Translation (using vectors) GCSE Mathematics – Numeracy and GCSE Mathematics GCSE Mathematics Understanding and using properties of position, movement and transformation Transformations, including: Translation; description of translation using column vectors Possible learning objectives Carry out transformations Describe transformations Possible learning outcomes Translate a shape horizontally or vertically using a worded description Translate a shape horizontally and vertically using a worded description Describe a translation using words Understand notation for column vectors Translate a shape using a column vector Describe a translation using a column vector Pedagogical notes Students may well have previously experienced transforming shapes by reflecting, rotating or translating. However, in the case of translation they will have used words to describe the movement. A column vector can itself be represented on grid. It has size and direction, and is drawn as Prerequisites Use the language of transformations: object, image, map Understand horizontal and vertical movement Mathematical language Transformation Translate, translation (Column) vector Horizontal Vertical Object Image Map Notation (𝑎𝑏) notation for column vectors. a is the distance right and b is the distance up. Negative values therefore move in the opposite direction. This can be used to check the translation: in the case of a translation of (52), joining each pair of corresponding vertices on the object and image should result in an identical diagram of the vector (5 units across and 2 up), with the arrow in the direction of movement. For example: Image Object Reasoning opportunities and probing questions Show me an example of a vector which would move a shape left and up / right and up / down only, … Always / Sometimes / Never: A vector of the form (𝑎𝑏) moves the shape right and up 2 What is the same and what is different: (−3 ), (−2 ), (−2 ) and (−2 )? −3 −3 3 Possible activities Hwb: Question 38: Transformations Hwb: Question 59: Which way now? Hwb: Question 62: Lost in translation Kangaroo Maths: Moving House NRICH: Vector Racer WJEC: New content guidance includes worked examination questions and annotated candidates’ responses. Potential misconceptions Some students may think that there is a horizontal bar within the vector, as in a fraction Some students may think that the numbers in the vector indicate the space between the object and the image, rather than the distance that is to be moved Some students may think that the top number indicates the up/down movement and vice versa Some students may confuse the left/right movement (thinking that a negative value of a moves the shape to the right) or the up/down movement