PI name: PCORI Application Checklist Project title: Consideration of Research Strategy (Background and Significance) Yes No Included in Application: 1. Impact of the condition on the health of individuals and populations clearly stated 1a. Significance of burden on US population: Prevalence? ___ Mortality? ___ Morbidity? ___ Individual suffering? __ Loss of productivity? ____ 1b. Project addresses patients with chronic conditions or multiple chronic conditions 2. Innovation and potential for improvement is focused on patient health, well-being, or quality of care 2a. Novelty in: Methods/approach? __ Population? ___ Intervention? ___ Change to practice? ___ 2b. Addresses a critical gap, evidenced by: Systematic reviews? ___ Guidelines/development efforts?* ___ Published research priorities?* ___ 2c. Significance recognized by stakeholders: Patients? ___ Caregivers? ___ Clinicians? ___ 2d. Preliminary studies cited or supplied indicate significant potential for benefit over current practice 2e. Clear dissemination plan articulated: PI uses advocacy groups for rapid D&I? ___ Advocacy group support documented by Established working relationship? ___ Letters of support? ____ 3. Impact on health care performance leads to improvements in care for the individual or for a population of patients 3a. Is the proposal likely to lead to improvements in convenience? ___ Elimination of wasted resources? ___ Are patient outcomes likely to be improved? ____ If lacking, method(s) to address in revision Consideration of Research Strategy (Relevance to Patients – EXPANDED to include Caregivers, and Clinicians) Yes No Included in Application: Does the proposed research focus on questions and outcomes of specific interest to patients, and/or their caregivers? Does the proposed research address one or more of the key questions included in the definition of PCOR as stated by PCORI? Are these clearly articulated? 1a. Does the proposal demonstrate patient involvement that is broad-based, rather than statements from high profile individual patients? 1b. Are patient surveys or responses included in the project that map across the entire spectrum or clinical care? If gaps are observed, can they be addressed through the proposal? What is the status of development or implementation of patient survey instruments? 2a. Does the proposal demonstrate caregiver participation and involvement that is broad-based, rather than limitations that focus on high profile caregiver impact statements? 2b. Are caregiver surveys or responses included in the proposed research that map across each phase of clinical care? How effectively do these instruments sync with the patient experience? Are gaps present? What is the status of development or implementation of caregiver response and impact elements? 3a. Does the proposal demonstrate buy-in and support of relevant advocacy groups at each stage of the research plan? Consider patient stakeholders, as well as caregiver and clinical organizational groups. Is documentation provided that demonstrates real and functional connections to such groups? Are there alternative outcomes from the study, and are these identified and addressed? If lacking, method(s) to address in revision Consideration of Research Strategy (Approach) Yes No Included in Application: Are rigorous research methods included in the approach? Is the research strategy framed as hypothesis-driven? Are specific aims framed as patient-centric? If not, can they be modified to demonstrate shift towards patient and/or caregiver aligned aims? Is the study design carefully articulated? Does the proposal describe the manner in which qualitative or quantitative data will be obtained and analyzed? Is any biostatistical support needed to interpret the raw information into generalizable findings? Will the information, once obtained, be sufficiently accurate and precise to be beneficial and reliable for patients, caregivers, and clinicians? Will this information be unbiased? Have potential gaps or pitfalls been identified by the applicant? How have these been examined and have alternative methods been identified to cope with potential obstacles? Is the proposed study population relevant, or are their identifiable limitations that interfere with generalizations to provide the broadest base for the results? Is the available,or proposed sample size adequate for the study? Are there recruitment issues that should be addressed up-front? Are any of the specific aims in the proposal supported by preliminary data, survey documents, literature studies conducted or analyzed by the applicant or team? Is the preliminary information balanced across all aims, or is the distribution lop-sided in a specific area? Are any of the aims exploratory or open-ended? Has the applicant included a time line for the specific aims of the project, when specific deliverables are anticipated, or when data or information analysis will be conducted? Does this timeline include feedback and information flow to and from patients, caregivers, and clinicians, as well as advocacy groups? Does this proposal utilize ICTS cores in either the design or implementation of the project aims? Are there additional core services or resources that would add value to the project which should be considered? If lacking, method(s) to address in revision Consideration of Research Strategy (Inclusiveness of Different Populations) Yes No Included in Application: Does the study include a diverse population with respect to age? ___ Gender? ___ Race? ___ Ethnicity ___ Geography? ___ Clinical stage/status? ____ Are institutional regulatory approvals in place to support inclusiveness of patient populations? Does the proposal focus on and include a previously understudied population where effectiveness and outcomes information is specifically needed? Does the design of the study, with reference to a patient’s unique biological, clinical, or sociodemographic characteristics, and the information gained provide insight into enhanced and improved personalization of decision-making? If lacking, method(s) to address in revision Consideration of People and Places (Research team and environment) Yes No Included in Application: Does the research team have the expertise to implement the research program? Does the skill set of the team exhibit complementary and integrated research or clinical expertise? Have any of the team participants worked collaboratively together at a previous time? Will any members of the team (patients, caregivers, clinicians, health system, community members) require specific training and have any such efforts been described and developed in the approach? Is training included in the timeline? Are relevant patients and other key users of the study results and information (caregivers, clinicians, health system, community members, or policy makers) included in the team make-up? What is the specific research environment? Have important features, such as health system, community involvement or collaborative agreements, been described? How will the environment, experience, or expertise of the team contribute to project success and demonstrate valuable outcomes to patients, caregivers, and clinical participants? Has the institution or community demonstrated investment in the project and will this impact on enhanced and improved personalization of decision-making? Has this commitment (time, effort, resources) been described? If lacking, method(s) to address in revision Consideration of Budget (Efficient use of research resources) Yes No Included in Application: Is the budget reasonable and does it request funds commensurate with the potential contribution of the research? Is the time and effort of all participants reasonable to meet the study aims? On examination, are any team members specifically overcommitted on other tasks/responsibilities? If such individuals are crucial to project success, then are mechanisms in place to balance these commitments? Does the budget justification provided speak to the efficiency with which PCORI resources are utilized to deliver the scientific program? Are there opportunities to make the study or analysis more efficient? Is there added value to the project through the generation or creation of common data or infrastructure that would be strategically valuable to PCORI to support future research? If lacking, method(s) to address in revision Use of ICTS Cores: Identify the ICTS Core(s) you consulted in preparation of this application and/or that you anticipate using if this project receives funding from PCORI P = Preparation, I = Implementation (check all that apply) P I ICTS Core/ Service P I ICTS Core/ Service Research Design and Biostatistics Group Clinical Research Unit (CARS, including LIRC) Dissemination & Implementation Research Core Pediatric Clinical Research Unit (CARS) Center for Administrative Data Research Clinical Trials Unit (CARS) Center for Community Engaged Research Human Imaging Unit Center for Clinical Research Ethics Translational Pathology and Tissue Banking Regulatory Support Center(including Research Subject Advocacy and Recruitment Enhancement) Translational Cardiovascular Tissue Core Center for Biomedical Informatics Proteomics and Mass Spectrometry Genomic Medicine Program Brain, Behavior and Performance Unit WU PAARC PBRN (Pediatric/Adolescent Ambulatory Research Consortium) WIHSC (Women and Infants’ Health Specimen Consortium) 10/30/13 EJK