitation. The data for this experiment originates from the Hubbard’s Brook Experimental Forest in New Hampshire, conducted between 1964 and 2007. The forest is found in the southern portion of White Mountain National Forest. The stream itself is usually characterized by low levels of concentrations of suspended materials, trends in pH of both stream water and precipitation in this area, which was clear cut in 1965. November 22, 2012 Aaron Thornell 201102614 Materials and Methods This examination of the effects of deforestation on stream dissolved and particulate loading was performed using data from the Hubbard’s Brook Experimental Forest, as mentioned. This data was put into an Excel spreadsheet where I was able to be manipulated. The data provided includes the amounts (in mg/l) of many different dissolved materials, which are: calcium (Ca 2+), magnesium (Mg 2+), potassium (K +), sodium (Na +), ammonium (NH4 +), sulfate (SO4 2-), nitrate (NO3 -), chlorine (Cl -) and silicon dioxide (SiO2). It also detailed the stream flow, in mm per month, the pH levels in the stream, as well as the pH of rainfall of the area. Finally, it contained the annual values of particulate load from 1964 to 1998. All these, save for the pH of the rainfall, were gathered on a monthly basis from 1964 through to 2007. The measured values of dissolved materials were first all taken and tabulated, to create annual values in kg per hectare for all dissolved materials, and these values were graphed against particulate stream loads. This involved converting the loads from their measured unit, mg/l, to kg/ha. Following this, two 3-year periods were isolated, in which it appeared that deforestation had altered dissolved and particulate loads in different ways, and again, the two loads were compared. Later, the focus turned specifically to how deforestation affected nitrogen species in the stream. This was done by calculating annual loads (again, in kg/ha) for NO3 – and NH4 +, and the two were graphed so that they could be compared. This was followed by another closer look at these two species, by selecting a 2-year period of “peak data” and a 2-year period of “recovery” data within the annual loads. Finally, rainwater pH was examined, looking at the differences in pH levels prior and after coming in contact with the soil of the clear cut land. November 22, 2012 Aaron Thornell 201102614 Results The results of this experiment showed many things. Beginning with the first exercise, it showed that the annual loads of dissolved stream load was much higher than those of particulate loads, as is shown below (Figure 1). Annual Trends: Particulate vs. Total Dissolved Stream Loads Stream Load (kg/ha) 1000 800 600 Total Annual Dissolved Stream Load (kg/ha) 400 Particulate Load (kg/ha) 200 0 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Year Figure 1 This graph shows that these two loads experience similar peaks in concentration, however the annual dissolved stream is substantially greater than that of the particulate concentration. It is clear that in the early years of the experiment, just after the deforestation, both loads experience a great spike in concentration. This is followed by several more mild spikes, approximately every ten years. The particulate load data ends in 1998. When looking a specific 3-year period of data that is representative of deforestation altering dissolved and particulate loads in the stream, I selected the years which, on the graph, appeared to be the most irregular. This was the period from 1968 to 1970, whose values are represented in Table 1, below. Table 1 November 22, 2012 Aaron Thornell 201102614 Year 1968 1969 1970 Annual Dissolved Stream Load (kg/ha) 698.942348 829.769346 429.909032 Particulate Load (kg/ha) 91.9 194.7 365.3 This made for an average of approximately 652.8 kg/ha of dissolved material, and 217.3 kg/ha of particulate. Dissolved material comprised around 75% of the stream load, while the particulate load made up 25%. This exercise was then repeated for a different 3-year period, which contrasted the first period. For this I chose the years 1983 to 1985, when the stream was in a recovery state (Table 2). Table 2 Year 1983 1984 1985 Annual Dissolved Stream Load (kg/ha) 124.693524 129.452288 86.84367 Particulate Load (kg/ha) 3.3 39.0 6.3 The average of dissolved material for these years was approximately 113.7 kg/ha, and for particulate load it was 48.6, making the total composition approximately 70% dissolved and 30% particulate. The next experiment performed was looking solely at dissolved nitrogen species. First, a comparison between measurements of NO3 – and NH4 +, and these were plotted (Figure 2). November 22, 2012 Aaron Thornell 201102614 700 1.6 600 1.4 1.2 500 1 400 0.8 300 0.6 200 0.4 100 0 1960 0.2 1970 1980 1990 2000 0 2010 NH4 + Dissolved Particulate (kg/ha) NO3 - Dissolved Particulate (kg/ha) Annual Trends in Stream Measurements: NO3 – vs. NH4 + Total Annual Dissolved Particulate - NO3 - (kg/ha) Total Annual Dissolved Particulate - NH4+ (kg/ha) Year Figure 2 It is important to note that NO3 – values are on the vertical axis on the left, and the NH4 + values on the right. With that in mind, one can see that there are substantially higher levels of NO3 –, with very low levels of NH4 +. One can also see that they follow similar trends seen in the total dissolved material plot (Figure 1). The next thing examined was again a more concentrated look at levels of nitrogen species. The first 2-year period was one during the peak period, just after deforestation (Table 3). Table 3 Year 1967 1968 NO3– Dissolved Particulate (kg/ha) 602.931833 464.207133 NH4+ Dissolved Particulate (kg/ha) 0.590393 0.395235 These are the peak values for NO3 – and among the highest for NH4 +. The same concentrated look was done for a “recovery” 2-year period, and the years 2003 and 2004 were selected (Table 4. These two years were chosen because they bear the greatest similarity to the levels prior to the clear-cut, and also one which is similar to the values of years before and after them. November 22, 2012 Aaron Thornell 201102614 Table 4 Year 2003 2004 NO3– Dissolved Particulate (kg/ha) 4.500209 3.447679 NH4+ Dissolved Particulate (kg/ha) 0.06521 0.047551 In the final exercise, the focus was on the change in pH levels between rain water and water after coming in contact with the soil in the clear-cut region. We see an overall increase in pH of approximately 1.0 pH level guarantee following the water’s integration with the soil and stream water, as shown in Figure 3. pH Level Rainwater pH vs. Stream Water pH 6 5.8 5.6 5.4 5.2 5 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.2 4 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 3 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1970 Annual averal stream water pH Annual average rainwater pH 1980 1990 2000 Year Figure 3 2010 November 22, 2012 Aaron Thornell 201102614 Discussion It is obvious from examining Figure 1 that total dissolved material increases dramatically following deforestation. This is in all likelihood due to the loss of vegetation and the structure it provides against erosion. Without root systems there is nothing to hold the soil together, and nutrients dissolved and are transported downstream (Likens et al., 1970). Another contributing factor to this increase stems from the alteration of the ecosystem’s nitrogen cycle. The greatest increase of any dissolved nutrient was that of nitrogen, primarily in the form of nitrate. This ties in with the second experiment, in which a massive increase in dissolved NO3- was observed (Fig. 2). The cause for this increase is the disconnect in nitrogen cycle caused by deforestation. In forested areas, nitrogen is cycled between living and decaying organic bodies. However, in a deforested area such as the one examined here, nitrate is still produced, through microbial nitrification from decaying organisms, but it is washed away in the stream because it is unused (Likens et al., 1970). Returning to the second portion of the first exercise, we examine a representative 3-year period when the effects of deforestation previously described are evident. We see a similar, yet lesser increase in particulate load within the stream. As is shown in Table 1, dissolved material makes up 75% of total stream load from the years 1968 to 1970. Following this, another 3-year period was chosen, this one contrasting the former 3-year period (Table 2). Dissolved mater still made up 70% of stream load, it appears that while dissolved loads remained high, still due to the fact that NO3- is being flushed out upon introduction to the system. Particulate material, on the other hand, has returned to lower levels. It was likely higher immediately following deforestation due to the extreme disturbance in land caused by the clear-cutting, as well as the loss of soil stability and structure. This trend, especially of increased dissolved materials, can and has been observed in other similar ecosystems. The nitrogen cycle does not change very much from ecosystem to ecosystem, and similar increases have been explored in prior studies (Thomas et al., 2004). November 22, 2012 Aaron Thornell 201102614 Focusing now solely on nitrogen species, it is important to reiterate the prior point that nitrogen levels increase dramatically due to the interruption in the nitrogen cycle brought on by deforestation. When looking more closely, however, it is clear that there is a drastic increase in nitrate, while there is a similar increase in ammonium, seen in Figure 2. This increase in ammonium is on a much smaller scale, as ammonium levels begin at a substantially lower concentration level than that of nitrate. As we see in tables 3 and 4, there are substantial changes in levels for both nitrate and ammonium. While it seems the levels have “recovered”, it is difficult to describe them as “normal” due to the lack of forest in the area now (Likens et al. 1974). If they were truly to return to normal, there would need to be forest in the area as well. Finally, this study examined the pH change of rainwater after coming in contact with the clear-cut forest’s ground. We see an increase in pH after contact with the ground and integrating with the soil. This stems from the increase in nitrate, an anion, which would cause this increase in the water’s pH level. References Bormann, H., Likens, G., Siccama, T., Pierce, R., Eaton, J. 1974. The export of nutrients and recovery of stable conditions following deforestation at Hubbard Brook. Ecological Monographs 44: 255-277. Likens, G., Bormann, H., Johnson, N., Fisher, D., Pierce, R. 1970. Effects of forest cutting and herbicide treatment on Nutrient Budgets in the Hubbard Brook watershed-ecosystem. Ecological Monographs 40: 23-47. Thomas, S., Neill, C., Deegan, L., Krusche, A., Ballester, V., Reynaldo, V. 2004 Influences of land use and stream size on particulate and dissolved materials in a small Amazonian stream network. Biogeochemistry 68: 135-151. Unknown author. 2012. Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study: Overview. National Science Foundation. Retrieved from November 22, 2012 Aaron Thornell 201102614