U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S - Office of the Provost, University

2015 Resource Information for New Faculty
New Faculty Orientation formally begins with a full day foundational program scheduled in the first week of the
Fall semester, and continues with an extended program of faculty development sessions offered throughout
the semester. Session topics will include personnel policies and procedures, academic advising, classroom
management and dealing with troubled students, best practices in grading, and research guidelines and
funding opportunities. However, the following information has been prepared to address immediate needs
and to help new faculty get started as quickly as possible in their first semester at Illinois.
Basic Tasks (“Must Do”)
1. Complete required employment forms (if you haven’t already completed the New Hire
processes by the time you arrive on campus) and any remaining benefits-related paperwork.
Most of our new faculty will have already completed the online new hire processes before they
arrive on campus, based upon prior direction from their college dean’s office staff. Once the new
hire procedures are completed, the BANNER system automatically generates a unique university
identification number (UIN) for each new faculty member. The UIN is a necessary prelude to
obtaining a faculty ID and parking decal.
New faculty will typically complete the required I-9 form during a face-to-face session with a
department or college HR contact, as well as receive information about their employment benefits
2. Get a Faculty ID card.
The university identification card, called the i-card, is a multifunction card. Be sure to bring along a
valid state-issued photo ID when you go to the i-card Center, and be prepared to have your picture
taken. See http://www.icardnet.uillinois.edu/appPublicWebsite for more details.
The card is required for library and recreation center use, to receive employee discounts, and for
building and room access. The i-card can also be used to set up a Campus Cash debit account for
use in photocopy machines, vending machines, etc. There is no charge for the initial i-card but
there is a $20 replacement fee if the original is lost. The card remains the property of the University
and can be obtained from the i-card Center located on the first floor in the Illini Union Bookstore. Icard Center hours are Monday through Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm, with the exception of University
holidays. For additional information, please contact the office at 217-244-0135 or
idcenter@illinois.edu .
3. Contact the Facilities and Services Parking Department.
All students, faculty, and staff who use campus parking lots are required to purchase a permit. The
cost for an annual parking permit will be based on your annual salary. Employees are encouraged
to use tax-exempt payroll deduction to pay for their permits, and an online purchase option is
available at http://www.parking.illinois.edu/permits/faculty-staff. Rules and regulations related to
parking are also available through this link.
For additional information about parking, wait list procedures or complete parking regulations,
please contact the Facilities and Services Parking Department by phone 217-333-3530, via email
ParkingComments@fs.uiuc.edu , or visit the Parking Operations Office, located in room 201 of the
Public Safety Building at 1110 W. Springfield Avenue, Urbana, IL. Hours of operation are 8:30am
to 5:00pm, Monday through Friday.
There are several parking lots on campus, excluding those designated for short term, handicapped,
and housing parking. You can locate campus parking lots using the campus map found at
http://www.parking.illinois.edu/visitors/campus-maps/campus-parking-map . Short-term metered
parking is also available.
4. Get a Campus NetID.
Each employee at Illinois is assigned two computing-related IDs – a Illinois campus NetworkID
(NetID) and an EnterpriseID. The campus NetID allows you to access campus-specific sites and
services, such as email and Blackboard. The EnterpriseID allows faculty to access University
administrative services, such as course lists and student records for their advisees.
In most cases, the campus NetID and the EnterpriseID look exactly alike, but in some cases the
NetID and EnterpriseID passwords are different. More information about setting up these
computing-related IDs is found at http://cites.illinois.edu/accounts/index.html . The NetID and
EnterpriseID cannot be set up until all employment-related human resources paperwork has been
completed. If you need assistance, please contact the CITES Help Desk by email
consult@illinois.edu or phone 217-244-7000 or 800-531-2531.
5. Check your department mailbox and e-mail inbox for any important university information or
documents that might be waiting for your arrival.
6. Request Building and Office Keys
Please check with your department office manager about obtaining necessary office building and
room keys. Keys are issued only after key request forms have been processed, and keys must be
picked up in person.
7. Sign Up for the Illini-Alert Emergency Notification System
Illini-Alert is an emergency notification system that allows designated university officials to contact
you in the event of an emergency or significant event. It sends text messages to your email or cell
phone. In the event of an emergency, designated university officials will access the system and
issue an alert to all users who have registered to receive notifications. Simply go to the emergency
notification web site http://www.dps.uiuc.edu/emergencyplanning/alert.html , log in with your NetID
and password, and provide secure information about how you would like to be notified. Remember
to update this site if your contact information changes.
8. Complete the Required FERPA Tutorial
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA; 20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a
Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records (see
http://www.registrar.illinois.edu/transcripts/ferpa.html ). The law applies to all schools that receive
funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education and requires that we
protect the confidentiality of student records. It is essential that all faculty members understand
what constitutes protected information and how to ensure that student information is handled
appropriately. For example, is it legally permissible to indicate the grade a student received in your
course when writing a letter of recommendation for the student? Can you discuss a suspected
case of plagiarism with a fellow faculty member in your department?
If a caller identifies himself as your advisee and gives you the correct student ID number, should
you discuss recent course grades over the phone with him? How about posting course grades
using student IDs, or emailing a course grade to a student, or allowing a family member to pick up a
student’s graded paper – are those actions okay or not? Professional development workshops on
FERPA for faculty will be offered during the academic year; however, completion of an online
FERPA tutorial is a basic first step and a requirement before access to student information can be
granted, so please be sure to complete the basic tutorial at your earliest convenience. The online
tutorial takes about 30 minutes to complete and is found at:
Preparing to Teach Your Fall Courses: Instructional Resources
1. Teaching Timeline: what to do when, and how:
2. Directory of Teaching Resources: http://citl.illinois.edu/teaching-resources
Other Teaching-Related Information
Cancellation of Class for Severe Weather Conditions
The Illinois campus does not close due to inclement weather except under the most extraordinary
conditions. Please view the Campus Administrative Manual http://www.cam.illinois.edu/v/v-a-1.htm for
more information.
Any serious injury or illness should be reported to the University Police 217-244-7209 or 9-911 for
emergencies. The University Police Department has a direct line to paramedics and ambulance
service, and can render first aid and CPR. Please be prepared to give your name, describe the nature
and severity of the problem, and provide the campus location. If 9-911 has already been called, phone
the University Police so they can meet and direct the ambulance to the appropriate location.
Any dangerous, suspicious, or criminal activity should also be reported to the University Police
immediately. Non-emergency calls to the University Police for assistance or information should be
directed to 217-333-1216. More information about services can be accessed on the web:
Please be sure to review the following web sites for important information about Illini-Alert, emergency
response procedures, and the emergency response guide:
http://www.dps.uiuc.edu/emergencyplanning/alert.html and
Fall 2014 Administrative Tasks to Anticipate
Disclosure and Request for Prior Approval of Non-University Activities
Active participation by academic staff members in external activities that enhance their professional
skills or constitute public service can be beneficial to the university as well as to the individual. Because
external activities can lead to conflicts of commitment or interest with regard to one's university
responsibilities, the need exists for a general framework against which the propriety and advisability of
non-university activities can be measured and monitored.
This University of Illinois Policy on Conflicts of Commitment and Interest ("Policy") provides such a
framework and identifies procedures for consultation and advice on conflicts of commitment or interest
matters, for resolution of situations in which a conflict may exist, and for approval of exceptions when
warranted. The Policy makes every effort to balance the integrity and interests of the University of
Illinois with the integrity and interests of individual academic staff members. To that end, the Policy
attempts not only to identify and eliminate or manage actual conflicts of commitment or interest but
also, whenever possible, to prevent even the appearance of conflicts. The Policy provides for
mechanisms to manage conflicts of commitment and interest, and for sanctions should those
mechanisms fail. The policy calls for all academic staff members to complete annually a Report of
Non-University Activities (RNUA) form. These forms are distributed in mid-September.
This Policy implements an Illinois law requiring university faculty members to obtain prior written
approval before engaging in non-university income producing activities. It also implements various
policies set forth in the Illinois Procurement Code, the University Statutes and The General Rules
Concerning University Organization and Procedure. Finally, the Policy accommodates federal
regulations designed to protect the objectivity of federally funded research.
The University of Illinois Policy on Conflict of Commitment and Interest may be accessed at
Mandatory Ethics Training for State Employees
The State Officials and Employees Ethics Act requires all state employees to complete a selfadministered, interactive, Web-based ethics training program each calendar year, which requires 30 to
60 minutes of time. The University of Illinois Ethics Office will send out an official University of Illinois
announcement, which provides the designated time frame for completing the training as well as
information about how to access the training program online. The announcement is distributed through
the official campus e-mail during a designated time period in the Fall semester. More information about
the training requirements, as well as other resources in support of ethical conduct and decision-making,
can be accessed through the University of Illinois Ethics Office web page at